Monday, December 29, 2014

The Years In Review

Hello and welcome to a cheatish sortta' post, but very much on the recent theme of what the media has and hasn't done in reporting the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...been trawling through the boxes and piles of mixed documents, newspaper clippings, etc, and continue to find stuff that in many cases I would have preferred to remain forgotten, not least of all because none of it should even exist to be able to be forgotten...(ain't that the truth you'd rather didn't exist as well-Ed)...indeed...

I've re-attached the The Border Watch front page and article from the 'Country Cabinet' held in Mt Gambier in May 2005, followed by the heavily edited portion of the long and detailed reply that I prepared with some other parents...and the related ABC Local Radio item as they provided to me...and finally, the next TBW article in the 'series'...this last piece was just weeks before the March 2006 State Election.

I note that it has been a defining factor of Rory McEwen's relationship with The Border Watch that he gets carte-blanche to attack us, deny and/or repeatedly lie without accountability re his own actions, and that this has continued across multiple articles re St Martins and every other issue that The Border Watch has helped Rory McEwen cover-up...I look forward to any opportunity either may care to provide me to prove this point, oh no, wait, I've already bloody done it with this 'ere shreckin' post...(yeeha, I love it when you're correct angry, because there's no anger like righteous anger-Ed)...

Please, further note the clear indicators here-in that we parents did everything we could to try and get authorities to appropriately address and resolve the St Martins Child Abuse issue, that we organised SAPol (police) involvement and that of Flinders Child Protection Services, and went to our then local state Member (alleged Independent) Rory McEwen, whom promised to help us but then betrayed us...and we then organised the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor hearing (March 2003-November 2004) that corruptly exonerated teacher Glyn Dorling...we were also responsible for lobbying Peter Lewis to get up and say what he did...and we only engaged 'on-air/in print' with the media as a last resort...

Can't speak entirely for other parents, but I believe it's fair to say that some minor approaches were made by parents to local media at various stages in 2002-04, but that we were refused because it was allegedly 'so and/or too sensitive'...parents obviously weren't keen to expose our kids anymore than necessary, and were struggling with the abject refusal of SAPol to investigate, etc, and just let it slide until left virtually no option by the extraordinary corruption witnessed in TBW on 5th May 2005, as attached...

This is typical of how TBW betrays the people of Mt Gambier...knowing full well the absolute corruption and lies evident in Rory's statements, TBW gives him front page to attack us parents, and then prints that without even contacting us for our version of's typical, text-book orchestrated support for the corruption...identify the undeniable, "Cover-up claim", cast doubt on the credibility of the messenger as being  "controversial...rebel...controversial...embroiled in controversy", etc, all in the first few the claim but shame the claimer, and then Rory gets his go to attack Peter Lewis...and before we even get off the front page it's gone from "Cover-up claim" to our local Member of Parliament Rory McEwen attacking the parents themselves...

And that attack by Rory is 100% about helping the Lutherans and Labor and SAPol, et al, cover-up the abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins in 2002...

TRB then leaves us parents to scramble after them and Rory, trying to address the multiple lies and direct allegations against us, and Rory ultimately is not held to account for one single word of it...(thick as thievin' shreckin' thieves-Ed)...and that's it right there isn't it, it's a mutually profitable relationship...why The Border Watch would be so keen to help Rory help the Lutherans cover-up the abuse of children remains a question I'm sure they'll never answer...

I further note that, similar to the media stuff, it was years into the St Martins Cover-up before parents went into any sort of legal action against St Martins/the Lutherans/Glyn Dorling, basically when each and every other avenue of official redress had been exhausted, eg, SAPol failed to even interview Dorling then have lied about it ever since, the TRB/CSO wholly corruptly exonerated Dorling, etc, etc...everything parents have done re the media and/or legal actions defines the template for this 'ere blog, now nearly 2 years old, namely, desperate measures at the end of the tether after all else have conspired to fail...

Because there's a lot here, I'll Part II it Tomorrow, and also a brief synopsis of a discussion I had sortta' recently with a young person whom explained to me just how much 'Ice' is available/being sold/dealt in Mt Gambier, and how it related to their ongoing recovery from their own addiction...and they're still late teens...

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