Sunday, November 30, 2014

Well Frack Me

Profusest apologies one and all for missing post yesterday, and that'll mean this one plus one this arvo...sorry, had a bit of a shocker after being ill for several days...some sortta low-grade food-poisoning/bug thingy I reckon...didn't eat for 36hrs...(which is a long time for a large, angry hippy-Ed)...indeed...and then yesterday misplaced some documents I wanted to use for the post and spent nearly 3 hours sieving through paperwork trying to find them...

Had the whole thing half-sorted a few months back, but now it's once again a hectic mess of letters, newspaper clippings, documents, etc, etc...and my recycling crap is everywhere but that's a different renders the whole 'doing the blog as a self-imposed job' thingy a bit like a duck at the moment...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, I'm going flat-out under the page whilst on it I seem to be just strolling along, casually occasionally dropping by...(fair enough-Ed)...

Anyhoos, sat down on the couch 'bout 2100hrs last night and went 'forget that'...knew they were 'mis-filed' somewhere but no idea where...started afresh this morning and bingo, within 10 minutes found those documents, etc, neatly 'mis-filed', and please find some attached below, minus the extra letters mentioned there-in...I'll do this stuff also this arvo when looking at the Fracking stuff...

When news that the Sow Strayn state parliament was gunna' have a Fracking Inquiry in the Natural Resources Committee...(as pushed by Mt Gambier Member Troy Bell-Ed)...indeed, well I was taken with a sudden rush of complete indifference...(what with your personal experience of SA parliamentary inquiries?-Ed)...exactly...and a brief researching has revealed that which confirms my rampant apathy about the announcement of said Frackin' Inquiry, a NRC loaded with Labor Members, with Presiding Member Labor's Steph Key...(oh gourd-Ed)...exactly...

Please note that the information provided to Ms Key in her role as the Minister for Social Justice was that the Lutheran Church was knowingly covering-up the abuse of a class of grade 2 (7 year old) children at St Martins Lutheran School, and attacking us parents as part of that cover-up...Ms Key then repeatedly tells me/parents to go back to the Lutherans...this is Social Justice SA style, 'go to the people abusing you and ask them to investigate their own corruption and find in your favour'...

I wrote back re-iterating the position in my first letter and pointing out that in the limited correspondence I had received from the Lutherans it states that teacher Glyn Dorling had "resigned", and there is no mention what-so-ever of any alleged 'counselling' being offered anywhere...Ms Keys eventually just hand-balled it to then Police Minister Kevin Foley...(hooray for her, just another senior Labor Minister who is entirely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...find me one who isn't...(ummm-Ed)...

This Arvo: Some Mo' Frackin'

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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