Monday, September 2, 2013

Official Complaint to Ombudsman re Mt Gambier City Council

Hello world...welcome to this short post and longish letter.

Please find attached my letter (dated today) to the Ombudsman and to SAPol re various issues raised in this blog about the extraordinary conduct of the City Council.

Whilst I don't have any faith that these matters will be appropriately addressed by the Ombudsman or SAPol, and at best are likely to be hand-balled to the highly secretive Independent Commission Against Corruption (that coincidentally starts today) where they will be buried for several years before quietly just 'going away', I had to do something...(any port in a storm?-Ed)...sort of, yes...

I will post any responses I get.

Tomorrow: Bio-Energy in the South East

This is just another 'burning' issue for SE SA...get it?...burning...they burn waste from forestry, etc...(hilarious-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...

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