Wednesday, September 18, 2013

City Council Meeting 17/09/13 - The Rort Report

Hello Sri Lanka, Sweden, Finland, and Aeotorea (New Zealand)...welcome to the blog...said it before, but it's fascinating to check out the 'Stats' (statistics) section of the blog that tells me where the blog is being viewed, how often, via which provider, etc...

For example, 'Stats' tells me that when the cowardly, anonymous 'Dick Stretcher' left 'Comments' on this blog (please read them if you haven't yet), on each day there was a small but noticeable spike in 'View' numbers...(that stopped the several days of no 'Comments'-Ed)...indeed...and then happened again on the day of the last 'DS Comment', and then stopped again when the 'Comments' did...think about it...(I am.........I got nothing-Ed)...

Those 'view spikes', occurring as they are only on the days that 'Dick Stretcher' left their 'Comments', and not on the days before, in between, or after, shows that there were a group of people who knew about the 'Comments' and exactly when they were or weren't going to be posted...(yeah, yeah, I get it, because if they logged on even just to see if there was a new 'Comment' that would register, but they knew exactly what days to look-Ed)...correct, and these daily 'spikes' are very different to the gradual increase in 'view' numbers as a result of me referring readers to access those particular posts...anyway...

Yesterday I read a quote from the Child Abuse Royal Commissioner McClellan stating that 'child abuse has devastating life-long effects for the victims' and that he had 'heard many stories of people thinking about and even trying to suicide'...he is describing the direct causal link between child abuse and suicide that I was discussing (albeit clumsily) in the last two posts...and an ugly, direct segue into...

Arrived at Council last night to hear Councillors White and Mutton laughing about the ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) with Cr White stating..."if you didn't go then you can't do anything corrupt"...referring to the 'visit' to Mt Gambier by the ICAC last Friday 13th September 2013...a visit that was mentioned several times through that sickening, smug sneer and deriding, dismissive, scoffing laughter of Mayor Steve Perryman (and also by others)...they were openly laughing at the ICAC...

I don't know exactly what the ICAC visit was about, nor have I heard anything from the Ombudsman re my complaint about Council, a complaint that potentially ends up in the ICAC...and I am aware that there may have been other official complaints about Council's gord knows...  

I also don't know who actually attended that ICAC meeting, which was apparently/possibly about 'procedural matters', but it wasn't Cr Harfield, either Cr Mutton and/or Cr White, or Mayor Perryman...and didn't Steve just think it was hilarious...laugh it up Stevie are personally, intimately complicit in helping the Lutherans cover-up the abuse of a class full of 7 year old children at St Martins, and I will never forget it...may your god forgive you, because mine will see you rot in hell...

And as I've said before, all on Council are absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, seemingly more than happy to ignore it so that they can commit their various dodgy land re-zonings and nepotistic building projects, etc...

Last night at Council was one long, rolling parade of self-congratulation, self-interest, nepotism, insider trading, and institutionalised corruption...(so business as usual then-Ed) is clearly done outside of the chamber and then Councillors do their little 'Dance of Appropriate Procedure' in the Chamber to ratify and justify their grubby little dealings.

My letter re the Rail Lands (attached) was not even mentioned last night and Council voted for works to begin, including removing the rail...and absolutely no discussion of the deed...and plenty of bluster from Cr Von Stanke about pulling everything out; fences, poles, etc...(didn't he recently appear on the front page of The Border Watch newspaper blithering about how the Deed was holding up progress on that site?-Ed)...indeed he was...

(But last night when he was banging on about what to remove, etc, he didn't mention the Deed at all?-Ed), no-one did...(well that's a bit odd-Ed), not really, Council has moved the Rail Lands Retail Agenda on to the next stage so the Deed is no longer a convenient excuse to stall actually doing anything, it is now something that needs to be ignored...until needed again... 

Because of this letter, and that I want to cover the actual proceedings at length, I'll pull up here with the brief spoiler that last night when Council voted on whom to award the Old Hospital demolition contract to, our charming, leering, Mayor Mr Perryman excused himself, before the Tenders were mentioned by name, because he had a 'Conflict of Interest'...something about a "contract' and "accommodation" with the soon to be winning many questions...

Bottomline, it appeared from what was said and done last night, that Mayor Perryman has already organised an 'accommodation contract' with McMahons, the Adelaide based winner of the Demolition tender...surely this cannot be the case...surely that would be, at the very least, Insider Trading...surely I've got this confused somehow...but the others present last night agreed that this did appear to be what was said...    

Tomorrow: Part II

And just more of the same extraordinary conduct across a range of issues, including a new 'Main Corner' to be built at the Old Hospital site...yes, I don't believe it either, but there you go...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I am Steeler's Wheel...clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you...cheers...

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