Thursday, June 6, 2013

Propagandalanche: Wind Turbine Bias on ABC 05/05/13

Yesterday Wednesday 5th May on the ABC TV Morning News program there was a long interview with Kane Thornton, Deputy CEO of the Clean Energy Council, the 'Renewable Energy' lobby group.

Mr Thornton specifically and repeatedly quoted the latest piece of pseudo-scientific nonsense churned out by Professor Simon Chapman from Sydney University (please see previous posts). How this man has become a 'Professor' is completely beyond me, and an absolute indictment of Academia in this country.

Simon Chapman's conduct, which stains his entire brethren, is beneath contempt let alone professional acceptance and respect...and there, below contempt, waiteth I for as to deliver unto him such a thoroughly earned, such a thorough dressing down...

Given that the Wind Turbine Industry uses his ludicrous 'reports' around the world to justify their greed and corruption, he is a blight on the credibility of every piece of 'science' produced in Australia.

But where is the outrage from his colleagues? Surely these learned folk must be appalled by Mr Chapman's extreme and unprofessional behaviour. Why are they not holding him to account for his repeated dissemination of false science?

Why are the scientists not reigning in the rank hack who is making them all look so bad?...his behaviour also entirely undermines any appropriate science that might report positive results that genuinely support Wind Turbine is a self-fulfilling prophecy...with a proven history of lying to refer to, a 'committed opponent' can make any study coming out of any government department, the CEC, the Environmental Protection Agency, etc, look flawed and untrustworthy...even the good science (as it might exist) gets buried under the weight of is just the way of things...

Simon Chapman is rabidly 'Anti-Anti-Turbine' and constantly denigrates people like Dr Sarah Lawrie whom he has referred to as a "High Priestess" before reducing that further to "a person". He has absolutely no qualifications in the area that he constantly comments on. He is not a medical expert in any way, shape, or form...he is a 'social scientist'...and not very good at that either...clown...

Better yet, part of his latest effort (as quoted by Mr Thornton) is to specifically criticise 'interest groups' for using the Internet to research disease and then recruit, liaise, and organise inappropriate opposition using false reasoning...that is exactly what Simon Chapman does with his 'research'... 

Simon Chapman sits in his office trawling the Internet for un-related comments and snippets of information before re-structuring them to his purpose in ignorance of every fundamental principle of objective scientific presentation, completely ignoring that which might contradict his self-important opinion. He is the 'scientific' equivalent of a shock jock...what an idiot...

I challenge you Mr Chapman to a debate on public radio, on the ABC, and you bring your alleged science and I'll bring the truth and we'll see who's a lying, screaming incompetent...and who isn't a professor at Sydney University...(nice-Ed)...seriously though, how did this man become a professor?...

Mr Thornton made the extraordinary leap using Mr Chapman's gross non-science to reach the illogical conclusion that health issues stemming from Wind Turbines "do not exist"...bollocks...

He specifically cited this "new research" by 2 professors at Sydney University about concerns with health effects relative to Wind Turbines and made the absolutely un-true statement that this study "...confirms what every other government agency around Australia has already concluded..."...that there is no link between Turbines and negative effects on human health.

All Mr Thornton has done is identify and confirm the truth that no government, State or Federal, and/or it's agencies have done any testing at all on the immediate and/or long-term health effects of Wind Turbines before approving them hollus bollus...anywhere, anytime...

I know that studies that have been done in other industries, eg, aviation, are about exactly these sort of 'Infra sound' and harmonics (vibrating in sympathy) issues. I don't have one to hand but I doubt it would take long to find on the Interweb... 

Mr Thornton repeatedly spat the words 'Anti-Wind Farm Activists' and 'spoke down' their many claims about "so called disease...Vibro Acoustic Disease..."  that according to Mr Chapman (who has done no actual medical research, and has no medical training) does not exist; " scientific evidence what-so-ever..."; and is instead the creation of  'enthusiasts' and groups using the Internet to create and/or disseminate "...false information...other activists who have created so called diseases..."

Mr Thornton should take his lies and deceits and his pseudo-science about Infra sound emissions from Wind Turbines back to where they originated...plucked out of the ether and cobbled together with false science by a rabidly un-professional pseudo scientist whose motivation remains clouded in self-interest.

Apart from an almost pathological dislike for Dr Sarah Lawrie, Mr (Professor) Chapman seems to be conducting some sort of 'Sub context' clinical research into just how un-professional you can be and get away with it...or how you can manipulate appropriate discourse with lies...or how to be rabidly pro-Turbine without admitting it...whatevs...

Later on the ABC Radio ran snippets of an interview with Mr Marsh of the Clean Energy Council spruiking the wonders of Wind Turbine generated electricity, including the outright lies that it's "cheap" and we have the lowest electricity prices and they're coming down in the future, etc...just lie upon lie upon lie...unfortunately I missed most of it so I don't know whether he went the 'No Such Disease' line...  

Just another week, just another avalanche of grossly distorted pro-Turbine propaganda run through the ABC with virtually no accountability...gross bias and absolute corruption and totally unacceptable...and you expect that from the CEC because that's their job, that's what they are paid to do...

And yes it is corruption when Kane Thornton as official representative for the Clean Energy Council goes into the public forum and lies...and if Mr Thornton wants to try and blame somebody else for his lies, then he needs to talk to Mr Chapman...

And in that context so is the ABC's behaviour corrupt...they have corrupted appropriate process by only presenting one side of the debate...and a twisted, distorted side it is as well.

The more I engage with the ABC the more I become aware of just how compromised and biased their behaviour is...the ABC clearly has a pro-Turbine agenda and only they can answer as to why.

Tomorrow: City Council Budget Consultation - "Cordial and Respectful"

bahahaha...except of course for me...I'm " resident...highly critical of Council"...just another piece of Sandra Morello tripe, attempting to manipulate and distort the public debate...

I'll give you a heads up I talk to believes a word you write anymore and your presence at The Border Watch is having a detrimental effect on the broader reputation of the paper...(and quite right too-Ed)...

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