Wednesday, June 5, 2013

TFTIM: ABC's Stuart Stansfield

Sorry for late post, but...I make no apology for the tone and language of my next few posts.

As the June long weekend approaches, the anger and frustration has it's way with me but thankfully I am (these days) aware of it and so am able to just hang on for the ride...just...Please review previous posts re the St Martin's Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, MP Rory McEwen and the ABC.

Can't actually remember the first time I met Stuart me he's exactly like Tony me they are both like that sense of something wrong...followed by the realisation that it's a nasty smell...that's coming from near you...from on you...from the sole of your boot...ohhh, I've stepped in a Stansfield...ahhh, and traipsed Pasin all through the house...(ooo, can you feel the love?-Ed)....wait, it gets better...(I bet it does-Ed)...

I make no secret of the fact that, because of his extraordinary behaviour towards parents over the St Martin's issue during his previous stint on the ABC, I did everything I could to avoid Stuart Stansfield  after his return to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in Mt Gambier (in mid-2012 following the 'retirement' of Alan Richardson).

Stuart always tries to be so falsely professional in front of others, but he has made no attempt to hide his dislike for me or the other parents. Other than in public, he has demonstrated an intense dislike, even hatred, for us few parents trying to get something done about the St Martin's issue.

He was/is aggressive, dismissive, and generally abusive, repeatedly blocking us access to air-time.

I don't know exactly why he has behaved like this; whether it is because he's mates with former MP Rory McEwen, or connected to the Lutherans, or just sucking up to the other corrupt 'power-brokers' in Mt Gambier and South Australia...or some other motivation...but it is all irrelevant.

His personal animosity is his problem for him to deal with in his own time, not an agenda for him to be pursuing via his position, from behind his position, with the ABC...unless of course his behaviour is tacitly approved and/or following specific internal directives.

Given the National and State ABC's refusal to touch the St Martin's issue, this 'internal directive' becomes increasingly a probability...I know from my vantage point at the eye of the St Martin's storm, that there is massive pressure being applied from the top down as the Lutherans call in every favour they can to keep this horrendous disgrace buried...not that it's so difficult in a society defined by it's pro-paedophile corruption...

I have no reservation in stating as fact that there has been a concerted effort for years to shut me out of the Mt Gambier media...and so it continues.

Outside of that, Stuart Stansfield has clearly been appointed to the Mt Gambier ABC not on grounds of talent or integrity, but on association and compliance...he is a talentless leech who bloats himself by attachment to actual warm blooded creatures...(ooo, you did say it would 'get better', and you weren't kidding-Ed)

Only yesterday June 4th 2013 Stuart Stansfield ran a long interview with local alleged Independent MP but actually Labor party lap-dog Don Pegler about another 60 bed expansion to the Mount Gambier Gaol.

It was hilarious to hear Stuart state that he couldn't get anyone from the Labor government on the program, and then say 'we've got Don Pegler instead''s the same thing...and everyone knows it.

Big Myself Up - This interview covered all of the issues that I have been pursuing through the local media without success, for years, about the repeated gaol expansions (now from 170 inmates to 340 and possibly even more), eg, impact on housing, health and other services; type of offenders; and release of sex offenders into the sounded exactly like they had copies of my blog in front of them and were addressing it point for point.

And the whole line from Don "I'm Alright" Pegler in that interview, and from Grant District Mayor Richard "I'm Doing Quite Nicely As Well Thanks" Sage, is the absolute offensiveness of 'be grateful for the jobs'.

These two know full well that Adelaide is dumping it's paedophiles in Mt Gambier, yet are prepared to go into the public forum and outright lie in support of the Labor government agenda...these are the people who represent our community...what hope?...but I digress.

Inevitably I ran (or 'rang') into Stuart Stansfield when the Mt Gambier City Council released their 'Report' about me via The Border Watch on July 24th 2012 (previous post) and I called the ABC to discuss it...and Stuart answered...he had seen the article but his response was "we won't be doing anything on that."

When I asked him if he knew what it was about, he actually said, and I quote;
          "I don't know and I don't want to know."
and when I told him anyway he was genuinely taken aback...but only briefly...suggesting I should go to police, but still refusing to give me any air-time.

Only minutes into our first conversation since his return, he had made it abundantly clear that nothing had changed from several years before. I politely insisted, choosing to go around his refusals by stating that I would provide him a copy of my 'right of reply' letter to TBW, and then contact him later to discuss it.

TBW ran a third of my 'right of reply' letter (and no apology) on Friday 27th July, and I contacted the ABC again, speaking to producer Selina Green, who asked me (or I offered , whatevs) to call back, and I did, but she was unable to help me (couldn't, wouldn't, wasn't allowed to) and passed me on to Stuart.

Stuart Stansfield was highly abusive, half yelling down the phone, "I told you" followed by "I've got a guest." and then he just hung up on me...

I did not call on the Monday specifically to avoid Penny Moorhouse* and Stuart, but rang on the Tuesday 31st July.   (*I believe that Ms Moorhouse is following instruction to deny me access, and is to a certain degree therefore not responsible for her conduct...just following orders...)

On 31/07/12 Ms Green answered again and I apologised to her personally for the Official Complaint that I was on the verge of lodging re Stuart Stansfield, and she passed me on to Stuart.

He again refused to discuss the Council report or apologise for hanging up on me, instead attacking me for calling the station "5 times" on Friday, claiming that I had nearly reduced Ms Green to tears...she said nothing to me...(ahhhhh Viennaaaaaa-Ed) was all a construct of Stuart's as he sought justification for what he really wanted to do...

Stuart repeatedly laughed at and openly taunted me whilst stating, "...your problem is that you're too just don't get it". I asked him to put it all in writing but he refused, stating instead;
              "Don't be surprised if the next letter you get from the ABC is telling you to
               stay away for good."

Whenever I held him to account on a point, he just laughed and snidely said, "You just don't get it do you Nick?"  He made this exact statement 4 or 5 times.

He was unambiguously indicating, without stating outright, that he was in charge now and that meant that I would not be getting any air-time.

As the senior producer with the ABC Mt Gambier he abused, ridiculed and taunted me over the phone..and you just know he wouldn't dare to do it to my face...

Just prior to Christmas 2012 Stuart ran a long interview with his good pal Rory McEwen, in which Rory repeatedly, glowingly praised up St Martins Lutheran School...and naturally I called in to ask what the heck was happening...Stuart answered, abused me "Don't be ridiculous" and "That's not appropriate"  before yet again hanging up on me...charming...

I have worked very hard to go around this extraordinary behaviour, and much to his annoyance I continue to regularly call the ABC, mostly to correct their faults. Only a few weeks ago Stuart put me to air accidentally...(hilarious-Ed).. .without knowing who it was, "Hello caller, you're on the air..." to question Tony Abbott's Polly Pedal motives...I was polite and to the always...

Since I lodged my most recent written complaint, on the couple of occasions I have had messages read out, Stuart has been making a point of saying, "...And regular ABC contributor Nick Fletcher called in to say..."...but nobodies fooled Stuart, least of all others have observed to me, any time I am currently getting on ABC Radio is clearly under extreme suffrage (from the ABC), and that Stuart's specific identification of me is purely so he can argue the case that 'yes Nick Fletcher is getting time, just look at this'...

I'm quietly confident he's keeping a strict log of these 'messages' for future use......(geez, no wonder they hate you...they abuse, vilify, taunt and goad you...and all you do is write appropriate complaints and politely come back time and time again with balanced, informed complete and utter bastard-Ed)...why thankyou...that means a lot...

Anyway...must go...I need to have a huge Pasin...(ahh dude...I want to pull you up for that one, really I do got nuthin' bastard-Ed)...cheers...

I am Nick Fletcher...I am a large, angry, hippy...and this is my blog...

Tomorrow: Turbo Charged Wind Turbine Propaganda on ABC TV and Radio...Yes, Again...

My good friends at the Clean Energy Council and Mr Simon Chapman have been spewing their outright lies into the media in the last 24 hours, in a concerted campaign of deceit...the last desperate throes of a dying 'industry' utilising the pseudo-science of a rank in god's name has Simon Chapman become a professor?...he is an un-professional disgrace...

I've said it before...for all the anger and vengeance and emotion and suffering and pain surging through my entire blog, I am still more balanced and professional than this absolute clown...laters...

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