Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The 2014 Penultimate Post

Hello Ukraine,Taiwan, Indonesia, and France...welcome y'all to the blog for the second last day of 2014...I can only apologise for the lack of humour in many recent posts and the almost dirge-some droning tone of my being prone to go on and on about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and unfortunately today's no different...I don't particularly care about Xmas and the plethora of assorted festive frenzies that we have created around it, but I sure as heck don't need the parade of pro-Lutheran propaganda poured through the local media whilst same said keepers of the public truths knowingly choose to ignore what is happening re the St Martins Cover-up...

("For 153 years The Border Watch has been the "community watchdog""-Ed)...what the shreck are you talkin' about?...(not me, that's the opening line from Graham Greenwood's most recent effort in TBW...what we done cover just a few posts back?...talking about how complicit parts of the the Mt Gambier media is re St Martins and/or Council shenanigans, etc?-Ed)...oh yeah yeah, of course, classic...and a perfect segue into today's post covering this gem (these gems) attached below...but first...

Noted that senior Adelaide Lutheran Monsignor Bishop Whatevs was in The Advertiser just pre Xmas, along with all the other potato heads, mouthing off about how great Christmas is and how great it is about how they do god's great work on our behalf, blah, blah...but the winner this Festered Season is out illustrious leader the Right 'Orrible Premier Jay Weatherill....take it away Jay (as per his comments re a range of issues, the year in review, in The Advertiser last week)...

On Child Protection: "The reason why there's a heightened sense of awareness about these things is because awful things have happened (to children) and that naturally leads to an examination of government processes and systems to try to make improvements. I ultimately have to take responsibility for that because I'm in a leadership role."...(sorry? you shreckin' what? all he's done is deny responsibility and even knowledge of Child Abuse Cover-ups he's intimately  involved in, eg, the After School Carer Mark Harvey and his case that led to the farcical DeBelle Inquiry that itself followed a paper-trail of responsibility literally right onto Jay Weatherill's desk and then went 'nuthin' to see here'-Ed)...

(And when you bailed him up on the ABC Adelaide in June 2012 he lied through his teeth, stating that he 'couldn't recall' the St Martins case, and that denial despite the fact that he had had multiple involvements, including officially denying, in writing, Commissioner Ted Mullighan the powers to investigate, all of which has been previously covered/proven on this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed...(and then hand-balled it to Grace Portolesi whom dismissed the entire St Martins issue without even contacting parents, etc-Ed)...exactly...nuthin' but lies and denial of responsibility...and all things considered, it was quite the fluke to get that brief access via the ABC...

In previous posts I've shared what little I know about the ready prevalence of 'powder/amphetamine' drugs in Mt Gambier, including my discussions with recovering teenage 'Ice' addicts I met years ago, but relatively recently I was approached in the street by someone whom readily identified/described themselves as a recovering 'Ice' addict...they apparently recognised me as "a St Martins parent", and "a politician or something"...(I'll 'ave $50 on 'something'-Ed)...where'd you get $50 to gamble?...(your wallet...and where's the 'gamble'?-Ed)...hilarious on both counts...but nothing funny about what this person had to say...

They described some of the entrapment/recruitment processes of dealers, eg, 'free tastes' that lead almost immediately to addiction, and/or promises of money, etc, and of course the euphoric state that any amphetamine can provide that leads to increasing involvement as the experience of the initial high is dulled, leading to more and more usage, with resultant problems, and on it goes...all fairly standard stuff that could be applied to many drugs, not least of all many prescribed medications...as terrible as this person's experience was, and to some degree continues to be, the worst part of it for me was that they confirmed the extent of the 'Ice' problem in Mt Gambier...

*I refer back to the extraordinary comments made by SAPol Supt Trevor Twilley on the front page of TBW, namely, that he 'knows people in senior positions in our community who are 'Ice' addicts'...this statement and the GG article have been hot topics of conversation about the town...people continue to say that they'd like Trev to 'fess-up on who all is our leading 'Ice' addicts, and just very recently I was bailed-up and regaled with tales of disappointment re "that bullshit Greenwood letter in TBW"...* 

In a slightly spooky coincidence, the circumstances leading to this conversation were almost identical to  someone 'recently' approaching me sayin' they recognised me, and reminding me that it was because they were a St Martins student around the time that "text-book grooming paedophile" (Flinders Child Protection Service) teacher Glyn Dorling was suddenly removed from St Martins (June long week-end 2002)...and that all the kids had talked about it at the time of his removal, kids across all grades, and for years after, and that it still occasionally came up amongst this person's group, some of whom were also former St Martins students, whenever a paedophile/child abuse story comes up in the media...

Former students still talking about it 12 years after the event...as much as I'd love to shove this right into the collective face of the Lutherans and all those whom have supported their cover-up at St Martins, eg, SAPol (police), former MP Rory McEwen, former Mayor/current Councillor Steve Perryman, et al, there is absolutely nothing to be celebrated here...it is an absolute disgrace that these people have acted in the manner that they have, and may God exist that they may rot in hell for it...and I understand this person never even had Glyn Dorling as a teacher, yet was fully aware of the issues with his behaviours, etc, back in 2002 and previous years...

Which continues to be a tumble-turn segue into the copies of 2 emails attached below, and how that relates to St Martins...I found these when sorting through some other stuff and was immediately dumped back into the unpleasant memories of yet more conflict and the ongoing confronting reality that the Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC) has formally chosen, in full knowledge of the facts, to participate in the St Martins Cover-up...I'd like to address these emails line for line and I reckon availees will probably have already spotted some of the things I'm likely to discuss, eg, the deliberately denigratory use of language combined with maximum lack of specific detail...artificially created but plausible lack of credibility and absolutely endless plausible deniability... 

There is a quite specific 'linguistic agenda' that is applied in these cases, and it is clearly a learned agenda...for example, the similarities between these 2 emails and the letters I received re my dealings with the Banana Lord and Club GoGo Bananas are well beyond coincidence...it's all about discrediting the 'whistle blower/reporter/whatevs' whilst vehemently denying whatevs allegation without actually naming it...slag-off the messenger, lie after lie, and deny, deny, deny...more tomorrow...

Tomorrow: Back To The Well Here We Go Again

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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