Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Hello to Finland, Venezuela, Ireland, and Hong Kong and welcome to the blog and an immediate apology for 1) missing a day again, not embarassed to admit I'm still strugglin' a bit with some of my own shizzle 'off-blog'...('off-blog'? what is 'off-blog'?-Ed)...come on Ed, we've been through this, you're not an actual person, you're a devised literary device that exists only here on this 'ere blog, a device designed to engage the availee in a conversation, albeit often an angry one, rather than a bludgeoning lecture...(oh yeah-Ed)...and apology 2) not doin' the Council Inherited Pain thingy post...(again-Ed)...again, but as I said, that can wait, and there's several loose ends from last week to tidy-up, not least of all the other day's post itself...namely...

1) FIFA Services Rendered: was most hilarious for me personally because of the openly ludicrous final report that had barely hit the table before the lawyer who prepared the original Inquiry/report/investigation was denouncing it as 'nonsense and a deliberate diversion away from the corruption of bid winners Qatar and Russia by attacking Australia amongst others' (paraphrase)...(classic paraphrase-Ed)...absolutely, but the personally hilarious bit, sorry, was the excuse from Russia...(ah yes, the Ryan Defense, clever-Ed)...so you spotted that too then...

(Absolutely...in explaining why they couldn't provide any info/evidence to said Inquiry the Russians applied the famous Ryan Defense-Ed)...indeed they did...(as in local lawyer Chris Ryan whom twice took you to Court for an 'unpaid account', twice had Magistrate Rice, currently in the news for apparently being threatened, twice coach him through it,  and who's defense for having no paperwork what-so-ever was that he'd 'lost his written notes' and re my account had "changed computer programs" and had "lost it" also-Ed)...hilarious and corruptly complicit with the Magistrate who just accepted this farcically unbelievable excuse and found in his favour...twice...(did you ever pay that idiot-Ed)...nope, ain't gunna happen...

But the Russians have refined the Ryan Defense of 'I've changed computers and lost it' and cut out the middle man completely by claiming to have lost all of the computers used for their bid processes...(the whole lot?-Ed)...the whole kittenkaboodle...(but there must be paper copies, copies with the FIFA dudes, etc-Ed)...there you go again with the bleedin' obvious...and across the debate runs the thread that this isn't 'corruption', it's just how business is done...

But for me of course it just represents the wanton greed and abject corruption, the like of which has fostered and supported the St Martins Cover-up...it has all the elements...a corrupt system largely populated by wholly corrupt officials has been caught red-handed, allowed to investigate itself/themselves using a raft of dodgy officials and/or lawyers and then clear itself/themselves, not least of all by attacking the whistleblowers involved, etc, etc...(well at least one of those lawyers isn't so dodgy because he's the one (they are-his law firm?) doing most of the crticising-Ed)...fair point...

(But I can see the similarities with the St Martins stuff...caught red-handed, a wholly corrupt system set out to deny it all at any cost, including denigrating and destroying those who speak out...that's the St Martins stuff right there...and ya' know, it does seem rather odd that you can keep on sayin' 'the St Martins Cover-up stuff', like literally over and over, almost mentioned every post, and apart from a few dozen vacuous defamation threats from various lawyers, the Crown Solicitor, etc, nuthin' happens, those posts, these posts remain....100's of mentions, documents, and specific accusations/allegations/provings/whatevs of the whole thing, and here it all sits-Ed)...well quite...and a statement that poses a question that answers itself...that's some bullshit poetry right there...(cheers-Ed)...

Vegetative Ligaments: are apparently a concern re the lack of exercise in modern society, but Vexatious Litigants is a huge concern for a certain Dr Grant Lester (Laster? whatevs) of the Uni of Giveadamn in probably New South Whatevs...(I'm sensing you're not real happy with Dr Lester-Ed)...ya' gettin' that then?...'Vexatious Litigants' was the topic of a long discussion on the ABC/BBC Radio on the weekend,  basically about people who constantly sue and use the Courts, etc, because of a sense of entitlement and/or injustice, narcism, whatevs, and end up hangin' around Courthouses just to have someone to talk to, etc...and the constant thing with the good doctor was that this was behaviour based on/motivated in/explained by...whatshreckinévs...some sort of psychological disturbance/imbalance/illness/whatevs...(settle big fella-Ed)...

No I won't, because I readily admit that his specific descriptions were very familiar in so much as I behave in many of the ways that he described, albeit short of the constant Courts stuff...(nah well fair enough, I know you've given up any hope of ever getting anything near a fair hearing in the Sow Strayn legal/Courts system...and a pure cynicism sans any paranoia as excised by the reality-Ed)...hey, I'll do the dodgy poetic philosiphisings thanks champ...(sorry-Ed)...and it ain't even cynicism, it is a reality that transcends cynicism...'tis nuthin' butta' Thang...(fair enough-Ed)...

And the interviewer (name? sorry) good on them, repeatedly persisted with the question 'what about people with genuine grievances, particularly grievances unresolved?', and Dr Lester repeatedly responded 'oh yeah' but then went straight back into the whole 'psychosis' thing that he was clearly pushing...it was absolute dross from yet another alleged expert in the field, clearly pushing a certain barrow, for whatevs reason...and it's exactly the sortta' line that has been used against myself and/or other parents for appropriately accessing the appropriate authorities, etc, at great personal cost, in trying to get something done about the multiple, sustained abuses committed at St Martins Lutheran School by teacher Glyn Dorling...

And so we're back here again on this 'ere blog because, well, if I'm the bloody problem then here I am and here's what I've got to say about it...and the ABC and The Border Watch know all about what I'm all about and why and how, and have chosen to foster and support indeed promote and proliferate the idea that crazy ol' Nick Fletcher is the problem and needs to be banned...     

 Oh, There Is A Mayor In There: as our illustrious new Mayor Andrew Lee makes a comment on the ABC Local Radio, after a waffle introduction about how he didn't want to comment until the outcome was officially declared and he didn't know that until late Friday...(but it was declared mid-week...this is a farcical introduction to how Mayor Lee will be functioning-Ed)...and there he goes congratulating those involved in a "fair" election process...(which reminds me that I must write to the ABC to ask them to explain why it's alright to censor a candidate out of the local Government Elections-Ed)...indeed...

And whilst you're there, ask them why it's alright to censor 2 candidates out of the election, because they did it to me as well...(I meant you you eediot...who do you mean?-Ed)...I mean me too...(no, not you, the other one...you said 2-Ed)...well of course there was l'il 'ol me, and there was Karen Bracken who was, to my understanding, also conveniently left out of the ABC's election coverage...(I heard her on for about 90 seconds, maybe less, on the Wednesday 5th November 2014, the day the postal option for voting effectively closed-ED)...yeah, I wouldn't call that equal coverage, particularly given the extensive interviews that the other 6 candidates received...(fair enough-Ed)...

This is a dodgy outcome to a dodgy election process that is so rabidly corruptible it's simply unbelievable that we would use such a haphazard and rortable system as part of an election process...(and that officials, eg, ECSA would continue to defend it-Ed)...absolutely...and given the rabid levels of corruption evident in Mt Gambier, it's Council, it's other elected and/or employed public officials, and that that corruption runs at least to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, given all that, 1) these vested interests are not going to run the risk of letting go of the reins, and 2) fixing such an easily fixable election would be, well, easy...but I still got it sortta' wrong...

I thought that former Cr Allen 'Is The Key' Smith was the lead stooge in a race of stooges supported by corrupt vested interests and therefore would be Mayor, but it appears that I got it half-right in that Andrew Lee is a borderline incompetent totally vulnerable to manipulation and direction...former Councillor now Mayor Lee is notorious for running to former Mayor now Cr Steve Perryman and/or Council CEO Mark McShane for direction on the least little thing...across 4 years he appears to have learned little if anything about Council Meeting processes, constantly being directed by others, eg, taking direction from then Mayor Perryman as to how to raise an Amendment during a Motion, etc...

Ultimately, all Mt Gambier has done is re-elect Steve Perryman to pseudo-Mayor with CEO Mark McShane immediately adjacent him, and behind them both Greg Muller and their mate, my mate, your mate Rory McEwen...and all of them, particularly Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...and Rory are immediately directly complicit in the St Martins issue...everything else aside, I refer to the fundamental statement made by then PM Julia Gillard when setting up the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, that people are complicit if they have "averted their eyes or committed acts of omission"...

Averted their eyes or committed acts of omission.

And Andrew Lee (in his first interview as Mayor yesterday on the ABC) and it was the usual vacuous waffle, the same as all the way through the election campaign, including a big thankyou to the Electoral Commission (ECSA) for running an election that was "transparent" and "fair"...(deadset?-Ed)...congratulated the Councillor candidates, and that he'll work hard, etc, etc...and he's honoured to be elected by the community...and finished with something about his "passion and integrity"...(dear gourd-Ed)...    

Tomorrow: A List Of Pains Approaching

A Quick Note: Labor's mates, Fracking mining company Beach Energy has set up a Mining Industry Roundtable thingy and a meeting of said at Penola today, but the LGA has declined to join...(but why wouldn't you want to be part of that group if it's such a critical issue?...is it perhaps plausible deniability? don't go can't know-Ed)...gourd knows...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...and pending approval, a hilarious...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison story...(I peed a bit-Ed)...charming...

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