Friday, December 26, 2014

You've Got To Be Skidding Me

Hello and welcome to this Boxing Day post for 2014, wishing your Xmas was what you'd hoped and that all are well and safe on this the 10th anniversary of the Tsunami that devastated large areas of coastline across many countries in the South-West Pacific...recently saw some of a story attributing the ending of the vicious 'civil/separatists' conflict in Banda Aceh to the massive devastation caused to that island...elsewhere families are still being re-united or claiming the remains of loved ones whom they couldn't afford to retrieve previously...and Christmas itself was the 40th since Cyclone Tracy flattened Darwin (Northern Territory)...

I mention these only to acknowledge the grief and loss of those involved, even 40 years later, and how this may relate to any other grief or loss issues that can become so prevalent in the Xmas season when family, etc, are being touted as the be-all and end-all of everything...I can appreciate that it's an unnecessary pressure that many really don't need and that the season may be less than festive for many reasons...for example, I spent it alone, as indeed I spend the vast majority of my time, just another day feeling apart from not a part of the community that constantly tells me how friendly and welcoming and supportive it is...

Really can't blame people whom choose to live their lives in ignorance, given what I've experienced of reality in the last few years, of living in South Australia, of existing in Mt Gambier, because fear of the unknown sure as heck beats fear of the known...I live my life aware that I have pretty much become not so much the bearer of as the actual Poisoned Chalice, and I cannot envisage ever choosing to involve someone else in that, let alone someone I like...(dude, lighten up, you've had ya' moments-Ed)...yeah, yeah I have (insert one 'dirty great ManBear StuffPig, grinning like a Chipmunk on acid, cheesy smirk' here)...(there ya' go ya' ol' bugger, cheer up-Ed)...

Ok, ok, but that is a very separate issue to the daily concerns that I have for my personal safety, largely as a result of the rank, institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that is clearly evident in the conduct of Sow Strayn Parliament and SAPol (the police) re the St Martin's Cover-up, a cover-up only possible with the complicit corruption of compliant silence from the media...what the shreck is South Australia that a parent seeking appropriate action for the abuses committed against their child and dozens of others comes to fear for their safety at the hands of police and/or other state authorities?...

Even as I type, news coverage of the latest attempts by the entirely Fascist Labor state government to bury civil opposition to anything with a new round of draconian Censorship Laws to ban filming and/or distribution and/or reporting, etc...and this is exactly the sort of laws that get introduced to shut down moronic loose units with angry blogging tendencies..(and we all know at least one, yeah?-Ed)...I've got my hand up...this first attempt has apparently just been defeated, but Labor will undoubtedly have another go...(what's ya' beef? it's only Fascism-Ed)... 

And I'm an unapologetic pacifist, but today's comments from Catholic Pope Whatevs, holding forth about the terrible exploitation of children and the sins of other religions, etc, etc, got me in the mood for a good ol' down home Pope-slappin'...(wow, the Catholics chastising others for abusing/exploiting children, shreck me-Ed)...indeed, what a screaming hypocrisy from an institution that clearly revolves around if not actually exists to perpetuate paedophilia...(and this farcical bullshit following on from the recent attempts to excuse they're collective, institutionalised paedophilia and the cover-up of that paedophilia, by blaming it on 'celibacy'-Ed)...pricks...

Not A Word Of A Lie: that it's not unusually me politely bailin' people up and sayin', 'did you see that latest crock of pro-Council nonsense from Graham Greenwood in The Border Watch?'...(true, I've heard you say that, often-Ed)...clearly not often enough because he's still goin'...but anyhoos, this time I've had people buttonhole me, saying 'have you seen this bullshit?'...this is partly because I hadn't seen this article from TBW Friday 19th December 2014, until Tuesday 23rd because I was stuck home, downed by a rooted knee...

Caught the bus the other day and found it more painful than driving 'cos ya' get chucked about all over the place and I made the mistake of standing up before the bus had stopped and gotta' thorough 'wrenching' fa' me troubles...basically they (them knees) just really hurt whatevs I'm doing so it's just suck it up as best possible and get shizzle done in the exact same context...driving really hurts because of the seated/leg pressing clutch shizzle. and I just can't hold the clutch down for long, so lots of 'neutralling', but it's still way better than being stuck...but I digress...    

Everything about this GG/TBW article screams the reality-denying sentence behind it's actual words...(and that sentence is?-Ed)...'TBW is completely independent from Council, but we still know exactly what's going on because we're talking to them now'...(nice sentence-Ed)...ta', it's not mine, but I like it...(ya' know, with all this rampant self-promotion from TBW across recent weeks, it's almost like they're trying to address some sort of 'identity crisis' and/or a massive, almost hemorrhagic loss of credibility-Ed)...not with you sir...

(Well, there's been tons of stuff about 'our cadet reporters are as good as if not better than actual tertiary qualified, credentialled journalists because we've got that doyen of journalism, that font of integrity, Graham Greenwood to show them how it's done'-Ed)...yeah, that's patently ridiculous, but hardly surprising that they'd try to praise-up their own and/or try, albeit failingly, to excuse the gross lack of professionalism, gross incompetence, and deeply compromised agenda that defines The Border Watch's  coverage of local issues...(my point exactly, it's all about self-interest and denying the empty reality-Ed)...still not with you...

(Combine that with all of the usual pro-Council misrepresentation of Council meetings, excusing the conduct of Councillors, relentlessly regurgitating the lies about the Rail Lands, conveniently ignoring the rank corruption re the Main Corner and the Library and the Old Hospital Demolition, etc, etc-Ed)...and of course the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(well that's an issue, sure, but sticking strictly to the more mainstream Council corruption, the rank Nepotism, the lies, etc, etc, and that The Border Watch has acted wholly and wantonly in collusion with Mt Gambier City Council and the vested interests running it-Ed)...

Well hang on, what about that $344,000 that it was alleged that former CEO Greg Muller 'misappropriated' from the Main Corner Project thing in the last months of his tenure (mid-late 2011)?...that was on the front page of TBW...(yeah, but who raised that claim and where?-Ed)...ummm, I reckon it was Cr Penny Richardson in a Council meeting late 2011, early 2012...(exactly, and TBW did what?-Ed)...well they reported it on the front page...(yeah, but reported what?-Ed)...ahhh, I see now, I get it, sorry, bit slow today after a long day off for Xmas...(away ya' go then-Ed)...

TBW reported that this claim had been made, acknowledged that those monies had been accessed and allegedly spent, and then immediately tried to dismiss and excuse that unauthorised access and alleged expenditure by listing off a series of ludicrous alleged last-minute costs like Earthquake/Window Insurance and Fire Rating...(ahahaa hahahahhhaa aha haa aaa, never get tired of hearing that one, 'Window Insurance', ahhh classic...but even then what?-Ed)...but even then those ludicrously lame excuses only added up to less than a third of the missing $344,000, I believe it was approx $130,000...(exactly, so what's the overall agenda of this 'coverage'?-Ed)...

Well overall, the agenda was clearly to address that which could not be ignored or denied, and then excuse it regardless, in yet another rankly corrupt distortion of the truth...(precisely-Ed)...and I'll say it yet again, and concurrently re-iterate that I say it repeatedly without challenge or 'defamation threat' or the posts being 'pulled', etc, that CEO Greg Muller misappropriated/defrauded/stole, whatevs you bloody want to call it...(well actually I prefer 'defrauded' because that's the word that best officially describes the official corruption represented by this theft-Ed)...okey dokes, defrauded it is, $344,000...

Because this has blown-out a bit already, I'll finish here with the article itself and join ya's all;

Tomorrow: YGTBS Part II

(I don't get it, what's the title thingy? what's goin' on with that then?-Ed)...oh it's just re-working GG's hilarious play on words re CEO Mark McShane's name, 'leaves his mark'...(oh I get it now, nice-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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