Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Have A Mandate: I'm Sitting On It

Hello Macao, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Ukraine...welcome to the blog...and if you joined us today for a thorough lambasting of local Liberal candidate Troy Bell I'm afraid you'll have to come back tomorrow to then only be somewhat disappointed...

But first...great news in South Oz as Health Minister Jack Snelling announces that the review the government payed Deloittes a small fortune for, has said exactly what the government wants it to say, namely, that closing 30 beds and axing 80+ jobs at the Adelaide Women and Children's Hospital is a positive thing for the delivery of improved health services...bollocks...

Mr Snelling justifies these cuts saying that the Health Budget is too much of the state budget and we don't need to spend money pointlessly at WCH...and other services are to be 'consolidated' at the Lyell McEwin Hospital...this is the inevitable fall-out of the Privatisation of SA Health that I covered in a previous post...and a deeply concerning development for South East health services.

There is still no finalisation of the Mt Gambier Hospital expansion as promised years ago and repeatedly announced since...and 'ramping' (patients stuck in ambulances due to lack of beds) is getting worse at Flinders Medical Centre and elsewhere; services are being cut, eg, Modbury Obstetrics; hospitals shut, eg, Blackwood...if this is what's happening in Adelaide due to Labor's chronic mismanagement, then what hope for improved services in the South East?    

And a lovely little segue into today's The Border Watch section 'from our archives' that shows their front page from this day ten years ago, and there's Rory McEwen as a Rann Labor government Cabinet Minister stating that he will resign from the Cabinet if Labor doesn't immediately increase funding to the Mt Gambier Hospital...what a joke...but I digress...

A quick cultural explanation of the extraordinarily witty title to this post...here in Straya the word 'date' has numerous meanings ranging from a fruit, to a specific day, to an amorous rendezvous, to the 'date' of the title, namely...(go on, there's no polite way to say it-Ed)...an anus...a 'date' is an anus...

Now take Prime Minister Elect Tony Abbott's repeated reference to his mandate and listen to it in the above context, and join me on the floor having laughed so hard you fell off your chair...twice...once for the fact that he has said 'mandate' at all, and again because every time he says it...(indeed if anyone says it-Ed)...from now on, he is...(they are-Ed)...now talking about his anus...

"I support Mr Abbott's mandate"..."This win doesn't give him a mandate"...he just said it on ABC Radio...'respect our mandate'...hilarious...

(Oo, oo, I've got one...moving forward, Tony Abbott's mandate is the date behind the tool behind the tool behind the budgie smugglers-Ed)...nice...a self-referenced running gag based on the premise of this post...

My turn...when Tony Abbott starts babbling about his mandate, he is talking out of his arse, about his arse...(oh, witty Wilde...turning 'arse' jokes into high art and insightful political commentary-Ed)...yes, well, maybe not quite high art...

This election does not mean that the Liberal Party has a mandate on anything, particularly when a great deal of Labor's failure can be directly attributed to their own appalling internal squabbling...note that voters largely went to the minor parties and not specifically the Liberals...which leads directly to the bizarre Senate results..

Forget Clive Palmer and his candidates, Wayne Dropulich of the Australian Sports Party (Western Australia) keeps saying that his party will look at the issues and formulate some policies 'when and if' they get in...they could have a candidate in the Senate if not quite the balance of power and they don't have any policies...yet...at least Clive has policies...sort of...

Even I've got some bloody policies as spelled out in some of my posts...it's not that difficult...believe in something and/or make a decision, make a statement of intent, and be prepared to evolve that decision because you might possibly not know everything.

And better still, the Motoring Enthusiasts Party candidate is quoted as saying 'I'm not really interested in politics'...deadset...then why run for parliament you shrekin' idiot?...get the hell outta the way and let someone who is interested have a go...wonder how long this clown will last, indeed any of these 'micro parties...how soon before we have how many By-elections as these faux politicians fold...or perhaps they'll step up and perform admirably, but the early indications are not good.

And speaking of mandates, SA Premier Jay Weatherill is also speaking out of his arse about his arse, but in a very different context...Mr Weatherill's arse is in a sling, on the line, as he tries to save it...

Family First's Robert Brokenshire is tomorrow going to introduce a motion calling for an Upper House Inquiry following on from where the DeBelle Inquiry petered out...and one of the issues that this Inquiry will look at is the infamous email sent by Mr Weatherill's senior staffer Mr Blewett to person allegedly unknown but allegedly definitely not the Premier whilst he was still Education Minister...

(A thought...if Mr Blewett allegedly cannot remember who he sent that email to, how can he say that it definitely wasn't Jay Weatherill?-Ed)...well spotted sir...

Mr Weatherill has demonstrated a Rann-like contempt for parliament by calling this proposed Inquiry a "circus", and stating that he flatly refuses to appear before it...'I'm not handing politicians a bunch of stuff to play politics with' (paraphrase but close to a quote)...(if he hasn't done anything wrong, what can he possibly 'hand' to anybody?-Ed)...another good question...

And then he went straight to the self created justification that 'the DeBelle Inquiry completely exonerated me'...(so a Commissioner appointed by him, running an Inquiry set up by him, has exonerated him-Ed)...exactly...(oh well then, everything must be fine-Ed)...and Labor is trying to circumvent this new proposed Inquiry by trying to introduce an Inquiry/legislation of their own into the Ministerial 'data wiping' practices also exposed by DeBelle...

I personally have no faith that any Inquiry established in SA Parliament is genuinely going to even genuinely attempt to change the culture of pro-paedophile cover-up and corruption that defines SA politics...I've just been through too many Inquiries re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...but I live to be wrong...(good thing it's your hobby then-Ed)...thank you...

So here's to Jay Weatherill getting a much deserved metaphoric arse-kicking...may it be his destiny...(a date with destiny, perhaps-Ed)...that is the worst pun ever...

Tomorrow: TFTIM Troy Bell

Apology for mistake yesterday...Are You OK Day is actually this Thursday, not Saturday as I said...and also in a previous post I said 'the Mitsubishi plant at Clovelly Pk/Lonsdale', and it should be Tonsley not Lonsdale...Lonsdale is near Hallett Cove where the De-sal Plant is located...

And also, it appears that there has been far less of a swing against Labor in SA than was initially reported, only losing one seat...but still only getting one Senator.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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