Monday, December 8, 2014

Post 650 - Hear Me Say 'Dear Me, The Media In SA'

Hello South Africa, Venezuela, Canada, and Slovenia and welcome to the blog and another post reflecting the week in my reality as it hopefully relates to others...(whaaa?-Ed)...well I know I bang on 'bout myself a fair bit, but it's usually because I find myself on and/or in publicly relevant issues, eg, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, how Mt Gambier City Council attacks and vilifies people whom dare to question the least little thing and/or Council's apparently rank corruption, etc, etc...

***Apologies for missing a post yesterday...(again? I thought you'd got your arse back on the horse and were collectively moving forward and all that?-Ed)...yes, well, it appears that my optimism and enthusiasm have been doggedly run-down from behind by the the more pressing reality of depression, Agoraphobia, isolation and loneliness...spent a good deal of this weekend dozing on the couch and/or wandering distractedly around the garden feeling sorry for myself slightly more than I'm concerned for my society/community...(well at least you have your Housing Trust 'home' and that beautiful garden, that's something-Ed)...yes it is, it's fantastic, but some days it feels like the 'golden cage' thingy...***

Black Dog: is a popular metaphor/descriptor/symbol for Depressive States and although I find the language itself somewhat problematic, it does paint a relevant mind-picture of what it can feel like...I was somewhat surprised though when said descriptor manifested itself in my backyard on Tuesday morning last dog almost never barks, the best he manages is working himself excitedly up to a sudden 'yarp', so when there were some deep barks in the garden, I thought he'd bailed up a snake or lizard or something...turns out it was a large black boisterous dog that wouldn't come near me...

Eventually got him out the side gate but 5 minutes later he was back at the backdoor, somehow getting over the 5foot high galvanised iron fencing...later I found a big hole under the side-fence, but I reckon that's how he got back out the second dog just stood next to me watching this other mad hound tear around the garden...don't know where it came from or where it eventually went to...    

And it's usually the case that I'm just standin' 'ere mindin' ma' own business when along comes some sassy young situation or some crusty ol' conundrum...(or some chunkily current child abuse cover-up, for example-Ed)...well exactly Ed, well's exactly like just tryin' to live ya' life in a small town when ya' suddenly dumped into the very confected role of sinister troublemaker and duly Parahiatised and villified, and dumped there by the very crooks cookin' the books and/or touchin' up the kiddies...(how poetically abusive-Ed)...and this time of year I know that I can't go very far before having the reality of the rank corruption that defines my reality of Mt Gambier jammed in my face, rammed down my throat, pissed profusely into my ear...

Think I'm over-reacting?...(well now that you've mentioned it...-Ed)...fair enough, but please scroll to the end of this post and discover the joy that is my average day down this way 'round about this time a' year...(ok, wait a second.....ummm, the Lutherans, Community lunch for the homeless and lonely, the Town Hall/Main Corner, mmm right...supported by Council and the Anglicans, yes, well...the Lutherans doing Christmas Day lunch at The Main Corner, financed to some degree by Council which means Ratepayers-Ed)...exactly...even take the shreckin' Lutherans outta' that equation and minus any other Council support, and it's still the Ratepayer subsidised Main Corner facility which means the Ratepayer subsidised Leasees/caterers, etc, etc...

For all I know there's a whole bunch of people here-in involved whom are absolutely genuine and are donating their time/money/turkeys/whatevs, and don't have the faintest idea about the corruption underlying the whole Town Hall/Main Corner set-up...(soon to be massively complicated by the Jazz University goin' there-Ed)...well, indeed...or the St Martins corruption stuff, and as how that relates to the local media constantly promoting the Lutherans but refusing to address the St Martins stuff, instead turning on me and other parents, etc, etc...(come on, take that next step-Ed)...alright, alright, I know as fact that the vast majority of people involved in this have no idea about the above and relatively genuine motive, be it Christian charity, whatevs...(there's a good boy-Ed)...but it still ain't nuthin' but a Thang...(fair enough-Ed)...

I know that come December I can't even listen to the ABC Local Radio or open The Border Watch without having some massive slab a' pro-Lutheran bullshit waved in my face...and that super-sized slice of bullshit pie is usually plated up with a generous side-serve of Rory McEwen utilising his mates at the entirely corrupted Mt Gambier ABC Local Radio to yet again spew his special brand of pro-paedophile corruption and rank hypocrisy at the Universe, eg, his involvement in the weekend's Toy Run...(go big fella'-Ed)...and it's this fundamental corruption within the local media that allows for disgraceful cover-ups like the St Martins Lutheran School Case...

The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up has been possible because of the media's complicit and corrupt support for the Cover-up (here and in Adelaide and even interstate, eg, the ABC Sydney) and it's main local players, eg, Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, the Lutherans and St Martins School, SAPol, etc, support particularly evident at the ABC where some people are clearly employed because of their allegiance to this sickening agenda, as one individual mockingly, tauntingly flung in my face when 'recently' appointed to the ABC Mt Gambier...for all of the complete bastards I may be the problem here is clearly St Martins, the Lutherans, the ABC, et al, this time the problem isn't me...

Try as I might to get past this 'angry chair' stuff it just ain't happenin' in that just trying to just listen to the radio, read the papers, watch telly news, etc, it's like climbing into a boxing ring knowing full well that you can't even raise your hands to defend yourself, let alone strike-out, and that all you can do is step to the centre of the ring knowing you're going to stand there and cop a beating and then be villified for that as well, and then get up again when ya' can and take another in, day out, over and over...this ad was in The Border Watch Tuesday 2nd December 2014, and on Thursday 4th December 2014 there was a long ABC Radio interview with  a senior Lutheran Mrs/Ms?Whatevs (somethin'?) Pettingill...

Ms Pettingill stated that God wanted the Lutherans to put on a Thursday night soiree at their church in Edward St, "sharing God's gift", starting that night and then this week and next, leading up to was all about what God apparently wants the Lutherans to do for others...(yay-Ed)...indeed, and then it went onto the Christmas Day lunch stuff, and sure-as Ms Pettingill'll be there doin' somethin'...and all neatly rounded out with some sanctimonious bollocks from the interviewer about how she/they/whoevs is 'happily giving up there Xmas Day for the community...(orr, god bless the Lutherans-Ed)...      

My ANZAC Spirit: has clearly been well established in me by the experiences I've shared via my grandfathers, both iconic WWII veterans - iconic in that one was an AIF 'Desert Rat' who served in Tobruk, etc, and the other was a senior RAF fighter pilot who flew in the Battle of France, pre-Battle of Britain, the Pacific Theatre with the USofA, etc, etc - but there's also a strong argument to be made for the fact that I've been as successfully indoctrinated as anyone else with this bullshit notion of emotive devotion where-in real men sacrifice themselves for their nation, for their people, for their community...

(Where you goin' with this?-Ed)...just addressin' some a' that feedback stuff about 'why would you do this, particularly given that it's clearly quite distressing for you on occasions?'...firstly, I greatly appreciate that people do genuinely give a damn, and as rampant as the statistic numbers can be there's clearly a small number of people who have stuck with the blog across the last's gotta' be said that I myself am a little disappointed with the recent quality of the blog, let alone the intermittentness, and I can only promise that I continue in my commitment to this 'ere blog and the general concept of addressing these sortta' issues appropriately...

However, it's often a confronting experience in that I don't have to go trawling the Interweb for bizarre conspiracy theories about paedophile corruption and cover-ups in South Australia because I'm living one, and I don't need to hear other peoples stories about surviving Cancer, etc, and right this moment there's an item re the Yoga Ashram case that the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission is currently looking at...and yes it is terrible stuff, but my reality is that this was then and St Martins is right now, current and comprehensive in it's exposure of the related rank corruption...why not come to Mt Gambier and look at a current Child Abuse Cover-up that undeniably involves the current Sow Strayn Premier Jay Weatherill?...(another self-answering question-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Tidying Up Some Of Many Loose Ends

(Well good luck with that-Ed)...indeed, but I'll keep tryin' and we'll see how we go...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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