Friday, June 28, 2013

Rail Lands Shenanigans Again My Friends

Hello Israel, Poland, South Korea, and Thailand...and a completely un-intentional bazinga re yesterday's post and my hilarious bit about 'here in Australia, not Austria'.

Apparently the Ghana Times has made that exact error in it's reporting of the Gillard/Rudd Labor leadership change taking place in 'Austria'...ich bin ein Down Underer...(whaaa?-Ed)...I am an know, the famous JF Kennedy speech from the Berlin Wall...(but the Berlin Wall is in Germany, not Austria-Ed) you're just being pedantic...

A partial apology for what I feel has been a bit of a drop in the standard of my blog, but the 'post June long weekend malaise' re St Martins (previous posts) is a demanding and irresistible Master...I've been trying to maintain a reasonable standard of post, but my general disposition is one of banking steeply in a holding pattern over quiet fury and depression, played out to a 'white noise white-out' sound track of flat-lining's Groundhog Day style deja-vu all over again once more...(that's some tortuous tautology right there-Ed)...

The good news as always is that I know that it's happening, and that it gets better after a few weeks to a month...back to vaguely normal sleep patterns, proper eating, etc.

In my own defence, I refer you to any of the many previous posts on the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

And on the subject of tautology, I also apologise for some repetition in my blog but it is a problem catering for those who might have just read that one post while not boring those who are regular readers, and all whilst thoroughly addressing the same issues being re-hashed through the media, etc...the upside is that readers can back-track through and/or follow the progression of the issues...and again I genuinely appreciate the feedback I'm getting 'off-blog'...

And I also suffer that very modern illness that is trying to be a one person media monitor to the degree that it takes on those exact 'white-noise' characteristics...who do you believe?...that is pretty much what it boils down to...

The shenanigans continue with Mt Gambier City Council's Rail Lands Retail Agenda and Budget Consultation (both in previous posts) with the sudden and apparently unexpected announcement of more state government funding and the alleged clarification of the 'Deed issues' that have allegedly stalled the reclamation and re-development of the alleged Rail Lands Parkland Concept...(you're going all 'allegedly' again...please explain-Ed)...certainly.

I say allegedly because, as per previous posts, the City Council has always and in all ways fought tooth and nail, deceived and distracted,  mis-informed and mis-represented to maintain the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, that is, to develop a large Commercial/Retail expansion of the Lakes/Centro Plaza on that site.

In previous posts I have repeatedly outlined many of the development decisions around Mt Gambier, eg, the placement of Bunnings, Big W, The Main Corner, the Library, and most especially the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter.

I have also provided the various plans as prepared by Council.

Now the Rail Lands is the one project that Council has 'compromised' on and spread out over two years now, so that'll go on next years Budget...just super...

The attached article from The Border Watch Wednesday 26th June 2013 refers to the state government indicating that "it will hand over all surplus rail infrastructure" to the City Council, but does not explain if that means Council is still liable for the cost of replacement of anything they remove, that is, if Council pulls up the rails and/or moves the Easement, is Council still responsible to pay for their replacement in the event rail returns?

This is a specific issue previously identified as a reason for Council's failure to proceed with the Parklands Concept Plan November 2011, or indeed any development of the site since July 2005...other than to re-zone it  Commercial/Retail/Public Use...which I believe can only be done with state government approval.

Easy way round this 'faux problem'...develop the site without removing anything and leave the rails and Easement and all buildings right where they are, and renovate the Old Rail Station...and do it before it accidentally gets bulldozed at midnight like the infamous House of Chow in Adelaide.

This of course should already have happened (the Parkland, not the bulldozing) and there should already be a well established Botanic Gardens with Parklands, Amphitheatre, etc, on the Rail Lands site...and every reason, every excuse, every delay, is a contrived deceit in pursuit of the Rail Lands Retail Agenda.

As I said, please refer previous posts.   
Tomorrow: RLSAMF Part II - The Budget

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers...oh, and sorry about scan below, the missing words are 'Full steam ahead, and 'Rail corridor...'

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