Sunday, September 1, 2013

Dogs, Bogs, and Logs

Hello Israel, Peru, the USofA, and good ol' Australia...welcome to the blog and a Happy Fathers Day if you feel like celebrating it...I'm sure there are plenty who don't...fathers can be extremely problematic animals at the best of times...I should know, I am one...

And Channel 10 has just started a program 'Delivering the Pandas' from 2008/09 about the shreking pandas and the millions that Adelaide Zoo spent on their air-conditioned enclosure...and this from a zoo in many millions of dollars of debt..and we've got thousands homeless, etc...sometimes me thinks we have our priorities a little adds a new meaning to catering to every whim and want and need...(whaaa?-Ed)...pandering...(oh, that's just terrible...but they are delicious...dumb but delicious-Ed)...hey, you can't speak ill of the pandas...that's panda slander...

Quick Dog Tales: The first dog - the wolf, is making a comeback in North-West USofA, reversing the trend of species decline due to habitat destruction and competition from humans...(and hunting-Ed)...indeed...and wolf populations are pushing south from the Canadian border, through Washington state and even further by utilising remnant wilderness corridors...existing with and around humans.

There are also continuing efforts to return wolves to Scotland and other areas in Northern Europe where they are duly recognised as a critical part of a diverse and healthy ecosystem...hurrah...

Too Many Dogs - Not so great is the devastating effect that wild dogs are having on either side of the 5,000+km Dog Fence here in explosion of dog numbers means that lambing season in particular has become a slaughter that threatens to drive sheep farming into extinction 'outside the fence'...literally...

And poor maintenance of the Dog Fence that runs from the Eyre Peninsula here in SA and right up through to Queensland, and minimal culling programs, means that the carnage has started to spread to 'this side' with the same potential results...the decimation of flocks to the point that the industry collapses...I love dogs, but I don't believe that they only target sheep and lambs and are in this context another 'bio-contaminant' like foxes, camels, cats, rats, etc, that we must take responsibility for...and that means culling...and fix the bloody fence...

Dog Down - Pulled up at the lights and my dog was lying down on the back seat rather than his usual snout out the open window, so I said "What's up knackers?", much to the surprise of the lady pulling up next to us who couldn't see him and clearly thought I was talking to her...I could see her eyebrows suddenly arch up above her sunglasses..."Just talking to the dog" say I as he duly stuck his head up and the lady laughed...hilarious...

Bogged Down: The wonderful wet weather we have been enjoying across the region has been not so fantastic for some, leading to some 'still' flooding events (ie, water lying in already saturated paddocks and hollows, etc, as opposed to rushing down catchments), and has brought into sharp focus some of the 're-zoning' approvals around the District Council of Grant...(and possibly Wattle Range Council)

Apparently there have been issues of 'flooding' at several sites already approved for 'Rural Living' near Pt McDonnell and Millicent, and some properties have been temporarily 'removed' from the market...(is that legal?-Ed)...what do you mean?...(well, even if you ignore the random and often nepotistic nature of many of these 're-zonings', is it actually legal to remove those properties from sale in this manner?...and will they be back on the market when the ground dries out a bit?-Ed)...and what if any disclosure requirements from the DC of Grant (and/or WRC) and/or developers to potential buyers re these flooding issues?...      

And if these 're-zoning approval areas' are already being flooded, then what investigation has the DC of Grant (or WRC) done with all of these, and with the latest proposed 'Re-zonings' in the same areas, for what is clearly an ongoing problem?...particularly near the coast where the aquifer is usually within feet of the surface...

DC of Grant (or WRC) needs to publicly release all of the Hydrological studies that they have done re these recent and/or proposed 'Re-zonings' and developments...and are duly on notice that if they approve these developments and flooding and/or other water issues 'arise', then the Councils are liable for allowing those developments...this is not entirely dis-similar to issues of development in coastal areas relative to sea level rises and potential inundation.     

Logs: Another The Border Watch  front page Wednesday 28th August 2013 with a grinning Labor Minister (MP Tom Kenyon this time) and grinning mill owner Ian McDonnell, and some other poor fella dragged into the picture for one big, luscious, heavily orchestrated photo opportunity for the agenda I've outlined in previous posts...

Namely, that NF McDonnell and Sons is getting massively preferential treatment from the Rann/Weatherill Labor government to ensure that their mills success can be used against others companies that do fail because of the Forestry make those companies look bad...please review previous posts for this 'Forestry Judas Goat Agenda'...

We are moving toward an economy of shipping out logs via Portland, and then paying some clown for all their waste from said logs, to then burn via some massively expensive and polluting 'Bio-Energy Plant' that will produce ludicrously expensive know it makes sense...

But what I find truly offensive about this latest pro-Labor propaganda on TBWs front page, is the blunt 'be grateful for the jobs' subtext in the same vein as the Gaol Expansion propaganda...'don't you worry your pretty little heads about all those associated problems, just be grateful for the jobs...there's a good peasant'...(viva la Revolution-Ed)...quite...

And as my gift for Fathers Day, this short post...(hurray-Ed)...that's your lot today...

Tomorrow: I'll think of something..probably Bio-Energy

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...happy Fathers Day and cheers...

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