Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Blog Day Afternoon

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and/or goodnight Macedonia (FYROM), Hong Kong, Venezuela, and Lithuania, the USofA, Russia, Germany, France, the UK, Ukraine, China, Poland, Turkey, Moldova, Singapore, Costa Rica, et al...and welcome one and all to the blog...apologise for missing post yesterday, but I had a very, very long day yesterday, including mucho time consumed trawling through old grounds for/with someone whom had requested a detailed explanation of what had happened re the often featured St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up from 2002 after reading about it on this 'ere blog...(makes for a very long day-Ed)...indeed, didn't sleep too well last night, sorry, this morning...I don't apologise for being literally dazed today by yesterday, it was tough going...

And this after a morning (yesterday) of airwaves laden with that pro-paedophile champ, our former local state Member Rory McEwen promoting the Ulysses Motorcycle Club Toy Run to be held today...and that following on from multiple references this week to how fantastic the Lutherans are, stuff I'll have to do a separate post for this of the critical players in the St Martins Cover-up, it's always a delight to hear/see/whatevs Rory has to say, but it's particularly gratifying to hear him on the ABC Local Radio yet again bangin' on with such unblinking hypocrisy as he and his mates Stan Thompson and/or Stuart Stansfield discuss Rory's great work with/for the kiddies...2 months ago(?) it was the Ryder-Cheshire Foundation, and this week it's the Toy Run...

There's only so much anger that a man can bear before it bears him...that is, a man can only in so many ways carry only so much before it turns on him and carries him away, and so, if these people like Ulysses and Ryder-Cheshire are happy to have this stinkin' pro-paedophile shreck-pig Rory McEwen as their front man then they can and must expect that angry men will send themselves to stroll amongst you with respect and control but vengeance at heart, and with their role to play to drag kicking and screaming into the cold hard light of day the sickening reality of what Rory has done...

(So you're going along then? I had wondered if you were going to go and say howdy to your bestie Rory...I know that you struggle with doing anything deliberately confrontational, even with Rory, particularly in such an inappropriate context as a Toy Run, but I get your point that he should be confronted re his screeching hypocrisy and history of corruptly protecting paedophiles...personally, I find it hard to believe, given the length and breadth of his pro-paedophile corruption, that Rory isn't a paedophile himself-Ed) and everyone else reading the blog...but thankyou for talking me down off the ledge Ed by politely reminding me that there is a time and a place and the middle of a Toy Run just ain't it...  

But here-in lies the crux, the crucible, the Creator of all that's so desperately wrong with South Australia and in particular Mt lies a definitive study in how paedophiles run our society...despite what he has done, the betrayal of children and parents at St Martins and the ultimate betrayal of all kids and families across the state by cementing the control of other pro-paedophile vested interests, Rory is happy to promote himself via his mates at an entirely corrupted ABC Radio, an ABC whom themselves are intimately aware of the reality of Rory's corruption and criminality...

And not one word about the reality that they are all complicit in, covering-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old children at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier...

Just Farcical: that in the Fisher By-election (to replace deceased Member Bob Such) Labor are yet again running a Labor-stooge candidate as an 'Independent'...and that vacuous Labor stooge and serial apologist alleged Professor Clem McIntyre and The Advertiser et al are pouring credibility into this clown's campaign and paying brief if any lip-service to the reality of his history...check it for yourselves, he's come from the Crown Solicitor, that bastion of institutionalised corruption in Sow Straya, was a former Labor member and staffer, etc...100% Rolled Gold Labor Stooge...Independent my left plum... 

And I'm The Crazy One: In the middle of the largest Pine Plantation in the Southern Planetsphere section of the arse end of Nowheresville...(wow-Ed)...outta' my way...(hey, come on, don't blog angry now-Ed)...sorry, fair enough...but in the middle of a massive but shrinking due to the clear-felling of the South East Forestry Estate by 141Plantations for export via Portland forest of Pine Trees...breath, the middle of that and during a global financial meltdown and savaging of state and/or Federal funding for Council's, Mt Gambier City Council have gone to Melbourne to buy a fake 6m high Christmas tree and placed it right outside the Main Corner...(dare I ask?-Ed)...$20,000...(sweet baby cheeses...good thing it's only Ratepayer's money-Ed)...well exactly...

With everything going on, it's $20,000 for a freakin' fake Xmas tree, and bought from Melbourne...(and I was just reading in TBW where Council's Denise Richardson reckons this is just the start of purchasing many new decorations, etc, for Council to tart-up the town-Ed)...omg...(oh indeed-Ed)...

Further apologies that it's a bittuva' 'cut and paste' post anyway, but I don't know how else to cover this stuff thoroughly without doing so...thank me for not attaching all of the pro Council and/or pro-The Border Watch crap that was pouring through TBW leading up to the November 2014 Local Government one TBW there was 6-7 pages of how great Council is and what great work they do, etc...(I noticed that that 'feature' didn't feature the senior department heads or Councillors themselves, but had the mid-upper level bureaucrats (no offense intended)-Ed)...indeed...and a bunch of stuff self-praising about how great TBW's own 'Cadet Journalists' are because they have the guidance, wisdom, and mighty penmanship of Graham Greenwood to guide and inspire them...

Anyhoos, please find attached 2 articles and then I'll come back to them in a dot-point synopsis post later today, effectively one very long post across the whole day...cheers...

Laters: What I Just Said, Don't You Listen?

(Don't start with me champ-Ed)...alright, alright, cool ya' jets, just jokin', sorry, tryin' to take the edge off a rather angry post...(fair enough, not a lotta' humour in any a' that today, but that's not your fault-Ed)...ta...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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