Monday, December 15, 2014

Who Do Ya' Believe? Part II

Hello Aotearoa (New Zealand), Indonesia. Singapore, and Finland...(all together now, 'Finland, Finland, Finland, a country where I quite want to be, pony-trekking or camping'...umm, etc-Ed)...thanks Ed for that brief Monty Python inspired musical interlude, and welcome y'all to the blog...just had a day-offish yesterday...(rubbish! you had the radio on all day listening to the ABC/BBC-Ed)...fair enough, calm down, a 'day-off' re doin' the blog...and still managed to achieve the best part of nuthin' other than some domestic chores, bitta gardening, etc...(how exciting-Ed)...indeed...also repeatedly had the pleasure of the company of the WIN TV advertisement for the 'free Lutheran promotion thingy' Xmas lunch at the Main Corner...(oh boy, here we go-Ed)...

Damn straight here we go...well, in a second, but firstly the Part IIing...yesterday's post was not a personal challenge to availees ala PM Tony Abbott's mimicry of former USofA President George W Bush, you know, the 'either you're with us or you're against us' bollockry...indeed, I have repeatedly cautioned availees...(albeit not recently-Ed)...that I may well be wrong about some stuff, and not least of all because I definitely miss stuff...I try hard, and I put my name to everything I do/say, and here t'is the result, ain't nuthin' but a Thang...

I'm only one person and can only do so much, and some days I do it better than others, but I'm always very careful to at least try to be accurate and truthful and informed and where possible, which is quite often, documentarially innoculated against a nasty attack of Inflammatory Defamation...(maaate, I'm lookin' at a big pile of threats of 'Defamation' and 'Criminal Defamation', and posts pulled because 'lawyers say it's defamation', etc, etc, and on top of that pile a receipt from SAPol for a laptop seized when your home was raided back in May 2014-Ed)...your point? if you have one...

(Mate, you don't need to be innoculated against nuthin', because in that context, because in this bizarre parallel Universe that is South Australia, then you are the rash, you are the Inflammatory Defamation-Ed)...what? for genuinely speaking what I truly believe to be the case, knowing full-well that continuing to speak out will be at great personal cost for I'll no doubt continue to be portrayed as the only genuine problem, and that continuing will potentially strip from me those few remnants it hasn't already stolen from my life?...(well, yes, for that, and probably with that outcome too, yeah-Ed)...great...

So when I whinge about how a bunch of gutless half-wits have yet again been denigrating me at a function, knowing whom these people are and that they wouldn't dare bloody front me with their sad, thin-lipped fear and loathing...(wow, don't blog angry-Ed), no, these people know whom they is and what they done say...and the points I make is thusly, 1) I don't think that everyone who goes to a soiree is a corrupt bastard, clearly that's just not the case, I talk about these things in terms that the majority of availees know exactly who, when, and what I'm referring to, and it ain't them...(and to those few availees whom are the li'l rascals involved in these shenanigans, well, howdy-Ed)...exactly...

And furthermore, which would be 2) for a raft of reasons, it is not thin-skinned of me as a self-declared politician to complain when a sad packa' wackers cut crook about me, because this character assassination stuff has been happening for over a decade, quite literally from the June long weekend 2002 when "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling was suddenly 'removed' from St Martins Lutheran School...I became a politician specifically to confront this relentless denigration of myself (and other parents) by senior politicians, eg, Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, etc, the Lutherans/St Martins, Council members and other alleged community leaders, etc, etc...

Warning: Very Rude Paragraph: No Apology, Just A Warning: When these people knowingly choose to attack myself and other parents in knowingly helping the Lutheran Church to cover-up the abuse of our children, then they shouldn't be all surprised and complainin' and such when by their actions they drive the usually JollyHairy ManPanda (what is sometimes referred to as the ManBear StuffPig), when that now very sad Panda (copyright South Park) finally goes off the reservation and onto this 'ere page in bloggin' their collective heads off and takin' a big steamin' bamboo doodoo dump right on the stump...right on it...(charming-Ed)...I warned ya'...

I note that several of these charmers failed to grace us with their presence at the Mayoral Election Forum back in October 2014...notable by their absence and cowards to a man...except for the women...who are also cowards but not men...

Getting back to my first point, and I re-iterate, every bloody Council cent spent on this crassly hypocritical Lutheran propagandafest is Ratepayers money, I don't care whether it's donated time/venue/whatevs, or who donates what/when/whatevs, I don't give a goddamn...(whilst of course still acknowledging those involved who do have genuine intent, and would likely be largely unawares of the issues raised in this 'ere blog-Ed)...yeah alright, alright...because every moment a lightbulb is on in that building, every canapé pushed outta' the $1m Commercial Kitchen, every secured second of every catered soiree accompanied by a burly man at the door, it's all being at least partly subsidised by Ratepayers, and in many contexts fully paid for by Ratepayers...(fair enough-Ed)...

(But the WIN TV advertising could be for free, that could be their self-stated support for this particular event, 'Proudy supported by WIN TV and Mt Gambier City Council'-Ed)...F*** Win TV!...(wow, woah, good thing we're on a 7 second delay...what's goin' on buddy?-Ed)...just quietly reminiscing about WIN TV's outrageous corruption of early March 2006...ran into this when sortin' paperwork...(oh yeah, when they put Rory on the Mt Gambier WIN TV News to attack you parents for confronting him 2 days earlier on the ABC Radio re his involvement in the St Martins case, then WIN TV flatly refusing to give parents a 'right of reply'-Ed)...not one word...

The Advertiser did the exact same thing in January 2005 only 3 days after we parents managed to get Adelaide's Channel 10 TV News (actually telecast outta' Melbourne) to run a story about St Martins, with interviews with disguised parents, blurred Principal John Alexander, etc, etc...The Advertiser ran a lengthy pro-Lutheran 'nuthin' to see here' article, and then despite months of lobbying from parents, flat-out refused to print one word more, let alone a response from's almost like the media in South Australia is wholly corrupted, wholly controlled, and wholly resolved to do exactly as it's told...(and shouldn't that be 'Proudly', with an 'l'?-Ed)...yeah it should but it ain't, that's what's on the ad, 'Proudy'...

Just for a laugh, which is indeed what I didn't do yesterday when this item dredged up in the well-spring that is the pile of paperwork beneath which my kitchen resides, I've included attached below a copy of The Advertiser article from Friday 7th January 2005...comin' up on a decade...(yay-Ed)...just yay... 

New Super Hero Group: designed to address the discrimination/bullying/whatevs suffered by Red-haired people...(dare I ask?-Ed)...what they're called? sure, they are The Power Rangas...(tell me you made that up-Ed)...indeed, just random attempts at humour...and new revelations re the donkey-meat substitute scandal across Europe, with claims that beef shipments were being unknowingly diverted and then replaced with horse meat, itself often stolen and replaced with donkey meat, itself often stolen...(stolen donkey meat? that's one hot piece of ass-Ed)...taboomtish...and immediately moving on to...

I'm Sure It's Just Me: but India's sudden batting collapse, losing 8 wickets in the last session of the First Cricket Test against Australia in Adelaide, a Test they looked poised to win easily, does that look at all dodgy?...(I can see how you might wonder that, what with all that gambling shenanigans and spot-betting shizzle-Ed)...indeed...and I was equally underwhelmed by the Football/Soccer result where the Western Sydney Wanderers were 1-nil up at one point well into the match, then on the next news break, had lost 3-1 with 2 late penalties against and only 9 players left after 2 send-offs...bollocks! I thought to myself, how dodgy does that sound?...

Didn't see either of these games, and at this point in my life, couldn't care less, but it's sport at the highest level. eg, the WSW thingy was some International Club Cup Thingy tournament whatevs, and so there in the news cycle, and bingo I ain't the only one who thinks it all stinks just a little bit because on comes the WSW coach and cuts crook about the pitch...(which did look atrociously water-logged-Ed)...whatevs, he was pitch-bitchin' a real beaut and then reeled off a coupla' not-so-polite suggestions about the capabilities of the refs...(fair to say he was not impressed-Ed)...not a happy camper, and I'd suggest, with good reason......

Speakin' of dodgy, thought the 'new' grey pavers in Mt Gambier's 'Main St' (Commercial St East/West) were complete crap?...(yes-Ed)...correct, but they ain't got not nuthin' on the shiny new pavers laid down in Hindley St in Adelaide, shiny being the operative word because they're slippery as all get out...(let me guess, pedestrians are fallin' all about and breakin' bits of themselves-Ed), way better than that, these are on the actual roadway, it's the cars that can't stand up, slidin' everywhere, and Council has had to reduce the speed limit to a crawl, and now they're looking to re-surface the new pavers...hilarious...

Tomorrow: Frackin' Unbelievable

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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