Friday, June 7, 2013

Mt Gambier City Council Budget Consultation: Submission

Long blog, but spread out so please persist, cheers.

Over the last few weeks I have 'blogged' repeatedly about the Council's alleged 'Budget Consultation Process' and the extraordinary conduct of Councillor Ian Von Stanke and Mayor Steve Perryman in abusing, threatening, harassing and intimidating...(don't make me laugh-Ed)...indeed...and atttempting twice to provoke an incident and/or confrontation...Epic Fail thy name be Council...

I have attached my submission as it is, but there are several fundamental problems, namely 1) I'm not an accountant, 2) I don't trust the figures, 3) even if it were factually, numerically accurate, I don't trust Council to implement it as written.

To go around these problems (well the first two) I have spoken to a couple of people whom do know what they are talking about with such things, but they have only identified several more problems, namely, 1) the figures could mean and/or be anything without seeing the actual accounts/books, 2) despite this there appears to be a large amount of money 'floating' in the accounts/budget that is not specifically allocated to any project, and this despite Council's assertions that they need to approve doubling their borrowing limit, which indeed they have already done. 

Also of concern, as identified to me, is the relatively sudden appearance (only the last few months) of the 'New Cell for the Caroline Landfill' in the literature and debate. Council has promoted this sudden "necessity" front and centre in arguing their need to double their borrowing capacity, but surely this must have been on the agenda for years.

Surely Council has been studiously saving the money needed that it collects yearly from ratepayers to pay for such things. Why is there any need to borrow for this allegedly vital and suddenly immediately necessary infrastructure?

Council also continues to manipulate the debate via journalist Sandra Morello (The Border Watch) who not only refuses to even acknowledge me at the various meetings we both attend and in her subsequent 'articles', but also sees fit to censor her colleagues work as it refers to me...(it's not always about you mate-Ed)...true...but this is, trust me...I'm a politician...(boooo-Ed)...

On Friday 31st May TBW journalist Ms Georgina Kelly-Bakker wrote about the fourth 'Consultation' meeting held the day before 30/05/13 (copy attached); 'Tensions run high at forum as ratepayers air opinion' in which again I remained apparently 'invisible' despite the incident with Mr Perryman trying to provoke a fight, me moving across the room, and the subsequent heated exchanges between us across the room, including him half-yelling at me about 'putting it in my blog'.

Sandra Morello (TBW Wednesday 5th June) has attempted to re-write and redefine Ms Kelly-Bakker's article with the "Clarification" at the end of her own latest pro-Council propaganda. (also attached)...if I may be so self-indulgent...(oh please do, you have earned it...and this is a classic-Ed)...indeed...
      Clarification: In a story in The Border Watch on Friday headlined "Tensions run high
      at forum as ratepayers air opinions", the newspaper concedes the headline could have
      been misleading to readers. It is understood while one resident was highly critical of
      council, the meeting was generally cordial and respectful.

Yes...'cause TBW is just so concerned about not misleading readers and providing balanced, objective
commentary on all issues and....sorry, sorry, I can't write this with a straight face...(nah, fair enough-Ed)...

'Clarification'; 'concedes'; 'misleading'; 'it is understood'; and everybody was well behaved except for one trouble-maker...pssst, that's me folks...(what a bastard...appropriate questions and a refusal to be bullied?-Ed)...yes, very much so...(again, what a bastard-Ed)...thankyou...(you are most welcome-Ed)...

Sandra Morello uses language specifically designed to give the impression that TBW has been approached and a request made to correct a mistake...'Tensions did run high'...just Council doesn't want to admit it...

Tomorrow: 2013/14 City Council Budget Consultation Round-Up 

last one...I promise...including most of the articles from The Border Watch

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