Thursday, December 4, 2014

By Hook And By Crook

Hello United Kingdom, Germany, Aotearoa (New Zealand), and Canada and welcome to the blog...and howdy to ex-availees Turkey, Moldova, and anywheres else that I haven't picked-up that what's been chopped off the blog somehow...having some more weird shizzle happen with the blog, namely 40-50 most recent posts 'Google un-sharing' themselves...(themselves?-Ed)...well I'm not doin' it...(yeah, but the posts can't do it themselves either, someone must be doing it-Ed)...interesting point...

Well I don't reckon it's Google because they would just remove the posts as per the 10 thus far, so are you suggesting, given that only the blogger themselves can 'un-share' via this 'ere 'source computer', that someone is going onto the blog somehow and changing stuff? again?...(don't know, but it seems like it...does anyone have your passwords, etc?-Ed)...well SAPol have my laptop what they done seize back in May 2014 when they raided my home, repeatedly telling me "expect to be charged" for talking about Club GoGo Bananas and/or the Banana Lord...a ludicrous pseudo-charge left hangin' now for more than 6 months, and that directs me to probably have to avoid even naming the specific state Authority, hence the ludicrous pseudonym 'Banana Lord' stuff...

(Outrageously ludicrous...and didn't they say 'we don't need your password, we'll just hack it real easy', but you did give them your password anyways?-Ed)...yeah, but I changed it since...(yeah, but they could easily hack that, and using your own laptop, make the 'blog' itself think it's you and offer no resistance what-so-evs-Ed)...yeah, I was thinking that myself, and there's sometimes a 'there's another computer signed onto this network' notice thingy comes up when I sign-on...but even if that's the case, why are the 'availee viewing statistics' going up and down so wildly and sometimes backwards as well?...(no idea-Ed)...anyhoos...

Done Goin' Fishin': for triggers to fire-up this 'ere blog, but these days they're just jumpin' into the boat...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, researching the blog by manically monitoring media, etc, could be seen as effectively going looking (fishing) for things that suit and/or drive the dialogue that I'm producing here on this 'ere can be a fine line between research and justification, enlightenment or ideology...(dah I get it...ya' gotta' be careful to not gather, garner and ultimately regurgitate info because it supports what you feel/think/whatevs-Ed)...exactly...but the reality remains that just by doin' this 'ere blog, that multiple fishy issues are just scramblin' over the gunnals to get onto this li'l ship of fool...

So instead of scrambling about in the muddy shallows furiously guddling my way through life, I'm trying to kick-it back a wee bit on the grassy bank under the soothing shade of a convenient Coolabah...(once a jolly StuffPig guddled by a billabong-Ed)...stop that, stop that right now...(sorry-Ed)...I should think so...point being that that's a sortta' very long-winded apology, but in trying to sort out the paperwork stroll-through that has become my home, I'm constantly confronted by a bunch of stuff already covered on the blog, and at the same time stuff pouring outta' the media...

Ain't no-one here too proud...(don't look at me-Ed) say that I've slumped pretty much after the stress of the Mayoral shenanigans, heaped as it was onto the other stressors I already had airborne...and yesterday was a bad day and I just didn't want to be doing this blog stuff...and along comes today and away we go and that's the way it goes for me...basically I'm asking y'all ta' please cut me some slack thanks because I am trying to get this shizzle moving forward, and I don't have days off so much as days down...(neatly put sir-Ed)...ta...

For example, just the other evening I was sorting through The Border Watch articles, bills, etc, and of course the piles of St Martins Cover-up stuff...(yay-Ed)...indeed, and had the ABC Radio on when I wouldn't normally be listening, and thusly the distinct privilege of running into a gushing interview with former head of the Sow Strayn Dept of Planning, Transport, and Infrastructure Rod Hook...(oh gourd-Ed)...yes, quite...(wasn't he responsible for the bloody trams all up North Tce?-Ed)...yep, that's him...(and the Adelaide Oval?-Ed)...amongst a whole bunch of other things, oddly enough all in Adelaide, didn't hear Regional SA even mentioned...

(What? not even after you rang and asked them to acknowledge the financial disaster that selling the South East Forestry Estate was, and gave them the broad numbers, eg, immediate loss of $400million by under-selling at $670M, the loss of approx $110m annually as income from the SEFE, the monies needed to replace the wages and costs of Forstry SA , fire-fighting, etc, that came outta' that $110m, etc, etc?-Ed)...nope, not a word...(bloody typical-Ed)...

And Rod was lavish in praise of himself and his great mate former Labor Minister 'Part-time' Pat Conlon...(he whom went into political semi-retirement, returning to work (2012?) as a lawyer/consultant/whatevs whilst still an elected Member of SA Parliament?-Ed)...that be he...(and whom former Mt Gambier Member Rory McEwen stated to you was 'Terry' the paedophile politician at the centre of the Speaker Sacking Saga in 2005?-Ed)...well remembered was 10+ minutes of isn't everything great and how great am I and even stating 'I don't know where they (Labor) got the money from for the Oval or got everyone to agree to it, but they did and it was great'...which is why I rang...

And on it all goes, eg, 1) The Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission has gone to a Yoga retreat/cult/ashram/whatevs in New South Wales to investigate terrible abuses from the 1980s and the perpetrator died 15 years ago, but the CARC ain't coming to Mt Gambier to look at the current and ongoing cover-up of Child Abuse at St Martins Lutheran School...which was followed shortly after by 2) a report re the gross abuses committed by Maurice Van Ryn, former head of Bega Cheese (NSW) in a case with sickening similarities to the Mt Gambier/St Martins case, where it appears senior members of the community have been protecting and supporting him...(committed another assault/rape whilst out on bail and then received bail 

Keep Sayin' Cheese: people 'cos 1) apparently Asia and in particular China is super keen to get their laughin' gear wrapped around some rolled gold Aussie protein, and the latest Free Trade Agreement with China will ensure plenty of our dairy headed that whey, I mean way...(nice-Ed)...and 2) it's apparently far more nutritionally functional to eat Fermented Bovine Lactose Extract than drink it...(whaaa?-Ed)...BLE is simply milk, and FBLE fermented milk products, eg, cheese and yoghurt...(fascinating-Ed)'s claimed that the fermenting process changes the proteins or whatevs in ways that make them far easier for the body to absord and utilise for bones, etc, than just plain milk...

And 3) it's smiles all 'round as European Union leaders strike an agreement to lower emissions from coal-fired power stations, etc, largely off the back of the deal announced between the USofA and China just prior to the agreement which is 4) binding...(shall I put a 'taboomtish' here to indicate that last bit was a joke about the constipational occupational hazard of consuming excessive cheesiness?-Ed)...probably best...

Higher Education Fails: to get the nod in Federal Parliament, well at least the 'privatisation' of Ozzie universities has failed to pass, but that hasn't stopped Minister Christopher Pyne from stating that it will happen inevitably because it's just like so important...and there's my mate Treasurer Joe Hockey stating that it's other people's fault that they won't talk to him about ongoing Budget issues...(oh boy-Ed)...nah, come on, 'Smokin' Joe invited all them Cross-benchers and other jolly japesters to come on down to his office and agree with him...

(Well exactly, sarcastically well said... it's pretty trite to state repeatedly, as Joe has, that he'll never give-up on any aspect of this Budget, never surrender, etc, and then say that he's happy to negotiate with intelligent people so long as they agree completely with him, etc, directly inferring that if you disagree in any way then you're an idiot, and then turn around and blame others for not wanting to talk to him-Ed)...exactly ya'self...

(Furthermore, these 2 main issues, the $7 GP Co-payment and Uni privatisation, were not even mentioned going into the September 2013 Federal Election, and the Liberals have broken so many promises since that no-one believes what they say now believes you Joey mate-Ed)...he can't hear you...(can't, or won't?-Ed)...and speaking of political jokes, look out, here comes the South East Cabinet, whatta' shreckin' joke...supposedly, Sow Strayn Parliament will do 3 more 'Country Cabinet' sessions in 2015, and Mt Gambier just might be on the list...might be...(here? really? how exciting, be still my pounding heart-Ed)...settle down...

Hooray: news that the latest $2m, 24 bed 4 modular accommodation unit (like in mining camps) expansion at the Mt Gambier Gaol is nearly ready, bringing the gaol's capacity to 333 inmates, with 8 surge beds...and the latestish  84 bed expansion is nearly complete, following the 108 bed expansion in August 2013...and further great news that 'there will now be proper consideration given as to how best to deal with the surging inmate numbers' off the back of Labor's ludicrous Rack 'Em, Stack 'Em policy...(hang on, if they've just tripled the size of the Mt Gambier Gaol in the last 18 months, and that's happened before they've properly considered an ongoing problem, how many further expansions for the gaol here?-Ed) grateful for the jobs mate...(shreck me-Ed)...

Also On The News: this morn that the first solar panels of $73,000 worth are being installed on the roof of the library, supposedly to provide 1/4 of the library's energy needs, saving 18% per annum on costs...(but wasn't the Tender for 80kws?-Ed)...yeah, it looks like some people got one Tender and others another...(again?! wasn't that the ludicrous solar lights around the Blue Lake thing?-Ed)...yeah, both, that was one company allowed to submit 2 Tenders and Council tried to accept the lower and then 'negotiate' afterwards toward the higher...(wow, how dodgy is that-Ed)...just another raft of dodgy Tenders from a dodgy Council that seems not so much bureaucratically incompetent as allergic to appropriate process...   

Tomorrow: Release The Frackin'

The sordid tale of a mighty drooling beast of corruption, filth, and dis-ease looming over a poor rural community...the horror...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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