Saturday, June 1, 2013

Yet More Wind Turbine Propaganda on ABC Radio

Some housekeeping first...My blog is being read on every continent...Across Europe, Asia, Eur-Asia, South and North America, Australia, and, I don't believe it either, but there you go, that's the Interweb for you.

Massive apology for omission from yesterday's post and slight correction re that omission. (NF)

My repeated claim in previous posts that Lachlan Mutton, son of Councillor Des Mutton, has been given control of the Main Corner Complex with commercial kitchen for free, was contested at the Thursday May 30th 'Budget Consultation' meeting at the library, including I think by Cr Merv White.

There was a chorus of 'No, he pays a fee', and I'm fairly sure Cr White was one of those (but I didn't get an answer as to how much, so I'll have to write to Council and ask). Yesterday I stated that Cr White had not spoken a word, but it may well have been five.

Again I apologise for the omission, but it changes nothing in yesterday's post. I fully stand by the claim that Council tried to set me up and failed...Epic Fail...

Also, still haven't been able to pound the 'Catholic Church Post' into a presentable form...which incidentally is part of my solution for George Pell...(oh, a joke based on a premise of implied violence...charming-Ed)...dude, you should see the rest of it...something akin to the 'Christian Cuddle' ethos from a previous post, minus the humour...but I'll keep trying...(yes, you're very trying-Ed)...ah, hilarious...(they're oldies but they're goodies-Ed)...

How can I put it best?...ah, yes of a light coming on...Do unto George Pell as he has allowed to be done unto others...frequently...but I digress...

Please refer to my previous posts regarding the relentless Pro-Turbine conduct of ABC Local Radio in Mt Gambier, eg, running long discussions with Turbine proponents and/or company reps and/or the notorious pro-industry lobby group, the self-titled Clean Energy Council, and then putting random, anonymous callers to air to denigrate and attack opponents like myself, and then refusing to put 'opponents' to air to respond...we get 10 second messages read out following 10 minutes of relentless pro-Turbine lies and propaganda...

This week there has been a number of stories and/or interviews about Turbines and/or Renewable Energy and the $10billion Clean Energy Finance Commission signing contracts for funding ludicrously un-economic projects, including Wind Turbines.

Turbine developers and proponents and advocates like the CEC are waging a relentless campaign across the media, and particularly on the supposedly independent ABC, to deceive and deny and attack and denigrate...please see previous posts...and the South Australian government is using a totally compromised Environmental Protection Agency to pump out gross psuedo-science in lieu of the scientific studies that have clearly not been done already...massive Turbines have been approved across the state without any science...

So it was that I automatically cringed when I heard the ABC's Alan Richardson (Tuesday May 28th) announce an upcoming interview with the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Reseach Organisation) about a 'new report' from a 'new study'.

Turbine proponents across the globe are already quoting these farcically inadequate and biased micro-studies as concrete proof that Turbines are just super and everything 's just fine...just fine...and I expected the worst as this latest interview began.

However, it wasn't Dr Nina Hall (?spelling) of the CSIRO who argued the pro-Turbine case, it was Alan. He sounded like he was reading from a CEC provided fact sheet, and didn't ask actual questions, he simply made grossly mis-informed statements in favour of Turbines and offered Dr Hall the opportunity to agree.

Alan continually made statements thinly described as questions, and Dr Hall was clearly taken aback, frequently steering the conversation back to the fact that she was referring to an open study of only 30 people, a study effectively asking opinions not specific questions.

Loathe as I am to say it, Dr Nina Hall is to be congratulated for her rigorous compliance to the fundamental ideals of science, informed objective debate guided by investigation and research, as opposed to what Alan offered, a subjective opinion seeking justification. 

I was absolutely stunned by the totallity of the bias in Alan's statement/questions, constantly trying to steer the discussion into one about 'a few squeaky wheels' causing unjustifiable opposition, and 'some people will protest no matter what', and 'wouldn't you say that most people support them'. (paraphrasing from my notes)

Alan tried to discuss how great these International companies are and what great 'relationships' they have with communities, etc, and repeatedly tried to get Dr Hall to agree to that as well.

It literally just occurred to me that Alan's questions and statements seemed to follow not the CEC or some other proponent, but this blog...literally all of the issues I have covered, neatly worked around with a rabidly pro-Turbine bias...I'm sure it's just a coincidence though...

He concluded the interview with a long personnel recount of being in Germany and how surprised a couple of locals were that people would be complaining about Turbines, and comments about how people are being 'talked into it' and 'it's how Witch Doctors work', and 'the Nocebo effect', all entangled and neatly attached to a reference to 'the Waurbra Foundation'...absolutely manipulated misinformation cobbled together to denigrate Dr Sarah Lawrie and the Waubra Foundation in an absolute mimicry of the pro-Turbine lobby.

This whole line of statements/questioning was the 'The Sick People Are Crazy' denial that the pro-Turbine lobby have been running re Infrasound and other noise and/or health issues...Nothing to See Here, and Nothing to Hear, See...(nice...that is a future post title for sure...-Ed)...and completely ignored the issue that those Turbines are 1/4 to a 1/6 the size of Turbines planned fo Allendale, etc.

Alan Richardson is very clearly a supporter of Wind Turbines but I cannot state whether this bias is based in a genuine belief that Turbines are a good thing, or whether he is knowingly engaging in the deliberate deceit and manipulation of the Turbine debate that has defined the ABC's reportage thus far.

But the fact remains that Alan Richardson's interview with Dr Nina Hall (CSIRO) was a grossly biased and one sided effort...I heard only one brief  'opposing' message read out in response...there was a brief discussion between Alan and his producer Penny Moorhouse about where Turbines are located due to wind availability, and Penny made the astute observation 'Why aren't they putting them near Victor Harbour?, the wind blows there.'...

I note with grave concern that Alan Richardson is a Board member of Regional Development Australia, an organisation mired in the institutionalised corruption of South Australia and at the direct control of government and clearly instituting government policy, a government hell-bent on covering SA with Turbines.

I look at some of the other personnel appointed to the RDA, eg, Grant King (previous post), and my concern flares to outright opposition. How many times have Stan Thompson or Alan Richardson aired Grant King as 'an independent expert', and then let him sprout 'carte blanche' (completely un-challenged) government propaganda and misinformation on the ABC ?...easy...every time...

It is absolutely un-acceptable for a Board member of the government controlled RDA to use his position with the supposedly independent Public Broadcaster to run the state government line re supporting Turbines regardless of, and in deliberate ignorance of, the realities.

I will be writing to Mr Alan Richardson in my capacity as the Independent Opposition to Wind Turbine Fascism candidate for the federal election re this issue and seeking recourse to address on air the gross mis-information of his interview with Dr Hall...wish me luck...

For all I know this interview was a 'set-up' to make the CSIRO look relatively balanced and objective ahead of some outrageously biased pro-Turbine study soon to be wouldn't surprise me...but at any level, what ever the genuine motivation, it is un-acceptable for the ABC to be so biased.

Tomorrow: Homelessness and The Housing Trust 
I was technically homeless for nearly 10 years and now have been in the same Housing Trust residence for 10...

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