Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The 2014 Penultimate Post

Hello Ukraine,Taiwan, Indonesia, and France...welcome y'all to the blog for the second last day of 2014...I can only apologise for the lack of humour in many recent posts and the almost dirge-some droning tone of my being prone to go on and on about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and unfortunately today's no different...I don't particularly care about Xmas and the plethora of assorted festive frenzies that we have created around it, but I sure as heck don't need the parade of pro-Lutheran propaganda poured through the local media whilst same said keepers of the public truths knowingly choose to ignore what is happening re the St Martins Cover-up...

("For 153 years The Border Watch has been the "community watchdog""-Ed)...what the shreck are you talkin' about?...(not me, that's the opening line from Graham Greenwood's most recent effort in TBW...what we done cover just a few posts back?...talking about how complicit parts of the the Mt Gambier media is re St Martins and/or Council shenanigans, etc?-Ed)...oh yeah yeah, of course, classic...and a perfect segue into today's post covering this gem (these gems) attached below...but first...

Noted that senior Adelaide Lutheran Monsignor Bishop Whatevs was in The Advertiser just pre Xmas, along with all the other potato heads, mouthing off about how great Christmas is and how great it is about how they do god's great work on our behalf, blah, blah...but the winner this Festered Season is out illustrious leader the Right 'Orrible Premier Jay Weatherill....take it away Jay (as per his comments re a range of issues, the year in review, in The Advertiser last week)...

On Child Protection: "The reason why there's a heightened sense of awareness about these things is because awful things have happened (to children) and that naturally leads to an examination of government processes and systems to try to make improvements. I ultimately have to take responsibility for that because I'm in a leadership role."...(sorry? you shreckin' what? all he's done is deny responsibility and even knowledge of Child Abuse Cover-ups he's intimately  involved in, eg, the After School Carer Mark Harvey and his case that led to the farcical DeBelle Inquiry that itself followed a paper-trail of responsibility literally right onto Jay Weatherill's desk and then went 'nuthin' to see here'-Ed)...

(And when you bailed him up on the ABC Adelaide in June 2012 he lied through his teeth, stating that he 'couldn't recall' the St Martins case, and that denial despite the fact that he had had multiple involvements, including officially denying, in writing, Commissioner Ted Mullighan the powers to investigate, all of which has been previously covered/proven on this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed...(and then hand-balled it to Grace Portolesi whom dismissed the entire St Martins issue without even contacting parents, etc-Ed)...exactly...nuthin' but lies and denial of responsibility...and all things considered, it was quite the fluke to get that brief access via the ABC...

In previous posts I've shared what little I know about the ready prevalence of 'powder/amphetamine' drugs in Mt Gambier, including my discussions with recovering teenage 'Ice' addicts I met years ago, but relatively recently I was approached in the street by someone whom readily identified/described themselves as a recovering 'Ice' addict...they apparently recognised me as "a St Martins parent", and "a politician or something"...(I'll 'ave $50 on 'something'-Ed)...where'd you get $50 to gamble?...(your wallet...and where's the 'gamble'?-Ed)...hilarious on both counts...but nothing funny about what this person had to say...

They described some of the entrapment/recruitment processes of dealers, eg, 'free tastes' that lead almost immediately to addiction, and/or promises of money, etc, and of course the euphoric state that any amphetamine can provide that leads to increasing involvement as the experience of the initial high is dulled, leading to more and more usage, with resultant problems, and on it goes...all fairly standard stuff that could be applied to many drugs, not least of all many prescribed medications...as terrible as this person's experience was, and to some degree continues to be, the worst part of it for me was that they confirmed the extent of the 'Ice' problem in Mt Gambier...

*I refer back to the extraordinary comments made by SAPol Supt Trevor Twilley on the front page of TBW, namely, that he 'knows people in senior positions in our community who are 'Ice' addicts'...this statement and the GG article have been hot topics of conversation about the town...people continue to say that they'd like Trev to 'fess-up on who all is our leading 'Ice' addicts, and just very recently I was bailed-up and regaled with tales of disappointment re "that bullshit Greenwood letter in TBW"...* 

In a slightly spooky coincidence, the circumstances leading to this conversation were almost identical to  someone 'recently' approaching me sayin' they recognised me, and reminding me that it was because they were a St Martins student around the time that "text-book grooming paedophile" (Flinders Child Protection Service) teacher Glyn Dorling was suddenly removed from St Martins (June long week-end 2002)...and that all the kids had talked about it at the time of his removal, kids across all grades, and for years after, and that it still occasionally came up amongst this person's group, some of whom were also former St Martins students, whenever a paedophile/child abuse story comes up in the media...

Former students still talking about it 12 years after the event...as much as I'd love to shove this right into the collective face of the Lutherans and all those whom have supported their cover-up at St Martins, eg, SAPol (police), former MP Rory McEwen, former Mayor/current Councillor Steve Perryman, et al, there is absolutely nothing to be celebrated here...it is an absolute disgrace that these people have acted in the manner that they have, and may God exist that they may rot in hell for it...and I understand this person never even had Glyn Dorling as a teacher, yet was fully aware of the issues with his behaviours, etc, back in 2002 and previous years...

Which continues to be a tumble-turn segue into the copies of 2 emails attached below, and how that relates to St Martins...I found these when sorting through some other stuff and was immediately dumped back into the unpleasant memories of yet more conflict and the ongoing confronting reality that the Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC) has formally chosen, in full knowledge of the facts, to participate in the St Martins Cover-up...I'd like to address these emails line for line and I reckon availees will probably have already spotted some of the things I'm likely to discuss, eg, the deliberately denigratory use of language combined with maximum lack of specific detail...artificially created but plausible lack of credibility and absolutely endless plausible deniability... 

There is a quite specific 'linguistic agenda' that is applied in these cases, and it is clearly a learned agenda...for example, the similarities between these 2 emails and the letters I received re my dealings with the Banana Lord and Club GoGo Bananas are well beyond coincidence...it's all about discrediting the 'whistle blower/reporter/whatevs' whilst vehemently denying whatevs allegation without actually naming it...slag-off the messenger, lie after lie, and deny, deny, deny...more tomorrow...

Tomorrow: Back To The Well Here We Go Again

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Years In Review

Hello and welcome to a cheatish sortta' post, but very much on the recent theme of what the media has and hasn't done in reporting the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...been trawling through the boxes and piles of mixed documents, newspaper clippings, etc, and continue to find stuff that in many cases I would have preferred to remain forgotten, not least of all because none of it should even exist to be able to be forgotten...(ain't that the truth you'd rather didn't exist as well-Ed)...indeed...

I've re-attached the The Border Watch front page and article from the 'Country Cabinet' held in Mt Gambier in May 2005, followed by the heavily edited portion of the long and detailed reply that I prepared with some other parents...and the related ABC Local Radio item as they provided to me...and finally, the next TBW article in the 'series'...this last piece was just weeks before the March 2006 State Election.

I note that it has been a defining factor of Rory McEwen's relationship with The Border Watch that he gets carte-blanche to attack us, deny and/or repeatedly lie without accountability re his own actions, and that this has continued across multiple articles re St Martins and every other issue that The Border Watch has helped Rory McEwen cover-up...I look forward to any opportunity either may care to provide me to prove this point, oh no, wait, I've already bloody done it with this 'ere shreckin' post...(yeeha, I love it when you're correct angry, because there's no anger like righteous anger-Ed)...

Please, further note the clear indicators here-in that we parents did everything we could to try and get authorities to appropriately address and resolve the St Martins Child Abuse issue, that we organised SAPol (police) involvement and that of Flinders Child Protection Services, and went to our then local state Member (alleged Independent) Rory McEwen, whom promised to help us but then betrayed us...and we then organised the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor hearing (March 2003-November 2004) that corruptly exonerated teacher Glyn Dorling...we were also responsible for lobbying Peter Lewis to get up and say what he did...and we only engaged 'on-air/in print' with the media as a last resort...

Can't speak entirely for other parents, but I believe it's fair to say that some minor approaches were made by parents to local media at various stages in 2002-04, but that we were refused because it was allegedly 'so and/or too sensitive'...parents obviously weren't keen to expose our kids anymore than necessary, and were struggling with the abject refusal of SAPol to investigate, etc, and just let it slide until left virtually no option by the extraordinary corruption witnessed in TBW on 5th May 2005, as attached...

This is typical of how TBW betrays the people of Mt Gambier...knowing full well the absolute corruption and lies evident in Rory's statements, TBW gives him front page to attack us parents, and then prints that without even contacting us for our version of events...it's typical, text-book orchestrated support for the corruption...identify the undeniable, "Cover-up claim", cast doubt on the credibility of the messenger as being  "controversial...rebel...controversial...embroiled in controversy", etc, all in the first few paragraphs...name the claim but shame the claimer, and then Rory gets his go to attack Peter Lewis...and before we even get off the front page it's gone from "Cover-up claim" to our local Member of Parliament Rory McEwen attacking the parents themselves...

And that attack by Rory is 100% about helping the Lutherans and Labor and SAPol, et al, cover-up the abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins in 2002...

TRB then leaves us parents to scramble after them and Rory, trying to address the multiple lies and direct allegations against us, and Rory ultimately is not held to account for one single word of it...(thick as thievin' shreckin' thieves-Ed)...and that's it right there isn't it, it's a mutually profitable relationship...why The Border Watch would be so keen to help Rory help the Lutherans cover-up the abuse of children remains a question I'm sure they'll never answer...

I further note that, similar to the media stuff, it was years into the St Martins Cover-up before parents went into any sort of legal action against St Martins/the Lutherans/Glyn Dorling, basically when each and every other avenue of official redress had been exhausted, eg, SAPol failed to even interview Dorling then have lied about it ever since, the TRB/CSO wholly corruptly exonerated Dorling, etc, etc...everything parents have done re the media and/or legal actions defines the template for this 'ere blog, now nearly 2 years old, namely, desperate measures at the end of the tether after all else have conspired to fail...

Because there's a lot here, I'll Part II it Tomorrow, and also a brief synopsis of a discussion I had sortta' recently with a young person whom explained to me just how much 'Ice' is available/being sold/dealt in Mt Gambier, and how it related to their ongoing recovery from their own addiction...and they're still late teens...

Saturday, December 27, 2014

YGTBSM Part II - Mt Gambier Hits The Skids

Hello Sweden, Ukraine, the USofA, and Aotearoa (New Zealand) and welcome to the blog...if you haven't yet read the attached article (below) as per yesterday's post, please do so now because I'm just gunna' get straight into it...(hoorah-Ed)...having said that, I'm not real sure where to start...(oh strewth-Ed)...well you've read it...(ok, fair enough, how's about start at the beginning and run through it all line for line,  for as long as it takes-Ed)...tally bally ho...

This article is such an old strategy, namely, present the things that are wholly wrong, acknowledge them, but then say that they're positives, regardless of the facts...(but that would be tantamount to lying-Ed)...indeed...and this letter is a litany of things that are wholly wrong with the completely corrupted Mt Gambier City Council and/or their relationship with The Border Watch, a litany gushingly presented as polished positives not appropriately appraised and dutifully denounced as the poisoned point of a very slippery slope...(man, mixed metaphor madness makes my mind melt-Ed)...you know what I mean...(but am still loathe to admit it-Ed)... 

Availees don't have to travel very far in this 'ere blog to find examples of where TBW is proven to have been extremely selective in whom they help "protest against any wrongdoing by various levels of government, government institutions or business."...(well in my experience they seem to spend a great deal more time 'protecting' rather than 'protesting against any'-Ed)...oh no that's fine, you use my line that I came up with yesterday when we were discussing this...(dude, mellow out, I'm a confected literary device remember? used thusly to create an atmosphere on the blog of engaging discussion rather than disgorging diatribe, and set up ya' piss-poor jokes for ya', etc, etc...su versus, mi versus man-Ed)...oh yeah... 

An Invitation To Judge: truly must be the most superfluous sentence ever addressed on this 'ere blog...how many times have I banged-on about the "great deal of responsibility" that TBW has as "the voice of the community"?...(17-Ed)...what?...(17 times you've dribbled-on about 'the community responsibility of TBW'-Ed)...17?, are you sure...(no I'm not sure, I just made that up to indicate that it's been quite a few times-Ed)...oh ok, it has been quite a few, but I re-iterate that it's a sad day when a mad blogger such as I may truly say they take the truth more seriously than the self described ""community watchdog""...(fair enough-Ed)...

And then tackling the ugly reality head-on re the almost incestuous relationship between TBW and Mt Gambier City Council, described as a positive, rammed home with this crap about 'giving civic service'...please, these people have chosen to do this, and almost exclusively in their own self-interests...(testify, all I've seen this Council do is give 'the civic' a thorough servicing-Ed)...nice...(yep, bend Ratepayers right over a big barrel chocka's fulla' rotten apples and...-Ed)...ok, ok, we get the idea...

(And the only clash I've ever witnessed between TBW and Council is when they accidentally bump snouts at the trough-Ed)...ooo nice...(and I don't know what this farcical nonsense is about some alleged conflict 100+ years ago, but I'm gunna' denounce it as being irrelevant bollocks anyway-Ed)...fair enough...and then off he goes again with an unsupported claim that TBW " has been the central figure in many clashes with Council"...just sayin' something doesn't make it real Graham, where's the many examples?...

(Well I'd argue that it's actually a true statement in that TBW has time and again placed itself squarely between Council and appropriate investigation of critical issues regarding their behaviour, that TBW is central to the orchestrated, institutionalised corruption on Mt Gambier City Council, corruption that is destroying the City-Ed)...no argument here champ...

(Mind if I jump in too with " It takes a village to raise a child"? it's not a bad time is it?-Ed)...it's never a bad time to introduce the particular phrase of the purest hypocrisy that so conclusively defines this Council's corruption...that these clowns could be so wholly complicit in the cover-up of the abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School, and choose to profit by it in the manner that they have, and then run this 'Children's Charter' bullshit...and particularly as former Mayor Steve Perryman has, relentlessly defrauding the public purse via Insider Trading with his mate Frank Morello, manager of the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre...

And yes I'm talking to you Frank 'The Ghost' Morello, hilariously referred to in this article as "investigative journalist", you are yet another fine public figure who has chosen personal profit over proper conduct, who has chosen to help cover-up the St Martins Abuse case because it will further his career...and haven't you done well Frank, considering what a talentless hack you are, engaging in pro-paedophile corruption has clearly been very profitable for you..."investigative journalist", sweet baby cheeses, I've got more journalistic integrity in my left plum...

And it's all right there...'information suggesting that Councillors were involved in illegal, informal meetings'...(wasn't that back only 3-4 years ago when Crs Jim Maher and Penny Richardson lodged official complaint that certain Councillors were, indeed, meeting outside of the appropriate Committees, etc, to organise their little organisings and deal their little deals?-Ed)....absolutely, and I think that Cr Richardson's report/complaint is still officially 'suppressed'...(I know how it feels-Ed)...orrr diddums...but seriously, hello! this is a critical statement involving yet another unresolved issue of Council corruption supposedly addressed by TBW...

It's just empty rhetoric to state that TBW has been at the forefront of any attempt to hold MGC Council to account for anything...(dude, this entire article is an exercise in excusing Council of it's atrocious conduct, and simultaneously excusing TBW for their complicit behaviour-Ed)...the last bit about 'meeting budget' is yet another crassly incompetent attempt to redefine the reality of what this Council has done, and the facts are undeniable...

For Graham to state that Council/McShenanigans have done Ratepayers a favour with 'only a 6.1% Rate increase because of their fantastic budgetting' and have 'brought multiple projects in on budget', etc, Graham knows that is an outright lie the moment it hits the page...in their 2013/14 Budget Council doubled their own borrowing capacity and then immediately grabbed and spent that $6million ...it is a ludicrous nonsense to suggest that this is responsible budgetting...but to then say that this will 'open up the way to an indoor pool', well that's some truly offensive shizzle right there... 

This past Council (2010-2014) has driven the City into massive potentially irretrievable debt for flights of fancy and wanton whimsical waste and all but destroyed any hope Mt Gambier might have had of ever having an Indoor Aquatic Centre ...(it's like sayin' I want somethin' that's 100 bucks, so I'll borrow that $100 and then immediately spend it, and then say I've come in on budget because I've only spent every cent I borrowed-Ed)...beautifully put Ed...and for Graham to try and present this as anything but the corrupt catastrophe that it so clearly is for Mt Gambier, well, it is the comment that comments on itself really...

Then when one considers the multiple corruption issues and the raft of deceits and the dodgy nepotistic contract deals re the listed projects, it only highlights just how complicit TBW is in misrepresenting the related truths...(there's one place in Mt Gambier you will read the reality of what's happened on those projects and you're already there mofos, word up-Ed)...word up indeed...

And that article concluded with one last desperate attempt to smeer a thin veneer of credibility across the whole sorry mess and the alleged role of Super Mark in supposedly sorting it all out...(well I for one look forward to me and the rest of the 'pubic' being kept fully informed as to Council's version of the truth as regurgitated via TBW...but then properly addressed right here on this 'ere blog-Ed)...you and me both...

Tomorrow: I Love Ya' Tomorrow

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


Friday, December 26, 2014

You've Got To Be Skidding Me

Hello and welcome to this Boxing Day post for 2014, wishing your Xmas was what you'd hoped and that all are well and safe on this the 10th anniversary of the Tsunami that devastated large areas of coastline across many countries in the South-West Pacific...recently saw some of a story attributing the ending of the vicious 'civil/separatists' conflict in Banda Aceh to the massive devastation caused to that island...elsewhere families are still being re-united or claiming the remains of loved ones whom they couldn't afford to retrieve previously...and Christmas itself was the 40th since Cyclone Tracy flattened Darwin (Northern Territory)...

I mention these only to acknowledge the grief and loss of those involved, even 40 years later, and how this may relate to any other grief or loss issues that can become so prevalent in the Xmas season when family, etc, are being touted as the be-all and end-all of everything...I can appreciate that it's an unnecessary pressure that many really don't need and that the season may be less than festive for many reasons...for example, I spent it alone, as indeed I spend the vast majority of my time, just another day feeling apart from not a part of the community that constantly tells me how friendly and welcoming and supportive it is...

Really can't blame people whom choose to live their lives in ignorance, given what I've experienced of reality in the last few years, of living in South Australia, of existing in Mt Gambier, because fear of the unknown sure as heck beats fear of the known...I live my life aware that I have pretty much become not so much the bearer of as the actual Poisoned Chalice, and I cannot envisage ever choosing to involve someone else in that, let alone someone I like...(dude, lighten up, you've had ya' moments-Ed)...yeah, yeah I have (insert one 'dirty great ManBear StuffPig, grinning like a Chipmunk on acid, cheesy smirk' here)...(there ya' go ya' ol' bugger, cheer up-Ed)...

Ok, ok, but that is a very separate issue to the daily concerns that I have for my personal safety, largely as a result of the rank, institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that is clearly evident in the conduct of Sow Strayn Parliament and SAPol (the police) re the St Martin's Cover-up, a cover-up only possible with the complicit corruption of compliant silence from the media...what the shreck is South Australia that a parent seeking appropriate action for the abuses committed against their child and dozens of others comes to fear for their safety at the hands of police and/or other state authorities?...

Even as I type, news coverage of the latest attempts by the entirely Fascist Labor state government to bury civil opposition to anything with a new round of draconian Censorship Laws to ban filming and/or distribution and/or reporting, etc...and this is exactly the sort of laws that get introduced to shut down moronic loose units with angry blogging tendencies..(and we all know at least one, yeah?-Ed)...I've got my hand up...this first attempt has apparently just been defeated, but Labor will undoubtedly have another go...(what's ya' beef? it's only Fascism-Ed)... 

And I'm an unapologetic pacifist, but today's comments from Catholic Pope Whatevs, holding forth about the terrible exploitation of children and the sins of other religions, etc, etc, got me in the mood for a good ol' down home Pope-slappin'...(wow, the Catholics chastising others for abusing/exploiting children, shreck me-Ed)...indeed, what a screaming hypocrisy from an institution that clearly revolves around if not actually exists to perpetuate paedophilia...(and this farcical bullshit following on from the recent attempts to excuse they're collective, institutionalised paedophilia and the cover-up of that paedophilia, by blaming it on 'celibacy'-Ed)...pricks...

Not A Word Of A Lie: that it's not unusually me politely bailin' people up and sayin', 'did you see that latest crock of pro-Council nonsense from Graham Greenwood in The Border Watch?'...(true, I've heard you say that, often-Ed)...clearly not often enough because he's still goin'...but anyhoos, this time I've had people buttonhole me, saying 'have you seen this bullshit?'...this is partly because I hadn't seen this article from TBW Friday 19th December 2014, until Tuesday 23rd because I was stuck home, downed by a rooted knee...

Caught the bus the other day and found it more painful than driving 'cos ya' get chucked about all over the place and I made the mistake of standing up before the bus had stopped and gotta' thorough 'wrenching' fa' me troubles...basically they (them knees) just really hurt whatevs I'm doing so it's just suck it up as best possible and get shizzle done in the exact same context...driving really hurts because of the seated/leg pressing clutch shizzle. and I just can't hold the clutch down for long, so lots of 'neutralling', but it's still way better than being stuck...but I digress...    

Everything about this GG/TBW article screams the reality-denying sentence behind it's actual words...(and that sentence is?-Ed)...'TBW is completely independent from Council, but we still know exactly what's going on because we're talking to them now'...(nice sentence-Ed)...ta', it's not mine, but I like it...(ya' know, with all this rampant self-promotion from TBW across recent weeks, it's almost like they're trying to address some sort of 'identity crisis' and/or a massive, almost hemorrhagic loss of credibility-Ed)...not with you sir...

(Well, there's been tons of stuff about 'our cadet reporters are as good as if not better than actual tertiary qualified, credentialled journalists because we've got that doyen of journalism, that font of integrity, Graham Greenwood to show them how it's done'-Ed)...yeah, that's patently ridiculous, but hardly surprising that they'd try to praise-up their own and/or try, albeit failingly, to excuse the gross lack of professionalism, gross incompetence, and deeply compromised agenda that defines The Border Watch's  coverage of local issues...(my point exactly, it's all about self-interest and denying the empty reality-Ed)...still not with you...

(Combine that with all of the usual pro-Council misrepresentation of Council meetings, excusing the conduct of Councillors, relentlessly regurgitating the lies about the Rail Lands, conveniently ignoring the rank corruption re the Main Corner and the Library and the Old Hospital Demolition, etc, etc-Ed)...and of course the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(well that's an issue, sure, but sticking strictly to the more mainstream Council corruption, the rank Nepotism, the lies, etc, etc, and that The Border Watch has acted wholly and wantonly in collusion with Mt Gambier City Council and the vested interests running it-Ed)...

Well hang on, what about that $344,000 that it was alleged that former CEO Greg Muller 'misappropriated' from the Main Corner Project thing in the last months of his tenure (mid-late 2011)?...that was on the front page of TBW...(yeah, but who raised that claim and where?-Ed)...ummm, I reckon it was Cr Penny Richardson in a Council meeting late 2011, early 2012...(exactly, and TBW did what?-Ed)...well they reported it on the front page...(yeah, but reported what?-Ed)...ahhh, I see now, I get it, sorry, bit slow today after a long day off for Xmas...(away ya' go then-Ed)...

TBW reported that this claim had been made, acknowledged that those monies had been accessed and allegedly spent, and then immediately tried to dismiss and excuse that unauthorised access and alleged expenditure by listing off a series of ludicrous alleged last-minute costs like Earthquake/Window Insurance and Fire Rating...(ahahaa hahahahhhaa aha haa aaa, never get tired of hearing that one, 'Window Insurance', ahhh classic...but even then what?-Ed)...but even then those ludicrously lame excuses only added up to less than a third of the missing $344,000, I believe it was approx $130,000...(exactly, so what's the overall agenda of this 'coverage'?-Ed)...

Well overall, the agenda was clearly to address that which could not be ignored or denied, and then excuse it regardless, in yet another rankly corrupt distortion of the truth...(precisely-Ed)...and I'll say it yet again, and concurrently re-iterate that I say it repeatedly without challenge or 'defamation threat' or the posts being 'pulled', etc, that CEO Greg Muller misappropriated/defrauded/stole, whatevs you bloody want to call it...(well actually I prefer 'defrauded' because that's the word that best officially describes the official corruption represented by this theft-Ed)...okey dokes, defrauded it is, $344,000...

Because this has blown-out a bit already, I'll finish here with the article itself and join ya's all;

Tomorrow: YGTBS Part II

(I don't get it, what's the title thingy? what's goin' on with that then?-Ed)...oh it's just re-working GG's hilarious play on words re CEO Mark McShane's name, 'leaves his mark'...(oh I get it now, nice-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

These Are The People In Ya' Neighbourhood

Hello Taiwan, the USofA, Cambodia, and Ireland, and welcome to the blog for this Wednesday 24th December 2014, Christmas Eve...apologies for no post yesterday, but was in and out all day shufffling about and didn't get back until latish...now the blog has just dumped most of 'this' post rather than save it...can't help feeling that there's someone else somewhere else on this 'ere blog trying to delete stuff as I try to write/post...

Went for a little test drive last evening and found that now the swelling has subsided after my li'l shunting early last week, the 'knackered knee working the clutch' thing is actually less uncomfortable driving than travelling on the public bus...so's I'm effectively mobilish again...('mobilish'?-Ed)...coppin' merry heck re the knees this fine morn and won't be drivin' anywheres I absolutely don't have to...(ah and ahhhh-Ed)...indeed and anyhoos...

It would be a rolled gold, first-class, first world whinge binge to complain that I may have to catch a taxi 'cos my operably restorable albeit very sore knee means I can't drive my car very far from my home, and it doesn't best suit my immediate want and/or need that the public bus doesn't run correctly such that I can't get conveniently to the supermarket just aways over there to purchase enough food to get me through the 4 days ahead sans 'pubic' transport...seriously though, 4 days ahead without transport for those who have no other options...(how are people going to get to the Ratepayer funded Lutheran promotional lunch tomorrow at the Main Corner then?-Ed)...dunno, walk? taxi? spread their wings and fly my pretties?...

Not A Word Of A Lie: that just today I ran into someone I sortta' know at the supermarket, and due to their mobility issues, was happy to acquiesce to their request for a lift home via the bottleshop for some 'Xmas cheer'...I asked them how they were gettin' to the Lutheran lunch, and the response was 'walk, can't afford anything else'...

(That's a bit spooky too that bit, because today's post is actually brought to you by the letters W, T, and F, 'walk, taxi, fly'-Ed)...ooo, that is a bit spooky, but it's not where I was goin' with this post, namely, a respectful representation of the various public dissertations that I have been subjected to re recent reportage of certain issues...(waaah?-Ed)...here's what peoples been done sayin' to me of late re some  issues, as best summed-up by the letters W, T, and F, in that order, all bunched-up together, WTF-style...    

The Words On The Street: following the Channel 7 Today Tonight program's 'Ice' story re Mt Gambier, all start with today's letters W, T, and F, namely WTF that 1) the SAPol (police) Superintendent Trevor Twilley, senior SAPol officer for the South-East, has been on the front page of the local newspaper The Border Watch 2 weeks ago (previous post), stating that he knows 'high-profile' local people whom are 'Ice' addicts...everybody wants to know who are they Trevor?...who are the 'senior' locals using/addicted to 'Ice'?...are they working in Council, for example, or are they Politicians? in Law Enforcement? Health? is a senior local surgeon, for example, an 'Ice' addict?...how's about in the Judiciary?...Transport?...how's about Aviation?...where to stop?...(these are the people in ya' neighbourhood-Ed)...well quite...

And WTF 2) that Trevor would make these comments basically sandwiched between conflicting statements that there's no problems with 'Ice' in Mt Gambier...(well actually, I reckon he said 'no worse than anywhere else'-Ed)...fair enough, so it's a major problem elsewhere, but not here, but here we're the same as elsewhere?...(yeahhh, doesn't sound so good-Ed)...come on Trevor, who are the high-ranking 'Ice' users/addicts in our neighbourhood? are we safe from these people?...

(And have these people all been charged and appeared in local Court and given Criminal Records for pitiful Possession offenses, as would happen with any normal person whom comes into contact with police re 'Ice' use and/or other minor possession offenses?-Ed)...no idea, but I understand that recently a 'senior' local person has had their Sexual Assault (and/or Child Abuse) case moved away from Mt Gambier because everyone will know them, they won't get a fair hearing, etc...

And I'm going to say it because there's plenty a' people sayin' basically the same thing, but I'm repeating it with no sense of humour given that there's nothing funny about 'Ice' addiction...Supt Twilley's statement opens up a massive black-hole of community vulnerability that pours credence into otherwise seethingly scythingly cynical comments about the behaviours of various local Authorities, eg, 'Council must be on Crack to have made that decision', etc...I'd be surprised if availees of this 'ere blog haven't heard and/or thought similar...

All very limited joking aside, but are there people affected by the wholly consuming drug 'Ice' making crucial decisions in and/or about our community?...which statement from SAPol is to be believed?...I've heard similar dismissals re attempted child abductions, paedophiles related to the Mt Gambier Gaol, crime rates, etc, etc...(orrr yeah, what's all that bullshit about 'a drop in crime statistics'?...the bloody station isn't open half the time and there are many sexual assault and/or domestic violence and/or other violent crime issues that simply aren't being reported and/or charges don't get laid, etc-Ed)...indeed...

Global Warming: my arse because the morning news services are showing Australia-wide blizzards for Christmas and Boxing Days...(sorry what?-Ed)...oh yeah, temperatures plunging into the -30C, here look...(that's a 'dash' you eediot, not a 'minus'...it says 14C minimum up to a maximum of 30C, '14 - 30', not 14 with a minimum of -30-Ed)...well that would make more sense...(wouldn't it though?-Ed)...

Yet More Gaol Expansions: for the Mt Gambier Gaol as scurrillously announced by Labor's spineless Corrections Minister Tony Piccolo via the Mid-Year Budget Forecast and Adelaide ABC Radio...no public consultation, no warning, not nuthin', just here's another 170 inmates...and the sly, deceitful way that it's been drip-fed to the community, even in that ABC interview...(he couldn't lie straight in bed-Ed)...indeed, announcing a 112 bed expansion for Mt Gambier and then talking about another 150 'immediate' beds to be found across the state, quickly listing off where those beds will be, including 39 in Mt Gambier...and that on top of 20 announced last week...

Mt Gambier isn't at risk of turning from a 'Mill Town' into a 'Prison Town', it's a done deal...(yay-Ed)...

It is absolutely indicative of the wholesale immorality and untrustworthiness of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government...can't even do a Gaol Expansion announcement, an expansion locals are powerless to stop, can't do that without trying to be deceitful...(it's like they're so completely programmed to be deceitful, so at home in their lies that functioning without deceit is beyond them to the extent that they have to create one where otherwise it doesn't exist-Ed)...no, I agree, they clearly don't feel comfortable unless lying, they are so confronted and discomforted by the truth, any truth, because it is such an alien environment for them...

And this following Premier Jay Weatherill's  soul-less effort earlier this week on ABC Radio in which he dismissed concerns about the multiple Child Abuse issues flooding SA as 'better reporting' because reportees/victims/whatevs "are more likely to be believed these days", stated outright that 'you can't blame politicians or public servants', then started in on how it's all 'bad parents', and slid away from questions about improved funding with lies about what Labor have done/spent...(whatta' scumbag-Ed)...absolutely...more tomorrow...

In Closing: even after stealing the $550million (that's accrued public money) from the Motor Accident Commission fund, and with the delays to the new Adelaide Hospital reducing current Budget costs, and an extra approx $50m per year in GST (Goods and Services Tax), etc, Labor has still managed to deliver a new record deficit but continue blaming the Liberals state and federal, including for stuff that happened over a decade ago...(pathetic-Ed)...  

Tomorrow: TATPIYN Part II - The Border Watch

A Graham Greenwood Xmas Special...(orrr, is that the one about how great Council CEO Mighty Mark McShenanigans is?-Ed)...that's the one...(classic GG-ed)...ain't it though...(classic TBW attempt to redefine their own history and reality-Ed)...absolutely...and I don't even have to bring the humour, because it's all provided...(really?-Ed)...yeah, Gray Gray refers to Frank 'The Ghost' Morello as an "investigative journalist"...(aaahhaahahhah ahhahaahaa aaaaaaclassic-Ed)...and that ain't even the best bit...(no, no more please, I need to pee already, I'll bloody wet myself-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters and a very merry Christmas, Xmas, Day Off, whatevs to all availees...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Two More Mt Gambier Gaol Expansions

Don't have anything amusing to say about that (another 150 beds), the title says it all...came up on the ABC TV News service last evening and then again this morning on the Morning program being broadcast from Adelaide across Xmas/New Year...(didn't hear it mentioned in the local Summer series Early show with Stuart Stansfield?-Ed)...no, but I was staggering about the place this morning and may have missed it...Minister Piccolo was on and I rang the ABC Adelaide 1300 222 891, didn't identify myself, said sorry can't stay on the phone and asked that they mention the approx 500% expansion of the Mt Gambier Gaol over the last 2 years and into the next 2...

The woman said that she was aware of that but I didn't hear it mentioned...again, I'm havin' a good hard self-excusin' whinge on behalf of my knees whom are very unhappy campers at the moment, intent on expressing their displeasure to me, so the radio's on but I tend to be distracted, and haven't even seen The Border Watch since Tuesday last week, haven't left the house since Tuesday last week...apologies for missin' a post too, but I'm shamblin' about like an old mole at a Christening...(charming-Ed)...one of Pop's many such delightful poeticisms...it took me 2 hours to water the garden yesterday and had to use the hose to get that done, no carrying buckets of rainwater everywhere...

Statistics show that down our way we have received but a smidge of our 'average' rainfall across Spring/early Summer...(how many smidges in a gigglylitre?-Ed)...quite a few I'd think...(scientificky-Ed)...yes, I'm an expert on stuff that I make up and then present as a tested proof...(you should hold forth about Nocebos and Wind Turbines and such-Ed)...and I do...(fine-Ed)...just fine...but the rainfall stuff is a given...and rainfall equals Aquifer replenishment too, so that must be well down...(as would be wells then, down I mean-Ed)...well most wells do go down, that's where the water is...(good point-Ed)...  

Not Just Because: it supports my position of opposition to the medication of the population via the flouridation of our hydration supply, but my garden clearly doesn't like the tapwater and my efforts to moderate the damage that has clearly happened in previous years (previous posts) by doing small regular waterings starting back in October, hoping to effectively inoculate the garden against the several deep waterings I'll have to do late in Summer, it just ain't happ'nin'...had to do a deep watering a few weeks ago and everything fruit wise has just stopped growing at that size...

But first, hello Macau, Italy, Indonesia, and Germany, and welcome to the blog for a very quick break-down of some 'Fracking' issues... just gunna' jump right in...and all praise the Interweb that when it comes to such issues where I don't have a great deal of personal experience, I can just direct blog-availees to go a searchin' via a few key words rather than burning half a post trying to simplify and explain things I'm basically readin' about and tryin' to understand myself...(fair enough-Ed)...

Having said that, I do have some direct experience and knowledge (backed by some researching) on the Geology of the South-East, not least of all as a result of volunteering as a Cave Guide at Englebrecht Cave (here in Mt Gambier*) when it was being run by Lifeline (1999), and having gotten myself unto the library so as to do some book learnin'...if you 'Interweb search' Englebrecht Cave you'll find a bunch of stuff about the 2 separate caves that make up Englebrecht, accessed by the roughly central collapse of what was the ceiling of one large cavern...

*This is an extremely rare feature, a cave-dive within city limits, and should be hammered as a premium Dive Tourism experience, being only one of many excellent cave-diving facilities/features in the South East, a natural advantage that simply isn't utilised...cave-divers are insane, but they're usually cashed-up insane...(my favourite kind-Ed)...yeah, relatively poor crazy people like me just piss me off...(ain't that the truth-Ed)...we must pursue/expand Dive Tourism with the Cave-Dive twist, focussing on the unique cave-diving opportunities so readily available in and around Mt Gambier...
A similar cathedral-size cavern exists directly beneath the Jubilee Hwy just adjacent, and the Cave Garden and Umpherston Cave, etc, are cave collapses through to the surface, many of which offer cave-diving experiences, ranging from the most basic, eg, Little Blue Lake, Hell's Hole, through all levels, right up to the most dangerous, eg, Engelbrecht's...in Englebrecht's there are many examples of the different forms of subterranean erosion, including two near perfectly circular 'chimneys' up through the Limestone that have broken through to the surface from erosion caused underneath (I think) by swirling water...

Wind Turbine: issues just quickly re the geology stuff, are obviously that these processes produce systems like the Naracoorte Caves, located along a ridgeline near Naracoorte, a ridgeline that is an ancient Coorong sandhill as one of a series of ancient Coorongs that successively formed as the sea-levels receded across the last ??millions of years, etc, etc, insert fascinating geological facts here, blah, blah, and those ridgelines and entire sub-strata of Limestone are riddled with cave systems big and small, and on those relatively fragile ridges are where we're planning to shove multiple massive Turbine towers on massive concrete pads, with their associated vibrations, etc...will this cause cave collapses?...

Fracking companies like Beach Energy will no doubt dismiss this 'flawed Geology' as being irrelevant as they are drilling apparently 4kms down and therefore applying the huge pressures required for Fracking at those depths...and it's called Fracking, by the people/companies that do it, because that's what it is, fracturing the seam of Coal/Shale/whatevs, with multiple chemicals forced under massive pressure, to release/mobilise the gas there-in for extraction, processing, and likely export...(you know, I think it's just an image problem not helped by a very unhelpful name...'Fracking' seems so very, well, fractious...I don't know why they don't call it Gas Farming, you know, like the Wind Turbine Industrial Estates are called farms-Ed)...brilliant Ed...(ta, one does what one can-Ed)...

But the point being...(are we there yet?-Ed)...hilarious...point being, thankyou, that there are many well documented cases of seismic activity/subsidence/whatevs due to natural causes...(yeah, and?-Ed)...and also of subsidence due to human factors like mining...and there's exactly one shizzle-load of stuff available on the Interweb re areas in, for example, the USofA, that have reported huge increases in seismic activity immediately following Fracking extraction...over 2 years ago I remember reading about somewhere in the USofA (Ohio?) that had leapt from 1-2 very small tremors a year to over 300, nearly one a day, and some that were relatively quite intense compared to the previous events...

Admittedly, most of this Fracking has been done relatively shallow compared to what's happening at Penola, but even if Fracking is done at 4kms it sets up the potential for similar strata collapse that would potentially trigger wider seismic activity...this on top of the immediate potential for massive pollution/contamination issues re surface holding ponds, the drilling shaft itself, chemicals escaping from the Fracked strata, etc, etc, all exacerbated/threatened by the volcanic nature of the region...(is it the faultline that produced Mt Shank, Mt Gambier, etc, on through Tower Hill, etc, aka the Kanawinka Geo-Park, that causes this siemic activity?-Ed)...reckon it might be...

If Fracking weren't lunacy enough in any context, it is catastrophically stupid to do it right through a massive Aquifer in a seismically active area...it is fundamentally un-supportable to the edge of untruth to state that any Fracking shaft has absolute structural integrity because the least little earth movement will snap it like a twig...I know it's very basic science, but the whole South East is a bed of Limestone laid down over many millions of years, with a massive Aquifer running through it, effectively sitting on top of other stuff, and that makes the change in structure, the bottom of the Limestone layer, a prime point for movement...snap! straight into the bottom of the Aquifer...

Not A Blow-out: according to the SA Labor Health Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling, is either the $177million price-rise of the new Adelaide Hospital. and/or that it won't open until the end of 2016, at least 6 months after it's April 2016 deadline...(so $177m and more than 6 months over, but neither are a blow-out, let alone collectively?-Ed)..no, not a blowout, I'm calling that a 'Costmetic Enhancement', keeping in with the whole Health theme...(nice-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Sorry, Inevitably More Gaol Stuff

And I can't believe that I'm thanking the OPEC nations for dropping the oil price so drastically, but I  understand that this is potentially/allegedly a deliberate attempt to rip the rug out from under the Coal Seam/Shale Oil/Fracking/whatevs production in countries like the USofA that has cut into OPEC profits...(I think this is enemy of my enemy stuff-Ed)...fair enough...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Saturday, December 20, 2014

50 Shades Of Rooted

(I'm very much hoping that title refers to ya' knees and/or something similar-Ed)...yeah, you know it does...felt reasonably, relatively good at dawn this morn and went to boldly stroll where this man has strode many times before, namely the park, and got halfway there and was thinkin' 'this was a parkin' stupid idea'...my usual pain management regime just ain't cuttin' it...spent most of yesterday either standing up or lying down...sitting just hurts and so excuse rushed post...

Hello Lithuania, Brazil, Luxembourg, and Ireland, and welcome to the blog...and yet another attempt to tidy-up a few loose ends, namely some recent Wind Turbine and/or Fracking stuff...and a quick correction that I used 'brevity' instead of 'levity' in the last blog...looked at it 5 times and knew there was something not right, even did spell check...may have also previously used 'sectarian' instead of 'secular' and vice versa...apologies but sometimes a half day doin' the blog and ya start to read in errors without actually seeing them...

Pubic Consultation In My Own Defense: please find attached below 2 Editorials from The Border Watch (2005) I found whilst sortin' paperwork, where-in both refer to "pubic" issues...this also answers further Ms Joan Tremelling's TBW letter that I covered the other day re when/what happened at the May 2005 Country Cabinet...(and highlights the disgraceful ongoing shreck-around with the pubic bus service and pubic Mental Health service provision-Ed)...you're gunna' do that all the time now aren't ya'?...(well the pubic have a right to know-Ed)...stop it...

Also some 'TMGI Blog' stuff, eg, several times recently the 'another computer on this network has this address' notification has come up...(could that be your laptop, currently proceeding in a "seized" direction, subject to the tender machinations of SAPol what done confiscate it back in May 2014?-Ed)...and told me to my face that they didn't need the password because they could "just hack it"? that laptop? gourd knows...also had 50-60 posts 'un-share' themselves off Google, again, so's I had to go through and spend 10 mins 're-sharing'...

Also also, on 'Referring Sites' continue to have various Facebook referral sites on 'Now', 'Day', 'Week', and 'Month', but then nuthin' at all for 'All Time'...and vice versa with one site called 'Topblogstories' that is a series of dating/cheating/webcam/porn sites featuring constantly in 'All Time' but not appearing at all in the other 4 sections...(does Blogspot lease advertising space?-Ed)...dunno, wouldn't think it likely...not porn and such anyway...      

In the last few days there have been a series of horrendous events across the globe that have devastated whole communities...I wouldn't know where to start trying to even understand let alone discuss most of it, but I continue to be very challenged by the sometimes almost voyeuristic saturation media frenzy that kicks-off the moment anything happens locally, with relatively little coverage of similar major events overseas...perhaps it's just my very negative experiences with media that make me a cynical observer on such issues...

There is one story...in the United Kingdom news broke (yesterday) that police are investigating a Paedophile Ring dating back 30+ years involving senior military, police, politicians, etc, and allegedly involves the death of 3 boys, including the disappearance of a 15 year old boy who was the son of an Australian chauffeur at the Australian Embassy...I'm not going to get into it here, but I also note that SAPol (SA Police) have officially dismissed the recent revelations of a property in South Australia's mid-North being used to house children for members of a paedophile ring who would often fly in/fly out...know who I believe, and just for the record, it ain't SAPol...

Y'all will excuse me if that after the deliberate disaster that is the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the abject refusal of SAPol to investigate, eg, not even interviewing teacher Glyn Dorling, who had already been 'removed' by the Lutherans, and the subsequent attacks on parents by SAPol, Rory McEwen, et al, given that SAPol is a main and unrepentant player in the cover-up at St Martins, then y'all please excuse my quite fathomable contempt for pretty much anything SAPol has to say about Child Abuse...(fair enough-Ed)...

Prof Simon Chapman Is A Rolled-Gold Moron: apologies that I was going to cover some other Wind Turbine issues today (yesterday), eg, another Turbine fire (in Nicaragua maybe?) but just on the ABC Radio (yesterday), news that the Waubra Foundation (effectively an Anti-Turbine group focussing on health issues re Wind Turbines) has had it's 'Charities Status' revoked by the Australian Charities Commission (ACNC) on the grounds that they (WF) don't meet whatevs criteria as a 'Health Charity'...

Due to the relative lack of research and the resultant very vague nature of the 'Health Issues' re the whole 'Health Issues' issue, it is not my favs aspect re Wind Turbines, but I have met people who claim to have left their homes, etc, and I fully support the idea that multiple massive whistling, screeching, grinding, swooshing, Turbines and resultant changes in air pressure 'down-wind' of  Turbine Estate, and/or subsonic sound, etc, etc, could and likely would cause many problems, eg, interruption of sleep leading to other health complications...

Waubra is a small West-Victorian town with nearby 120 Turbines, and the WF is organised by (Dr) Sarah Laurie...look out, and on comes alleged Prof Simon Chapman...(orrr, not that arse-Ed)...Ed! language please...(nah, sod 'im, he's an abusive moron and how he was gifted the title of 'Professor' is a profound and perpetual mystery highlighted by just what an opinionated yet vacuous git he really is-Ed)...probably does a blog...(probably...shreckin' idiot-Ed)...he was on the ABC/BBC Radio recently bangin' on about E-cigarrettes and the Tobacco Industry conspiracy to use them to recruit a new generation of tobacco/cigarette addicts...

(And off he goes, stating as fact his entirely untested, unproven bullshit about 'Nocebo Effect', apparently the opposite to a 'placebo', in that if a person is told 'you will be exposed and it will make you ill', then that person is likely to get ill-Ed)...yeah, and then completely scuppers his own position by stating at the end that 'this appears to be what's at work'...(ah well, if he's proven beyond a scientific doubt-shadow via a series of peer-reviewed controlled experiments across a large number of locations, seasons and/or conditions, etc, it's just fine to make a series of statements of fact immediately followed by the disclaimer that 'it appears to be what's at work'-Ed)...overly sarcastic for my liking, but you're right...he's done no actual research, ain't even a doctor, he's giving his opinion on his own opinion...can ya' get any further from scientific?...

Apparently the Greens Party complained to the ACNC, and they (ACNC) and the National Health and Medical Research Council (HHMRC) reckon there's no reliable evidence/research to support the 'Health' claims re Charities and health promotion...(but that's exactly what it is isn't it? they, the WF, are trying to educate people to the fact that there are those who claim to have suffered negative health issues, and that this is compounded by the fact that there has been an abject failure to appropriately test these noise/pressure issues before just whacking-up massive Turbine towers right on top of people's homes, properties, etc-Ed)...exactly Ed...

Right about here I've dumped several paragraphs of discourse from the interview, might be on the ABC Local Radio Interweb site, but basically it looks like the Greens Party complained to the ACNC about the 'Health Charity' status stuff, and citing the lack of proof either way re Turbines and negative health outcomes, the ACNC has cut WF loose...

And that's the fundamental hilarity of what is being said here by Simmo and the ACNC and the NHMRC and various pro-Turbine advocates like the Clean Energy Council and the various Turbine companies, namely, the evidence doesn't exist that there's a 'Health Issues' problem, therefore, no problem...whereas science teaches us...(that this is bullshit-Ed)...hold on...whereas science teaches us that science is about rigorous and where possible exhaustive testing to disprove that which could disprove the thusly proven...(exactly-Ed)...ya' can't say 'we haven't done the testing so therefore it isn't'...(well you can if you're Prof Marsh, the NHMRC, etc-Ed)...hilarious...

Insert Disclaimer Here: because I ain't no rock boffin or aqua doctor or man of dirt learnin', but I can read books about Karst systems and the fractured, flawed nature of Limestone environments and the subsequent tendency to substantial subsidence, etc, and the Geothermal/Volcanic nature of the region and I direct availees to texts on these subjects and I promise a full Frackin' post,

Tomorrow: Attackin' Frickin' Frackin'

(Crackin'-Ed)...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

When The Crunch Is The Crunch

Hello to all availees and welcome to the blog...today's post is likely to be a little bit angry...(a little bit?-Ed)...a tad...because I'm in a whole world of mid-level hurt right about now after my little shunting coupla' days ago...sore, stiff and suddenly staring down the reality of what not having a car in Mt Gambier really means...(I thought you said the car was basically alright-Ed)...yeah, the car's just great thanks, it's the knee doin' the clutch thing that ain't workin'...

(Pretty sore yeah?-Ed)...can't put any weight through it, particularly at an angle, and sitting like that is killing my back because all the quads, hamstrings, etc, etc, have tightened right up, and that's pullin' my back out...just sittin' here doin' this 'ere blog is really unpleasant...(try readin' it!-Ed)...oh you're hilarious...(sorry, sorry, it must be very uncomfortable and frustrating-Ed)...indeed, it's more comfortable standing up or lying down, sittin' just ain't where it at at the moment for me...back in a second...after a real-time stand'n'stretch...reckon I'll be doin' that a fair bit today and for a few days to come...

I ain't no doctor with no book learnin' or nuthin', but I know enough about sore knees and associated back shenanigans, etc, to know that whilst I ain't been exactly 'here' before, I know a big pile of shizzle when I'm standing in it...(such poetry-Ed)...didn't feel too bad first thing this mornin', but then tried to walk the dog to the park, approx only 180-200m up the street from my home, and got about 50m before I started to regret it, got there, turned around and shambled home...and now knees, back, the lot, are tight as a drum...

Park and Stride: says Council...you shreckin' idiots, I can't even stride to the bloody park at the moment, so even if I could drive down to town, I'd be lookin' to park as close as possible to where I wanted to go...if it's raining, I'm just gunna' get half-soaked gettin' from the car to the footpath, let alone shreckin' stridin' anywhere...a week out from Xmas and it's a short, sharp plummet into the unpleasant realities of relying on public transport in Mt Gambier...(oh gourd, of course, no bus on public holidays or weekends, no gettin' to the beach only 30kms away...how ya' gunna get the dog anywhere?...lucky he went to the vets last week-Ed)...ta, a minor silver lining...

Just to quantify my whinging...yes this is a result of the shunting, which shall here-on-in be referred to as 'The Crunch', but injury wise it's old news re-visited and if I had an automatic carI'd still be able to drive, albeit not for any distance or length of time before having to stop to stand up straight, etc, it's 'cos my left knee was jammed at the leg-angle as per using the clutch that I can't drive...I gotta' house, fulla' food, and my family has already flicked me Christmas money, so if I desperately need a taxi trip to hospital or some such, I've got a bitta' cash, etc, etc...I'm in a good deal of discomfort and it's really compromising and frustrating but it's all relative, eh...others put up with far worse all the time, including...

Closed 24/7/11: because with Xmas (Thursday 25th) and Boxing Day (Friday 26th) and New Years Day (Thursday 1st January 2015), and the weekends there-abouts, it will mean that between the last bus (1700hrs) on Wednesday 24th December (Xmas Eve), there'll yet again be no public transport at all in Mt Gambier 24hrs a day for 7 days outta' the next 11, until 0900hrs Monday 5th January...no public transport for 7 outta' 11 days across Xmas/New Years...it's a bloody disgrace, and a perpetual indictment of Council's insular and selfish decision processes...

While I am deeply disappointed that my attempts to get a bus running at these times...(and a Xmas school holidays bus service to Brown's Beach/Bay via Pt MacDonnell-Ed)...indeed, that too...I am disappointed but I don't know what else to do...over 3 months ago I spoke at length with the main service provider here in Mt Gambier, and it was his/their idea to run the bus out to Brown's Beach/Bay...I thought they were really keen, but now I can't even get a phone call returned...no idea why...

Apparently the $27m 'expansion' of the Mt Gambier Hospital is officially finished and open for business with 'so many things we needed'...(but the 6 bed 'Mental Health Care Unit' won't be open until April 2015-Ed)...indeed, but Country Health SA's Jane Downes has again gushingly stated that there'll be Mental Health Care specialists hangin' off the rafters as a result of the 'strong number of applicants' for the 15 positions...apparently we're gunna' have psychiatrists and social workers and Aboriginal health workers, etc, etc...(lots of 'applicants' but not one word of any actual appointments?-Ed)...no, I didn't hear anything about positions already filled...and if it's ready, and there's such a disgraceful lack of Mental Health Care Services in Mt Gambier, and there's all these specialists just linin' up to be signin' up, then why not open until April 2015?...

"Unknown Soil Contamination": is apparently the official excuse for the allegedly already 6 month delay/over-run/whatevs on the new Royal Adelaide Hospital, and the contractor wants another $30million and a 3-month extension to sort it out...(but isn't that building all but built already?-Ed)...yep...(right in the middle of the Adelaide Rail Yards?-Ed)...sure is...(right on/under the flightpath for the Adelaide Airport?-Ed)...right on/under it...(and why would you build, in fact how can you build before any/all soil contamination issues are addressed?-Ed)...dunno'...(and a hospital no less, on an allegedly still contaminated site-Ed)...

No no, I know, it smacks of the De-Salination Plant fiasco where Labor sued the contractors (including Acciona Aqua) for return of $40m in bonuses paid despite the project going way over budget and time and now not working properly...(unbelievable-Ed)...and then dropping that case and 'settling out of Court' a further $20m payment to the contractors...(nuthin' corrupt about that...and isn't former Premier Mike Rann's family directly involved with Acciona?-Ed)...indeed they are Ed, indeed they are...$60m all up...state taxpayer's money, straight to Mike Rann's family and associates...    

Just My Unfortunate Timing: that when channel surfing last weekend I went from an SBS overseas news service that was showing footage of Palestinian homes, etc, destroyed as part of the Israeli 'invasion/incursion/whatevs' from earlier this year, surfing from that through various USofA 1980s programs, eg, Happy Days, and infommercials about wonder-leggings and extreme workouts, and then onto car program Top Gear, in which they were laughingly demolishing a row of old houses using 3 different types of giant tractor/tank thingies...relatively innocuous in it's own space, it didn't look quite so amusing placed adjacent to the SBS story and the reality of what's happened/happening in the West Bank and Gaza...

Hooray For Religion: because when they're not assaulting your children their attacking you because your god isn't the right one, and then if you do agree you don't agree enough or in the correct manner, etc, etc...(pssst, he's not one of 'us' us-Ed)...it is my expansive personal experience that obsessive religious observance is the fundamental personification of the inherent insanity that defines being a self-realised ape...(thankyou Dr Charles 'Freudy' Darwin for that insightful dissertation on the Human Condition-Ed)...just sayin'...

And forget even goin' outside Australia, let alone Sow Straya, let alone Mt Gambier, it's all right there out my front door when I look at Mt Gambier and see the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...right there's what religion represents to me...you wanna' go to ya' little temples and wrangle reptiles and genuflect at the ceiling, because that's all that's there, ceiling, sky, and then the void, nuthin' but void, off ya' go, you knock yourselves out...and that's a big part of Religion right there, avoiding acknowledging the void that is the reality of uncaring existence by subjugating the self to the human construct collectively called god...(sweet baby cheeses, where'd ya' read that load a' bumph?-Ed)...just typin' mate, just typin'..

I'm quietly confident that anyone already readin' this 'ere blog whom is offended by the reality of what I'm sayin' to the extent that they'll dis-avail themselves, well I'd reckon there's no such animal...I'd reckon that anyone already reading my furious diatribing re issues like St Martins, the Catholics, etc, no matter how committed to their faith, such availees will allow me the heretical *levity of questioning the very existence of god...(for a little light relief-Ed)...well quite, and somewhat indicative isn't it, when questioning the existence of god is the light relief from realities explored here on the blog...   (*spelling correction 20/12/14)

Mayor Andrew Lee has been cuttin' crook about cuts to the City's funding of about 3% of Council's total income (supposedly about $500,000)...not sure exactly what Lee was tryin' to say...(other than 'we'll leave it to the Local Government Assoc to negotiate for us'-Ed)...yeah well he did say that, but this sounded like the softener for the reality looming over the horizon that Mt Gambier City Council have driven the City into massive debt with their unfettered and chronically nepotistic expenditure on whims and fancies, and is in a whole world of trouble before any cuts kick-in, and that means service cuts and/or rates rises and/or asset sales, eg, sale of the Rail Lands as per the Rail Lands Retail Agenda... 

And Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin was also on the ABC blabbering on about Sow Strayan Labor blaming PM Tony Abbott and the Feds for state problems...blah blah blah whinging about Labor whinging about the Libs...I'd started to drift when Tony suddenly made some delightful jibe about 'next thing they'll be searching for the Beaumont Children' in Tony Abbott's office...(wow-Ed)...indeed, there's nothing offensive about making snide, facetious jibes about a notorious allegedly unsolved paedophile murder case...

(And a good thing too that Tony isn't explicitly complicit in the St Martins paedophile cover-up issue, because then that comment wouldn't just look grossly offensive, but it'd also be a massive hypocrisy-Ed)...but Tony does know about the St Martins case...(oh-Ed)...yeah, oh...and then it was more waffle about why they're closing Medicare Locals, 'we are transitioning to a different model' but didn't explain what that was, other than it's one office for the entire state outside Adelaide...(ludicrous-Ed)...exactly Dr Ed...and then even more waffle re submarines and apparently even if we buy Japanese subs there'll be 'more work not less maintaining those subs' because 2/3 cost is maintenance and that must happen in Adelaide because it's the only national facility equipped for the job...(yay-Eh)...

Tomorrow: Back On The Frackin' Horse

Apologies for not getting there today, but all the stuff about siesmic reactions to Fracking, sinkholes and Karst (Limestone) structures, etc, etc, and some Wind Turbine stuff...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Call And Response

Hello and welcome to the blog and apologies several times over for 1) no post yesterday and 2) missing Mt Gambier City Council's meeting last night (Tuesday 16th December 2014)...(on the couch again? feelin' sorry for yourself again?-Ed)...yes and no, sortta'...certainly feeling a bit sore and sorry for myself and it did stop me getting to Council last evening, but it was a bit different this time...(how so?-Ed)...

Yesterday on my way down to town, had a young lady try to polish my tow-ball with her radiator...(mate, whatevs you get up to in ya' personal life is your business and we really don't need to here about that sortta' stuff here-Ed)...whaaa?...(look, if you hook-up with someone that's fine, but we don't need to hear the gruesome details...and that 'tow-ball/radiator' euphemism thingy really doesn't work too well-Ed)...it's not an euphemism you eediot, it actually happened, she gave me the Roundabout Shunt...(oh, oh sorry, you ok? is she ok?-Ed)...lotsa' yeses and noses...(my turn, whaaa?-Ed)...

Relatively minor damage to both cars, but hers was leaking fluid/s that were probably only busted hoses and had to be towed, but she was fine...and I'm fine except for a sad, bad case of jarred knees that left me basically immobile yesterday arvo and still staggerin' this mornin', and the very minor damage to my vehicle is probably enough to render it technically a 'write-off' in that the cost of a new bumper thingy, labour, etc, is likely to exceed the very low value of the vehicle itself...

I was stationary at the line when the car next to me on my right (outside lane) went when he shouldn't have, cutting-off an oncoming vehicle, and the young woman behind me followed his lead, only I hadn't moved...she only hit me at 25kms tops, but it was enough to shove my car forward a foot or two and slightly sideways, and jam all of that impact momentarily through my left knee because I had the my foot hard down on the clutch pedal...(ouch-Ed)...indeed, and then the right knee because my right foot was on the brake pedal but not all the way to the floor...(as ya' do-Ed)...didn't immediately notice anything much different, they're literally always sore, it was only later when it really seized-up...

(But why did you miss Council last night?-Ed)...I couldn't drive my knee was so swollen and sore...(ah, of course, left knee does all that clutch work and stuff...why not catch the bus?-Ed)...stops running at 1700hrs and the meeting starts at 1800hrs and goes an hour sometimes more...(taxi?-Ed)...$40 return trip to go to that load of bollocks...I'd read the Agenda and there's nuthin' in there immediately more corrupted and dodgy than any other Council meeting, but I'm mad keen to see what was dumped on Council via Motions Without Notice, eg, was it Mayor Andrew Lee's declaration that he's going to take a bunch of dodgy local officials on a little jaunt to China on the Ratepayer's dollar?...

I contacted a Councillor (who was good enough to get back to my message, cheers) to ask that they record the proceedings for me, but of course was politely declined because of the restrictions put in place at the last meeting...I covered this in previous posts with the extraordinary conduct of newly elected Councillor Frank 'The Ghost' Morello, just coincidentally another main name in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, he whom rocked-up 1/2 hour late when Council stopped the meeting to swear him in, and he then immediately, and I mean like inside 60 seconds immediately, got up and introduced a Motion to stop any electronic recording and/or reproduction of Council meetings, that immediately passed...(wow-Ed)...

I'll say it again...Council already chucks the public out at the end of meetings so as to do their secret business...(business that on many occasions has included Main Corner Project/Town Hall lease issues, a project that is in it's entirety, from the multiple dodgy Council decisions/actions, right through it's clearly corrupted construction process, on through to where it's current functionings continue to be wholly funded, financed, subsidised, whatevs, by Ratepayers in a building wholly owned by Ratepayers-Ed)...wholly Nepotistic Fraud Batman...(no, I'm here about the insulation-The Batt Man)...oh, right, round the back thanks, first line on the left...

What else is it that Council feel they need to keep hidden from the public?...(well you said it's all the dodgy Conflict of Interest stuff and Nepotism and various other rank corruptions of Appropriate Process that define a Council wholly mired in the gross self-interest and chronic malfeasance of it's constituent members-Ed)...yes I did say that, it's a rhetorical question...(well look, I can never tell, just get on with it-Ed)...and this is also a massively ominous preview of how Cr The Ghost will be conducting himself on Council, wholly in the service of the Vested Interests whom continue to further his career...(don't like Frankie-boy much do ya'?-Ed)...ya' gettin' that then, yeah?...

I'm also very confused because I swear that on Monday 15th December 2014 the ABC Local Radio was handing out prizes to listeners/callers whom correctly guessed that Xmas Day is Friday next week...(but it's Thursday next week-Ed)...I know, it was very confusing...(like we need any help-Ed)...speak for yourself...(I did-Ed)...oh yeah...perhaps they meant/said Boxing Day or somethin', but someone else has mentioned it to me as well...whatevs, movin' on...

The Call: is the attached letter from The Border Watch Tuesday 9th December 2014 from Ms Joan Tremelling...I guarantee you Ms Tremelling that there's a snowball's chance in hell that TBW will acknowledge their own reality re St Martins as per this 2005 Country Cabinet...I've left that 'Park and Stride' one there too because I love the line about moving supermarkets 2 blocks away from their carparks...

The Response: I've repeatedly posted about, particularly the extraordinary betrayal by then Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen...knowing full well the exact realities of what had happened at St Martins and what teacher Glyn Dorling had done to kids, and the abject failures of SAPol, Child Protection, etc, etc, knowing all that, Rory has gone into bat for the paedophile teacher and the Lutherans, etc, and attacked us...and The Border Watch gave him the front page to do it...

Laters: A Full Post Of Frackin'

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, December 15, 2014

Who Do Ya' Believe? Part II

Hello Aotearoa (New Zealand), Indonesia. Singapore, and Finland...(all together now, 'Finland, Finland, Finland, a country where I quite want to be, pony-trekking or camping'...umm, etc-Ed)...thanks Ed for that brief Monty Python inspired musical interlude, and welcome y'all to the blog...just had a day-offish yesterday...(rubbish! you had the radio on all day listening to the ABC/BBC-Ed)...fair enough, calm down, a 'day-off' re doin' the blog...and still managed to achieve the best part of nuthin' other than some domestic chores, bitta gardening, etc...(how exciting-Ed)...indeed...also repeatedly had the pleasure of the company of the WIN TV advertisement for the 'free Lutheran promotion thingy' Xmas lunch at the Main Corner...(oh boy, here we go-Ed)...

Damn straight here we go...well, in a second, but firstly the Part IIing...yesterday's post was not a personal challenge to availees ala PM Tony Abbott's mimicry of former USofA President George W Bush, you know, the 'either you're with us or you're against us' bollockry...indeed, I have repeatedly cautioned availees...(albeit not recently-Ed)...that I may well be wrong about some stuff, and not least of all because I definitely miss stuff...I try hard, and I put my name to everything I do/say, and here t'is the result, ain't nuthin' but a Thang...

I'm only one person and can only do so much, and some days I do it better than others, but I'm always very careful to at least try to be accurate and truthful and informed and where possible, which is quite often, documentarially innoculated against a nasty attack of Inflammatory Defamation...(maaate, I'm lookin' at a big pile of threats of 'Defamation' and 'Criminal Defamation', and posts pulled because 'lawyers say it's defamation', etc, etc, and on top of that pile a receipt from SAPol for a laptop seized when your home was raided back in May 2014-Ed)...your point? if you have one...

(Mate, you don't need to be innoculated against nuthin', because in that context, because in this bizarre parallel Universe that is South Australia, then you are the rash, you are the Inflammatory Defamation-Ed)...what? for genuinely speaking what I truly believe to be the case, knowing full-well that continuing to speak out will be at great personal cost for I'll no doubt continue to be portrayed as the only genuine problem, and that continuing will potentially strip from me those few remnants it hasn't already stolen from my life?...(well, yes, for that, and probably with that outcome too, yeah-Ed)...great...

So when I whinge about how a bunch of gutless half-wits have yet again been denigrating me at a function, knowing whom these people are and that they wouldn't dare bloody front me with their sad, thin-lipped fear and loathing...(wow, don't blog angry-Ed)...no, no, these people know whom they is and what they done say...and the points I make is thusly, 1) I don't think that everyone who goes to a soiree is a corrupt bastard, clearly that's just not the case, I talk about these things in terms that the majority of availees know exactly who, when, and what I'm referring to, and it ain't them...(and to those few availees whom are the li'l rascals involved in these shenanigans, well, howdy-Ed)...exactly...

And furthermore, which would be 2) for a raft of reasons, it is not thin-skinned of me as a self-declared politician to complain when a sad packa' wackers cut crook about me, because this character assassination stuff has been happening for over a decade, quite literally from the June long weekend 2002 when "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling was suddenly 'removed' from St Martins Lutheran School...I became a politician specifically to confront this relentless denigration of myself (and other parents) by senior politicians, eg, Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, etc, the Lutherans/St Martins, Council members and other alleged community leaders, etc, etc...

Warning: Very Rude Paragraph: No Apology, Just A Warning: When these people knowingly choose to attack myself and other parents in knowingly helping the Lutheran Church to cover-up the abuse of our children, then they shouldn't be all surprised and complainin' and such when by their actions they drive the usually JollyHairy ManPanda (what is sometimes referred to as the ManBear StuffPig), when that now very sad Panda (copyright South Park) finally goes off the reservation and onto this 'ere page in bloggin' their collective heads off and takin' a big steamin' bamboo doodoo dump right on the stump...right on it...(charming-Ed)...I warned ya'...

I note that several of these charmers failed to grace us with their presence at the Mayoral Election Forum back in October 2014...notable by their absence and cowards to a man...except for the women...who are also cowards but not men...

Getting back to my first point, and I re-iterate, every bloody Council cent spent on this crassly hypocritical Lutheran propagandafest is Ratepayers money, I don't care whether it's donated time/venue/whatevs, or who donates what/when/whatevs, I don't give a goddamn...(whilst of course still acknowledging those involved who do have genuine intent, and would likely be largely unawares of the issues raised in this 'ere blog-Ed)...yeah alright, alright...because every moment a lightbulb is on in that building, every canapé pushed outta' the $1m Commercial Kitchen, every secured second of every catered soiree accompanied by a burly man at the door, it's all being at least partly subsidised by Ratepayers, and in many contexts fully paid for by Ratepayers...(fair enough-Ed)...

(But the WIN TV advertising could be for free, that could be their self-stated support for this particular event, 'Proudy supported by WIN TV and Mt Gambier City Council'-Ed)...F*** Win TV!...(wow, woah, good thing we're on a 7 second delay...what's goin' on buddy?-Ed)...just quietly reminiscing about WIN TV's outrageous corruption of early March 2006...ran into this when sortin' paperwork...(oh yeah, when they put Rory on the Mt Gambier WIN TV News to attack you parents for confronting him 2 days earlier on the ABC Radio re his involvement in the St Martins case, then WIN TV flatly refusing to give parents a 'right of reply'-Ed)...not one word...

The Advertiser did the exact same thing in January 2005 only 3 days after we parents managed to get Adelaide's Channel 10 TV News (actually telecast outta' Melbourne) to run a story about St Martins, with interviews with disguised parents, blurred Principal John Alexander, etc, etc...The Advertiser ran a lengthy pro-Lutheran 'nuthin' to see here' article, and then despite months of lobbying from parents, flat-out refused to print one word more, let alone a response from us...it's almost like the media in South Australia is wholly corrupted, wholly controlled, and wholly resolved to do exactly as it's told...(and shouldn't that be 'Proudly', with an 'l'?-Ed)...yeah it should but it ain't, that's what's on the ad, 'Proudy'...

Just for a laugh, which is indeed what I didn't do yesterday when this item dredged up in the well-spring that is the pile of paperwork beneath which my kitchen resides, I've included attached below a copy of The Advertiser article from Friday 7th January 2005...comin' up on a decade...(yay-Ed)...just yay... 

New Super Hero Group: designed to address the discrimination/bullying/whatevs suffered by Red-haired people...(dare I ask?-Ed)...what they're called? sure, they are The Power Rangas...(tell me you made that up-Ed)...indeed, just random attempts at humour...and new revelations re the donkey-meat substitute scandal across Europe, with claims that beef shipments were being unknowingly diverted and then replaced with horse meat, itself often stolen and replaced with donkey meat, itself often stolen...(stolen donkey meat? that's one hot piece of ass-Ed)...taboomtish...and immediately moving on to...

I'm Sure It's Just Me: but India's sudden batting collapse, losing 8 wickets in the last session of the First Cricket Test against Australia in Adelaide, a Test they looked poised to win easily, does that look at all dodgy?...(I can see how you might wonder that, what with all that gambling shenanigans and spot-betting shizzle-Ed)...indeed...and I was equally underwhelmed by the Football/Soccer result where the Western Sydney Wanderers were 1-nil up at one point well into the match, then on the next news break, had lost 3-1 with 2 late penalties against and only 9 players left after 2 send-offs...bollocks! I thought to myself, how dodgy does that sound?...

Didn't see either of these games, and at this point in my life, couldn't care less, but it's sport at the highest level. eg, the WSW thingy was some International Club Cup Thingy tournament whatevs, and so there in the news cycle, and bingo I ain't the only one who thinks it all stinks just a little bit because on comes the WSW coach and cuts crook about the pitch...(which did look atrociously water-logged-Ed)...whatevs, he was pitch-bitchin' a real beaut and then reeled off a coupla' not-so-polite suggestions about the capabilities of the refs...(fair to say he was not impressed-Ed)...not a happy camper, and I'd suggest, with good reason......

Speakin' of dodgy, thought the 'new' grey pavers in Mt Gambier's 'Main St' (Commercial St East/West) were complete crap?...(yes-Ed)...correct, but they ain't got not nuthin' on the shiny new pavers laid down in Hindley St in Adelaide, shiny being the operative word because they're slippery as all get out...(let me guess, pedestrians are fallin' all about and breakin' bits of themselves-Ed)...no, way better than that, these are on the actual roadway, it's the cars that can't stand up, slidin' everywhere, and Council has had to reduce the speed limit to a crawl, and now they're looking to re-surface the new pavers...hilarious...

Tomorrow: Frackin' Unbelievable

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...