Friday, June 21, 2013

More Regional Services Cut - Secede To Succeed

Still 'post-lagged' from other day, so this late short post... Hello Taiwan and South Africa...and apparently I'm also big in Venezuela this week...(do you think that these are perhaps accidental 'hits' not actual 'views'-Ed)...certainly possible, but there are daily 'hits' in, for example, France, the UK, the USofA, Ukraine, Indonesia, Colombia, etc, so I'm confident that my blog is being 'followed' in some places...

And I am genuinely surprised and greatly appreciative of the local support that I am receiving, albeit 'off blog'...the standard response is 'I just don't believe it', but in a context where people accept that what I am saying is 'truthful'...the fact that any of this stuff has happened at all (and continues to happen) is what  they find "unbelievable"....

And I also take the point that, despite my clear attempts to improve and 'respectify' my language, it could still use some more 'moderation'...however, I do feel that as the fury and guilt somewhat subside, partially assuaged by positively engaging with the debate, of responsible influence ...(wahhh?-Ed)...the general tone of my posts naturally improves as I feel less guilty because what I'm doing has a positive effect...(oh, well just say that then-Ed)...sure...

And, if I'm talking about my behaviour and language, I can't not apologise yet again to my child for my swearing that continues (albeit with increasing infrequency) to slide into our 'discussions' about various issues...again, it is the emotion that I struggle with...but I'm working on it...always in all ways...

As per previous posts, Health Minister Jack Snelling is "reviewing" the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS) but has immediately ruled out more money, describing instead a "re-distribution" of current funding (for 'partial refunds') for Regional residents who have to travel over 100km

I re-iterate for the record...the PATS 'partial refund' remains at a level set 12 years ago...there has been no improvement at all under 11 years of the supposedly Socialist Labor government...(that'll teach you to vote Liberal, won't it Regional South Australia?-Ed)...that's $140 refund per trip, but Regional patients are also still charged a 'processing fee' of $30 per claim, an extra impost that Adelaide residents don't pay, meaning a 'flat rate refund' of $ depreciation of vehicle, no time allowance, etc...not nothing...

And if you fly, taxi fares are not covered, and hopefully you can get subsidised accommodation at places like Greenhill Lodge...but that is not always the case...etc, etc...

Even in today's The Border Watch Friday 21st June 2013, the attached article highlights the state government's position..."...fair reimbursement...within existing resources."...this is code for means testing

Just this morning on ABC Local Radio, the Family First Party's Robert Brokenshire expressed his concerns about the lack of funding, and that a lack of services leads to people missing out on treatment or not even bothering to try because it's so hard to even access services.

This on the back of a report citing this exact problem in the Riverland region where patients aren't even seeking treatment because they know that it means going to Adelaide...they just give up...I'm still waiting for re-appointments for ones I couldn't get to in Adelaide back in late 2012...and I know that many other people have similar problems, eg, get to Adelaide and the specialist has had to cancel, etc...

Also in TBW Wednesday 19th June 2013 the announcement that TAFE services and therefore associated TAFE jobs are also to be reviewed and likely some cut-back and possibly removed...and therefore the future prospects of local people, young and old, and a paucity of qualified professionals that threatens the viability of local manufacturing and increases domestic demand and therefore price...that's how it goes...

For example, if there are very few electricians training locally and hopefully therefore available locally (given Fly In, Fly Out, etc) then not only is it difficult to get their services, it is likely to cost more...more demand, higher price...not least of all because the electrician has to work longer hours to satisfy the demand...

I'm not terribly convinced by promises from TAFE SA CEO Jeff Cunningham that everything's fine for Mt Gambier, etc, because most of these jobs that definitely are going, 'will be in Adelaide' everything's just fine...(phweuuu, that's a relief-Ed)...I was working the sarcasm pretty hard on that one...(oh-Ed)...yes I am very much afraid...there will definitely be job losses and that must affect service delivery, course availability, etc...any losses at this time further hurt struggling communities like Mt Gambier and Millicent.

And also the severe cut backs on Court services to the Regions as part of a "review" that a sickeningly smirking Premier Jay Weatherill stated on the evening news "they've had coming for some time" Supreme Court at all and District Court reduced by 1/4 - 1/ Regional South Australia can look forward to travelling to Adelaide to try and access what passes for justice in this state...

And the Sturt St Courts in Adelaide are also going to be closed, and less Courts means longer waiting for a case to even start, etc.

And how does that affect the Weatherill government's alleged commitment to improving access to the Courts for people with disability issues?...(a rhetorical question?...which is in and of itself a rhetorical question-Ed)...yes, and very amusing too...yes it is going to be hard to improve services when you're pulling funding and closing actual courts...

I refer to my previous post re the Friday 14th June 2013 launch of the Attorney General's Dept Improving Court Access for the Disability Sector Discussion Paper Roundtable Thinktank Forum Consultation ...(you right there champ-Ed)...yeah, if I stop coming up with new names for it I'm gonna swear...I swear...

As stated in previous post, the entire process is an absolute farce designed to give the impression that Weatherill and Labor give a stuff about the Disability and Mental Health Sectors, and the Labor government some sort of credibility on same as we head toward the March 2014 state Election...'ooo, look at all the talking we've done'...

It is unmitigated bastardry of the highest order to offer vulnerable people some potential hope, and then within a week reef it away again with massive funding's going to be hard enough for us normal people to access the Courts, let alone those poor people with disabilities...('re on the Disability Support Pension for Agoraphobia, Depression, etc, re all the St Martins stuff...remember?...the previous posts?-Ed)...oh yeah...

Apologies for my crass attempt at humour on such a serious issue, but appreciate that my anger is very, very genuine...and that smug smirk on Weatherill's face...what a bastard...

And I note that Simon Stretton, formerly of the Crown Solicitors Office and one of several therein whom threatened me re 'shut up about the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up and stop calling us corrupt, or we'll gaol you' (paraphrase and also several previous posts) is now a magistrate...charming...

UGHhhhhh, enough for one day...

Tomorrow: More Rail Lands Retail Agenda from The Border Watch

Now it's a shrekin' great Terrarium, Arboreum, Greenhouse freakout monster glass construction for the Old Hospital site...absolutely insane and all about keeping the Rail Lands clear for Retail Development, at any cost, at great cost to the majority, to benefit those few whom dwell beneath contempt....shrek I'm tried...sorry if this has turned to dribble....tomorrow is a day and this is a blog...and I'm Nick Fletcher...laters...

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