Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dealin' With My Own Stuff

Hello Fiji, Denmark, South Africa and Aotearoa (New Zealand) and welcome all to the blog...and I'm not going to apologise for not apologising for missing yet another post...another day of sitting down to the keyboard and just looking at it and not wanting to be there (here)* and turning it off again and spending much of the day dozing on the couch and not much else...I don't apologise for not coping particularly well at the moment and my genuine commitment to at least continue forward with the blog is constantly hampered by the realities I find myself not so much involved as embroiled in...           (*Post script apology - that ain't a 'suicidey' declaration or anthin', that's just a literal depiction about not wanting to be sitting at the computer and going through it all again today thanks very much)

(And sometimes doin' the blog is personally cathartic and sometimes it has some small effect or outcome elsewhere, but in all ways it's often about being emotionally, psychologically, and then ultimately physically dragged kicking outta' the fire and into the embroiler-Ed), Ed, you do listen, and well put too sir...(listen? didn't know I had a choice...I've just heard it over and over...whinge, bleat, bloody belly achin' and moanin', bangin' on and on-Ed)...ok ok, fair enough, but don't just criticise me for speakin' out about this shizzle, show me where I'm wrong and I'll apologise for that and get on with the rest...

(Ah, the perfect hand well played sir, because you know that I know that you know that I know damn well that if any of what you keep screechin' about here in this 'ere blog, if any of it were not true, if it were not so thoroughly provable and therefore defendable in a shreckin' Court, even in a South Australian Court, you'd have had at least one if not some if not all of these clowns bring their oft promised Defamation Circus to your li'l  town and pitch their tents and toss their threats and hoist an actual case up the massive stack of empty promises they've hurled at you thus far-Ed)...absolutely...

Segues To This: brief reminder that it's now 7 months since 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives very sortta' politely visited (7th May 2014) then raided my home (8th May) telling me that I should "expect to be charged" for apparently talking about a, if not the, major Sow Strayn 'legal' Authority supposedly doing what it's supposedly supposed to do and then concluding that with positive and glowing outcomes for all concerned...but it ain't about me...except of course only those bits that is all clearly quite about me...(what it is to be special-Ed)...and that when I went to get legal advice about this Club GoGo Bananas/the Banana Lord stuff, and after I pointed it out, said legal advice had to write to the Big Banana asking for permission, written permission, to be allowed to even talk to me, about something I hadn't even been charged with...

And I've been advised that I shouldn't reveal my strugglings and stressings and the associated physical manifestations...(he means dozing on the couch-Ed)...for example, because by discussin' my suff'rin' I'm supposedly givin' succour to those whom would gladly see me suffer...and suffer I do and yet here I am...and furthermore, I find myself in the conundrummy position of being in receipt of good news, but am not at liberty to divulge/discuss/whatevs because it ain't specifically my shizzle...(not even a clue?-Ed)...I've mentioned it in the blog previous...(ok, hilarious, 650+ posts, each of them bangin' on all over the shop about a range of issues...what about a real clue?-Ed)...sorry, just ain't mine to day maybe, hopefully soon...(ok ok-Ed)...

Point being that it knocked me flat, again, but instead of by trauma and/or anger and/or whatevs, it was more like being deflated by a sudden release of's a fair reminder that I'm functioning largely on anger rather than inspiration...and aside from my own shizzle was the terrible news of another Country Fire Service volunteer being struck and killed by a fellow CFS worker in another unit truck...this collision occurred on the same stretch of road and only 20 kms from where 4 members of the one family were killed last week, and follows the death of another CFS volunteer back in October...

For What It's Worth: I'd reckon that on the last day of the Adelaide Cricket Test (currently day 3 of 5) that there should be a least one minute of reflective silence for these 2 CFS volunteers and their families, etc...much has been made of the death of cricketer Philip Hughes, and it's undoubtedly a tragic accident that obviously has shocked many people, but I find myself pushed inevitably toward the collective who find the response to Mr Hughes's death to be inappropriately over-the-top...

Again, I have no professional credentials, but just personally I think this 'over-reaction' is a bit of a 'release valve' for some of the pent-up emotions in a society feeling so bludgeoned and traumatised by relentless footage of airstrikes and bombings and beheadings and water-boarding and Climate Doom and personal debt and perpetual impending unemployment, etc, is just such a sudden and fundamentally pointless and unfair loss for Phillip's family and friends, team-mates and even opponents, etc, and given his relatively high profile as an Aussie cricketer his death also reaches to the wider cricket community, players and supporters alike, and beyond that to many who don't give a hoot about cricket...     

So Sue Me Some More: because apparently Labor Minister 'Neon' Leon Bignell's now former partner Sandra De Poi...(whom apparently was/is/whatevs the current/former/whatevs partner of Neon's Personal Assistant/Advisor/whatevs-Ed)...deadset?..(that's what I read-Ed)...fair enough, well she's 'suing for defamation' (or at least threatening to) re her collectively corrupt behaviour as a Director of WorkCover and a company receiving nearly $6million in WorkCover contracts...(and also that dressin' up as a Family First polling booth volunteer at the March 2010 State Election and handin' out deliberately false 'How To Vote' flyers fraudulently directing FF preferences to Labor rather than the Liberals as was FF intention-Ed)...yeah yeah, that's her...

Well apparently she's havin' a go at suing the Liberals, The Advertiser/News Limited, Bullwinkle the Moose, and whatevs that lives on the Dark Side Of The Moon...(whaaa?-Ed)...she's havin' a go at pretty much everyone and everything for sayin' pretty much exactly what she has done...(bit more info please-Ed) was an article from The Advertiser that I've referenced when covering this, perhaps the specific one that Sandra is whingin' about, and to that end have included it attached at this end, again (*no I haven't, can't find it - sorry*)'s just so sad it's hilarious that when held under the spotlight of scrutiny that Ms De Poi would scuttle for the shelter of 'defamation'...(ah, so you reckon that she'll get this and then go after others whom have repeated these scurrilous truths?-Ed)...nuthin' would surprise me at this stage... 

Taking The Shirt Off Ya' Front:...(oo oo, hows about 'Causing A Short Affront'?-Ed)...nice...we are of course referring to the Australian National Dictionary Centre's word of the year for 2014, 'shirt-front', as used by PM Tony Abbott recently to describe how he was going to negotiate with Russia's Vladimir Putin...(ironic really?-Ed) so?...(well The Mad Monks Foreign Policy strategies include assaulting unsuspecting World Leaders front on via their shirts, whilst his Budget is furiously floundering so he's looking to go around the Senate, behind Democracy's back if you will, looking to take the shirt off the backs of many Australians-Ed)...well it's far easier to do all that "heavy lifting" that we all need to do according to the PM, if we're all unencumbered by shirts...(ah yes, I see his can be so restrictive-Ed)...oh for the love of gourd, put it back on, no-one needs to see that...(I'm too sexy for my clothes, too sexy for my...-Ed)...enough!'ll frighten the animals...

To Russia With Love: 2 things, namely 1) can't believe that I'm explaining/apologising for Tones, but when I first heard him say this 'shirt-front' thingy I immediately thought that he's just gotten hold of a term from a code of football (the AFL) that he...(a Rugger man-Ed)...a Rugby man doesn't understand to describe what he was going to do when he met Vladimir Putin, namely, 'tackle him head-on on the issue', 'not shy from confronting him', etc...unfortunately 'shirt-front' almost invariably involves an aggressor causing physical harm to a relatively vulnerable opponent often unawares they are about to get violently assaulted...

Just for the record, and I ain't no lawyer, but any contact sport of the nature of Gridiron, Aussie Rules (AFL), Rugby, etc, is a Contract of 'mutually agreed assault' because it infers/covers the guaranteed heavy physical contacts and resultant injuries that are part of these games...just sayin'...and 2) it could have been so much worse had PM Tones got his 'liftings' and his 'frontings' confused when verbosely chastising the V-Lad...(I'm very much hoping that's a scythingly insightful application of humour utilising the otherwise highly abusive term 'shirt-lifter' as used to describe a gay man, used here in a context where it is a critical reference to Russia's relatively conservative views on homosexuality, etc...please tell me it was that-Ed)...ummm, yes?...

Go David Hicks: the youngish Aussie who was a former guest of the USofA's Guantanamoa Bay, held in detention for over 6 years without charge or trial, and whom pleaded guilty to a charge that doesn't actually exist under Australian, USofA, or any International law, pleading guilty just to get outta' there...last evening he attended the Humanitarian Awards and confronted Liberal Senator George Brandis, whom bravely left...I don't condone anything Hicks did, but his treatment as an alleged prisoner of war, and the abject failure of the John Howard Liberal government to act re his welfare, are all manifestly unacceptable...

In closing, thanks again for all of the support I have received around and/or since the Mayoral contest, etc, and to all availees thanks for your patience and persistence and support as I work back to a better place, hopefully not at the expense of your time in reading this...cheers...

Tomorrow: The Frackin' Sets Sail

Apologies for pushing this post yet again. but it's a full post to cover the implications of Frackin' and sinkholes and seismic activity and Wind Turbines and the local Geology and how it all relates to one another...(strewth, fair enough-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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