Wednesday, December 24, 2014

These Are The People In Ya' Neighbourhood

Hello Taiwan, the USofA, Cambodia, and Ireland, and welcome to the blog for this Wednesday 24th December 2014, Christmas Eve...apologies for no post yesterday, but was in and out all day shufffling about and didn't get back until the blog has just dumped most of 'this' post rather than save it...can't help feeling that there's someone else somewhere else on this 'ere blog trying to delete stuff as I try to write/post...

Went for a little test drive last evening and found that now the swelling has subsided after my li'l shunting early last week, the 'knackered knee working the clutch' thing is actually less uncomfortable driving than travelling on the public's I'm effectively mobilish again...('mobilish'?-Ed)...coppin' merry heck re the knees this fine morn and won't be drivin' anywheres I absolutely don't have to...(ah and ahhhh-Ed)...indeed and anyhoos...

It would be a rolled gold, first-class, first world whinge binge to complain that I may have to catch a taxi 'cos my operably restorable albeit very sore knee means I can't drive my car very far from my home, and it doesn't best suit my immediate want and/or need that the public bus doesn't run correctly such that I can't get conveniently to the supermarket just aways over there to purchase enough food to get me through the 4 days ahead sans 'pubic' transport...seriously though, 4 days ahead without transport for those who have no other options...(how are people going to get to the Ratepayer funded Lutheran promotional lunch tomorrow at the Main Corner then?-Ed)...dunno, walk? taxi? spread their wings and fly my pretties?...

Not A Word Of A Lie: that just today I ran into someone I sortta' know at the supermarket, and due to their mobility issues, was happy to acquiesce to their request for a lift home via the bottleshop for some 'Xmas cheer'...I asked them how they were gettin' to the Lutheran lunch, and the response was 'walk, can't afford anything else'...

(That's a bit spooky too that bit, because today's post is actually brought to you by the letters W, T, and F, 'walk, taxi, fly'-Ed), that is a bit spooky, but it's not where I was goin' with this post, namely, a respectful representation of the various public dissertations that I have been subjected to re recent reportage of certain issues...(waaah?-Ed)'s what peoples been done sayin' to me of late re some  issues, as best summed-up by the letters W, T, and F, in that order, all bunched-up together, WTF-style...    

The Words On The Street: following the Channel 7 Today Tonight program's 'Ice' story re Mt Gambier, all start with today's letters W, T, and F, namely WTF that 1) the SAPol (police) Superintendent Trevor Twilley, senior SAPol officer for the South-East, has been on the front page of the local newspaper The Border Watch 2 weeks ago (previous post), stating that he knows 'high-profile' local people whom are 'Ice' addicts...everybody wants to know who are they Trevor?...who are the 'senior' locals using/addicted to 'Ice'?...are they working in Council, for example, or are they Politicians? in Law Enforcement? Health? is a senior local surgeon, for example, an 'Ice' addict?'s about in the Judiciary?...Transport?'s about Aviation?...where to stop?...(these are the people in ya' neighbourhood-Ed)...well quite...

And WTF 2) that Trevor would make these comments basically sandwiched between conflicting statements that there's no problems with 'Ice' in Mt Gambier...(well actually, I reckon he said 'no worse than anywhere else'-Ed)...fair enough, so it's a major problem elsewhere, but not here, but here we're the same as elsewhere?...(yeahhh, doesn't sound so good-Ed)...come on Trevor, who are the high-ranking 'Ice' users/addicts in our neighbourhood? are we safe from these people?...

(And have these people all been charged and appeared in local Court and given Criminal Records for pitiful Possession offenses, as would happen with any normal person whom comes into contact with police re 'Ice' use and/or other minor possession offenses?-Ed) idea, but I understand that recently a 'senior' local person has had their Sexual Assault (and/or Child Abuse) case moved away from Mt Gambier because everyone will know them, they won't get a fair hearing, etc...

And I'm going to say it because there's plenty a' people sayin' basically the same thing, but I'm repeating it with no sense of humour given that there's nothing funny about 'Ice' addiction...Supt Twilley's statement opens up a massive black-hole of community vulnerability that pours credence into otherwise seethingly scythingly cynical comments about the behaviours of various local Authorities, eg, 'Council must be on Crack to have made that decision', etc...I'd be surprised if availees of this 'ere blog haven't heard and/or thought similar...

All very limited joking aside, but are there people affected by the wholly consuming drug 'Ice' making crucial decisions in and/or about our community?...which statement from SAPol is to be believed?...I've heard similar dismissals re attempted child abductions, paedophiles related to the Mt Gambier Gaol, crime rates, etc, etc...(orrr yeah, what's all that bullshit about 'a drop in crime statistics'?...the bloody station isn't open half the time and there are many sexual assault and/or domestic violence and/or other violent crime issues that simply aren't being reported and/or charges don't get laid, etc-Ed)...indeed...

Global Warming: my arse because the morning news services are showing Australia-wide blizzards for Christmas and Boxing Days...(sorry what?-Ed)...oh yeah, temperatures plunging into the -30C, here look...(that's a 'dash' you eediot, not a 'minus' says 14C minimum up to a maximum of 30C, '14 - 30', not 14 with a minimum of -30-Ed)...well that would make more sense...(wouldn't it though?-Ed)...

Yet More Gaol Expansions: for the Mt Gambier Gaol as scurrillously announced by Labor's spineless Corrections Minister Tony Piccolo via the Mid-Year Budget Forecast and Adelaide ABC public consultation, no warning, not nuthin', just here's another 170 inmates...and the sly, deceitful way that it's been drip-fed to the community, even in that ABC interview...(he couldn't lie straight in bed-Ed)...indeed, announcing a 112 bed expansion for Mt Gambier and then talking about another 150 'immediate' beds to be found across the state, quickly listing off where those beds will be, including 39 in Mt Gambier...and that on top of 20 announced last week...

Mt Gambier isn't at risk of turning from a 'Mill Town' into a 'Prison Town', it's a done deal...(yay-Ed)...

It is absolutely indicative of the wholesale immorality and untrustworthiness of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government...can't even do a Gaol Expansion announcement, an expansion locals are powerless to stop, can't do that without trying to be deceitful...(it's like they're so completely programmed to be deceitful, so at home in their lies that functioning without deceit is beyond them to the extent that they have to create one where otherwise it doesn't exist-Ed), I agree, they clearly don't feel comfortable unless lying, they are so confronted and discomforted by the truth, any truth, because it is such an alien environment for them...

And this following Premier Jay Weatherill's  soul-less effort earlier this week on ABC Radio in which he dismissed concerns about the multiple Child Abuse issues flooding SA as 'better reporting' because reportees/victims/whatevs "are more likely to be believed these days", stated outright that 'you can't blame politicians or public servants', then started in on how it's all 'bad parents', and slid away from questions about improved funding with lies about what Labor have done/spent...(whatta' scumbag-Ed)...absolutely...more tomorrow...

In Closing: even after stealing the $550million (that's accrued public money) from the Motor Accident Commission fund, and with the delays to the new Adelaide Hospital reducing current Budget costs, and an extra approx $50m per year in GST (Goods and Services Tax), etc, Labor has still managed to deliver a new record deficit but continue blaming the Liberals state and federal, including for stuff that happened over a decade ago...(pathetic-Ed)...  

Tomorrow: TATPIYN Part II - The Border Watch

A Graham Greenwood Xmas Special...(orrr, is that the one about how great Council CEO Mighty Mark McShenanigans is?-Ed)...that's the one...(classic GG-ed)...ain't it though...(classic TBW attempt to redefine their own history and reality-Ed)...absolutely...and I don't even have to bring the humour, because it's all provided...(really?-Ed)...yeah, Gray Gray refers to Frank 'The Ghost' Morello as an "investigative journalist"...(aaahhaahahhah ahhahaahaa aaaaaaclassic-Ed)...and that ain't even the best bit...(no, no more please, I need to pee already, I'll bloody wet myself-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters and a very merry Christmas, Xmas, Day Off, whatevs to all availees...

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