Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I'm Not An Anti-Corruption Campaigner

Hello and welcome to the blog China, Poland, Thailand, and Hong Kong...and sortta' sorry to availees as we set sail in yet another jolly treatise on the pro-paedophile corruption that lies behind/alongside the relatively mainstream albeit still massive corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, a combined corruption that makes Mt Gambier look like a paedophile haven for corrupt politicians, developers, etc, and why people the calibre of Rory McEwen and Greg Muller and Steve Perryman thrive...(wow, who's in a good mood today then-Ed)...not me...(ahh yeah, it was a rhetorical question-Ed)...get stuffed...(fair enough-Ed).

As part of this series of posts, effectively a 'post-Mayoral re-booting of this 'ere blog' , and for those 'availees' who've only recently joined the shenanigans here-in and there-abouts, I'd just like to re-iterate that which it is what done see us gather here for this 'ere blog thingy, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and like the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, the reality of the St Martins Cover-up is not open to debate or discussion...(certainly not on the local ABC, or anywhere on the National Broadcaster, or in The Border Watch, or The Advertiser-Ed)...good point well made, but I just meant that they are undeniable, as proven on this 'ere blog...

For The Record: I'm not now nor never have I been a lawyer or a law officer of any description...(me neither-Ed)...I have no formal qualifications in anything let alone law and/or politics...I'm not part of any group or official anything or any political affiliation/affliction/aspiration/whatevs...I ain't not nuthin', ain't not no-one, ain't nuthin' but a Thang...(and a rather large rather angry rather hairy Thang at that-Ed)...indeed...

Straight up, I'd be a liar to deny that I've felt like a walking target ever since I rode/strode/drove into this town, and that feelin' ain't done no settlin' down any in recent times when Nick Fletcher has become the issue instead of the issue being, well, the issue...and that is my fundamental motivation for doing the blog...given the complicit nature of the local media I need a forum to explain the realities, and so here they are...and so heeeere's I am...and if I'm the bloody problem then bloody-mindedly problematic I'll be, and when I see y'all in the street it's gunna' be quietly politely ugly in very fundamental ways...('Christian Cuddles' all 'round then?-Ed)...and why not...

And again, 1) to those whom know 'y'all' doesn't mean y'all, y'all know we're cool, yeah, and 2)  the sickeningly hilarious implied threat of the 'Christian Cuddle', the phrase used by the Lutherans et al to understate and play-down the gross abuses committed against 7 year old children by teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School in's used to try and deny the abuses committed against 7 year olds by their 50+ year old teacher, but when I talk about visiting those self-same behaviours on say, Rory McEwen, then all of a sudden the same phrase drips menace and malice and great dis-ease...(which in itself defines just how in-appropriate those 'cuddles' were-ed)...exactly...  

And I'm most definitely, definitively not an Anti-Corruption Activist...(but that's pretty much all you ever bang on about-Ed)...let me's just that with virtually every issue I've tried to engage with, there's a rank of rank corruption waiting to be discovered, to be dug through, to be negotiated...and then of course, In The Beginning, there was the St Martins issue always just waiting for some poor shmuck to wade right in and say 'right, I'll fix this then'...(when it's so obviously so very much already 'fixed'-Ed)...indeed...

I'm not an Anti-Corruption Campaigner or anything even remotely like that, I'm just a man, just a man who is just a parent...I am just a parent who along with a handful of other parents was handed the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and has since endured 12 years of intense conflict with the alleged Child Protection system, the Labor government, SAPol, the Crown Solicitor, the Teachers Registration Board, and in my case, a bank of constantly whinging screeching lawyers...(err, err that's defamation Mr Fletcher, stop that or else-WSL)...or else what?

(Or else you get 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives in your home "seizing" your computer and telling you "expect to be charged"?-Ed) that another rhetorical question, what given like that that's already actually happened, unlike...(ahh yeah, just like that-Ed)...I believe Ed is just making the point that for all my repeatious renderings of perceived injustice and corrupted process, for all the criminality and corruption I've effectively exposed but that remains unresolved, for the undeniable collusion and pro-paedophile co-operation between Authorities and the Lutherans, etc, etc, etc, all of that and it's me that gets touched-up by the Fuzz...

And nuthin' I can think of says it better than something I already thought of, namely, whilst I may spend a great deal of my time 'venting' things on this 'ere blog, I ain't doin' no 'inventing'...(and that's why the 'defamation' threats pile up and, like the very issues themselves, remain unresolved-Ed)...well put Ed, that's exactly right...none of these clowns want my scurrilously accurate 'allegations' going anywhere near a Court...(except of course now that the SA parliament is trying to give Magistrates/Judges/whatevs the power to deny defendants a 'Jury trial', and therefore a large angry hippy may well find themselves on show in yet another 'get-the Child Protection advocate' Show Trial as was used against CPAs in 2008-Ed)...

Exactly Ed, I'd be quietly confident that it would be a very short matter of time before I was hauled before one of Adelaide's plethora of apparently pro-paedophile Magistrates, legally denied a jury, and then corruptly convicted of the heinous crime of talking about the reality of what South Australia is, a state run for paedophiles, by paedophiles, from the heads of our political parties, through SAPol (the police), the Courts, the Public Service, etc,'s what we as adults all conveniently ignore because 1) it doesn't affect us directly as individuals, and 2) we convince ourselves that it's all too hard to resolve...

I'm just the parent of a child who was a 7 year old student in grade 2 at St Martins Lutheran School, a child who was subjected to the daily, regimented, clearly "researched" (FCPS) litany of physical, emotional, and psychological abuses perpetrated against the entire class by their teacher Glyn Dorling...a child who was subjected to those abuses by the Lutheran Church who knew what Dorling was doing and had only 2 years prior furiously defended him in a legal action against a family...

I'm just a parent who has been openly attacked, vilified, deliberately expertly Pariahtised by the Lutheran Church and it's various agents, eg, Rory McEwen, he whom was ringing Child Protection Advocates to rancidly denigrate myself and other parents, and whom went on the front page of The Border Watch in May 2005 openly defending Dorling, St Martins, and the Lutherans by accusing us parents of 'hounding' Glyn Dorling, and labelling us 'conspiracy theorists'...

I'm just a parent caught-up in pro-paedophile corruption so absolute that it's me the desperate parent fighting foe appropriate resolution of a clearly unacceptable situation who finds themselves banned off the ABC, the alleged Public Broadcaster, banned and then completely censored out of the debate re the Mayoral stuff in the recent Local Government Election...(how dodgy is that?-Ed)...and the length and breadth of that corruption is allowed by the complicit co-operation of your illustrious leaders like Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, Greg Muller, Don Pegler, Peter Gandolfi,Tony Pasin, et al...

And the truly sad thing is that Mt Gambier just sits there and takes it, silently fuming about how much they hate Council, the Mayor, the corruption, etc, yet when the opportunity arises to express that displeasure, they allegedly elect to Mayor Andrew Lee, one of the worst of the current crop of Councillors, and the widely loathed current Mayor Steve Perryman is allegedly elected no.1 Councillor...(and you say allegedly because?-Ed)...because the system is so fundamentally corruptible and open to manipulation...

Starting shortly, a new separate blog purely dedicated to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...thought I'd start with a copy of the SAPol Charge Sheet describing exactly what teacher Glyn Dorling was charged with and investigated over, etc, but of course I'd forgotten that no such document actually exists because SAPol never even interviewed Dorling let alone charge him for his crimes...(you're just hilarious-Ed)...but seriously, to canvas the vast range of documents, letters, various alleged Inquiries, etc, I'll start posting documents as a separate post...

And on Remembrance Day (***now yesterday, sorry) I embrace the way my fore-fathers did it because it had to be done...(ain't nuthin' but a Thang-Ed), ain't nuthin' but the Thang...(fair enough-Ed)...

Tomorrow: A List of Pain

All of the things that this out-going and massively corrupted Council has dumped into/onto the incoming Council, eg, the massive debt load of approx $600,000pa after borrowing $6million in 2013 and spending it all inside 12 months...(even I struggle to believe that-Ed)...ohhh it's only money mate...(ohhh, well that's just fine then-Ed)...just fine?...(no, actually, it's super's 'finetastic'-Ed)...nice...

And of course there's the bizarre shoving of the James Morrison Jazz Course into the Town Hall in a blazingly obvious attempt to justify the vast sums of money already burned on the ridiculous Main Corner Project...(and the impending associated corruption is so blatantly predictable that even I can see it coming-Ed)...and it's so obvious because it's exactly what Council did at the November 2010 Council meeting with the then incoming new Council...

In November 2010, first meeting for the new Councillors, they were greeted with the approx $3million 'Expansion Plan' of the already part-built Main Corner Project, which included the commercial kitchen, lights, etc, and were less than subtly manipulated/bullied/tricked into voting for it because it was 'the best thing to do for the City and we can't stop halfway done', etc, etc, 'be a good team player'...(orrr that ol' manipulation, 'you mustn't talk down the team, no matter what'-Ed)...exactly...and it's exactly what this incoming Council has carefully placed ahead of it by the current Council and associated vested interests...

But if you are to believe Council's own Agenda/Minutes from May 2014, Council has been thoroughly, comprehensively investigated re multiple issues and found to be officially without fault on any issue, presumably including the ones I raise on this blog...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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