Wednesday, September 11, 2013

TFTIM: Former Head of RDA and HAC Grant King

Hello Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Kenya...welcome to the blog...yet further apologies for my prevalent tangential tendenciousness....(whaaa?...those aren't actual words-Ed) prevailing tendency to go off on a tangent...(fair enough-Ed) promising Bell and instead delivering King, but Mr Bell will just have to wait...and Tomorrow will be dedicated to the latest deceits around the Rail Lands Retail Agenda as per previous posts.

And I'm not ignoring the latest developments in Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, etc, and the relevant posturing between the USofA and Russia, etc, rather I have been focusing on local issues like the election...each and every day I find myself shaking my head at the montage of carnage coming out of those countries...

Some time ago I took to watching the footage on Channel SBS news services from around the world, even though I don't understand the language...if you follow the news you can generally follow the broader outline of these services...(the Phillipine's news is great because they seamlessly flow from English to Filipino(?) in any given sentence-Ed)...indeed, and there are also full English language news services, eg, Al Jazeera, that offer an excellent insight in to many issues outside of our local news cycle.

Locally, the Weatherill Labor government has started slinging accusations about alleged rorting of the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme by both patients and doctors in a desperate attempt to reverse justify their 'Review' of PATS funding and eligibility...(didn't Federal Labor use this 'Rorting' allegation to justify axing the highly beneficial Chronic Dental Care Scheme?-Ed)...indeed...

And only a handful of alleged specific cases of PATS rorting identified...about patients claiming first class airfares they're not entitled to, or extra petrol money, and doctors claiming air fares, etc...(hang on, is there actually any such thing as 'First Class' air travel within SA?...and who are these 'doctors' supposedly rorting the scheme? and shame them Mr Weatherill via the Fraud cases that must surely ensue given the evidence you claim to have-Ed)...are you suggesting Ed, that possibly Labor has exaggerated this rorting purely to serve their own purpose?...(I'm not suggesting anything...but I believe you are-Ed)...damn straight...

And another story on ABC Radio about sexual offenders with cognitive learning problems...that's people who are in Gaol and still need to have extensive education about the error of their ways...and a program that has been running at Mt Gambier Gaol since 2011 allegedly with great results, etc.

I believe that this story is purely about hosing down the increasing public dis-ease over the Gaol Expansion, the type of resident offenders, multiple Parole Board failings, etc...any such 'program' is considered a great success if it maintains a 10-15% success doesn't matter what you do, sexual offenders have a notoriously high recidivism rate...but I digress...

ABC Radio's coverage of a Cold Storage Forum held yesterday at Struan House, shows that supposedly 'former' Regional Development Australia South East head Grant King still has his fist firmly in the pie, and his spare middle finger extended in the face of all those whom lost money due to his gross mismanagement of the Green Phone project, leading to it's collapse...(oh, look out, he'll have you up for defamation like he has those other people-Ed)...I don't think so...

Firstly, it's a fact that he was in charge of Green Phone when it mysteriously collapsed...(fair enough-Ed)...and the current defamation Court case...(I think still running after, what, 5 years is it now?-Ed)...I think so...that is/was against people who asked Mr King questions about the distribution criteria for RDA Funding, ie, who was getting the money and why...(what?...people asking appropriate questions of the person directly involved and responsible, Mr King, about how their taxpayer dollars are being distributed?-Ed)...exactly...(those bastards-Ed)...yes, those clever, community minded bastards...

In today's ABC interview, Mr King spoke of the Cold Storage issues, engaging with government and stakeholders discussing things with government, a possible Transport hub for Bordertown, and various other issues re farming in the South East...just the same old trite nonsense that anybody could trot out about the many challenges with farming...

In this afternoon's ABC Country Hour interview about the Forum with a lady from PIRSA, interviewer Alan Richardson took the conversation to a discussion about the appointment of a 'part-time payed employee' to negotiate and liaise with Cold Store owners and those who need those facilities, and other liaison type activities...

The whole thing, morning and afternoon, appeared to be about giving Grant King some promotion for appointment to a position soon to be created for me a cynic...(and isn't Alan Richardson also a Board member of RDA?-Ed)...yes, friend and associate of Grant King...

The first time I formally met Mr King was at a Hospital Advisory Council meeting held at the Mt Gambier hospital late 2009 (November?)...I believe I've mentioned this in a previous post...I had not been to a HAC meeting before and the 2009 meeting was just about the most disorganised thing I've ever seen.

We as patients/citizens/plebs were asked to come to that meeting to help establish a vision for the future of Health services in SA, particularly Regional SA, but the first thing that happened was we were directly told that it wasn't 'a complaints session' and that there was not to be any discussion of specific cases.

(But how can you address specific issues within the system, particularly of failures and/or faults, without discussing specific cases?-Ed)...I don't know...

Then we were subjected to a quite deliberately disjointed presentation of 7-8 slides, each listing off 8-10 sections or headings or themes, just slide after slide of dis-associated issues that Mr King rushed through with cursory explanation of only a handful.

He jumped from one point to another and back and forward between was impossible to follow, and the vast majority of listed points were not discussed at all...several of us were left standing in the corridor afterwards literally scratching our collective head...'what the hell was that?'...

I refuse to believe that that grossly amateurish presentation was anything other than a very professional and deliberate obfuscation of the was classic John Hill (former Labor Health Minister) who is legend for reeling off great lists of facts, figures, and services largely unrelated to the question or issue at hand and/or compromised by the actual facts...

I have said before that I cannot understand many things when it comes to Mr King, and his appointment to the RDA and HAC are two of those things, following directly on from a third, namely, how can the collapse of Green Phone that Mr King is/was directly responsible for, remain entirely uninvestigated, and then, following that uninvestigated collapse, how was it Mr King came to be appointed to RDA and HACS? defies explanation...

I'll say it did someone with Mr King's extraordinarily questionable and problematic business credentials come to be appointed to either of these two incredibly important positions individually, let alone simultaneously? defies logic and explanation...

I will do further investigation of both the Green Phone fiasco and the current status of the 'RDA Defamation Case' and post again soon...can't really say more about the RDA stuff until I find out if it's still in Court, etc...don't want to mess it up for those involved if that case is still current...(haven't seen anything in the media saying otherwise-Ed)...thanks, but I'll still check...

Tomorrow: Latest City Council Rail Lands Retail Agenda Propaganda

Here we shrekin' go...more bullshit - and there is absolutely no other way to say it - more absolute bullshit about Council moving forward with the Rail Lands Project...on the front page of The Border Watch, written by Sandra Morello...and a glowing Editorial...and a 3 out of 3 Street Sweeper clean sweep that this 'progress' is great...

And what does Council have planned?...(remediation?...contamination removal?...landscaping and/or tree planting?-Ed) ripping up 8km of rail track right along the corridor...(but won't they have to pay for that to be replaced eventually?-Ed)...maybe, but apparently they don't know...(what? can they not know?-Ed)...oh, it gets better, much tune in tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...

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