Monday, December 1, 2014

Well Frack Me A Frackin' Well

Hello Macedonia (FYROM-Former Yugoslavian Republic of), Indonesia, France and the United States of America and welcome to the blog...and terrible news just on the ABC Radio news that there's been a bad car accident earlier this afternoon at Hatherley just North of Millicent, with 4 people from Mt Gambier killed and 3 others with minor injuries...road safety ads, programs, etc are just getting started for the Xmas (Christmas) season, but road safety is a daily, moment-by-moment responsibility...

With only 3 weeks and change to Christmas, may I just say to all the availees of this 'ere blog, and all the 'contributors'...(what, even me?-Ed)...yes Ed, even you...may y'all have a bangin' Season whatevs ya' motivations and desires, and may all of these gremlins of daily existence give ya' a wide-berth for at least a little while...(bloody hippy-Ed)...but back in the real world...

A Picture Painted Of A Mountainous Turd:...if you want to see what a truly soul-less, selfish, smug prick looks like, just Interweb any footage of...(our charming Federal Liberal Treasurer Joe Hockey?-Ed)...yeah, how did you know that I was referring to him?...(just an educated guess based on the clues you've given me there-Ed)...nice...indeed, find any picture of him from late last week, any footage, any brazen image cravenly created and crafted in the likeness of, any...(yeah, yeah, get on with it, we do have all day but I've gotta' tunna' paperwork to get sorted-Ed)...alright, alright, you and me both...I am of course referring to 'Smokin' Joe Hockey...

(Yeah, and "Mountainous Turd"?...I thought we were working hard to improve the tone of the blog?-Ed)...indeed, but I apologise not for sharing with y'all the bilious belligerence brewing to rabidly foaming, spewing to steaming anger billowing all about, and all as a result of merely catching a brief but highly disturbing glimpse of that prick's smug chubby pug-mug on the news, espousing the Liberal's view that there's other ways to slug the peasantry a $7 per visit GP Co-payment (General Practitioner) than running it through a hostile Senate where any such legislation would be duly slaughtered...

Poor Joe has looked a little peeked lately, occasionally bobbing up to angrily sling offensive ideology at people who largely can't defend themselves, before disappearing for a week or two to avoid the fall-out...but Joe-boy has turned that frown upside down as he attempts to do the same to millions of people's lives...returned again now has that sneeringly leering, jeeringly cheery smeer of a smile that Mighty Joe had wrapped around that big 'ol cigar when he and Finance Minister Matthias 'Always Blue' Corman first launched the Budget...

Going by what I saw late last week, from the smug self-satisfied look on Joe's face, the Liberals have already decided to go 'round the democratic inconvenience of parliament and just put it through as a 'conventionally uncontested' Monetary Bill or some full of his own wondrousness, wallowing in his own self-congratulation, apparently fuelled by a seething contempt for people who aren't Joe Hockey...whatta' piece of work... 

(A thought...if it turns out that Matthias is himself an "Economic Girly-Man", as indeed he has mimicked Arnold Shwarzenegger in referring to others, eg, Labor Opposition leader li'l 'Bouncing' Billy Shorten...if Matthias is himself an EGM, would that make him therefore the 'Financy-boy Minister'?-Ed)...I'm assuming there's some sort of ironically witty undertone to the rank offense of 'Financy-boy', an undertone high-browedly highlighting the crass offense of the original statement?...(no, not really, I'm way shallower than that...I just wanted to say 'Financy-boy'...3 times now-Ed)...clever...

(And another Matthias's definition, would that make Helen Riddout or Christine LeGarde, et al, would they be 'Economic Girly-Women'?-Ed)...that Ed, is a fascinating study in bloody hell whatevs...come on, we have bigger fish to fry, namely a toxic Joe-fish that's already well on the nose...(note: I don't know why, but locally the magnificent Mulloway - Argyrosomus japonicus - is called a Jewfish, hence the 'Joefish' bit)... 

Whilst everyone in the Libs reckons their Budget is just a super-dooper necessity due to the perpetual fiscal yoke of pre-September 2013 Labor decisions/actions/whatevs, pretty much everyone else thinks it stinks, and is in reality just a manifestation of the class-structured, born-to-rule mentality of the Liberal Party, being lived large as they seek desperately to re-establish a feudal underclass of impoverished serfdom...and tell me it's a coincidence that the week after we are signed away in a 'Free Trade' deal with China, the Aussie dollar tanks on plummeting resources demand from our newest Eccy Bestie...and that 'Eccy' is for 'economic', I'm not suggesting we're getting our collective glow-sticks way up in the air...(whooop whooop-Ed)...

Turf The Serfs: is my considered synopsis of the effectively attempts to rule a line through/across the top of the Social Services Sector and write-off anyone beneath said line...(but I thought that the SSS was the 'bottom-line' for our society and if you ended up in the SSS it was because you'd effectively fallen to there and it's meant to either provide ongoing basic support, or help those whom can to get back above that defining line between poverty and properly paid participation?-Ed)...well indeed...

(But having said that, what about all those people who exist at or below that 'societal poverty line' of approx $400 per week, and are either 1) working hard to earn their wage that then doesn't even cover the basic costs of living for their family, and/or 2) those who are in the SSS but still participate via volunteer work, etc?-Ed) bloody hippy...(ci-Ed)...alright, yes, there are they...(and furthermore-Ed)...oh boy...(I'd ask you to consider that you yourself have stated that you feel as though you're in the employ of the society that supports you via the Disability Support Pension-Ed)...yeah, yeah, whatevs...

(And more furthermore, there are many people who owe their living in public service positions like the SSS to the many people they service as their clientele...there are many people who do very nicely thankyou very much running businesses and programs and various bureaucracies, and as someone whom himself has on frequent occasions been severely 'spoken down-at' by people who were being paid very nice wages to help me, I have intense personal experience of the deplorable attitude displayed by our glorious Treasurer-Ed)...nah, fair point...

(Deadset...I can recall with unwanted clarity several very unpleasant occasions when I was berated at volume by Centrelink personnel, eg, when trying to get help for my trauma re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the devastating effect that I knew it was having on my life but couldn't time the woman stated at volume "we're sick of hearing the same old story"-Ed)...deadset, you're trying very politely whilst suffering massive mental trauma to get help for those issues, and she abused you?...(yep-Ed)...that's unacceptable...(I didn't-Ed)...

(I very politely and quietly put it to her that if she was sick of hearing it all again, 'I'm sick of saying the same old thing whilst none of it is resolved and if someone takes this St Martins Cover-up bullshit off my hands, I'll happily get back into having a life, my own life back being a great place to start, thanks very shreckin' much-Ed)...and the response?...(stony silence and a thin-lipped glare and then hand-balling me off to somewhere/someone/whatevs apology, not nuthin' but contempt and disrespect, and it only got worse when I used the truth to make her look like the bigotted ignoramus that she was and still is-Ed)...still is?...(yeah, I run into her sometimes, eg, when volunteering at the Mt Gambier Show...and there it is, the same lip-less sneer, only now I pity her rather than wear her ignorance as my problem-Ed)...that would've been my advice...

Joking aside, I can remember this particular exchange clear as a bell, and it does define some other 'exchanges' I had with Centrelink staff...whilst these people were the exception and as a rule I found most staffers polite if somewhat impotent re my situation, I understand now the very effective campaign of character assassination that has stalked me re the St Martins Cover-up, and with the benefit of such hindsight I can see where this stuff has manifested itself in my life in this very small, very broken, very corrupt town, and Centrelink was clearly one of those places...

This sort of treatment had a devastating effect on me, contributing massively to my Depression/Agoraphobia stuff...I couldn't even go to Centrelink without copping a gobful of abuse about the traumas in my life...(yeah, it was pretty bad, even if it wasn't nuthin' to do with St Martins, it's just a woeful way to treat someone who is sitting there asking for help-Ed)...ta, but it ain't ultimately all bad because with the fathomless gift of hindsight I came to understand that despite how unpleasant these many exchanges were across 2002-04, eg, abuse in the supermarket, on the bus, etc, I always behaved quietly, respectfully, controlledly...but I digress...
ICAC Spy With The OPI: apparently no problem whatsoevs at Robe District Council...(how do you know that?-Ed) was discussed at length on the ABC Local Radio with RDC CEO Roger 'Tout' Sweetman that there'd been some supposedly 'anonymous' complaints to the Office of Public Integrity re some shenanigans at Robe Council...(is he allowed to discuss that? I thought you had to have Special Double Secret Probationary Dispensiary Dispensation Documentation (permission in writing) from the Über-Commissioner at ICAC?-Ed)...indeed, Roger The Dodger cited said document whilst gushingly quoting the relevant outcome that everything's fine...(fine-Ed)...just fine...

(Was this related to the $1million Council 'loan' to the Robe Marina, a loan that was reported in The Border Watch as having somehow 'gone missing' from Council's books one Audit to the next?-Ed)...I think so...(and is that the same Auditor who does Mt Gambier's books?-Ed)...same name...(figures-Ed)...and yes, despite the fact that $1million has apparently disappeared, Robe Council has been given the all clear by the Office of Public Integrity and/or the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(wow-Ed)...indeed...

Sorry that I've posted-out for today and never even reached the topic, so you know the drill,

Tomorrow: WFMAFW Part II

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...oh, and by the way, apparently my mate John Alexander, St Martin's Principal from 2002-2010, a key player in the Glyn Dorling/St Martins Abuse Cover-up, well he was back in Mt Gambier last week to play Satan for the kiddies at St Martins...and yes I don't mean Santa...

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