Saturday, December 13, 2014

Who Do Ya' Believe? Nah, Seriously, Who?

Hello and welcome to the blog y'all...and pushin' the Frackin' Part II stuff because of the issue that has dominated the news cycle locally...(you've already covered the ludicrous junket to China 'announced' by new Mayor Andrew Lee-Ed) no, it's the 'Ice' issue that has repeatedly been on the front page of The Border Watch and/or on the ABC Local Radio...but first...

In My Own Defense: because I wasn't there to defend put to me recently, I was yet again the first, second and third discourse amongst certain functionaries at a local function...(nice-Ed)...and said local luminaries were in their li'l greenhouse, dining out at my expense, chowing down on flingin' stones about who I apparently am and how I conduct myself...(so about you and/or this 'ere blog, but not about what you've clearly exposed about the rank corruption that is destroying Mt Gambier, eg, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, the extraordinary conduct of Mt Gambier City Council and the even more extraordinary official exoneration of it?-Ed)...pretty much...

I understand that there was minoritive factual referencing on the way to majoritive character flensing, but yes, about me, not about what I'm saying, other than to briefly dismiss it on the way to the stoning...(should be a good one today, local boy-SSFLOB)...where SSFLOB is the Stone Seller From Life Of Brian...and I do feel sorry for these people because they're so important and so busy and so happy and such upstanding community contributors and so on and so forth, they're all just such good citizens, and yet when presented with the reality they fetch forth the pitchforks and spark up the barbie for a good ol' fashion down home hippy roast...anyhoos...

Paedophilia In The Catholic Church Is A Moving Experience:...well at least that's if you're a paedophile priest caught out for their abuses...(I don't know whether to chastise you for making a 'paedophilia joke', or applaud you for the scythingly insightful wit-Ed) both, passion is not always beautiful and nor, therefore, is art, particularly the sarcastic political art of the angry bastard...I completely reject the latest bilious attempt by the Catholic Church to divert attention away from the reality of what they are, a business effectively run for and/or by paedophiles...

Now it's a whole raft of bollocks about how it's the 'celibacy' stuff that's the problem, and lack of Sex Education for nominee priests, and the cloistered environment, etc, etc, and how that can lead to aberrant behaviours like Sexual Assault...but the main tenet of this latest statement from the Catholics is based on the issue of 'celibacy'...(powerful stuff that celibacy-Ed)...indeed...(because it's forced the Catholic Church to move priests from diocese to diocese whilst attacking victims and their families via corrupted police investigations and Court hearings, and set-up It's/their property portfolio as a separate entity so as to protect those assets from victims seeking compensation, etc, etc-Ed)...powerful stuff that celibacy...

Furious joking aside, this latest announcement/concession by the Catholics is a vacuously transparent attempt to focus the blame for the abuse on the individual and distract from the reality that this is an organised agenda, organised from the top shift the focus away from those responsible with a view to denying their culpability in running this set-up...but I digress...  

Gotta' say straight off that what I know about 'Ice' is via other people's experiences as explained to me, eg, the young guys I met 5-6 years ago whilst doing Work For The Dole stuff at the Valley Lake, etc, what's in the media, etc...I didn't even watch much of Breaking Bad, didn't like it much...I've been very upfront about the very chequered history behind me before I even moved to Mt Gambier...(hang on, hang on, I've got it here somewherrrrrre here 'tis, classic, and I quote, "a drug-fuelled egomanic rampage", and unquote-Ed)...but I've never tried 'Ice' and couldn't say with any authority at all what does and doesn't happen re the drug in Mt Gambier...

(But you do hear stuff-Ed)...well yes, I just said that...(and people tell you stuff whether you want to know or not-Ed)...again, sometimes, but it's still not my direct experience, so that's technically all still hearsay...(but that doesn't hold ya' back when talking about other stuff on this 'ere blog-Ed)...well yeah it does, there's heaps of stuff that I don't put on the blog because it's something someone else has alleged without any proof, whether I believe them or not...(fair enough-Ed)...and/or I can't discuss it without exposing the 'teller', etc...

Anyhoos, as per previous recent posts, there's been heaps of often contradictory commentary in the local media about the 'Ice problem', one day it's a scourge, the next it's 'nuthin' to see here', and there's currently a murder trial involving a $50,000+ 'Ice' debt and allegations flyin' about about bikies being involved, and one gang undercutting another or something, etc, etc, and a lot of it's been in TBW, etc...and then on Wednesday there were apparently local SAPol raids of the Hells Angels and/or people associated, again in TBW Thursday...but I was just stunned with Friday's front page...(ummm, weren't the bikies mentioned re the trial Gypsy Jokers and The Finks, but these raids were of the Hells Angels?-Ed)...I can only tell you what was in TBW, on the ABC, etc...

But what I can say is that local senior SAPol officer Superintendent Trevor Twilley has been prominent with various workshops/forums/whatevs re the 'Ice problem', but has been equally prominent hosing down the issue as relatively minor...then Friday's headline (12th December 2014) is, Icy grip takes hold -Social class no barrier to methamphetamine addiction...with a quote from Super Twilley, "I certainly know of some well-respected community leaders from within our community who are addicted to ice."...(sorry what?-Ed) heard....and this is following the Channel 7 Today Tonight feature that referred to Mt Gambier as Sow Straya's 'Ice Capital'...but apparently that's not true either...

Because it's just so confusing I've added the article below, and more tomorrow...

"A Righteous Deed" Dude: says renowned surfin' legend Kim Yong-un as the North Korean government/Security Services surfed the Interweb right into SONY and hung a big fat ten on it, right on it, by hacking their computers, etc, and releasing a bunch of stuff about stuff...(and SONY are stuffed as a result?-Ed)...vast amounts of staff personal documents and/or customers stuff...(staff stuff?-Ed)...including the CEO's emails bagging-out various stars and/or the apparently dreadful movie that caused the NK to drop in on SONY...(I didn't even know that young Kim was a surfer?-Ed)...orrr yeah, in North Korea he's World everything...

Tomorrow: I'm Still Confused

And we haven't even got to tomorrow yet...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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