Thursday, November 20, 2014

FIFASR Part III - Plowing Ahead Regardless

Hello Ireland, Indonesia. Nepal and Ukraine, and welcome one and all to the blog...apologies for missing another day but I won't bore you again with my 'off-blog' shizzle any more than is necessary to address the issues covered in this 'ere blog...further apols for recently getting so bogged down in my own shizzle here on this 'ere blog to the detriment of other issues, eg Wind Turbines, but I would argue it is by necessity because this is just stuff that must be addressed and it's just that it's happenin' to/around me...(fair enough-Ed)...I can only promise that I'm trying and that that's just the way it is sometimes, sortta' plowing ahead regardless a bit, cheers...

I realise that the last few posts have slipped somewhat into self-excusatory whinging on more than one occasion and I'm pretty sure that we're there again, but whilst others continue to promote me as the only real problem, as the only issue, then 1) the actual issues continue, and 2) so do I...(nice-Ed)...and there's a time and a place that I'll call now, where being genuinely grateful for existing on the poverty line as a Housing Trust tenant on the Disability Support Pension somewhat loses it's lustre and the genuine reality of my situation closes in...but before I kick-off on a monumental whinge 'bout perrtty murch ev'rythan', these random bits...(wow, great intro, nice on that long did you?-Ed)...'bout as long as it takes to say 'get stuffed'...(fair enough-Ed)...  

Random Cut-offs: and no, we're not talking the odd pair of denim hotpants, but 1) the very odd timing on the ABC/BBC? Radio replay of the ABC TV's Insiders program, and during a discussion about 'terrorist-funding',  a guest(?) was partway through his statement 'íf you want to fund terrorism, then buy petrol' when an announcer suddenly cut-in and the radio program went elsewhere...could have been purely coincidence but it was one shreck of a coincidence..(were those comments referring to financial support from various oil producing nations whom we call 'allies', support for various groups we in the West simultaneously describe as 'terrorist' ?-Ed)...yes Ed, I think they were...

Cut-off 2) is just an insight into how my often schoolboy level of humour manifests itself, namely, when switching off the radio mid radio-play, the young lady's line went 'as I got out of the car, he held me gently by the ar...' straight away I just instinctively went 's'...didn't think it, it just was...I mean, it's clearly going to be 'arm', he's obviously held her by the arm, but I much prefer the hilarious mind picture I've conjured with my version of a young lady alighting from a vehicle as her young gentleman suitor politely requests she remain by gently grabbing a buttock with just enough pressure to indicate restraint, restraint both by the suitor and of the sort?...(where-in 'sort' is slang often used for an attractive woman, a 'good sort'-Ed)...thanks for explaining that...anyway, I thought it was funny that as she was getting out of the car, he held her gently by the arse...butt moving on..

The Two Greatest Catches Never Taken: were in the cricket game last night South Africa vs Australia when on consecutive balls the same SA fielder 1) dived backwards over the boundary, bunting the ball back into play, whilst in mid air 4-5 feet over the boundary...if he'd been on the field proper it would have been an extraordinary catch he'd have easily ball he ran and dived forward to catch the ball in one hand in another extraordinary piece of fielding, but the bowler had 'no-balled' (basically a foot foul), therefore that ball/delivery was deemed not legitimate and therefore the catch did not count...2 extraordinary catches that didn't count as such...

Feedback:  I was pleasantly shocked when someone recently congratulated me on getting (only) 70 votes in the Local Government Election...waiting for the punchline...but it never came, they were genuine...(that's 3 people in a week-Ed)...and that's just how it rolls and so roll I and sometimes if you don't roll with the flow you're just gunna' get rolled...(well I was going to say 'ya' gunna get royally shrecked-up', but rolled 'll do-Ed)...yes well quite...

And sure, much of my 'Mental Health issues' stuff is stuff I brought with me to Mt Gambier from childhood as such, and I've discussed this stuff in previous posts, eg, 'Self Esteem: The Issue I'd Love To Have', but then again it is my experience that Mt Gambier has a certain stifling, crushing depression about it...and having experienced the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, and a life of vilification, isolation, bigotry, and discrimination in a City that constantly tells me how welcoming and understanding it is, well, that's not my experience is one of Pariahtisation, isolation, being shut-out and judged, and a deep and abiding depression...

And a lot of it is me but it ain't all just me, 'cos although I've only really lived in Adelaide and Mt Gambier, others assure me that there's a certain something goin' on in Mt Gambier that just ain't right, a certain sense of defeat and resignation and depression...I know what I've been told, and I know better what I've seen, and I've lived what I've lived as covered in this 'ere blog...I refer back to the most recent post and the stuff about 'vexatious litigants', and how in contrast I feel that me having a whinge about some of this stuff seems like an obligation to be embraced, not a choice to be apologised for...(fair enough-Ed)...

Of course it is mostly me but also not about me but made about me so as to distract from what it is about...(you bloody hippy...where waffle meets poetry yet again...there are clearly things about you that make you stand out in any crowd, and to a degree you have brought much of this on yourself, but the vast majority of what is happening 'to you' is as a result of others actions in seeking to make you the problem, eg, to hide the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...beautifully encapsulated sir....

I recently turned 48...(aha, yeah, of course, 'cos on the Chinese calendar 'round about November every 60 years it's Scorpio Fire-Horse season-Ed)...indeed, and that right there is not the template that I have chosen to live my life by, there-in lies the coincidental definition that best explains who I am and why I behave the way I do...(yeah...ManBear StuffPig Scorpio Fire-Horse-Ed) ya' reckon that you could say that with a little more of the 'self-deprecating flippancy' and a little less of the 'condemnitive finality'? could ya' do that for me?...(sorry champ, ain't nuthin' but a...-Ed)...I know, I know, ain't nuthin' but a Thang...

Death Pit Of Stupidity: aka the $700,000 drainage pond on the Rail Lands site, evaporates like a mofo...(well what d'ya' expect? it's on uncovered concrete pit with minimum 2 foot a' concrete permanently's a massive concrete heat sump-Ed)...indeed...went past there nearly 2 weeks ago just after the hot days and the water level was 4-6 inches below the 'overflow parapet' thingy..(didn't they recently originally fill it up from the tap only the day before it rained and therefore overflowed into the 'rock-pool' drainage pit thingy bit at that end?-Ed)...correct, and after only a few warm days the level had dropped markedly...went past 2 days later and it was full rain, but full again...

What's it going to be like in high Summer when it's 40C+ for a week at a time and the water, chockers full of the pollution washed in off the neighbouring roads, duck crap, etc, is effectively cooking in a giant stagnant concrete pot? and how much evaporation?...(and it's already deadly dangerous when as full as possible, 6 foot deep with a sheer 2 foot concrete face above that just to get back to actual ground's a bloody death-trap-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, but remember, it's only money...(only money spent on a ridiculously needless, polluted, disease-ridden death trap-Ed)...well quite...

This is unfortunately one of the lesser problems that the incoming Council has been lumbered with by the previous...(and half the incoming is the previous-Ed)...I know, I know, it's an unmitigated disaster that is merely a continuance of the unmitigated disaster that proceeded it...a lesser problem amongst many others will be how to that keep that Death Pit 1) safe, 2) full, 3) clean, and 4) do these things is going to require constant cleaning, topping-up, etc, and hangin' over all of that the risk of drowning created by the fact it even exists, a risk massively exacerbated by the extraordinarily dangerous design...

It's All About Context: said Liberal Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull on the ABC about the ABC...(whoa man-Ed)...when he casually explained away PM Tony Abbott's rank deceit (just prior to the Federal Election September 2013) of "there will be no cuts to the ABC or SBS" followed of course now by the announcement of $50million per annum cuts to the ABC...according to Malcolm, it's not that the Mad Abbott lied through his teeth, again, oh no no, it's that we whom were lied to have failed to pull apart various
comments from various people and put them back together in the correct context so as to explain why Tony Abbott's outright lie isn't an outright lie...(I knew it was my fault, I knew my darling Tony wouldn't lie to me-Ed)...oh dear gourd...

More Fracking Context: as the Sow Strayn Liberal Opposition get up, or the Greens did, or they both did, I'm a bit confused, a Fracking inquiry, or some such...(I reckon the Libs knocked back the original Greens (Party) Upper House Motion for a Fracking Inquiry and chose instead to try for an Inquiry in the Lower House where it was destined to fail due to the numbers, and instead now the Greens have re-lodged their Motion more in line with Liberal desires/designs, and that has passed the Legislative Council (UH) easily (15-6?) with Liberal and Crossbenches support...I think that's what happened-Ed)...cheers...

However, this Inquiry is focussed on the South East but apparently won't be doing that by accessing the extensive evidence of Aquifer contamination, Methane pollution at well-head, seismic disturbances due to the Fracking-about with the various strata by pumping tons of toxic, largely untested chemicals underground to effect the 'fracking', etc, etc...(but how can they look at the effects of Fracking, in particular the resultant problems, if they don't look at where it's already been done?-Ed)...more tomorrow...

Mt Gambier's Liberal Member the Right 'Orrible Troy Bell says 'fantastic' that there's this Inquiry by/in the Natural Resources Committee, it's the "best option"...(well he would say that, wouldn't he? he's been opposed to Fracking right from the off and promised an Inquiry in his campaign for the March 2014 State Election, a promise he's repeatedly repeated since...oh right, yes-Ed)...quite finished?...he's been vocally opposed to Fracking,...well carefully cautious and quietly questioning in the politically politest possible way, but I'm gunna call it opposed...

And no surprise that of that 15-6, 'local' Labor MLC Kyam Maher was a sixer, and as identified by Mr Bell, alleged Independents Martin Hamilton-Smith and Geoff Brock went with Labor in the House of Representatives (LH)...(ahhh, Messrs Hamilton, Smythe and Brock, turning out some of the finest coats by order of the Parliament-Ed)...ahhh, professional 'Coat-turns'...(well did you know the term is actually 'Turn-coat' as derived from the original Medieval Ye Olde Englishe phrase 'lying, betraying bastards'-Ed) Ed, what you don't know...(indeed, and what I don't know I make up-Ed)....cheers...

Tomorrow: More Fracking And Wind Turbines

 I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...yet more cheers and laters...

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