Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Call And Response

Hello and welcome to the blog and apologies several times over for 1) no post yesterday and 2) missing Mt Gambier City Council's meeting last night (Tuesday 16th December 2014)...(on the couch again? feelin' sorry for yourself again?-Ed)...yes and no, sortta'...certainly feeling a bit sore and sorry for myself and it did stop me getting to Council last evening, but it was a bit different this time...(how so?-Ed)...

Yesterday on my way down to town, had a young lady try to polish my tow-ball with her radiator...(mate, whatevs you get up to in ya' personal life is your business and we really don't need to here about that sortta' stuff here-Ed)...whaaa?...(look, if you hook-up with someone that's fine, but we don't need to hear the gruesome details...and that 'tow-ball/radiator' euphemism thingy really doesn't work too well-Ed)'s not an euphemism you eediot, it actually happened, she gave me the Roundabout Shunt...(oh, oh sorry, you ok? is she ok?-Ed)...lotsa' yeses and noses...(my turn, whaaa?-Ed)...

Relatively minor damage to both cars, but hers was leaking fluid/s that were probably only busted hoses and had to be towed, but she was fine...and I'm fine except for a sad, bad case of jarred knees that left me basically immobile yesterday arvo and still staggerin' this mornin', and the very minor damage to my vehicle is probably enough to render it technically a 'write-off' in that the cost of a new bumper thingy, labour, etc, is likely to exceed the very low value of the vehicle itself...

I was stationary at the line when the car next to me on my right (outside lane) went when he shouldn't have, cutting-off an oncoming vehicle, and the young woman behind me followed his lead, only I hadn't moved...she only hit me at 25kms tops, but it was enough to shove my car forward a foot or two and slightly sideways, and jam all of that impact momentarily through my left knee because I had the my foot hard down on the clutch pedal...(ouch-Ed)...indeed, and then the right knee because my right foot was on the brake pedal but not all the way to the floor...(as ya' do-Ed)...didn't immediately notice anything much different, they're literally always sore, it was only later when it really seized-up...

(But why did you miss Council last night?-Ed)...I couldn't drive my knee was so swollen and sore...(ah, of course, left knee does all that clutch work and stuff...why not catch the bus?-Ed)...stops running at 1700hrs and the meeting starts at 1800hrs and goes an hour sometimes more...(taxi?-Ed)...$40 return trip to go to that load of bollocks...I'd read the Agenda and there's nuthin' in there immediately more corrupted and dodgy than any other Council meeting, but I'm mad keen to see what was dumped on Council via Motions Without Notice, eg, was it Mayor Andrew Lee's declaration that he's going to take a bunch of dodgy local officials on a little jaunt to China on the Ratepayer's dollar?...

I contacted a Councillor (who was good enough to get back to my message, cheers) to ask that they record the proceedings for me, but of course was politely declined because of the restrictions put in place at the last meeting...I covered this in previous posts with the extraordinary conduct of newly elected Councillor Frank 'The Ghost' Morello, just coincidentally another main name in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, he whom rocked-up 1/2 hour late when Council stopped the meeting to swear him in, and he then immediately, and I mean like inside 60 seconds immediately, got up and introduced a Motion to stop any electronic recording and/or reproduction of Council meetings, that immediately passed...(wow-Ed)...

I'll say it again...Council already chucks the public out at the end of meetings so as to do their secret business...(business that on many occasions has included Main Corner Project/Town Hall lease issues, a project that is in it's entirety, from the multiple dodgy Council decisions/actions, right through it's clearly corrupted construction process, on through to where it's current functionings continue to be wholly funded, financed, subsidised, whatevs, by Ratepayers in a building wholly owned by Ratepayers-Ed)...wholly Nepotistic Fraud Batman...(no, I'm here about the insulation-The Batt Man)...oh, right, round the back thanks, first line on the left...

What else is it that Council feel they need to keep hidden from the public?...(well you said it's all the dodgy Conflict of Interest stuff and Nepotism and various other rank corruptions of Appropriate Process that define a Council wholly mired in the gross self-interest and chronic malfeasance of it's constituent members-Ed)...yes I did say that, it's a rhetorical question...(well look, I can never tell, just get on with it-Ed)...and this is also a massively ominous preview of how Cr The Ghost will be conducting himself on Council, wholly in the service of the Vested Interests whom continue to further his career...(don't like Frankie-boy much do ya'?-Ed)...ya' gettin' that then, yeah?...

I'm also very confused because I swear that on Monday 15th December 2014 the ABC Local Radio was handing out prizes to listeners/callers whom correctly guessed that Xmas Day is Friday next week...(but it's Thursday next week-Ed)...I know, it was very confusing...(like we need any help-Ed)...speak for yourself...(I did-Ed)...oh yeah...perhaps they meant/said Boxing Day or somethin', but someone else has mentioned it to me as well...whatevs, movin' on...

The Call: is the attached letter from The Border Watch Tuesday 9th December 2014 from Ms Joan Tremelling...I guarantee you Ms Tremelling that there's a snowball's chance in hell that TBW will acknowledge their own reality re St Martins as per this 2005 Country Cabinet...I've left that 'Park and Stride' one there too because I love the line about moving supermarkets 2 blocks away from their carparks...

The Response: I've repeatedly posted about, particularly the extraordinary betrayal by then Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen...knowing full well the exact realities of what had happened at St Martins and what teacher Glyn Dorling had done to kids, and the abject failures of SAPol, Child Protection, etc, etc, knowing all that, Rory has gone into bat for the paedophile teacher and the Lutherans, etc, and attacked us...and The Border Watch gave him the front page to do it...

Laters: A Full Post Of Frackin'

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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