Monday, November 10, 2014

Normal Transmission Resumes

Hello Venezuela, Iraq, Taiwan, and Macau, and welcome to the blog and the resumption of 'normal' bloggin' right 'ere...apologies for no post yesterday and/or the day before but Saturday was Local Government Election count day and yesterday I just couldn't summon the energy to give a damn...(come on, come on, you slept more in the last 36 hours than you have in a week-Ed)...true, true...(and you can barely stand up for giving so much of a damn-Ed)...indeed, indeed...(and you stacked 3kgs back on in just 2 days-Ed)...ok, thankyou, that's enough sharing...

But on that general note I'd just like to note and thank people for the support I've had over the last few weeks and apologise where necessary for the average standard of posts and/or repeated 'postless''s been a bit of a grind trying to engage in an electoral process where one doesn't trust the system/processes, etc, and expect to probably run last re-booting this 'ere blog I'd like to trawl back over a coupla' personal issues...

Again I'd like to acknowledge the life of relative luxury and privilege that I lead and the support I receive from both the Disability Support Pension and the Housing Trust (Housing SA), albeit support right on the 'poverty line' in this society...I further re-iterate my previous statements that I currently consider myself to be in the employ of the society that supports me with the DSP and Public Housing...also of course it's been really difficult to do this 'ere blog because I've been trying to spend as much time as possible not here at home and I still don't have my laptop...(still?!-Ed)...

Yep, it's now 6 months since 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives came to my home (in May 2014) and "seized" my laptop as evidence, repeatedly telling me that I should "expect to be charged" for the heinous crime of talking about a state government Authority allegedly doing what it's allegedly supposed to do...(you bastard-Ed) Authority that I possibly still cannot name...(ludicrous-Ed)...well I'd have said corruptly Fascist, but we quibble over terms...

And also acknowledge that I live this life of relative luxury effectively for having the good fortune to be born a White man in a stolen land, ironically the exact reasons I don't 'fit' into the Social Security System...the SSS explained it to me themselves, essentially, they're so busy dealing with the dis-enfranchised, the dis-empowered, the down-trodden, people with disabilities, those with problematic Mental Health issues, etc, etc, which is also predominantly women, Aboriginal people, and the elderly, etc, that because our entire society is geared to serve the wants and needs of White men, they (SSS) aren't geared/legislated/whatevs to deal with a relatively sane, relatively able-bodied White man...

And having said that, why was I 'diagnosed' by Centrelink (SSS) psychologist Luciana (last name?) back in 2003 (an appointment that I had requested), 'diagnosed' as apparently requiring 'psychiatiric' help/referral/whatevs (as in previous posts), why was I thusly diagnosed and then dumped back into the Job Search market without receiving any support what-so-ever?...was this a genuine but massive failure of the system, or was I deliberately dumped there to rot whilst the 'crazy diagnosis' was used to further discredit me?

(Anyhoos, how'd ya' go in the election?-Ed)...dunno, probably last of 8 Mayoral candidates given early counting from my scrutineers...(so who's in then?-Ed)...was looking like either Bob Sandow, Andrew Lee, or Allen Smith...(oh my gourd-Ed)...well exactly, coming last is one thing but last to this pack a' clowns, that's just sad...

And the word on the street late yesterday is that former Councillor Andrew Lee is Mt Gambier's new Mayor...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed) it's dodgy business as usual for Mt Gambier City Council...(didn't he always stay in the Chamber for votes on issues that he had a direct 'Conflict of Interest' with, eg, the recent 5 year re-leasing of the Main Corner commercial kitchen, a vote done in private after kicking the public out, and where he and then Mayor Steve Perryman both 'unlawfully' remained in the room and voted on that lease-Ed)...absolutely Ed, you're spot's just so sad...

And not sad for me but sad for Mt Gambier...of all the retrograde, smothering, backwards steps to take, allegedly voting-in one of these corrupt clowns as Mayor...and I say alleged because of the vastly corruptable nature of the Voluntary Postal Voting system where 7 outta' 10 votes remain supposedly unaccounted for...I know some-one who didn't receive their forms in the mail or possibly it was stuck somewhere in the junk mail and thrown out, but they never saw it and had to apply for replacements...(so what happened with their original forms?-Ed)...that's what I said/asked, and it's 'no idea'...

(But what happens if/when 2 envelopes with their name on show up in the mail for counting?-Ed) idea, not count both of them?...(and they're not really 'unaccounted for' are they, they are mostly people who didn't vote for whatever reason-Ed)...sure, there are many people who won't vote for whatevs reason, eg, I know a coupla' people who didn't vote because they didn't know anything about the candidates in their electorate...(ironic really. given how well they know what's goin' on in Mt Gambier politics-Ed)...indeed, but no, they are unaccounted actual voting forms not just people whom have not voted...

Regardless of the result, personally I've very much achieved what I set out to achieve, and that's just to address the decade of character assassination that I and other parents, our families, and especially our children have been subjected to as all senior public figures in this town cover-up the abuse of a class of 7 year old children at St Martins...and the credibility of this 'ere blog is now fueled by peoples personal exposure to me as a person capable of so much more than just angry ranting on the aforementioned this 'ere blog...

Whilst I won't speak specifically for other parents about how their families were/are treated by the charming Lutherans and other families from St Martins, I know that immediately following the removal of "text-book grooming paedophile" (Flinders Child Protection Service-August 2002) teacher Glyn Dorling, I and other parents were openly targetted by the shreckin' Lutherans as they sort to destroy us personally so as to protect their precious paedophile teacher, and that our kids got caught up in that as they too were shunned, party invitations just stopped, etc...(those goodly godly folk at St Martins-Ed)...

News Just In: that our mate Mayor Richard Vickery has lost the Tatiara Mayorship and therefore is out as President of the Local Government Assoc...Kingston Mayor Evan Flint is also out and he is/was LGA vice-president...this means a coupla' interim appointments until new leaders can be voted for early next year.

Mission Creep: is a major concern for the Greens and Labor here in Oz, and similarly in the USofA...(well if they're so damned concerned about it they shouldn't give him his own damn Operation-Ed)...sorry what?...(if everybody's so concerned about Tony Abbott and his bellicosely militaristic carry-on, then they shouldn't encourage him by naming a military Operation after him-Ed)...still not with you orrr no, wait, yes I am...that's not the name of a military manoeuvre named after our charming PM, it's a term used to describe the gradual escalation of involvement in a this case it's referring to the latest 1600 USofA troops going back into Iraq...

(Didn't we just leave Iraq and/or Aghanistan? and why do we have $500million + for this latest Middle East muddling meddling namely aerially attacking someone we hope is our enemy, or at least the enemy of our enemy?-Ed)...and one we're not keeping so close as to make ourselves a target or 'collateral damages as a result of friendly fire'...lost as I have been in my own Mayoral shenanigans, the often bizarre and violent events in Iraq and Syria have not escaped me as reportage of the daily bombings and/or other killings routinely surge and subside through our local media...

There were reports (ABC/BBC ? Radio) about increased shelling in Donetsk in Ukraine, or that part of Ukraine surrounding there that is quasi-Russian, but it didn't say (or I missed) specifically whom was shelling whom, but it was residents mostly at risk...please pardon my ignorance availees in Ukraine and thereabouts, but it's really hard to stay on track with what's actually happening, particularly when I'm deeply cynical about how things are reported at me...(fair enough too...but to be even fairer, it's not just the questionable nature of modern 'reportage', look at the statements from PM Tony 'Have At You Sir' Abbott about how 'the Russians are responsible', and the equally definitively judgemental comments from Foreign Minister Julie Bishop-Ed)...good point...

Only this week, the Dutch President Mark Rutte stated that 'we may never know exactly what happened with the Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17'...(and yet Tones and Jules have been holding forth at volume ever since it happened about how 'the Russian-backed Separatists' are directly definitely responsible for shooting it down, with attached derogatory describers about Russia's culpability-Ed)...exactly, coupled with their extraordinary behaviour bordering on frenzy around 'Operation Bring Them Home'...even if Mr Rutte is being super-diplomatic purely so as to negotiate full/better access to the crash site, etc, what room for negotiation with T-Man and J-Woman?...none...

That's enough for today, and back into it,

Tomorrow: What This Council Has Inherited

And it's a wall of pain, a pit of debt, a waking nightmare of fear, loathing and intimidation...(oh, so you're still going to go to the meetings then?-Ed)...hilarious...and yes...

Not bloody Authorised anymore because it doesn't have to be but still Written by Nick Fletcher is this 'ere blog...cheers and laters mofos...

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