Sunday, November 16, 2014

FIFA Services Rendered

Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog and profusest apologies for just not posting in the last coupla' days, I have no problems admitting that I'm forcing myself to struggle to give a damn...(sorry, what?-Ed)...I'm trying to let go a bit and 'move on' from havin' the trauma in my life run my life, and as cathartic and therapeutic as doin' this 'ere blog can be personally, this being driven/obsessed to post daily bullshizzle is just that, I'm trying to force myself to not give a damn quite so's much, largely for the sake of my own health, mental and physical...(fair enough-Ed)...

And in doing that it's a long way back with the inevitable over-compensation required to take me to a place where I struggle to care about giving a damn, not struggle with damned caring as a given...(dude, lighten up-Ed)...that's exactly what I am doing with this 'ere blog, lightening my oft self-imposed load of stress and anger, etc, and as previously identified, doin' this 'ere, it blog gives and it takes...(and that in itself is taken as a given-Ed)...exactly...

So hello to Pueto Rico, Singapore, France, and Ukraine...and hello to Turkey which came back for 2 days after 5-6 weeks 'absence' and Moldova which also featured daily then just stopped about 2 months idea...also, scared the shizzle outta' myself when discovered the 'history' bit where it says what sites you've looked at, etc, and up came 'heffernan pipe-bomb', and I momentarily thought 'crap, someone's put bomb thingys on my computer', but it was from months ago (6+?) when Senator Bill Heffernan went into parliament with a fake pipe-bomb to highlight problems with security...I must have looked it up at the time...

Lost - A Mayor In There: don't ask me what's happening because I don't know, but a week after the Local Government Elections closed (Saturday 7th November) and there's still no sign of our illustrious new leader...(didn't the ABC read out a message, something about how he'd only do a statement once the numbers were finally crunched-Ed)...norrrr, what is it with you and the Crunch? ooo there's a little bit of Crunch...(shut it-Ed)...yes, sorry, yes you're right, he did apparently state that to the ABC Local Radio...

I've been at multiple Mt Gambier City Council meetings across several years, and whilst Councillor Andrew Lee (now Mayor-elect) has repeatedly been subjected to completely inappropriate and clearly rascist disrespect from Cr 'Muttering' Des Mutton, a rascism that was repeatedly allowed/supported by outgoing Mayor Steve Perryman, Lee has himself been shown to have a very poor understanding of procedure, aside from the many times he has remained in the Chamber and voted on issues he had a direct Conflict of Interest with, eg, the Main Corner, liquor licenses, etc...a behaviour ecaserbated by the few occasions that he has declared a COI and left the Chamber...none of which gets reported in the local media...

Which segues beautifully into the fricking 'Dorothy Dixer' Fracking interviews that the ABC ran again this week with Jason Kuchel of SACOME (the SA Chamber of Mining and Energy),and my bestie Beach Energy's Reg Nelson, and a coupla' other bozzos who's names I didn't catch, but all of whom were adamant that there's been Natural Gas Extraction in the South East for over 30 years and that there's never been a single problem, not no contamination, not nuffin'...(but 'natural extraction' is a completely different process to Fracking, we've been through this before, and even if we hadn't it's so immediately obvious that to state otherwise would be a fundamental ignorance...that or a shrecking lie-Ed)...

I'll take Box no.2 thanks Ed...(and congratulations, you've won a trip to exactly where you are already, because the Fracking is coming to you-Ed)...oh thankyou Ed, it's everything I could have hoped for and so much more besides...(and don't you worry your pretty little head with all those nasty complicated numbers re 'Resource Royalties' because we've organised for them (Beach Energy) to not pay any 'royalties' at all-Ed)...mmm, the government who took the 'RR' outta Fracking...(and apparently it has to be done to ensure our domestic supply-Ed)...and thank goodness for that too, because Uncle Reg reckons that we are at the mercy of a "gas supply crisis"...

And that's it right there isn't's not just the one massive lie from The Regstar about how 'Fracking is "exactly the same" as Natural Gas Extraction, but a series of lies about their (Beach's) intentions/aspirations/targets in the Penola area...he started a year ago or more with lengthy explanations about how they're targetting the deep-set shale deposits from which the original 'natural gas' pockets had seeped and gathered...(well that's actually true, so he wasn't lying then was he?-Ed)...fair enough, a tad pedantic but fair enough...

It is true that many of these deposits are many millions of years old, etc, etc, and have produced 'natural gas' pockets such as have already been depleted around Penola, eg, the Katnook site, etc, gas resources that were effectively 'unbound' and under their own pressure and therefore didn't require any Fracking and absolutely minimal chemical use, etc, etc...but for anyone vaguely informed let alone the head of the company to state outright that Fracking and this 'natural extraction' are "exactly the same", that sir is an outright lie known by the sayer as such...and so too the lies about a "gas supply crisis"...

All's Well Swell That Ends Well With Our Wells: which means not pumping many tons of largely unknown and/or untested chemicals through Aquifers into the ground under massive pressure, a pressure that will seek to relieve itself...(snigger-Ed)...there's nuthin' funny about this mate...(sorry, sorry-Ed)...that will seek to escape at the weakest point being the Fracking shaft itself...(and then Reg changed his story to something about finding previously unknown Aquifers and other 'natural gas' deposits-Ed)...indeed...the story from Reg constantly changes...oh, except for the denials, the denials keep flowing...

And Rego mate...(maaate-Ed)...coupled his explanations with generalised denigrationings of anyone who in any way questions and/or opposes his precious little meal ticket...well that's OUR gas champ, that's located under OUR Aquifer...(are you suggesting that Beach and Tommy et al can take their greed, their corruption and/or their collective fiscal incompetence and stay in Adelaide which quite deserves them?-Ed)...I wouldn't have put it quite so politely, but yes that's exactly what I'm suggesting...

(And I noted another brief mention re Beach Energy and their purchase/gifting of the iconic building/s on the Glenside site, until fairly recently SA's main Mental Health facility and now a film studio and some other bollocks-Ed)...not a fan then...and what's "purchase/gifting" mean? it's one or the other...(well there's always a third option, eg, sold dodgily at below correct value, sold but partly gifted, eg, the Mt Barker farmland going under massive housing developments that will soon to be suburban ghetto's, the Gillman Land Sale without a tender process for $100million instead of $400m-Ed)...fair enough...

(But with the reporting of the Beach Energy/Glenside mentionings I've not heard a specific statement that the site/building was 'sold to Beach', etc, it's just sortta' mentioned adjacently as being theirs-Ed)...well when you put it all like that...and with the monies involved in all that, $100s of millions, it makes the dodgy sale of the SERDE Building to lawyer Bill DeGaris...(a gifted sale indeed-Ed)...well makes that look like amateur hour, albeit an equally dodgy amateur hour...(right on man-Ed)...ta'...

Fee For Services Rendered:...(dah, now I get it-Ed)...indeed, fees re my 'professional bid consultancy' for the 2050 Soccer (Football) World Cup, now to be held in Kalangadoo...(oh well done sir, that's quite a coup for Kalangadoo-Ed)...yeah, yeah, just point me to my large brown bag of motivational persuasionings...(whaaa?-Ed)...the promotional incentivisationings material...(errr?-Ed)...the big bag of cash you idiot...(oh oh, yeah, that's all sorted, it's in the account, cheers-Ed)...and I'll be on my way, nuthin' to see 'ere...(thanks for ya' help-Ed)...never call me again (click).

It just doesn't matter how you look at it, the hilarity of the reality carefully avoided by the FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) is so hilariously glaringly obvious that even the lawyer who prepared it on behalf of FIFA is sinkin' the boot in...Qatar, winner of the latest 'bid' for the World Cup 'allegedly' bribed their way into hosting the 2018 World Cup and yet have been found officially to be without fault, and equally suss Russia claims to have lost their computers and therefore have no record of any of anything's stuff...about anything...more tomorrow...

The New Hunger Games Movie: describes exactly how this 'ere blog deals with the most upstanding and illustrious of all our leaders...(don't get it-Ed)...our darling Sow Strayn Premier Jay Weatherill...(ahh, now I get it, Mockingjay-Ed) there standeth one of the most complicit players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up whom as Family and Community Services (FAYS?, whatevs) officially blocked Child Abuse Comm Ted Mullighan from investigating, and as Premier has lied about it on ABC Radio (June 2011) and waved it away to be covered-up by then Minister Grace Portolesi...but I digress...

Tomorrow: The List Of Council Pains Awaiting

Sorry didn't get to it today, but there's no mad rush, first Council meeting on Tuesday 25th November 2014 and none a' that pain ain't goin' nowhere...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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