Tuesday, June 4, 2013

ABC Committed to St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

This is a sickeningly appropriate segue into the next post TFTIM Stuart Stansfield.

I lodged the attached complaint Tuesday May 21st personally with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Mt Gambier, and for some reason it ended up in Adelaide with Graeme Bennett, Local Content Manager, whose response I received Friday May 31st (also attached).

There has been/continues to be a concerted effort to shut me out of the local media. I completely reject the notion that I "...have regularly been given the opportunity to discuss issues in which you are involved or interested."

Yes I do contact the ABC on an almost daily basis, but the vast majority of that is in response to their grossly biased and errant reportage, eg, the outrageously biased pro-Wind Turbine coverage (please see previous posts) that went fully ballistic last week with Alan Richardson's extraordinary 'interview'.

I am regularly in contact trying to get them to acknowledge the direct links between people like Grant King and the state government, etc, because the ABC regularly runs blatant 'propaganda' on behalf of government and/or big business.

It is not that I get 'my fair share', because the vast majority of my contacts are about trying to bring balance to a clearly politically corrupted ABC. Somebody has to do it...

People have been stating to me for some time, 'hey, heard you on the ABC, but they don't like you very much do they, didn't even talk to you'. This happened last week when I spoke about the errors in Councillor Andrew Lees's comments re Council's 'Budget Consultation Process' (previous post) and Stan Thompson barely said one word...and again people noticed...

I note that in his letter 28/05/13 Mr Bennett states that he has "discussed" my claims re "ABC Adelaide staff...with the staff you have contacted. They have made no such promises."

I don't know who Mr Bennett spoke to, or how he knew who to talk to because my letter contains no names, and nor does his response...who are these 'staff' he refers to?

I note that he obviously hasn't spoken to Mr Alan Atkinson who wrote to me last year (attached) clearly stating that he was going to do something...still waiting...

Laters: TFTIM ABC's Stuart Stansfield 

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