Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Hello France, Italy, Spain, and to the incoming Mt Gambier City Council and welcome y'all to this 'ere blog...please understand that I'm not ignoring the rest of the world, but I'm just trying to deal with living in a wholly corrupt Fascist Paedophile state effectively run by the Lutheran Church...(and we're away-Ed)...well I really wouldn't know how else to describe it...(no no fair enough, just sayin'-Ed)...indeed, and I'll have a go at fixin' that, you all fix your bit, and it's sorted...and between us the world may yet again be a decent place to live...cheers...

The latest from the Child Abuse Royal Commission has them doing apparently their last hearings, in Tasmania, looking yet again at a known case from the 1960s-70s...(what, there's been no paedophile cases in Tasmania since the 1970s? what about that case 2 years back where a woman was pimping-out her 14 year old daughter to local men, including a politician?-Ed)...yeah, I think the CARC is only looking at 'Institutional Responses' and then that's it, and as terrible as that particular case is (a series/group of paedophile teaches operating at one school over many years) it's still 40 years old...the CARC is not coming to Mt Gambier, never even heard the Lutherans mentioned...in my reality, the CARC is a farcical joke, cynically manipulating the trauma of victims to justify that it's somehow enough to just talk about this stuff...

I was not the only parent who contacted the CARC re the St Martins Lutheran School Cover-up (from 2002 up to the present), and the CARC wrote back in acknowledgement...(but I thought you said they're not coming to Mt Gambier and haven't ever even mentioned the shreckin' Lutherans...how can the CARC be aware of the institutionalised failures evident in the St Martins case, be it the clearly obvious deliberate failures motivated by pro-paedophile corruption, or be it genuine mistakes on a monumental scale, either way, how can they know this and not act? particularly as this is a current case?-Ed)...all good questions that all answer themselves...

The CARC is not about genuinely exposing the continuing pro-paedophile attitudes/corruption that effectively run our society, certainly in South Australia, and most certainly here in Mt Gambier, it's purely about being seen to do something without actually resolving this ongoing nightmare of Institutionalised Pro-paedophile Corruption..speaking of which, in my fantasy interview lived large on the ABC this very morn, Stan Thompson interviewed Stuart Stansfield...(omg-Ed)...about the recently announced 400+ job cuts to the ABC...I missed a lot of it because I was in the car, but I heard the very ominous phrase 'fully autonomous' re the Mt Gambier ABC...in my experience they already operate as a law unto themselves under the specific direction and control of career paedophile protector Rory McEwen...(ah right, now I get it, that's what's set ya' off today, good ol' Rory on the ABC this morning-Ed)...absolutely...

For over a week Stuart Stansfield has been spruiking an interview with a 'famous local biker' and somehow the way he said it I knew it wasn't the famous Laurie Fox, or current race-ace Levi Day, or any such, I just knew it was Rory...and they didn't let me down as on 'e comes this morning for another glowing ABC interview with their bestie Rory...and again it's about what great work Rory is doin' for the kiddies, this time the Motorcycle Toy Run...(deadset? what was it the other week? Cheshire-Ryder or sumthin'?-Ed)...yeah, the ABC just can't get enough of Rory saying what great things he does for the kiddies...

(I can see how that might be mildly galling, what given his definitive pro-paedophile corruption re the St Martins Cover-up and the abuse he has sold SA children into by profiting by supporting a clearly pro-paedophile Labor state government-Ed)...and if any availees think we're being a tad harsh on poor ol' Rory, please go back through what he has done, eg, repeatedly promising to help us, then betraying us and publicly attacking us parents as 'conspiracy theorists' who had 'actually hounded the teacher'...my opinion is irrelevant, let his actions speak for themselves...

Feedback: quickly, stated to me that one person associated with the Vibrant Mount Gambier group (as below) is very genuine and will attempt to do good work...unfortunately this only confirms to me the agenda of said group, in that it therefore fulfils the Dodgy Group Template by including some people with real credentials and genuine motivations who'll give that group some credibility, but behind that are the vested interests furiously pushing their own barrows, eg, more money for the Rail Lands disaster and/or the Old Laundry, etc, etc ...

I've re-attached the letter from yesterday because it rather coincidentally covers many of the issues that the incoming new Councillors are going to be assaulted with and pushed by vested interests to finance...(and it'll be done by pushing on the new Councillors that they have to be good team players and 'you've got to vote to pay for this if you love Mt Gambier like we do, if you're a good team player'-Ed)...exactly...and when Steve Perryman says 'good team player' he means 'what gets ratepayers dollars into my corrupt li'l pocket'... 

No-one I've spoken to believes that the intensely loathed former Mayor Steve Perryman was genuinely the no.1 Councillor candidate with twice the votes of any other...nor that former Cr Andrew Lee was elected Mayor with twice as many votes as anyone else...everything I saw and heard before the election had people placing serving Councillors and Mayor Perryman last because of the corruption, nepotism, fraud, bullying, harassment and intimidation, etc, etc...the fact that these 2 were 'elected' so easily fully illustrates how corruptible this ludicrous 'Voluntary Postal Vote' system is...

The illegal rorts aside, really it's quite straight forward...many people weren't/aren't going to vote out of disgust/disinterest/whatevs, and that results in 7 outta' 10 votes remaining unaccounted for after the close of polls...all Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...needs/needed to do was get all his dodgy corrupt mates to vote for him, and all those charming, equally corrupt goodly godly Lutherans...there's clearly a whole raft of quite corrupt and/or easily manipulable drones who wouldn't know what the hell is really going on...and as their chosen pet Mayor, Andrew Lee also receives that same self-focused support...

(Don't like the Lutherans much do ya'?-Ed)...let's make that tomorrow's post and also tomorrow, starting off some of the new tangential blogs for each topic...I'll give the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, the Main Corner, etc, etc, all their own pages/blogs so as to be able to put-up the extensive documentation involved...in closing...

I remind readers that Kirby Shearing is husband of former Councillor (2010-14) Biddie (Tietz) Shearing and is clearly getting massive and completely unwarranted support from his mates, or rather his wife's mates...several weeks ago he walked outta' the Laundromat Cafe thingy he was supposed to be running, owing money on rent, etc, and word on the street is he's on the way out of his current 'restaurant' at the Lakes Resort...I have spoken directly with people who have attended functions there and say they won't be going back due to his conduct toward them...

I further note that Kirby took over that 'restaurant' literally right before Council announced that they were going to purchase (and soon demolish) the adjacent Old Hospital, thus opening up a sweeping vista across Mt Gambier rather than staring at the side of a large derelict building...(it's almost like he knew that building was gunna' be removed-Ed)...that, or he knew someone who knew...(well that's what I was saying-Ed)...but I digress...

This incoming Council has inherited a host of half finished projects, eg, the Rail Lands, the Old Hospital Laundry, etc, etc, and massive debt...(and the ludicrous placement of the Jazz Course in the Old Town Hall-Ed)...indeed, and this will likely be first cab off the rank as new Councillors are pressured to find $millions more for further refurbishment of that building/site, arguably the 4th revamp in 10 years...as previously posted, this is exactly what happened with the incoming Council in November 2010 when new Councillors, in their very first meeting, were bullied and tricked into voting an extra $3m more for the Main Corner...

Please incoming Councillors, don't believe the hype, and don't let yourselves be bullied and manipulated into supporting yet more expenditure that the City cannot afford on yet more pointless projects...you have been deliberately herded into a blind gully of corruption and debt, and the one causes the other...good luck, you're gunna' need it...

Tomorrow: The St Martins Stuff Re-visited

Starting the revisionary/new blogs/pages/whatevs for the various topics covered here in, but admittedly I'm not 100% sure which way to go...I'll figure something out...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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