Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Disingenderous - Julia Gillard and Howard Sattler

I was sorely tempted to call this post Gays, Lesbians, Misogynists, Paedophiles and Man-Haters, specifically to highlight just how unrealistic and inappropriate it is to try and define people with broad stereotypes, particularly based on sexuality, and that the human animal is more than capable of being many things, some related some not, and many concurrently...

Of course there are many gay men who aren't paedophiles and a few heterosexual women who are...yes there are misogynists and man-haters (don't know the technical term), members of both genders whom genuinely hate the other...and sometimes those issues stem from traumatic experiences, etc... 

The reality remains though that the vast majority of physical and/or sexual assaults are committed by men, and that women are in many respects removed as individuals and presented relentlessly as a sum of their body parts...their role is defined as how best they can serve men...

And yes there is clearly a 'glass-ceiling' attitude with some men and/or companies, an 'Old Boys Network' if you will...but soulless selfishness and morally blank conduct is not the preserve of men...nor is being harassed the preserve of women...

Some people find it hard to comprehend that a man can be sexually harassed, yet I have personally had many times in my life experience where I have been 'harassed' by female and male bosses, married women and men, etc, and sometimes all in the same interaction.

For example, when I was working as a Courier I had my line manager hassling me daily because the woman he liked liked me, a married senior female employee (my 'boss') occasionally going the grope un-invited, and a depot manager who just had to try and be 'the Alpha Male' in a context where he wasn't, and that included inappropriate touching as well...
It is widely acknowledged, indeed the ABC (possibly SBS?) recently ran a long story about the issue of lesbians and gay men engaging in 'Marriages of Convenience' to be able to access various legal and/or citizenship rights not afforded to committed gay couples...somewhat sad but certainly understandable, and not to be confused with being 'Disingenderous'...

Disingenderous -  To be Disingenuous on issues of Gender...and yes that is a made-up word...a 'Fletcherism' if you will, in the tradition of Pariahtisation and Fascocracy (previous posts).

I am so sick of the mindless, vacuous and closeted response to the Howard Sattler interview with Prime Minister Julia Gillard about the reality of her relationship with Tim Matheson and/or his sexuality, something that has apparently been 'rumoured' for some time.

Also, I'm sick of being lumped in with misogynists and anti-abortionists and 'sexism' (which should be called 'genderism') and all of the other 'ists' and/or 'isms' that Julia Gillard slings in a desperate attempt to distract from the policy debate...and particularly after using language like 'Mincing Poodle' or 'Fat', etc, to describe others.

Former Prime Minister John Howard was/is relentlessly ridiculed for his height, his eyebrows, his laugh, his tendency to stammer slightly when agitated, etc, and these physical/behavioural traits were/are always exaggerated in parody, pillory, and outright abuse...and so it is with Julia Gillard...cartoonists in particular make a living from 'exaggerating for effect' the physical attributes of their subjects...

I only ever use the word 'Slut' in self-reference, and I'm appallingly bad at relationships to the point that I stopped having them in my mid-twenties out of respect for the women involved, but that doesn't make me misogynist or anything else...it just makes me me...(you poor baby-Ed)...and I fully support people's right to whatever 'Adult/legal' relationship they want to be in...and the right for a woman to decide whether she wants to endure the trauma of abortion...I subscribe to the observation that 'if men got pregnant, then there would be 'Express Abortion' lanes at the supermarket'...

I know/have known gay people, gay couples, women who have had abortions, etc, and in every instance they are just people trying to live their lives...and I ain't no misogynist, either... 

My Pops used to literally hand his pay to Grandma who ran the household, and her local Meals on Wheels branch for 30+ years, and her tennis group, and daily knitted jumpers to donate to charity, all whilst enduring multiple 'Cancer' operations across decades, and my Mum was a 'single mum' who worked full-time to put her children through a private school, provide a good home, food, health care, etc, leaving almost nothing for herself, with virtually no support from my father who left when I was about 4 years old.

The strongest role models in my life are unquestionably women and it has had a definable, definitive effect on how I interact with women.

I don't know much about the 'Tim's gay' rumours, or 'shock jock' Howard Sattler, and I agree that saying Tim being a hairdresser is indicative of him being gay is just a stupid and un-helpful generalisation, but the specific issue of the veracity of the relationship is a perfectly reasonable and I would argue critically important subject to be discussed.

Personally, I don't care if Julia Gillard is gay, or Tim is, or any one, if they are genuine in that context...the issus is one of deceit and the potential for that deceit to taint debate, discourse, and even legislation...and for that deceit to be discovered and then manipulated, eg, you give me the legislation/approval/funding/whatevs, that I want, or else I'm going to 'Out' you ..

That is, if the Prime Minister, male or female, is involved in a disingenuous relationship to deceive the electorate, that is of grave concern because it becomes an issue of National Security.

When I was involved with various 'Child Protection Groups' in 2004/05, one of the major concerns expressed was the number of gay and/or paedophile state politicians, particularly those engaged in 'false' heterosexual relationships, and the extreme right-wing sexual attitudes and politics in some sections of the Education Department, etc...the whole tone was one of deceit and disingenuousness...(previous posts)

Here is the direct connnection with notorious paedophile politician 'Terry', officially identified as serving MP Patrick Conlon (by former MP Rory McEwen-previous post), who was/is accused of engaging teenage male prostitutes...

The first time I saw Jay Weatherill I thought he was about the 'gayest' man I'd ever seen, and was very genuinely shocked to learn he was married...that isn't a slur because I don't care particularly about his sexuality so long as he is honest about it... 

I don't loathe MLC Ian Hunter because he's gay and travelled to Spain to 'marry' his partner, I loathe him because he was part of the Statutory Authorities Review Committee that 'investigated' the Teachers Registration Board for 3 years and then signed his name to the deliberately erroneous SARC Report no.54 that effectively exonerates all involved in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, most particularly the very authority they were meant to be investigating, the TRB, and continues to leave children extremely vulnerable.

Please review my previous posts re the Paedophile Lobby that is clearly 'running' Adelaide, and the role that PM Julia Gillard and Premier Jay Weatherill have played in helping the Lutheran Church cover-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year olds at St Martins School Mt Gambier, and the fact that these people are all Alumni of Adealide University and the Adelaide Labor Party...Jay Weatherill used to go out with federal Labor MP Penny Wong...

That's why I hate them with a passion...not because they're gay or not, or because of their gender, or their skin colour, or whatever, I loathe them for their corruption and deceit and outright pro-paedophile bastardry...

Tomorrow: Solar Thermal and Even More Turbine Propaganda 

I am Nick Fletcher...and I am not a woman but I am strong...sort of...a bit...sometimes...but this is definitely my blog.

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