Saturday, December 20, 2014

50 Shades Of Rooted

(I'm very much hoping that title refers to ya' knees and/or something similar-Ed)...yeah, you know it does...felt reasonably, relatively good at dawn this morn and went to boldly stroll where this man has strode many times before, namely the park, and got halfway there and was thinkin' 'this was a parkin' stupid idea' usual pain management regime just ain't cuttin' it...spent most of yesterday either standing up or lying down...sitting just hurts and so excuse rushed post...

Hello Lithuania, Brazil, Luxembourg, and Ireland, and welcome to the blog...and yet another attempt to tidy-up a few loose ends, namely some recent Wind Turbine and/or Fracking stuff...and a quick correction that I used 'brevity' instead of 'levity' in the last blog...looked at it 5 times and knew there was something not right, even did spell check...may have also previously used 'sectarian' instead of 'secular' and vice versa...apologies but sometimes a half day doin' the blog and ya start to read in errors without actually seeing them...

Pubic Consultation In My Own Defense: please find attached below 2 Editorials from The Border Watch (2005) I found whilst sortin' paperwork, where-in both refer to "pubic" issues...this also answers further Ms Joan Tremelling's TBW letter that I covered the other day re when/what happened at the May 2005 Country Cabinet...(and highlights the disgraceful ongoing shreck-around with the pubic bus service and pubic Mental Health service provision-Ed)'re gunna' do that all the time now aren't ya'?...(well the pubic have a right to know-Ed)...stop it...

Also some 'TMGI Blog' stuff, eg, several times recently the 'another computer on this network has this address' notification has come up...(could that be your laptop, currently proceeding in a "seized" direction, subject to the tender machinations of SAPol what done confiscate it back in May 2014?-Ed)...and told me to my face that they didn't need the password because they could "just hack it"? that laptop? gourd knows...also had 50-60 posts 'un-share' themselves off Google, again, so's I had to go through and spend 10 mins 're-sharing'...

Also also, on 'Referring Sites' continue to have various Facebook referral sites on 'Now', 'Day', 'Week', and 'Month', but then nuthin' at all for 'All Time'...and vice versa with one site called 'Topblogstories' that is a series of dating/cheating/webcam/porn sites featuring constantly in 'All Time' but not appearing at all in the other 4 sections...(does Blogspot lease advertising space?-Ed)...dunno, wouldn't think it likely...not porn and such anyway...      

In the last few days there have been a series of horrendous events across the globe that have devastated whole communities...I wouldn't know where to start trying to even understand let alone discuss most of it, but I continue to be very challenged by the sometimes almost voyeuristic saturation media frenzy that kicks-off the moment anything happens locally, with relatively little coverage of similar major events overseas...perhaps it's just my very negative experiences with media that make me a cynical observer on such issues...

There is one the United Kingdom news broke (yesterday) that police are investigating a Paedophile Ring dating back 30+ years involving senior military, police, politicians, etc, and allegedly involves the death of 3 boys, including the disappearance of a 15 year old boy who was the son of an Australian chauffeur at the Australian Embassy...I'm not going to get into it here, but I also note that SAPol (SA Police) have officially dismissed the recent revelations of a property in South Australia's mid-North being used to house children for members of a paedophile ring who would often fly in/fly out...know who I believe, and just for the record, it ain't SAPol...

Y'all will excuse me if that after the deliberate disaster that is the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the abject refusal of SAPol to investigate, eg, not even interviewing teacher Glyn Dorling, who had already been 'removed' by the Lutherans, and the subsequent attacks on parents by SAPol, Rory McEwen, et al, given that SAPol is a main and unrepentant player in the cover-up at St Martins, then y'all please excuse my quite fathomable contempt for pretty much anything SAPol has to say about Child Abuse...(fair enough-Ed)...

Prof Simon Chapman Is A Rolled-Gold Moron: apologies that I was going to cover some other Wind Turbine issues today (yesterday), eg, another Turbine fire (in Nicaragua maybe?) but just on the ABC Radio (yesterday), news that the Waubra Foundation (effectively an Anti-Turbine group focussing on health issues re Wind Turbines) has had it's 'Charities Status' revoked by the Australian Charities Commission (ACNC) on the grounds that they (WF) don't meet whatevs criteria as a 'Health Charity'...

Due to the relative lack of research and the resultant very vague nature of the 'Health Issues' re the whole 'Health Issues' issue, it is not my favs aspect re Wind Turbines, but I have met people who claim to have left their homes, etc, and I fully support the idea that multiple massive whistling, screeching, grinding, swooshing, Turbines and resultant changes in air pressure 'down-wind' of  Turbine Estate, and/or subsonic sound, etc, etc, could and likely would cause many problems, eg, interruption of sleep leading to other health complications...

Waubra is a small West-Victorian town with nearby 120 Turbines, and the WF is organised by (Dr) Sarah Laurie...look out, and on comes alleged Prof Simon Chapman...(orrr, not that arse-Ed)...Ed! language please...(nah, sod 'im, he's an abusive moron and how he was gifted the title of 'Professor' is a profound and perpetual mystery highlighted by just what an opinionated yet vacuous git he really is-Ed)...probably does a blog...(probably...shreckin' idiot-Ed)...he was on the ABC/BBC Radio recently bangin' on about E-cigarrettes and the Tobacco Industry conspiracy to use them to recruit a new generation of tobacco/cigarette addicts...

(And off he goes, stating as fact his entirely untested, unproven bullshit about 'Nocebo Effect', apparently the opposite to a 'placebo', in that if a person is told 'you will be exposed and it will make you ill', then that person is likely to get ill-Ed)...yeah, and then completely scuppers his own position by stating at the end that 'this appears to be what's at work'...(ah well, if he's proven beyond a scientific doubt-shadow via a series of peer-reviewed controlled experiments across a large number of locations, seasons and/or conditions, etc, it's just fine to make a series of statements of fact immediately followed by the disclaimer that 'it appears to be what's at work'-Ed)...overly sarcastic for my liking, but you're right...he's done no actual research, ain't even a doctor, he's giving his opinion on his own opinion...can ya' get any further from scientific?...

Apparently the Greens Party complained to the ACNC, and they (ACNC) and the National Health and Medical Research Council (HHMRC) reckon there's no reliable evidence/research to support the 'Health' claims re Charities and health promotion...(but that's exactly what it is isn't it? they, the WF, are trying to educate people to the fact that there are those who claim to have suffered negative health issues, and that this is compounded by the fact that there has been an abject failure to appropriately test these noise/pressure issues before just whacking-up massive Turbine towers right on top of people's homes, properties, etc-Ed)...exactly Ed...

Right about here I've dumped several paragraphs of discourse from the interview, might be on the ABC Local Radio Interweb site, but basically it looks like the Greens Party complained to the ACNC about the 'Health Charity' status stuff, and citing the lack of proof either way re Turbines and negative health outcomes, the ACNC has cut WF loose...

And that's the fundamental hilarity of what is being said here by Simmo and the ACNC and the NHMRC and various pro-Turbine advocates like the Clean Energy Council and the various Turbine companies, namely, the evidence doesn't exist that there's a 'Health Issues' problem, therefore, no problem...whereas science teaches us...(that this is bullshit-Ed)...hold on...whereas science teaches us that science is about rigorous and where possible exhaustive testing to disprove that which could disprove the thusly proven...(exactly-Ed)...ya' can't say 'we haven't done the testing so therefore it isn't'...(well you can if you're Prof Marsh, the NHMRC, etc-Ed)...hilarious...

Insert Disclaimer Here: because I ain't no rock boffin or aqua doctor or man of dirt learnin', but I can read books about Karst systems and the fractured, flawed nature of Limestone environments and the subsequent tendency to substantial subsidence, etc, and the Geothermal/Volcanic nature of the region and I direct availees to texts on these subjects and I promise a full Frackin' post,

Tomorrow: Attackin' Frickin' Frackin'

(Crackin'-Ed)...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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