Saturday, June 29, 2013

More St Martins Abuse Issue Documents: Comm Ted Mullighan

Hello...just a very short post because of the several letters, but a few points...and Ed is having a day off...(do I still get paid?-Ed) don't get're not don't actually can you 'get paid'?...(oh, well, if you're going to be like that about it-Ed)...

In previous posts I have referred to the practice of building up people's hope in say, announcing good milk gate prices, and then not delivering that, and doing this repeatedly, and how it was done to break people and/or businesses, and how it was done to us parents over and over again re the abuse of our children at St Martins Lutheran School.

Commissioner Ted Mullighan did it to us over and over. I have referred to these letters and included some quotes in other posts, eg, TFTIM Comm Mullighan. Apologies for any unnecessary repetition.

These letters (only some of many) show this pattern of behaviour of promise and drag, promise and drag, and when push comes to shove, it's all our fault...according to Comm Mullighan.

The letter from MP Rory McEwen (23 February 2006) that Comm Mullighan refers to in his response 14 March 2006, is clearly just Rory covering his backside weeks out from the March 20th state election, three and a half years after he first promised to help us... 

It remains my understanding that there were 'Children in State Care' at St Martins whilst Glyn Dorling was teaching there.

The third letter below is actually a short letter I typed-up for another parent, and Comm Mulligan's response, both with that parent's details'll just have to trust me that they are genuine...the parent's letter is dated 6 August 2006 and the response 10 August 2006.

Note the tone of the letter, and Comm Mullighan's furious attempt to distance himself from the legal reality that "an undertaking" is/was exactly what he gave us...and it was always a lie...He mistook the letter for another from me and that's why he is so terse..."you interrogating me" followed by 'don't call me, I'll call you'...charming...

I have this parents specific approval to reproduce these letters...they were not very amused when it happened...

The last two letters show Comm Mullighan getting royally stuck into me...god I'm an arsehole...apparently...and includes the magic word 'defamation', and the outright lie that he couldn't do anything because we parents were not "prepared to be involved"...

This is an outright lie and he knew it when he wrote it...we parents provided him reams of documentation, including multiple Statutory Declarations, attended numerous meetings, etc, starting in February 2005...over 18 months later he says we won't co-operate...and all rounded out with another charming serve of abuse about what a bastard I am...

Again, read this for yourself and decide if you would appreciate being treated like this by some-one who claims to be helping you...

Tomorrow: City Council Budget Progress...or not

Is making the same old deliberate and costly mistakes any sort of progress?...I am Nick Fletcher, and apparently I'm the problem, and so is this blog...laters

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