Sunday, June 9, 2013

I'm Having A Day Off...Call It A Mental Health Day

I make no apologies for having this particular day off...(who are you kidding?'ve got the completely impartial BBC World Service on and deliberately monitoring the TV news this off...bollocks-Ed)...yes, fair point...well apart from that, I'm having today off...and no's some more poetry...(oh well now, there's no need for you're just lashing out-Ed)

It was 11 years ago today, on the Sunday evening of the long weekend June 2002, that a parent showed up at my unit to tell me that our children's teacher Glyn Dorling had been removed from teaching at St Martins Lutheran School after a series of school meetings, parent complaints and children's disclosures of his behaviours with our children.

Please refer to any of the numerous posts where I have made the direct claim that the Lutheran Church is Covering-up the gross abuse of a classful of seven year old children...and those posts stand despite the Lutheran's lawyers, Piper Alderman, pulling down a post re the St Martins issue...bizarre... 

Today there would be very little Christian in my Cuddles (previous post) and I have a genuine problem with that, so I won't be going out and therefore it won't be a problem...again, a man's gotta know his I've said...a thousand backward steps in always moving forward...

And so some poetry from back in the is sort of about drugs and religion and relationships and sort of about suicidal behaviour and sort of how they can intertwine...but don't panic, it's not specifically about me, it's just an observation about lots of peoples behaviour...if anything I'm saying/asking why do people suicide?...anybody who knows me knows that I would never deprive the planet of the pleasure of my company...goooo Scorpio...oh sorry, had I forgotten to mention, wait, come back...hey...HEY...damn...

Apologies for removing a certain word...oh,and not re-typing this, but it is my day off after all...

Tomorrow: Working With Indonesia

I am Nick Fletcher and tomorrow is another day...and remember...Strike Up, Not Out...laters  

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