Saturday, June 15, 2013

CBC - Part III

(Finally-Ed)...yeah, yeah...I've been busy and other stuff was happening...(fair enough-Ed)...and of course there was the declaration of the announcement of the anointment with unguents and ointments of the resplendent Independent sent to dissipate, obfuscate, and manipulate the debate...(orr, for god sake, don't practice your witty alliteration on me...just say Richard Sage is running in the Federal election as a dummy Labor candidate-Ed)...sure...

And hello Bangladesh, the United Arab Emirates, Costa Rica, Thailand, Belgium, Qatar and Italy...this is Australia calling...welcome to my blog, I am Nick Fletcher...and I am either 'The Manchurian Man', or 'The Invisible Candidate'...dundundundunnnnnnnn...(ah, nice, I see what you did there...'The Manchurian Candidate' and 'The Invisible Man'...nice-Ed)

Seriously though, last week I rang the ABC Local Radio twice to contribute to discussions about 1) Health Minister Jack Snelling's "Patient Assistance Transport Scheme Review', which will not increase the decade old 'per kilometre' refund and 2) a Renewable Energy forum promotion and interview with the guest speaker in which he was critical of people opposing Turbines on health grounds...but I did not get air-time and I did not hear my comments read out...maybe I missed it...

I have been heavily involved in both issues, and, all things being equal, I am the Genuinely Independent Opposition to Wind Turbine Fascism Candidate, the Genuinely Independent OWTF candidate at the Federal election in September, and the ABC knows that, and I couldn't get on air or get my comments aired following statements not about me personally, but specifically denigrating what I am doing.

Then, when Richard Sage was repeatedly on the news and interviewed, etc, about his ludicrous declaration to run for the Federal Election, everyone gets a mention but lil' ol' all of the debates about the upcoming elections, State and Federal, everyone else gets identified/named, but ne'ry a mention of me...

And The Border Watch newspaper's Sandra Morello can repeatedly sit and/or pass within feet of me at Council and/or public meetings without apparently noticing me at all, and can manage to write page long articles like the attached from TBW Friday 14th June about said meetings and not mention me...

And she never, ever makes eye contact...and that is because she is 'moral-less' and corrupt and can't bear to look at the mirror I have become for these people...they hate me because I hold them up by the scruff of their collective necks to face the ugliness of their collective corruption in the Mirror of Accountability...

And for the umpteenth time; no, I am not an Anti-Corruption Campaigner or specifically an 'Anti' anything...I have not made a decision to address corruption and then specifically go looking for it, or create it or conjure it as suits my's just always there and must be identified as such or how do you address it...and address it we must because it is having a devastating effect on our social infrastructure, our economy, and our environment.

I am not just ploughing about casually flinging abuse at people for fun...although it does have it's moments, occasionally...for example, the 'Richard Sage is a dummy Labor Candidate'...this is my opinion based on my extensive dealings with all involved...and I find them to be deceitful, selfish, and corrupt...believe me or don't believe me, that is your choice, but I would ask that you consider the entirety of my blog to investigate the breadth and extent of official malfeasance as I believe it to be...

I absolutely oppose Wind Turbines because I genuinely believe that they fail every test (previous posts)...I did not choose to oppose them and then look for reasons to support my agenda in ignorance of conflicting facts and then flog about spewing mis-information, pseudo-science, and gross propaganda...I'll leave that to the Clean Energy Council and Simon Chapman...(owww, chikka chikka, owww...Mega-bazinga and no swearing or nuffin'...bloody hilarious-Ed)...I try...

It is a criticism regularly levelled at Senator Nick Xenophon, in that he is a "StuntMeister" who picks high profile issues that are unresolvable...(is that even a word?-Ed)...spellcheck likes it...(oh, well, it must be alright then-Ed)...

(Um, but you still haven't gotten to the Official Council Budget Meeting Wednesday 12th June...just thought I'd mention know...this post is meant to be about the meeting, yeah?...yeah-Ed)...ok, I am getting there...

Please find attached that article about the meeting 12/06/13...just another sad attempt by Sandra Morello and City Council to manipulate the reality in favor of Council's self-focussed agenda...Council is simply going through the motions so they can say they've conducted an appropriate process, but they are going ahead regardless...the entire 'Consultation Process' is an outright lie. 

I completely reject the farcical notion that Councillors Ian Von Stanke and Merv White and Andrew Lee give a damn about anyone with their vacuous deceits about 'bringing down the rate rise to only 6.4% instead of 6.9%'...only twice the average yearly wage rise, and cumulative to approx 35% over five years when CPI will be around 15%...don't do me anymore favors lads, I don't think I can afford it...and nor can Mt Gambier...

""I was amazed council said 6.9%" Cr White said"...Merv White being quoted by Sandra Morello in The Border Watch...dead it physically, metaphorically, in any way even potentially possible to more thoroughly suck the credibility out of a statement?...

I'm not trawling through it all again line for line, but please review my previous posts. This article pays lip service to the massive negative feed-back because it just can't be ignored, praises Councillors who are responsible for current problems, and leans heavily toward supporting the ludicrous 6.4 % rate rise...but the good news is very few people are fooled...they recognise the old trick of threatening something well above what you actually intend and then withdraw to your original goal and claim to have reduced it...

I note: 1) that I made a repeated spoken request for the second meeting to be held because there were people at the concurrent Tony Pasin/Liberal meeting who asked me too, but I still don't get mentioned for that, and 2) thank god for one voice of reason crying soulfully in the wilderness...(you mean Cr Jim Maher stating quite rightly the socio-economic realities that deny comparisons with other Council's rates, etc-Ed)...yes, that's exactly what I mean...and 3) Mayor Perryman was absent, as were Cr Smith, Richardson and Des Mutton...don't know why...

Tomorrow: Two Meetings - Disability Advocates in Courts and Solar Thermal

The two meetings I attended Friday 14th June 2013...I am Nick Fletcher and I need some on...

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