Friday, November 28, 2014

Conjugate The Verb, 'To Nanigans'

(Waaah?-Ed)...well give it a go first, just conjugate the verb 'to nanigans'...(how?-Ed)...strewth, here I'll start you, 'I nanigans, you nanigans'...(ok, ok, um, 'he nanigans'?-Ed)...yeah, keep going...(err, 'he nanigans, she nanigans, they naniorrr gourd I just got it...that's a shocker-Ed)...ta...welcome to another post on Shenanigans and hello and welcome to the blog Russia, Netherlands, Vietnam,and Singapore...apologies for no post yesterday, just doing the 'for the sake of your own health, do several posts then have a day off' thingy as advised some time back...

I'd also like to acknowledge all of those people still sending me stuff and/or contacting me, eg, re Wind Turbines, the Show Grounds, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, etc, etc...just on that point, I note concerns that if Labor get in in the Victorian state election being held tomorrow (Saturday 29th November 2014), they'll remove the Set-back Distances for Wind Turbines currently in place, and have them set at the same 1km from Occupied Residences as here in SA, in a bid to 'promote investment'...I apologise that I've not kept up with these Turbine developments in Victoria...(got some work to take home on the weekend then?-Ed)...indeed, and some already waiting here when I get here...

My main concern remains that 1) the area from Allendale to Victoria is still very much in the frame for a massive 50-60 Turbine development/s, and that the vested interests the ilk of whom have acted with such disingenuous intent against residents, eg, developer Acciona and the District Council of Grant, are just waiting for some Statutory Regulation/timeframe/whatevs to lapse and/or be changed, etc, etc, as happened the day that farmer Richard Paltridge won in the Environment, Resources, and Development Court, stopping the Acciona/Allendale Turbine Project, and then Labor Premier Mike Rann, who's brother is involved with Acciona, immediately changed the law to deny non-host residents any chance to oppose future Turbine developments...

Furthermore, Labor have recently passed legislation that allows Turbines on 'Crown Land', which to my understanding and as I heard once stated, includes National Parks like Canunda near Millicent...(that's actually 2 concerns-Ed)...whatevs...whilst the massive Woakwine project has temporarily stalled, along with several other large projects across the state, the very real potential remains that there could still yet be Turbines from the Victorian border, right along the South East coastline...and local residents cannot in any way oppose it because they don't have one single legal leg to stand on...(go on Democracy, hop it buddy-Ed)...indeed..

Slight Revision: re my previous statement that SAPol (Sow Strayn police) are an unaccountable authority...I stand by this statement in that the SAPol Commissioner is the one who hands out the 6-month valid, open-ended, anonymous, go anywhere anytime seize whom and/or whatevs Search Warrants carried by SAPol officers, and the first process of accountability is through the Police Complaints Authority as run by police, but I acknowledge there is a Police Ombudsperson...I maintain, however, that this is merely another fascadious farce to give the impression of accountability, but SAPol remains itself a closed system with absolute and unaccountable power...('fascadious'?-Ed)...yeah, being like or as of a fascade, merely a front to some other...(ok, if you say so-Ed)...

This power nearly but not quite eclipses that of the Sow Strayn version of an Independent Commission Against Corruption, which has the authority to subpoena witnesses and then charge them for refusing to answer questions, shut-down reportage of any issue in the media, even if that issue isn't specifically before the ICAC, etc...(so that means that some poor stooge, eg, you, could get hauled in, charged and arrested for not answering by way of repeatedly answering 'the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up', and none of it could be reported if the ICAC decides, indeed, if the media are even aware, they'd have to ask for permission or face charges themselves?-Ed)...absolute Fascism, and the Adelaide media just lie down and take it...

And also thanks for the spasmodic support I've received for the Mayoral stuff...just recently had someone again say that 'we need people like you to keep the bastards honest'...and whilst I appreciate the sentiment, they're wrong, because I haven't kept nobody from not doin' nuthin'...point being, with the full and unwavering support of pretty much every local Mayor, Councillor, State and Federal Member of Parliament, heads of Party branches, eg, the local Labor Party...(and the Liberals-Ed)...yeah, fair full knowledge of the events that have taken place re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, basically every local politician and/or public official is either directly by their actions or rather lack of, entirely complicit in that horrendous nightmare, and resultantly the rank pro-paedophile corruption that defines Mt Gambier and Sow Straya continues un-abated...

And I'm the crazy one...

Well Well: said the mining company with two, 4-km deep 'exploration shafts' already drilled through the Otway Aquifer at Penola...apparently, middle of 2015 sometime, a person called Robert Cole formerly of Woodside Petroleum will take over from my bestie homie Uncle Reg Nelson at those mad Frackers, Beach Energy...(gourd, imagine how that interview went...'Are you Robert Cole?'...'No!'...'Are you here for a job interview?'...'No!'...'Can anything ever go wrong with Fracking?'...'No!'...'Right, ya' hired'...'No I'm not'...'It's ok, the interview's over now'...'No it isn't'...etc, etc-Ed)...are you inferring Ed, not knowing nuffin' 'bout this 'ere Bobby bloke, that to fill Uncle Reg's clown-sized shoes, Bobby'd 'ave to be a bittuva' lyin' bastard?...(sortta', but not necessarily just that-Ed)...whaaa?...

(Well it's also just possible that 'Ol King is being brought in to retrieve the situation given the irretrievable swathe of lies that Reg dredged up and flung at the fans of reality, eg, the shizzle about how previous gas extraction/production from the Penola area is exactly the same as Fracking-Ed)...yeah, it's so transparently  immediately obviously not true that I can't understand why anyone would even try to make it fly...(yep, as they say down our way, it don't matter how many wings ya' stick on a pig, it ain't flyin' 'less ya' kick it off a cliff-Ed)...what a, um, charming saying...(yeah, well, the village  trebuchet wasn't working the day they came up with that sayin'-Ed)...right, 'cos flingin' a pig with a trebuchet is so way better than kicking it off a cliff?...(you tellin' me you've never been to a good 'ol down home pig-flingin'?-Ed), I'm from the 'Ol School that believes that bacon's for fryin' not flyin'...

Spot The Storm Chaser:...when just now on the ABC TV News service they were running an interview with Queensland Premier Campbell 'This Is The End' Newman...had the sound down 'cos listening to the ABC Radio...(it's an illness I say-Ed)...well I prefer to look at it as one of the less pleasant obligations of my self-imposed 'job', namely doin' media monitoring for this 'ere blog...(fair enough-Ed)...anyhoos, the interview was clearly about the mad storm that ripped BrisVegas (Brisbane) a new one yesterday, with lotsa' damage but fortunately only minor injuries...

Anyhoos, the ticker across the bottom of the screen read "If you are concerned about your pet following the storm contact 1800-ANIMAL"...(why would your pet follow the storm?-Ed)...that's what I thought Ed...(and why 'This Is The End'?-Ed)...oh, it's just a 'Camp Bell End' joke...(cheeky-Ed)...and of course his government is notorious for slashing social services, etc, whilst going full bore for more mining, up to and including dumping a gazillion tons of dredged sludge from the Gladstone harbour expansion to facilitate more massively expanded gas export facilities, dumping that crap right on the Great Barrier Reef...right on it...

Admittedly that decision has I believe been reversed and that sludge will have to go 'on-land' somewhere, but it doesn't change the reality re the rapid removal of our natural resource, Gas, and the resultant pollution from ludicrously criminal practices like my naive mind, the very concept of Fracking, pumping tons of largely untested chemical crap into the ground, let alone through such a critical Aquifer as here in the South East, the mere concept is unacceptably stupid...anyhoos...

It appears that the apparent loss of availees in Turkey, Moldova, etc, is neither my clumsiness nor that they've grown tired of my relentless diatribing...a teenager explained to me that the Interweb site 'Blogger' or 'Blogspot' or whatevs, maybe likely being censored/blocked/whatevs by/from/whatevs service providers in those countries...(oh, and you thought you were so special-Ed)...I am special...(of course you are-Ed)...get stuffed...(fair enough-Ed)...

Am I Happy To See You: or did I just put a canoe in my pocket?...asked Lord Flashhart in BlackAdder (BBC TV), but ain't no-one bringin' the love when it comes to the Liberals Defense Minister David 'Whatchu Lookin' At?' Johnson and his comments re the Australian Submarine Corp...and it may just be the reportage thus far, but it seems that the Sow Strayan Liberals have been far more critical of Johnno than the usually effervescently present 'blamers', the Jay Weatherill Labor state government...

I reckon Ray-Jay et al are super keen to avoid discussing the arguably un-divorcable issues of 1) the conduct of the Australian Submarine Commission in failing to produce appropriate outcomes...('failing to produce  appropriate outcomes'?, that's being very generous-Ed)...ain't it though?...outcomes/failures that are inescapable, eg, only 1 of 6 Collins-class subs in the water...and failures that by definition must be impacted by 2) the issue that cannot be ignored, institutionalised corruption in Sow Straya/Adelaide...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

Bronnie 'The Blade' Bishop: scythed her way through yet another day of record-breaking as Speaker (Lower House) in Federal Parliament when she went politely nut-sack crazy at the Labor Party, kicking out numerous Members...(again?-Ed)...again, shanking and yanking multiple Labor members from the Chamber for supposed infractions of parliamentary procedure...another 18 yesterday, a record for a single day, adding to the 200+ she's already booted over the past 12 months, itself a massive record...(goooooo Bronnie-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Shenanigeddon

The Coming of Daze that is the running of days one into the other amid the blizzard of haughty naughtiness I seem to witness on a virtually daily basis...yay...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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