Monday, November 3, 2014

Mt Gambier City Council Meeting 21st October 2014

Hello Russia, Cyprus, Ukraine, and the USofA...welcome one and all to the blog and a slightly late post re, as titled, the Mt Gambier City Council meeting of Tuesday 21st October 2014...(title often means nothing relative to content in this 'ere blog-Ed)...fair enough...and deadset, I've started out to do it a coupla' times and just couldn't be bothered trying to self-modify my own post away from the intense dis-ease this causes me, leading to the need for extensive expletive excretion deletion...(fair enough-Ed)...

But First:...('ere we go-Ed)...hold your horses, it's important...the Sow Strayn Electoral Commissioner (ECSA) Kay Mousley has stated that the early 10-15% return figures re the Voluntary Postal Votes of the Local Government Elections, has rocketed up to 25-30%, likely to settle at 25%...(sold!-Ed)...which means I was way pessimistic about the early return figures being at best 15%, closer it's not 8-9 outta' 10 voting envelopes and therefore votes that remain unaccounted for after the election, it's only 7-8 outta' 10...(oh well, that's just fine then-Ed)...just the Commissioner's own word, 3/4 of votes just go away and aren't counted...(may I?-Ed)...please do...

(What the shreck sortta' Electoral system operates with over 3/4 of the votes unaccounted for...this voluntary vote crap is an absolute set-up for corrupting the system and fixing the very best, how can you claim an election is free and fair and democratic if 1) no-one knows if their voting slip even made it to the ECSA office, and 2) a guaranteed 70-75% of votes are unaccounted for by anyone, even the ECSA?-Ed)...and Kay was on the ABC this evening bangin' on about how great this postal system is, 'it's just like the RAA use'...(but the Royal Automobile Assoc isn't even a political party, let alone running the state-Ed)...exactly, Labor's running the state...(into the ground-Ed)...taboomtish...

But it gets better...(why wouldn't it-Ed)...because Ms Mousley stated that 'if you don't get a voting pack/form in the mail, to return via the mail, then just download one and send that, or contact us and we'll send you another one'...(how many can you have?-Ed)...gourd the ballot box it's simple enough to filter out replications with a checklist, but if 2 or more show up, which one do you count?...(and by contrast, it's impossible to filter out any of the 75% of non-returned/unaccounted forms should someone happen to happen upon some and send them in fraudulently-Ed)...exactly...

And by that logic, what percentage of the 25% returned voting envelopes are potentially some of the unaccounted 75%?...(ohhh sweet baby cheeses stop it already, I'm getting a headache...the point well made is that this 'ere voluntary postal voting system is as dodgy as all get out and wide-open to rorting by people like, for example, current Labor Minister Leon Bignell and/or his wife who fraudulently dressed and presented as a Family First postal booth worker and handed out fake how-to-vote cards directing FF preferences to Neon Leon-Ed)...indeed, if a state Minister is capable of that in a state election, and then excused of that by Kay Mousley, what rort isn't possible in a voluntary postal vote?

Equally Concerning: for me personally anyway, is the legislation currently before Sow Strayn parliament to allow Magistrates to decide whether a case will or won't be held before a jury...(say sorry what!?!-Ed)...oh yeah, you spotted it...this gives the Magistrate the power to deny the accused a trial by jury if the Magistrate decides...the justification is that 'social media can possibly poison the jury against an accused so if the Magistrate decides it's best for said perp, then it's no jury, just the Magistrate who makes the decision'...(so...sorry?...what!?...slow down...what the hell is going on? are you sure you got this right?-Ed)...unfortunately absolutely sure...

(So say some Large Angry Hippy ends up in front of a random Magistrate, say, Bill Morris, facing random charges of, say, talking about the Banana Lord and Club GoGo Bananas-Ed)...I'm not sure whether you're being specifically random or randomly specific...(and Magistrate Bill decides that due to say, 2 comments left on social media by, say, a coupla' Labor Party stooges-Ed)...good thing you can't turn over a rock in this sick state without uncovering at least one Labor stooge...(then LAH don't get no jury-Ed)...super...

This legislation gives the Courts/Magistrates/Whatevs the power to deny an accused a trial by jury...(and tries to put it in a context where it's doing the perp a favour, 'we're removing your right to a jury hearing because it's best for you'-Ed)...that doesn't sound like Fascism at all...(hardly at all-Ed)...

And now it's Raine Korte of Electranet getting another free kick on the ABC Local Radio Late Afternoons re Renewable Energy...(oh dear gourd, we're not going to get to the Council stuff are we?-ED) paragraph, just one...(yeah sure, you'll stick to just one-Ed)...and it's the usual empty rhetoric about how great Wind Turbines are and it's all about the great power generation and SA is "world leading" in it's production...(with resultant "world-leading" electricity prices-Ed), Raine mate neglected to mention that...(I bet 'e did-Ed)...and then he started bangin' on about '100% Renewables...(what?-Ed)...

And Raine's positive that the only risk to relying 100% on Wind Turbines and Solar (didn't hear him mention geothermal, might have missed it) would the interconnecting link with Victoria (the Heywood Interconnector as in previous posts) long as that remains intact we'll be just fine, was a funny bitta' the conversation that was sortta' about the Heywood Interconnector without mentioning it specifically or the fact that the more we rely on turbines and even solar, the more we rely on Victorian coal-fired power stations to make up the difference when we inevitably need it...anyhoos...

Kersplash: the word on the street is that at least one person has already dipped more than a toe in the Death Pit of Stupidity (aka the $650,000+ pond/dam/damn pond thingy on the Rail Lands)...(and they've pulled the fencing off the Bay Rd end of the Rail Lands site back about 1/3 to adjacent the Old Rail Station-Ed)...and wonder what happened to the Grand Opening that they 'have to have before this Council finishes It's term'?...(oh yeah, I'd forgotten, it was said several times in Council meetings, should probably be in the Minutes somewhere if I could be bothered-Ed)...moving on...

Council Meeting: I got nuthin'...(ahh come on big fella-Ed)...ok, ok...this was of course the last meeting of this Council, they all said how great they all were, blah blah blah, I went home a not happy camper...(now come on, do it properly-Ed)...alright expected Council passed their mind-numbingly irrelevant and fraudulent 'Futures Paper - City Development Framework' ...(oh dear gourd-Ed)...well exactly, you can see my problem...

This is the most fundamentally obvious cynical manipulation of the incoming Council, that it cannot be accepted as's a corrupted document conjured on fictional numbers...if it weren't so terribly serious it'd be completely laughable...Council has spent a fortune on needless forums and experts and gourd knows what-all, over many many months, pushing this very ugly baby up to the cliff edge, and in their last meeting, shoved it over...and the incoming Council will be set at the bottom with no choice but to catch it...

But before that vote, Council had voted  to accept yet another Tender (this time re the Rail Lands Amphitheatre) and in accepting that Tender, state that they'll then negotiate a different price...(isn't that what Council did with the ludicrous Blue Lake Solar Lights tender?-Ed)...exactly, only with that tender Council allowed the winning contractor to put in 2 different quotes for the project...and then quite rightly ran into a wall of shizzle that's gunna' cost Mt Gambier ratepayers a small fortune in legal fees...(ohh, it's only money-Ed)...speaking of which, I've recently heard some more tales of the outrageous waste within Council projects, eg, some stuff on the Rail Lands...apologies cannot divulge, would potentially expose The Teller of Tales...not trying to be a smart-arse, just the way it is...

I also note that the issue of re-cladding the externals of the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre/Civic Centre building, that went silently through, again, tucked away in the Business Arising Schedule, with the ' Action Required' stating "Release Expression of Interest (in conjunction with Country Arts SA)"...looks like another baby droppin' on the new Council...(do Country Arts SA know they're 'in-conjunctioning' with Council?-Ed)...indeed, and least ways not the Arts people I've spoken to, but ultimately I don't's clear though that this is yet another énfant terriblé (French for 'terrible child'?) that will fall to the next Council...(and good luck with that-Ed)...indeed...

There was also the rather interesting issue of Council self-approving the auditor, "certifying the independence of the Council Auditor", the auditor what they done chose whom is I believe the same auditor who couldn't see the $345-350,000 that former CEO Greg Muller misappropriated from the Main Corner discussed in Council, on the front page of The Border Watch, etc, etc, ad infinitum (previous posts)...this is blowing outta' bit so I'll go a Part II on the morrow...

Tomorrow : MGCCM21OCT2014 Part II

(I can wait-Ed)...yeah, it's nuthin' really to look forward to...who all was there, 20 minutes of sickening self-congratulation and sycophantic mutual admiration, etc, etc...2 weeks on and it still just makes me spit and I don't apologise for getting so upset, it was truly infuriating to the point of sickening...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, 16 Kooringa St, Mt Gambier, SA 5290

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