Friday, December 12, 2014

Release The Frackin'

(Oh thank goodness, at last-Ed)...fair enough...and welcome to the blog Italy, the USofA, the UK, and the EU...(yoohoo the EU, cooee-Ed)...yes indeed, hello...but just quickly re the announcement on the ABC Local Radio (Tuesday 9th December 2014) by new Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee that 'within months' he's going to lead a delegation from Council with local business reps and other local Local Government officers from other Councils...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...indeed...

The Apple Cart Called Gravy Train Grows Wings And Flies: as Mayor Lee reckons that he and a select golden few must jet off to China to make sure China knows that we're here and where exactly here is, being Mt Gambier and/or the South East...(I thought he said we're 'building a bridge to China'-Ed)...yes, building a bridge by flying there...(and I'm pretty sure China knows exactly where we are already-Ed)...that's my point, of course they bloody do, the whole thing's a pointless junket, a mutual reward for all involved to jet-off overseas on the Ratepayer's's a bloody disgrace...

And I'm always deeply cynical when someone, anyone proudly declares their own "integrity" as Mayor Lee did in this interview...I don't care who says that because for me it's a dirty fat flag of concern not to be ignored...a bit like the question that answers itself, it's the statement that questions itself...(excellent-Ed)...I've sat through literally dozens of meetings where on many occasions (then) Councillor Lee didn't leave the Chamber on issues he had a direct Conflict of Interest in as a restaurant owner...

Mayor Lee also repeatedly stated that Foreign Investment is great and we just can't get enough...(oh yay-Ed)...this bobbed up again today in The Border Watch and I can only assume that this will be coming up as a Motion Without Notice at the next Council meeting, because I don't reckon it's in the current Agenda, but I know as fact that this has not been voted on in Council yet...(but this was covered on the ABC Tuesday and it's in TBW today, being discussed in a context and tense that it's a done deal and it's happ'nin'-Ed)...well exactly...

How many times now?...Council business announced as a done deal on the ABC and/or in TBW and then that stuff goes through Council processes that should surely have proceeded the declaration...(isn't that what happened with the super-dodgy Tender process re the Solar Lights around the Blue Lake?-Ed)...yeah, that and that the announced Tender winner had been allowed to submit 2 quite differing Tenders, and that Council tried to accept the lower one and then negotiate toward the higher...(wow, there's nuthin' corrupt about that, is there? just fine-Ed)...just fine...
Also on the ABC this morning yet another interview with the Lutherans about what great work they're doing with their Christmas lunch at The Main Corner/Town Hall on Xmas Day...on and on and on about how fantastic everyone is donating their time for the poor lonely people because god loves them...and Council have donated the Main Corner...(just amazing how generous Council can be with Ratepayer's money-Ed)'re referring of course to the fact that everything about the Main Corner is subsidised by Ratepayers?...(correct-Ed)...and that therefore Ratepayers are paying for a goodly part of this little Lutheran promotional soiree...(indeed-Ed)...

And this following multiple references this week to the Lutheran's charming community embracing thing they're doing at their church in Edward St each Thursday evening up to Xmas...I used to go there when my son was in kindy, and bust my back doing stuff for those Lutheran shrecks, eg, when they did the major renovation and expansion of the kindergarten and playground in 1999 and I spent days even weeks hauling/digging/painting/whatevs...just making the point that as furious as I am with the Lutherans re the St Martins Cover-up I'd just never consider it appropriate to attend this bullshit thing at their precious church...not the right place, not the right time...

And all that following last Friday's ABC effort of putting Rory McEwen repeatedly albeit briefly on air to spruik his great work with the Ulysses Motorcycle Club and Lions I think it was (sorry if it was Rotary, etc) re the Motorcyclists Toy Run...but exactly the same principle applies to this as rockin' up to the Lutheran church just because I'm pissed off at them and they've been pissin' in my ear all day in that soporifically sanctimonious way that they do, it simply wasn't the place to go to confront Rory, so I didn't go...if these people want Rory representing them that's their problem...

I know Wind Turbines are very 'popular' across Europe and the UK and the USofA for that matter...(and Italy is part of Europe, and they do have Turbines there because there was some more stuff in the media just recently bangin' on about alleged Mafia involvement and rorting Reneweable Certificates and shizzle-Ed)...indeed they are and indeed there was...(and furthermore, I'd suggest that Turbines are not always 'popular' as much as they are 'populace'-Ed)...fair point...but all of that aside, I'm talkin' about right about here...(what's this got to do with Release The Frackin'-Ed)...

(What's with the Turbine stuff? I thought we were definitely doing shreckin' Frackin today-Ed)...just gettin' there via a quick acknowledgement of the stuff recently sent me re Wind Turbines and their placement on unstable ground underpinned by porous, cave-riddled Limestone formations in a seismically sensitive area and resultant ground vibration, sink holes related or coincidental, etc, as would obviously be an issue with projects like the Woakwine Range project...this issue has frequently been raised previous by people concerned with the haphazard placement of Wind Turbines across the South East...

There was also a segment featuring Mt Gambier on Sixty Minutes or Sunday or The Whatevs Report last Sunday 7th December...(whatevs?-Ed)...exactly, in a bigger bit about Sinkholes...there was a beautiful drone shot of the Cave Garden cave entrance that leads off right under the Main Corner building and intersection, and Hells Hole and Umpherston Cave also...part of the full story was related to mining and in particular Fracking and the impacts this can have on ground movement and ultimately subsidence, etc... 

Gettin To Kickin' The Frickin' Frackin': via the Geology, via the science so simple even a rabid old dog such as I can learns it I cans...anyhoos, I am not a Geologist, my knowledge of the Limestone Karst system that exists below the surface here abouts, my knowings comes from readin' a coupla' books at the Library and all the stuff at Englebrecht Cave, etc, when I was a Cave Guide there for Lifeline...(back last century nay millennium?-Ed)'re hilarious...and yes last century...

So's today's homework...(homework? you haven't even done the Frackin' yet-Ed)...just hang on until,

Tomorrow: Release The Frackin' Part II: Re-Releasing The Frackin'

(Strewth...and the homework?-Ed)...oh yeah, just go to Englebrecht Cave on Whatevs Search Engine and check out the beautiful photos, etc, by way of checking out the underground structures that criss-cross the South East, which with Englebrecht is actually 2 caves accessible via a central collapse...and note Umpherston Cvae and Cave Gardens also as they show similar collapses...sorry couldn't find a photo of the map at EC that shows the cave-diver explored system that goes right under the adjacent Jubilee Hwy, including a massive chamber directly under the highway, with a small island in the centre...

When I was guiding there, divers told me of being able to stand on the island and hear large trucks rumbling past overhead with dust and small pebbles raining down on them...and that's one little cave this relates to Fracking tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...   

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