Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy To Be Having A Long Day

Hello Poland, Italy, Indonesia, and Romania, and welcome to the blog...a very sombre, short post today after a long day of my own shizzle and the shocking news from yesterday about a car accident near Mt Gambier...in my little anger bubble I found more forgotten documents that really I'd rather I hadn't because I'd forgotten the associated shizzle and resultant trauma for myself and other families re the St Martins stuff...

It has been confirmed that the 4 people killed in a terrible 3 car auto-accident yesterday at Hatherley 60 kms North-West of Mt Gambier are all from the one family, as is the one survivor from that vehicle...the other 2 drivers are recovering from 'non life-threatening' injuries...the confronting reality is that the people killed were likely involved as a third vehicle after a truck and ute collided ahead of them...as is being said across the national media, this is a shocking reminder of what can happen in a moment on our roads...

And just in the news that one of those killed was a 22 year old St John's Ambulance volunteer well known in the local ES groups, and as an upcoming restauranteur in Robe...in a moment his family has lost him, his teenage sister, mother, and his grandmother, 3 generations of one family...I can't pretend to understand how this will affect the family and friends and I don't know what to say...I just had to acknowledge it and say something and then acknowledge those in my life that I love and cherish... 

I didn't even try not to cry, even now, at this horrendous tragedy, and I fully support the calls for vigilance and restraint and patience and reserve and respect on the roads ahead of the busy and often deadly Christmas Season...my thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends, and particularly to the often volunteer Emergency Services personnel who attend these terrible incidents...it is often the case in Regional/Rural communities that the people responding to any incident know those directly involved...

This was the case with 2 separate drownings of local fishermen this year who weren't wearing the life-jackets in their overturned boats...(I don't understand why it is compulsory to have life-jackets in boats, but boaties don't have to wear them...I'd have thought it best to have the thing on the whole time you're on the boat at all, so that if you get ditched or fall overboard, etc, it's right where you need it immediately-Ed)...well I haven't been out on a boat recently, but I never used to wear a life-jacket...but I would now...

It brings into sharp contrast my position as a largely self-appointed Social Advocate thingy, and leaves me feeling like a bit of a whinging git...(you have your moments, sure, but don't we all?-Ed)...wise words again Ed...(even if you do say so yourself-Ed)...indeed...but even my lame attempts at humour to try and 'pretty-up' my anger for public consumption, even that seems somehow flippant and disrespectful today...    

Checked out the ABC Local Radio 'Reloaded' from Tuesday last week (November 25th 2014) and the Stan Thompson interview with his Area Manager boss Stuart Stansfield...(ah yes, your fantasy interview-Ed)...indeed, that interview re the 'Efficiency Dividends' that the Federal Liberals are making to said Australian Broadcasting Corporation...(where 'Efficiency Dividends' is deceitful politician-speak for cuts to funding with resultant job losses, program cuts, etc-Ed)...well quite, and this language also being utilised to try and avoid the promise as made by our now Prime Minister Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott leading into the September 2013 Federal Election, namely, 'no cuts to the ABC or the SBS' (both TV stations)...

Turns out I didn't miss much because, apart from those passing comments about programming and being 'autonomous', etc, most of it was about Stuart's meeting (with other senior staff) where-in ABC Director Mark Johns explained how the Liberal's 'Efficiency Dividends'...(he means cuts-Ed)...yes I do, how those 'ED' would be distributed...(you mean what programs and/or what personnel are getting the arse, the chop, canned, axed, ditched, dumped, shafted-Ed)...yeah, I think we get the point...'ED' isn't quite in the same class of 'tritely offensive' as terms like 'collateral damages' or 'friendly fire', but it's still a beaut... 

Just can't wait to see what Sow Strayn Labor's newest consultant/contractor The New Democracy comes up with re their 'randomly chosen' panel of locals whom will apparently sort out the whole South East Drainage/Surface Water/Irrigation debacle...(and what the shreck is 'The New Democracy'?-Ed)...well if you put it in context, let's say a Wind Turbines sortta' context, then it means Fascism...but if you put it in the context of the unaccountable, unfettered power of SAPol to search wherevs/seize whatevs/arrest whoevs whenevs/whyevs, well then it's, actually, Fascism again...sorry, not a good example...

I know, how's about the Independent Commission Against Corruption and their power to subpoena witnesses and force them to answer on fear of being charged, and officially shut down/silence all discourse in the media...(and shut it down with out the issue being before the ICAC-Ed)...indeed...and up front, the legislation that quite literally says 'no-one can discuss corruption, ever, because it might eventually end up in the ICAC'...(yeah, I'd like to say you're exaggerating that but I've looked it up - section 56 I believe - and I was there when you discussed this with local Member Troy Bell and he conceded/concured that that's exactly what that section says-Ed)...yeah, that's all lookin'a bit like Fascism as well isn't it?...can't wait for the New Democracy...

(And the St Martins stuff?-Ed)...ah yeah, I found the letter from the Family and Youth Services from July 2003 (attached) and it is just a letter and it just says so little but it is the writing on the wall behind that letter that tells the real story of what was happening with St Martins...the FAYS office in Mt Gambier initially told myself and a coupla' other parents when we went in there (June/July 2002) that they were horrified about the abuses our kids had been subjected to, etc, but when we went back only a week later, a genuinely terrified Sheila Holloway stated manically that they weren't responsible and quite literally pushed us out the door...

Just another official body/authority/bureaucrat/politician who said 'not my responsibility, not my problem'...at the very least FAYS Mt Gambier should have acted as mediator/mentors to us parents in directing us to the appropriate authorities...(what about their responsibility to do a Mandatory Notification?-Ed)...well exactly...FAYS should have taken the whole case off us parents and directed it to the appropriate authorities themselves, reported it all themselves...'not our problem' in June/July 2002, and then sending me a bloody letter showing that yes they are bloody involved thanks very much...

And then of course the Teachers Registration Board, at the un-challenged request of Glyn Dorling's lawyer Stephen Lieschke (Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner) subpoenaed the full Flinders Child Protection Service reports (of our children's and our (parent's) statements) and handed them to teacher Glyn Dorling whom FCPS had described to me as a "text-book grooming paedophile"...the TRB, who claim it was on advice from the Crown Solicitor, subpoenaed the full, un-edited reports and handed them over to Dorling, the paedophile that abused our kids...

And then I was aggressively cross-examined re the reports of my son, his mum, and my own statements, all whilst Dorling sat there reading them over Lieschke's arm...when I protested to the TRB/CSO members present that it was inappropriate for me to be questioned re a document I'd never seen or read, I was told to 'just answer the questions'...(shreckin' charming-Ed)...shreckin' corruption to protect a paedophile...

And further news that a 60 year old local man has been charged with 4 counts of Causing Death By Dangerous Driving re the accident at Hatherley...I don't apologise for stopping here today because I just reckon that we've all got better things to do than waste another day wading through my dire dirgings and  pent-up purgings surging forth...and there's a half-price Turducken awaitin' in the oven and some roast vegies to boot...and then I'm going to have a small chunk of fruit cake with Brandy custard...

Tomorrow: The Next Frackin' Installment 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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