Friday, June 14, 2013

Labor Party Announces Candidate for Seat of Barker

Apologies again for not doing 'City Council budget' post, but I've been at a  meeting...and also necessity makes liars of us all and 24 hours is a long day in politics...(ummm, 24 hours is a day in any context-Ed)...oh yeah...anyway...

Hello Venezuela and join us at a momentous time in our nation's history (Australia that is)...adhering to a long tradition of manipulating South East politics via corrupted Grant District Council officials, Labour has announced it's latest 'dummy candidate' before even declaring their actual 'alleged candidate'.

I refer to the many previous posts that address the gross corruption of appropriate process that defines politics at all levels, Local, State, and Federal, and the current 'mind-set' of  politicians whom clearly believe that it is us whom exist to serve them, not the 'Democratic Reality' that politicians (me included) are supposed to serve the electorate (me included)...(that's very confusing...are you saying you serve you? does that work?-Ed)...well if Mayors Perryman, Pegler, and Sage can stay operating as Mayors and candidates at the same time, then surely I can be the politician and the electorate at the same time...(fair enough-Ed)...

And if Rory McEwen can run at the 2006 election calling himself an 'Independent' whilst a serving front bench minister with the Rann Labor government...(yes, yes, we've heard it all before and you have made your point-Ed)...fair enough...

Beyond that I am of course alluding to the reality that there are very few genuine politicians operating at any level of government whom are genuinely doing it for the benefit and/or betterment of their's all about personal ego's and self-promotion and gouging the electorate for fat pay-checks and ludicrous superannuation benefits...

I know I have a reputation as a bit of a political 'head-kicker', but it is an absolute truth that I do not attack people, opinions, legislation, etc, just for the sake of it, and I always try to offer reasonable solutions and/or ideas...but to make an omelette you know what happens to the eggs...and so it is that I completely reject the alleged 'Independent Candidate' Richard Sage.  

Labor realised a long time ago that the Mt Gambier City Council is as rabidly corrupted and self-serving as the Grant District Council but is effectively controlled by the Liberal party 'upper class' bloc, and therefore Labor have clearly focussed on the DC Grant as a medium for controlling the region where they will never win an election 'front on'.

I refer to previous posts about the corrupt Bunnings/Penola Rd/Millicent Rd/Brenton James land re-zoning disaster, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, the Jail Expansion (chockers full of paedophiles), the Allendale and Green Point Wind Turbine Corruption, the Forestry Sale Round Table farce, the socially disasterous *Fly In Fly Out* name it and it has a corrupted Grant District Council official at the helm...(dude, you can't keep saying corrupt because they'll try and get the post 'pulled down' again Ed)...good...pull it down and I'll build it it, and they will scum...(nice-Ed)...

They are corrupt and they are self-serving and I'm more than happy to discuss that in any context, any forum, any time...these people hold themselves up as public officials of repute and should therefore be absolutely accountable to those whom they serve...and you serve us, not the other way around......

It was absolutely hilarious to hear Alan Richardson on ABC Radio specifically identifying this pattern as being a positive thing...'the Grant District Council has a strong history of producing independent candidates like Rory and Don...' (paraphrase)

(*FIFO-On top of all the deceits about how great the wages are (they're not) and how this makes 'marriages stronger', and all of the well documented but ignored social problems at both ends of FIFO, etc, Richard Sage knows damn well that the Labor government is dumping Adelaide's paedophiles in the Mt Gambier Jail, and yet is trying to get fathers to effectively leave their children and families vulnerable in a State that protects itself first even if that means covering-up paedophilia.

Think I'm jumping at shadows?...or being completely paranoid? my previous posts about the Child Abuse Cover-up at St Martins Lutheran School and the intense official involvement in that Cover-up, up to and including Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill and successive Labor Education Ministers, MP Rory McEwen, SAPol, the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor's Office, and Mayors Perryman, Pegler, Sage, Gandolfi, etc, etc, etc...

My paranoia and fury aside, it is an absolute reality that FIFO is a social disaster, and combined with the 'paedophile express' has terrible implications for Mt Gambier, and when I tried to raise these issues at the public meeting at Casadio Pk, Richard Sage wouldn't answer the question...thorough public debate be hanged.*) 

Following Rory McEwen and Don Pegler, whom were both elected on Labor preferences after Labor ran 'dummy candidates' Brad Coates (2006) and Viv Maher (2010) (previous posts), comes the bizarre declaration that current Grant DC Mayor Richard Sage is running as an 'Independent' candidate for the seat of Barker...'Independent'?...bollocks...Richard Sage is just another Labor stooge...

Richard Sage is the latest in a long line of corrupted Labor party lackeys drafted from the ranks of a fundamentally corrupted Grant District Council...and if anyone cares to discuss it...(cheap shot mister, you know none of them are going anywhere near this with you-Ed)...yeah I know, that's exactly my point...

The Grant District Council has destroyed growth and appropriate development with their definable corruption in re-zoning the 'Light Industrial' zone at Millicent Rd into Bulky Goods/Retail and then further onto Residential, then 'sellling' it all to Mt Gambier City Council to become part of Mt Gambier, all of which benefited the owner of that land, a serving Councillor Brenton James, and will see any future Industrial development forced onto Penola Rd, supposedly the 'GateWay' to Mt Gambier.

All of this was done with the un-wavering and absolute support of the Labor Planning Minister Paul Holloway and the mindless co-operation and corruption of Mt Gambier City Council whose absolute obsession with building a Shopping Centre on the Old Rail Lands made them ludicrously compliant and open to manipulation...

Richard Sage is at best a 'spoiler' candidate, running simply to try and break-up the 'Independent' vote in case some loose unit with genuine credibility decides to run...(you're talking about yourself aren't you?...but I thought you were running for the Senate as the Opposition to Wind Turbine Fascism candidate-Ed)...indeed, but changes to 'eligibility criteria' that are specifically designed to exclude people like myself from running have effectively forced me to consider 'dropping back a gear' to run in the Lower House safe Liberal seat of know it makes sense...

There is one genuinely Independent candidate for Mt Gambier, which ever House (Upper or Lower), and it's large, and it's angry, and it's a hippy...(isn't it Neil?-The Young Ones-BBC TV-Ed)...and it's name is Nick Fletcher...

Even if you don't vote for me, please, please, please, don't fall for this ridiculous farce yet again...Labor is counting on using the electorates dis-engagement with the major parties to garner votes for their man Richard Sage and then try and push him across the line with Labor preferences...

Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me...fool me a third time, I think not...

Tomorrow: CBC Latest Public Meeting 12/06/2013

The oft promised but never delivered...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...don't get mad, get even by getting involved in appropriate ways...

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