Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bits and Pieces - Some Housekeeping

Apologies for late post...mini epic fail...wrote this morning but went out then forgot to post...and also for not dealing with this stuff at the time but I got caught up in trying to cover Mt Gambier City Council's deceit and malfeasance re their alleged 'Budget Consultation Process'...and there is after all so much to address...(right on-Ed)...and plenty of June long weekend cynicism...and no apology for that...the June long weekend...the longest weekend that never ends...(please see previous posts)

'Adelaide Fish Die-off - Surprise, surprise, surprise...Adelaide authorities have dutifully gone past the bleedin' obvious, the massive 'Discharge Event' from the Hallett Cove De-salination Plant that took place on the very day that there were massive fish die-offs in that immediate area, to instead blame "Natural Causes" including "an up-welling" and "high water temperatures" that produced numerous species of micro-algae.

This die-off took place over several days across the Lower Gulf area, and included the deaths of several dozen dolphins (approx 30? that we know of) apparently from 'Dolphin Morbillovirus'.

Excuse me if I view with absolute and un-relenting cynicism the official position of government agencies the Dept of Environment, Water and Natural Resources; Primary Industry and Regions SA; the Environment Protection Authority; and SA Water. The South Australian public service, it's agents and it's declarations are completely compromised by a culture of corruption and self-interest.

Nothing that comes out of any of these agencies, and throw the Country Fire Service in there for good measure, can be taken at face value, and nothing they produce, no report, no quote, and no alleged 'science', has any genuine credibility.

There is no question that the Gulf's ecosystems, constantly under attack from pollution, over fishing, etc, was already highly stressed and that that situation was exacerbated by extremely warm weather conditions, but it is just ludicrous to ignore the reality that a massive discharge event clearly tipped a stressed system over the edge, if not outright caused those fish die-offs and dolphin deaths.

This, unfortunately, is the standard of 'official science' in South Australia; a compromised and corrupted state where you don't advance if you don't do as you're told, and that means false science on demand...and here comes Wind Turbines...and all of the half decent people involved get tarred with the same brush...

Milk Prices - Again a case where I genuinely hope to be wrong, but I view with a degree of cynicism the announcement by Murray Goulburn of a 'record' opening price for Milk Solids, and a projected marjinal increase by seasons end. Whilst it is fantastic news in the moment for dairy farmers who have been hammered by massively increasing utility costs, very low 'farmgate' prices, and a high Australian dollar, I have concerns that unabashed optimism can be self-defeating.

I don't know Murray Goulburn and/or what motivates them, but it must be acknowledged that producers, and not just in dairy, have been manipulated and deceived before in signing on with large suppliers/retailers only to have those 'purchasers' unilaterally re-negotiate those prices down...the major supermarket chains have been repeatedly accused and/or guilty of this behaviour.

Here's to Murray Goulburn being a genuine actor in the long-term health of the Dairy industry.

Note: All due respect, but I challenge the assertion by farmer Mr Travis Telford (The Border Watch Friday 7th June) that the extraordinary escalation in his (and everyone elses) electricity costs is solely due to the Carbon Tax.

I agree that the Carbon Tax is an issue and influence, but I suggest that the ludicrous proliferation of Wind Turbines and the massive infrastructure required to disperse their intermittent and un-reliable output plays a far greater role in the increase in retail electricity prices.

This insidious deceit is hidden behind arguments and/or explanations of the cost of 'renewing infrastructure', commonly referred to as 'poles and wires'...this is code for gouging consumers to support massive profits for Turbine proponents and/or developers as we pay for their infrastructure.

Also, given the 'private ownership of retail supply', every Solar unit and/or other initiative that reduces consumption from the 'Main Stream' supply, guarantees that the price will go up to protect profit margins...that's business...That is, if you use less of the 'privately owned' electricity, say by 10%, then the over-all price for other users has to rise to match/recover that 10%, simply to maintain current profitability.

Our current structure of supply and costing (including the ridiculously wasteful practice of exporting and/or importing power from the Eastern states) absolutely guarantees that the less electricity we use, the more expensive it will become...and then throw the 'poles and wires' cost on top of that, and the Carbon Tax, and bingo, South Australia has the most expensive electricity on the planet.

And that does not include the taxpayer funded subsidies companies receive per turbine.

I know how cynical I have become, but it is my personal experience via the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, that offering struggling people hope and then ripping it away again, even in dribs and drabs, is a fundamental tool of psychological manipulation that was quite deliberately, repeatedly used to 'break' us parents...from despair to hope and flung back to despair...again and again...quite deliberately...farmers watch your backs, it's all I'm saying...

Indoor Pool - I completely dismiss the current 'pseudo-campaign' by Barney McCusker for an Indoor Heated Pool (TBW Tuesday 4th June 2013), as a clumsy and obvious 'campaign' to promote his Liberal Party mate Tony Pasin...

Mt Gambier should have an Indoor Pool already and Tony Pasin, Steve Perryman, Greg Muller, and all their self-important Liberal Party co-conspirators have, for at least a decade, voted for everything but a pool. These people don't give a damn about the average Mt Gambier resident...they make decisions based on mutual benefit.

These people have run Mt Gambier into huge debt over an un-necessary Library replacement and a totally pointless, frivolous front door for the Riddoch Gallery, otherwise known as the Main Corner, and time and again have gone right past the pool issue.

It is just offensive for Barney McCusker to deceive and manipulate genuine people to garner attention and support for his buddy Tony Pasin, and is merely part of a broader agenda being run by Barney, who is apparently roaring around town relentlessly spruiking Tony Pasin as a great guy who will do great things for Mt Gambier...poppycock and balderdash...

I've said it before...(and here you go again-Ed)...if Tony Pasin was so concerned about a covered pool for Mt Gambier why didn't he do something about it in his 8 years on City Council?...(I'll take this one...because he doesn't give a damn about anyone other than himself and his Liberal Party chronies, all milling about to get their snouts in the trough, a trough they fill from rate-payers pockets...covered pool be damned-Ed)...wow, couldn't have said it better...

And for shrek sake, why a new 25m pool that can't be used for swimming competitions?...just stick a roof over the pool that we've already got...cheaper, faster, smarter...

And in TBW Wednesday 5th June 2013, an article about the pool where CEO Mark McShane threatens rate rises to pay for it and states that Council is preparing 'a detailed report' but, "We need to look at the operating costs, not just the building costs."...helloooo Main Corner...

I will cover the full article tomorrow...and also...

Tomorrow: From Greg Muller's Desk - Graham Greenwood's Latest Effort 

I genuinely apologise for the quality, or rather lack of, for my last few posts...sort of at functioning level and then only just...onward and upward...

I'm still Nick Fletcher and this is still my blog...get it down ya'...laters...

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