Friday, November 7, 2014

Actually MGCCM21OCT2014 Part II

Hello and welcome to y'all Morocco, Slovenia, Canada, and from yesterday's post, it's actually Macedonia (FYROM) where FYROM is 'Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia...and a brief apology for sortta' ignoring the resta' the world with another post recounting what happened at the Mt Gambier City Council meeting 21st October 2014...(***and apologies yet again for another missed post, no excuses, I just couldn't face hours at the computer when I finally got to sit down to finish this 'ere blog last evening...not to put too fine a point on it, but I'm quite the knackered one...I look forward to being Mayor so's I can have a bit of a break (ahaha-Ed) as usual with daily posts post the postal vote***)...

Crayzy Talk: because apparently upcoming crayfish love a bitta' Scotch but it makes them switch from the Chardonnay to a big 'ol Cabernet, maybe even a Grange...(I hear they can drink like a fish-Ed)...indeed, yes, apparently when moved from deep to shallow water, crayfish change from white to red after a single moult.......can't believe it's approx $90/kg for the local crays, and at Woolworths there's a frozen $25 spiky pink cockroach masquerading as a crayfish, that's actually from the good 'ol USofA, Florida to be precise, by way of Perth, Western Oz...figure that one out...

Heard a bunch of stuff re the Local Government elections, eg, just this morning on ABC Radio , and there's plenty of people making weak excuses about why they aren't going to vote, eg, no decent candidates, doesn't make any difference, etc, and plenty complaining about the whole process, eg, having your name, address, and signature attached to your voting a candidate I can honestly say that the whole 'voluntary postal voting' process is a farcically corruptible joke...but back to the Council meeting...

Over 2 weeks on and it still puts a nasty taste in my mouth...(that'd be biting that bitter tongue-Ed)...nice, that's exactly what it'd be...more than one or two things to say and unable to speak out during the meeting because that'll getcha' chucked out and potentially banned for good...(not giving the bastards the satisfaction?-Ed)...precisely, and I want to know what goes on, so, as much as it irks me I need to be in that room...and even just being in that room is/was absolutely indicative of my existence in Mt Gambier, confrontingly immediate in it's reminiscent definitiveness, my experience of Mt Gambier literally personified...(to a man, in fact to a woman and a man-Ed)...indeed...

I breezed into the Chamber bang on 1800hrs but needn't have rushed 'cos Mayor Steve Perryman was running nearly 10 minutes late...(ending by continuing the fine tradition of how most meetings have begun, Waiting For Stevo-Ed)...classic...and sitting right there was Mrs Viv Maher, a regular featurer in this 'ere blog, namely;
1) was briefly my counsellor way back in 2003 re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, stating that I wasn't her only client re St Martins;
2)  is wife of Labor branch president and City Councillor Jim Maher;
3)  both have been Labor candidates in state elections, eg, Viv in 2010 and Jim in 2014;
4)  their son is a former Crown Solicitor employee and currently Labor Legislative Council (Upper House) Member Kyam Maher;
5) in 2009, Jim and Viv invited me and another parent to their home to discuss St Martins, and the first thing they said was 'careful that you don't further traumatise your kids by continuing to pursue this';
6)  at the March 2010 Election Forum Viv sat on stage as a candidate, and when the St Martins issue was raised by an audience member, she failed to address it at all, instead remaining seated with Don Pegler, Henk Bruins, and Steve Perryman as Liberal candidate...

And now explaining why these things are so demanding, so beckoning, so conjuring of my dis-ease;
1)  Viv Maher has an extensive and explicit understanding of the Cover-up of the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School;
2)  between them, Viv and Jim are the Labor Party in Mt Gambier, and there rank failures re dealing with St Martins is a failure motivated by their commitment to the completely corrupt pro-paedophile Sow Strayn Labor Party;
3)  both have been the Labor candidate, specifically carrying forward the St Martins Cover-up on behalf of their Party at successive elections;
4)  the Crown Solicitors Office is as rabidly pro-paedophile corrupted as the Labor Party, and a clear driver/conspirator in the St Martins Cover-up, eg, their corruptly farcical running of the Teachers Registration Board hearing that completely exonerated "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, their written threats to gaol me for 'Criminal Defamation', etc;
5)  so very many times this line has been used 'against' us parents to try and manipulate us and guilt us into dropping the St Martins issue;
6)  as Labor candidate, on stage at the Election Forum, and fully aware of some of the most intimate details of the St Martins case, and Mrs Maher sat there staring at the desk.

Just sat there all 4 of them heads bowed staring at the desk, hands clasped in  front of them...they all knew exactly what it was but didn't have the common decency, the simple dignity, the strength of character, to even stand up and acknowledge the question...not even a 'sorry, I don't really know about that'...(well they couldn't say that, could they?-Ed)...of course not, because I amongst others had personally explained St Martins to them...but worse, they sat there and said nuthin'...and there in the crowd was current Member for Barker Liberal Tony Pasin, leaping outta' his chair with joy when I mentioned that teacher Glyn Dorling's lawyer in the TRB/CSO hearing was Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner Stephen Lietchke...

And at the Walk Together event on 25th October 2014 I ran into all 3 Mahers as Kyam was down here shamelessly promoting himself with taxpayer funded flyers saying 'Walk With Me' and his photo and blurb in the bottom corner...and Viv just stared at me as she does these days, Jim avoided eye contact, and I just stayed away aways from Kyam, aways to one side, although Cr Penny Richardson did talk to me, and then I marched at the back as far as my car...went to show my face and hence my support and respect, and did that by staying right away...(ain't nuthin' but a Thang-Ed)...indeed...   

But I digress, back to the rolled Mayor Steve Perryman's family including his charming mother Cherylanne, senior office person at St Martins, and one of the charming Lutherans who took it upon themselves to harass and abuse me in the street, the supermarket, on the bus, etc...(charming people-Ed)...bedrock of the community...(insult of the Earth-Ed)...nice...and then Stevo mate...(maaate!-Ed)...strolled in and away we went...(you're thinking about 'Christian Cuddling' a coupla' people, arn'cha'?-Ed)...only always...

As per previous post, Council;
1)  again skipped the Helpmann Theatre re-cladding issue, thus dumping it on the incoming Council;
2)  had Stevo leave the Chamber with yet another 'Conflict of Interest' re Fracking and having a 'business arrangement' with Beach Energy;
3)  organised another $100,000+ pit on the Rail Lands, this time called an 'amphitheatre';
4)  self-approved their own self-appointed Auditor and gave themselves yet another glowing Financial Report care of said alleged Auditor;
5)  ratified their ludicrous 'Futures Paper', thus lumbering the incoming Council with that as well;
6)  then gave Biddie (Tietz) Shearing, Jim Maher, and Steve Perryman 10 minutes for reminiscing and congratulating each other...and everybody's just great and everything's just fine...(only just fine?-Ed)...alright, everything's super fine...

Not really interested in anything Biddie (Tietz) Shearing has to say...her role with Regional Development Australia is yet another one of these 'jobs for mates' appointments that has cost our society so much...people promoted not on merit but on mateness...and I note that her husband Kirby Shearing is apparently 'a celebrity chef appearing with Neil Perry' at the Council run market at the Library tomorrow...(how much is that 'celebrity appearance' bloody costing ratepayers?-Ed)...oh come on, be a good team player, it's only money...(might have to slide by and say howdy?-Ed)...just might...I mention this because it is just the latest crass manipulation using public funds to try and justify the Library/Main Corner placement fiasco...   

But Jim, well Jim loves Stevo and everyone's been great and everything's just fine...(you're not really trying are you?-Ed)...I'm just gathering myself to get through the sickening self-serving sycophancy of Stevo's little address...I've not seen anyone fake-sob their way through a speech like that since Oscar Pistorius tried to argue that cowardly killing his girlfriend Reeva Steinkamp was just an accident...but away we go and it's straight into whatta' top bloke Rory McEwen is...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...well quite...

And nuthin' but a shameless recount of the treacherous and corrupted realities in that Stevo praised up Rory for introducing him to all the people who helped Stevo's career as a highly corrupted public official, and for helping with all those connections and deals, etc, etc...(so he sat there and openly described the raft of corruption that has crippled and bankrupted this town and this state?-Ed)...bold as brass, 'Rory's so fantastic and he helped me so much and his wife Di helped mine and aren't we all just so fantastic'...(I'm detecting a note of simmering rage, and I can can see how you might find that quite sickening, what with these 2 being intimately involved in the St Martins Cover-up and all-Ed)...

If I had to make a mound of the local people most responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, most of them are right 'ere on this page, namely Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, Jim and Viv Maher...chuck the school's Principal John Alexander and then local SAPol Superintendent Terry Harbour onto that heap and you got yourself a ragin' bonfire sir...

I re-refer to my comments about how I can't just go outta' the house, and/or to the supermarket, and/or to a public event, and/or whatevs,without running into these clowns...and can only apologise that I've forgotten to write to Jim Maher re his comments/criticisms on the ABC last week...because this has already gone on long enough:

Tomorrow: Part III Maybe 

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, 16 Kooringa St, Mt Gambier, SA 5290...cheers and laters...

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