Saturday, December 27, 2014

YGTBSM Part II - Mt Gambier Hits The Skids

Hello Sweden, Ukraine, the USofA, and Aotearoa (New Zealand) and welcome to the blog...if you haven't yet read the attached article (below) as per yesterday's post, please do so now because I'm just gunna' get straight into it...(hoorah-Ed)...having said that, I'm not real sure where to start...(oh strewth-Ed)...well you've read it...(ok, fair enough, how's about start at the beginning and run through it all line for line,  for as long as it takes-Ed)...tally bally ho...

This article is such an old strategy, namely, present the things that are wholly wrong, acknowledge them, but then say that they're positives, regardless of the facts...(but that would be tantamount to lying-Ed)...indeed...and this letter is a litany of things that are wholly wrong with the completely corrupted Mt Gambier City Council and/or their relationship with The Border Watch, a litany gushingly presented as polished positives not appropriately appraised and dutifully denounced as the poisoned point of a very slippery slope...(man, mixed metaphor madness makes my mind melt-Ed) know what I mean...(but am still loathe to admit it-Ed)... 

Availees don't have to travel very far in this 'ere blog to find examples of where TBW is proven to have been extremely selective in whom they help "protest against any wrongdoing by various levels of government, government institutions or business."...(well in my experience they seem to spend a great deal more time 'protecting' rather than 'protesting against any'-Ed)...oh no that's fine, you use my line that I came up with yesterday when we were discussing this...(dude, mellow out, I'm a confected literary device remember? used thusly to create an atmosphere on the blog of engaging discussion rather than disgorging diatribe, and set up ya' piss-poor jokes for ya', etc, versus, mi versus man-Ed)...oh yeah... 

An Invitation To Judge: truly must be the most superfluous sentence ever addressed on this 'ere many times have I banged-on about the "great deal of responsibility" that TBW has as "the voice of the community"?...(17-Ed)...what?...(17 times you've dribbled-on about 'the community responsibility of TBW'-Ed)...17?, are you sure...(no I'm not sure, I just made that up to indicate that it's been quite a few times-Ed)...oh ok, it has been quite a few, but I re-iterate that it's a sad day when a mad blogger such as I may truly say they take the truth more seriously than the self described ""community watchdog""...(fair enough-Ed)...

And then tackling the ugly reality head-on re the almost incestuous relationship between TBW and Mt Gambier City Council, described as a positive, rammed home with this crap about 'giving civic service'...please, these people have chosen to do this, and almost exclusively in their own self-interests...(testify, all I've seen this Council do is give 'the civic' a thorough servicing-Ed)...nice...(yep, bend Ratepayers right over a big barrel chocka's fulla' rotten apples and...-Ed)...ok, ok, we get the idea...

(And the only clash I've ever witnessed between TBW and Council is when they accidentally bump snouts at the trough-Ed) nice...(and I don't know what this farcical nonsense is about some alleged conflict 100+ years ago, but I'm gunna' denounce it as being irrelevant bollocks anyway-Ed)...fair enough...and then off he goes again with an unsupported claim that TBW " has been the central figure in many clashes with Council"...just sayin' something doesn't make it real Graham, where's the many examples?...

(Well I'd argue that it's actually a true statement in that TBW has time and again placed itself squarely between Council and appropriate investigation of critical issues regarding their behaviour, that TBW is central to the orchestrated, institutionalised corruption on Mt Gambier City Council, corruption that is destroying the City-Ed) argument here champ...

(Mind if I jump in too with " It takes a village to raise a child"? it's not a bad time is it?-Ed)'s never a bad time to introduce the particular phrase of the purest hypocrisy that so conclusively defines this Council's corruption...that these clowns could be so wholly complicit in the cover-up of the abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School, and choose to profit by it in the manner that they have, and then run this 'Children's Charter' bullshit...and particularly as former Mayor Steve Perryman has, relentlessly defrauding the public purse via Insider Trading with his mate Frank Morello, manager of the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre...

And yes I'm talking to you Frank 'The Ghost' Morello, hilariously referred to in this article as "investigative journalist", you are yet another fine public figure who has chosen personal profit over proper conduct, who has chosen to help cover-up the St Martins Abuse case because it will further his career...and haven't you done well Frank, considering what a talentless hack you are, engaging in pro-paedophile corruption has clearly been very profitable for you..."investigative journalist", sweet baby cheeses, I've got more journalistic integrity in my left plum...

And it's all right there...'information suggesting that Councillors were involved in illegal, informal meetings'...(wasn't that back only 3-4 years ago when Crs Jim Maher and Penny Richardson lodged official complaint that certain Councillors were, indeed, meeting outside of the appropriate Committees, etc, to organise their little organisings and deal their little deals?-Ed)....absolutely, and I think that Cr Richardson's report/complaint is still officially 'suppressed'...(I know how it feels-Ed)...orrr diddums...but seriously, hello! this is a critical statement involving yet another unresolved issue of Council corruption supposedly addressed by TBW...

It's just empty rhetoric to state that TBW has been at the forefront of any attempt to hold MGC Council to account for anything...(dude, this entire article is an exercise in excusing Council of it's atrocious conduct, and simultaneously excusing TBW for their complicit behaviour-Ed)...the last bit about 'meeting budget' is yet another crassly incompetent attempt to redefine the reality of what this Council has done, and the facts are undeniable...

For Graham to state that Council/McShenanigans have done Ratepayers a favour with 'only a 6.1% Rate increase because of their fantastic budgetting' and have 'brought multiple projects in on budget', etc, Graham knows that is an outright lie the moment it hits the their 2013/14 Budget Council doubled their own borrowing capacity and then immediately grabbed and spent that $6million is a ludicrous nonsense to suggest that this is responsible budgetting...but to then say that this will 'open up the way to an indoor pool', well that's some truly offensive shizzle right there... 

This past Council (2010-2014) has driven the City into massive potentially irretrievable debt for flights of fancy and wanton whimsical waste and all but destroyed any hope Mt Gambier might have had of ever having an Indoor Aquatic Centre ...(it's like sayin' I want somethin' that's 100 bucks, so I'll borrow that $100 and then immediately spend it, and then say I've come in on budget because I've only spent every cent I borrowed-Ed)...beautifully put Ed...and for Graham to try and present this as anything but the corrupt catastrophe that it so clearly is for Mt Gambier, well, it is the comment that comments on itself really...

Then when one considers the multiple corruption issues and the raft of deceits and the dodgy nepotistic contract deals re the listed projects, it only highlights just how complicit TBW is in misrepresenting the related truths...(there's one place in Mt Gambier you will read the reality of what's happened on those projects and you're already there mofos, word up-Ed)...word up indeed...

And that article concluded with one last desperate attempt to smeer a thin veneer of credibility across the whole sorry mess and the alleged role of Super Mark in supposedly sorting it all out...(well I for one look forward to me and the rest of the 'pubic' being kept fully informed as to Council's version of the truth as regurgitated via TBW...but then properly addressed right here on this 'ere blog-Ed) and me both...

Tomorrow: I Love Ya' Tomorrow

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


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