Friday, September 13, 2013

Ripping Yarns: RLRA Again

Sorry for short, late post...some tech, no emails now...

Hello China, Finland, Brazil, and Indonesia...welcome to the blog...and to Friday the 13th...which doesn't particularly concern me because a day is just a day is just a day, and any day above ground is a good day...(no offence to miners, etc-Ed), no, go' bless, go' bless...and if I live in any movie it's Groundhog Day...the same day over and over and over...and today is just such a day...

Also having more problems with posting and that means bumping TFTIM Troy Bell yet again...sorry...(You're just stalling in the hope that he does something outrageous and unacceptable so you can go him gougingly via this here blog as is your want and style-Ed)...shhhh... 

Artful Scroungers: The Riddoch Art Gallery is still on the scrounge, trying to get more money from Mt Gambier City and Grant District Councils, and calling for more locals to become gallery supporters and/or members, etc...(in The Border Watch and on ABC Radio this morning-Ed)...

Riddoch Gallery Board Chair Ruth Stephenson is spruiking the financial benefits for the community, and about 'having visions for the future' (paraphrase), and stating that the $250,000 funding that they currently receive...($160k from the state government, $60k from City Council, and $20k from DC Grant-Ed)... does not compare well to the funding that Warnambool Gallery receives...(approx $500k...roughly-Ed)    what about Council spending some money on public transport, a pool, etc, for Mt Gambier...

Apology to Mr Barr: In yesterdays post I slammed Mt Gambier City Council and The Border Watch for their continued commitment to the Rail Lands Retail Agenda (RLRA) and the conspiratorially collusive deliberate deceits of Council 'reporter'...(more like regurgitator-Ed)...regurgitator?...(yeah, one whom simply reproduces what they are fed, particularly as opposed to one whom reports-Ed)...fair enough...regurgitator Sandra Morello on TBW's front page Wednesday 11th September 2013.

As part of that TBW story, local identity and business owner Mr Noel Barr was pictured and duly quoted as saying that he welcomes this alleged progress of ripping up the rails, "...any development will be well worth it...Any development that beautifies the city is welcomed."

I apologise unreservedly for any inference in my post that Mr Barr is knowingly involved in the deliberate deceits and manipulations of this TBW story 11/09/13...(absolutely...we firmly believe that Mr Barr has also been deliberately, cynically deceived and manipulated by Sandra Morello and TBW for their own purposes, ie, to try and give this story and Council actions some credibility by dragging in a respected local businessman-Ed)...

Ripping Yarns is any attempt to justify the need and/or merit of removing rails from any part of the corridor...and not sure what Council means by "8kms"...having walked over the ground again, there could be 8kms of track purely on the Old Rail Lands site in the centre of town given 6-8 shunting and siding lines...regardless, it doesn't need to be removed at all and therefore shouldn't be...

Again apologies...proper post tomorrow...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...  

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