Sunday, June 23, 2013

My Speeding Fine 09 October 2007 and Magistrate Bill Morris

I just remembered this 'series of incidents' after writing the recent post about Court Services being cut back in Regional areas, and it is such a perfect example of several things I regularly cover in this blog...(even if you say so yourself-Ed)...indeed, but the reality is the reality regardless of my opinion...and I've also lost track of my own blog so I'm going to have to spend some time 'reviewing' and 'cataloguing'...probaly should have done it from the start...

On October 9th 2007 I was 'caught' allegedly doing 60kph in a 50kph zone, and subsequently appealed, and refused to appear in front of notorious pro-paedophile Magistrate Bill Morris, whom was the initial investigator for the Mullighan Inquiry before being hounded off that by Child Protection Activists, and was shortly after made a Magistrate...un-shrekin-believable...and then was moved to Mt Gambier...

My appeal was based on the grounds that 1) I was on a short 'un-signed' section of road between an 80kph zone and a 60kph zone that was apparently 50kph, and, 2) I had seen the radar as I passed it and instinctively slowed, and was doing well under 60kph, probaly under 55kph when 'caught'.

This was later used to convict me, in my absence, because I had 'confessed to doing more than 50kph'...and please note that this specific "60kph" was later changed to "...a speed of about 60kph."...what does "about 60kph" mean?...

This matter was bounced backward and forward between Mt Gambier and Adelaide because of my refusal to appear before Bill Morris, but it ended up back with him anyway, and he convicted me in my absence.

Please find attached the original Expiation Notice stating "60kph", the Complaint and Summons showing the "about 60kph", and my letters 23/01/2009 and 21/07/2010, only two of many (10+)...I believe that they are self-explanatory...slightly redacted because I was driving mum's car at the time...boy, did that make me popular...and please ignore multiple references to "copy attached"...

Note: I could not get a fair hearing because 1) Bill Morris is a Magistrate, and 2) I couldn't get to Adelaide. 

I have written to Chief Magistrate Margaret Bolton four times but never received any sort of response at all...which is odd because I showed these letters to a lawyer several years ago, and they went ghostly white, 'Oh, Nick, you can't say that about a Magistrate, it's contempt of Court.'...but I don't know that factual statements to the Authority involved are 'contempt'...they are clearly appropriate criticism, and it is every citizens responsibility to act to improve society, even the Judiciary...

Tomorrow: Agenda Benders - Mt Gambier City Council's Rail Lands Retail Obsession

I promise, honest...Laters.


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