Hello Venezuela, Ukraine, Aotearoa (New Zealand), and Lithuania and welcome to the blog...and I say hello to Ukraine unsure that it's reaching anyone because, as 'Turkey' and 'Moldova' suddenly disappeared from the blog statistics, so too now has 'Ukraine', approx 2 weeks ago...it is possible that there's some blocking happening ala Turkey, but the conflict in Ukraine seems to defy every 'ceasefire' and it could be availees are too occupied with the terrible reality around them to waste time on my rantings and First World Whinges...
But I won't apologise for the angry post that follows...everywhere I went today, everything I heard/read/saw/whatevs, it was just Child Abuse from pillar to post...from relentless reportage of the multiple Knox Grammar abuse issues, to Carol Ronken of Bravehearts discussing that and the Royal Commission and institutional responses, etc, etc...through to Michael Atkinson and Jay Weatherill in the news and repeatedly running into Lutherans in town today, etc...
I'm already knackered after a very long week and a bit...(make it 10 days-Ed)...fair enough, and still recovering a bit from the Thursday 19th February 2015 Land Sale meeting...I had 20+ 'panic attacks' during the day as it came and went in waves and I convinced myself it wasn't important so I needn't go, and then pendulummed back to why it was, over and over...not much fun...and it's just a matter of gettin' there and doin' it...(but don't you do it well-Ed)...well thankyou, but it's a calm confidence largely borne of stressed-out exhaustion...(fair enough-Ed)...which segues nicely into following on quickly from yesterday's self-justification stuff about the Disability Support Pension and my struggles to get back in the game...
I am very much getting myself back in the game, but it remains a constant battle...for example, the Mayoral Forum in October 2014 was massively confronting, getting on stage and speaking in front of a room full of people, but it was also very familiar ground in that I expected the vast majority to already be predisposed to disliking me and likely to discount what I said just because it was me sayin' it...as per previous posts, I have grown somewhat accustomed to existing/functioning in a room full of people who hate me...(sorry, did someone say sanctimonious pack of self-important pricks?-Ed)...well I wasn't just talking about the Lutherans, but yes...point being, I'm trying...(very-Ed)...very hard thank you, and some days strip days more off me for my efforts...
Jazz Academy Stuff Feedback:...as students already start arriving for the Official Orientation Day tomorrow (Friday 27th February 2015), it's been put to me that I'm wrong about those students being 'dormitoried' in the new housing in Harrald St, because that housing is apparently all Public Housing of some description, which would then render irrelevant my concerns about this issue...(but hang on, that's what was reported in both The Border Watch and by James Morrison himself...it was clearly stated in TBW that it was "Harrald St" and stuff about '15 houses together in 2 cul-de-sacs is a perfect set-up for us' (paraphrasing Mr Morrison)...if this is not the case, why report it so specifically? there's no question that it was those specific houses in Harrald St...and if not there, then where?-Ed)...all good questions, but one at a time...
Straight-up and unfortunately, given the repeatedly and drastically conflicting info I have before me, I'm currently less sure than I was a month ago about this student housing stuff, and potentially completely wrong...I thought and/or have posted that there had been some degree of collusion dating back to early 2014 that allowed someone to build 20 homes knowing that in 12 months time Mr Morrison would stroll into town seeking accommodation for the Jazz Academy students, and would snap-up all of these properties...it all seemed a little convenient that there were exactly the right number of empty brand new houses sitting there waiting for Mr Morrison to lease/rent...
It would make sense across various points if this was simply one reality
with some peripheral rumouring, but there's specific contradictions.....for example, the discourse that says these houses were/are some sort
of Public Housing for the Housing Trust (Housing SA)/AC Care/whoevs,
that would explain quite a lot, starting with the idea/my observation
that it was 'brave' to start building 20 new homes in early 2014...if
these were all contracted to/by/whatevs Public Housing, then it's no
gamble to construct...(with you thus far-Ed)...and obviously, if these are all Public Housing homes, then there's been some confusion not of my making...(indeed, TBW and Mr Morrison have created that confusion with their specific statements...unless that's true, that jazz students are going in those homes-Ed)..indeed, but it was emphatically put to me that they're not...
(Hang on, wasn't there a big Real Estate agent's sign out the front of those homes?-Ed)...yes, yes there was, why?...(why indeed, why would Public Housing require a leasing/rental agent? surely Housing SA or Anglicare or whoevs would handle distribution of those homes-Ed)...fair point...and what about those people already renting in 5-6 of those homes?...(gourd, don't ask me-Ed)...mate, it's way confusing...I cannot proffer a sure position on this, but felt it was important to acknowledge the very specific statement what I was incorrect...watch this space...
Mr Morrison was on the ABC Local Radio yesterday discussing the arrival of students and staff, good enrollment numbers, plans/hopes to expand, etc' (paraphrasing), but I didn't hear the accommodation stuff mentioned...it's not mentioned in the ABC Radio's brief on-line article re that interview either...Mr Morrison also said that this Jazz Academy had been brewing for the 2 decades that Generations In Jazz has been running, but he was very specific about the recent and specific time-frame for organising this course/campus/whatevs, and identified it as "18 months"...(sorry, I don't see the issue there-Ed)...this would take these specific plans back to a time before Mt Gambier City Council raced to rip down the Old Hospital building, a building that would have been a perfect campus/dormitory...(omg-Ed)...we'll look at this issue at some time soon, but now this...
A Great Day For Democracy: possibly somewhere, but it wasn't South Australia, because that career pro-paedophile slug of a human being, former Labor Attorney General and current Speaker (of the Lower House), Michael Atkinson has banned a member of the public from parliament for life ...(ahh, Atto, the good ol' rat-fink corrupt bastard at the heart of the Sr Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...the corrupt AG who took children's and parents statements as made to Flinders Child Protection Service as organised by parents, took those statements and gave them to the Lutheran's lawyers for them to edit out any bits they didn't like-Ed)...I'll just say that again...
Michael Atkinson, as Attorney General, took our private statements off the appropriate authority, FCPS, and handed them to the Lutheran's lawyers...(whatta' scumbag-Ed)...indeed, an absolute sub-human thermometer as to just what control paedophiles have over all 3 arms of governance, the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judiciary...and a big shout-out to his charming but fundamentally incompetent wife Jennifer Rankine, until recently herself the Education Minister...AG Atto also controlled the Crown Solicitor, who were absolutely complicit in the Teachers Registration Board/CSO hearing that exonerated "text-book grooming paedophile" (FCPS) teacher Glyn Dorling...
It was also Michael Atkinson's personal and 'free' lawyer Tim Bourne who, along with local lawyer Bill DeGaris, was central in the betrayal of myself re Court action against the Lutherans and Dorling...I'll leave it to other parents to say what they think of Mr Bourne's handling of the situation...he betrayed me the same way Billy-boy did...(and Timmo was promoted to the Parole Board at that same time, November 2004-Ed)...just reward for his excellent work on behalf of Michael Atkinson, his one true client...(corrupt much?-Ed)...only entirely...
(So we've got that slug as Speaker, and Jennifer hiding on the back bench, hiding away from the abject pro-paedophile disaster that was her presiding over the SA Education System...and oh gourd, look out, here comes whats-'is-face to save the day-Ed)...who?...(ummmm-Ed)......(Tony-TH)...Tony......(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison there...the T-Man, Harro', Tones, the Tonester, come on skipper...(we haven't even taken the drugs yet-The Real TH from The Mighty Boosh, BBC TV)...do you people mind? may I have my blog back now? ta'...we refer of course to former SAPol officer TH whom Jay Weatherill appointed to run the Education System in the wake of the farcical DeBelle Inquiry...
Regular Blog Guest: and 'former partner of Labor Minister Leon Bignell', Sandra De Poi has lost her Defamation Case against the Sunday Mail (weekend version of The Advertiser), whom she tried to sue for their article about her with a photo of her in fake Family First t-shirt, handing out fraudulent how to vote cards, etc, and identifying the '$10m bonanza she enjoyed on the Workcover Board whilst also running a company that provides those services and generally benefitting through her connections with Labor'...(but that's all true-Ed)...I guess it is...covered in previous early posts...
And now Premier Jay Weatherill, another prime player in the St Martins Cover-up, he's apparently suing the Liberal Party for some bollocks on some flyer/ad/whatevs and a massive whatevs all round mate..look forward to seeing you in Mt Gambier for the Jazz Academy launch Jay, you pro-paedophile shreck...(he's suing because the ad thingy says that he knew about the rape of an 8 year old girl whilst Education Minister, a charge he was exonerated of by the farcical DeBelle Inquiry-Ed)...is that the stuff that was emailed to Jay by a staffer, but that miraculously disappeared out of the system, just after it got to Jay's desk?...(that's it exactly-Ed)...charming...
And again, what does it say about Polite White Society in South Australia that our charming Premier and the Speaker of the House are both entirely complicit in covering-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School?...(yay for South Australia-Ed)...
Tomorrow: The Show Sale Concerns
Apols I didn't get there today...I tried, honest, just got blind-sided by all this Child Protection shizzle...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "https://TMGI-RailLandsRetailAgenda.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-SMLSChildAbuseCoverUp.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-The100Documents.blogspot.com.au/"
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Post Apology Post Post
Hello and welcome to the blog and a 'get it posted whilst ya' can' type post because the post/blog keeps dropping -out...and yes, that title makes perfect sense thankyou, this is the post after (post) the post that itself was an apology...sorry, haven't checked the Show Grounds/ALDI Sale stuff yet, but there's no mad rush on that as it's mostly publicly known, including the outcome positive in that it was a resounding 'No'...
Here's to gettin' through a post without it deleting itself, and I say 'itself' in the context that I reckon someone is interfering with the blog and/or posts...that or I've found a magic button that just dumps everything without warning...(and how would that someone have access to your blog?-Ed)...well if they, for example, had my laptop and therefore it (the laptop) thinks it's me and therefore it's open slather on the blog or any post there-in and there's nuthin' I can do about it...(but don't SAPol still have your laptop?-Ed)...yep...
Fact is, anybody half-ways proficient at hacking might possibly be capable of this 'interference', but having access to my laptop would make it eezy-breezy...or someone having had access to my laptop had diverted/transferred/downloaded/whatevs all my programs/letters/whatevs to another computer/laptop/whatevs...whatevs, twice this week I've been part-ways through a post and it's just deleted/disappeared/whatevs and I've had to start again...(aaaaargh, how frustrating-Ed)...damn straight...problem being that it could be a range of problems, including me...
And here's a question I keep getting asked, 'how can SAPol (police) seize your laptop without charging you with anything?'...simple really, they lob at your home and use their permanent, anonymous, open-ended, go anywhere, anytime, seize whatevs, do what ever they damn well feel like 'Search Warrants', as distributed by the SAPol Commissioner...(ah, so exactly like happened at your home back in May 2014?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...and apparently there was a story recently on Channel 7's Today Tonight about a couple who have been through a similar experience to myself, getting police offside for some reason and then not getting Summonsed to a hearing and then arrested and/or charged with that, etc, etc...sound familiar?...
Unfortunately my wondrous digital TV reception is reasonably crap, and the Channel 7s in particular, all 3 of them, are currently unwatchable, constantly pixellating and often just dropping right-out...(bloody hippy tv-Ed)...indeed, dropping out for 20+ second blocks...even if I'd been watching that program/report, it would have been disjointed, unintelligible nonsense...I'm still trying to get advice as to why I wasn't served re my alleged Summons re my alleged hearing earlier this month...gourd knows...but I have confirmed that the relevant legislation was changed back in November 2014...(not that there's anything dodgy about that-Ed)...indeed, but I digress...
Dole Recipient Bludgeoning: is popular again this week as the Liberals announce an exciting new plan for vilifying the many people whom are quite legitimately on Support Payments of some description...desperate politicians always like to try and drag a disaffected public onto a raft of mutual vilification, and the vulnerable and powerless are the perfect target for this sort of gutless, self-serving social thuggery...there's an ABC program on this week (Four Corners) that exposes some of the rorting of Service Provision funding that makes Welfare Recipients disenfranchised cattle, treated and traded as commodity...
I am on a/the Disability Support Pension because of the multiple and often colossal traumas I have endured, continue to endure, not least of all for being vilified as a 'Trouble-making Out-of-Towner' in this often very insular, bigotted, and deeply conservative community I've tried to call home...and it's been an absolute disaster...forget all the personal stuff around just seeing my child, my sole reason for moving to Mt Gambier in 1997/98 and the complications of trying to live your life around 'every Wednesday evening, every other weekend, and 1/2 school holidays' (the standard 4/14 Family Court Order for 'contact' with non-resident parents, where 4/14 means 4 nights in every 14, as spread out across the year)...(mention it all, but then forget it?-Ed)...fair enough...
This was my first, last, and every intermediate motivation/obligation/whatevs, to be available at these times for my contacts with my child...and in early 2000 I had worked my way into a full-time job at the Gambier Hotel and was very successfully juggling my 'contact times' and this job...when I was Illegally Dismissed from that job, these 'contact times' became a critical compromiser...(arguably, it's what got you sacked, apart from all the theft/fraud stuff you were reporting to management, because even though you were promised every second weekend off and a week for holidays, etc, you were immediately pressured to work those weekends, and duly refused-Ed)...yeah, but I still reckon it was the reporting stuff was the final kicker...
And as if getting sacked wasn't traumatic millstone enough, I was then trying to get work whilst saying to prospective employees that 1) I was in the process of suing my former employer, and 2) I couldn't work such-and-such times because of the limited opportunities I had for 'contact' with my child...(oh well, good luck with that-Ed)...not really, I very soon gave up and concentrated on volunteer work, a great deal of it for the St Martins Lutheran School...and didn't that work out a treat...my child's grade 2 teacher commits abuses against the entire class (2002), and then I get vilified and Pariahtised every day since for trying to get something done about it...and that was 13 years ago nearly, and as if it happened yesterday because it's still happening today...
The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is as current as the current Premier Jay Weatherill and the multiple roles he has played in complicitly supporting, even directing, this gross disgrace...it is neither exaggeration nor admission to state that it haunts me to the degree that getting involved in all this other bullshit is almost a cathartic distraction...apart from that, for some strange reason, frankly my darling, I do give a damn...and it's cost me dearly...
Ask yourself if you'd like to be looking at life from the perspective where you're genuinely grateful for having fallen so far but into the safety net of the Poverty Line income DSP and Public Housing...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...having said that, I've really enjoyed spending hours this week watering the oasis that is my garden, albeit trying to minimise the direct application of tap water due to it's heavy chemical content (natural Calcium Carbonate from dissolved Limestone, Chlorine, and Sodium Flourodose, which is Flouride) has proven to cause major stress to the garden...I fill my catchment bins and let sit a few days, and/or 'drift-spray' into the canopy so that water drips down, both done in an effort to allow some of the chemicals to dissipate/evaporate/whatevs...but again I digress...
And it could quite thoroughly be argued that the biggest problem I've had is trying to act respectfully and responsibly, often in a context that I'm being left to discover and define exactly what that means, a context that therefore escapes others...for example, despite how physically hard I worked as a volunteer with Lifeline and St Martins, and I've been through it in many previous posts, some people have still felt that it was/is their right nay responsibility to publicly vilify me as a 'dole-bludger', eg, as per the 'Comments' on this 'ere blog from August 2013...
I do personally feel I've been treated like one of those people who gets 'written-off' by the Welfare System as being too difficult to process, for whatevs reason, and I offer this stuff again as being my personal experience of a hugely problematic 'industry' where the Welfare Recipients are far from the main concern, clearly profits and quotas are...read my blog and look at what one person has gone through, and extreme as some of it is, there are plenty whom struggle/suffer/whatevs their own worlds of debilitating trauma/disability/whatevs...please, before you even consider engaging with this Liberal agenda of vilification of often already vulnerable people, consider my experience and cut us alleged slackers a bitta' slack, yeah? cheers...
One can only hope that the Local Government Assoc is correct in their recent declarations that Liberals and other Independents/Cross Benches in the Upper House (Legislative Council) of Sow Strayn state parliament will block the Weatherill Labor government's plans to axe Pension Subsidies to the tune of $190 per year...
Gobsmacked: to see Trade Minister Andrew Robb crowing about what fantastic work he's done signing us unto a 'Free trade Agreement' with Japan, and proffering puffedly like a truly insane peacock, offering up as proof of the wonder and glory of his works, citing as success the $6.5billion takeover of Toll Holdings by Japan Post, with the resultant likelihood that Australia Post gets it right in the package...(ouch-Ed)...indeed, in that Aust Post will struggle to compete with parcel delivery rates against such a massive company...
Aussie Post has obligations re National Letter Service delivery, an obligation that reportedly runs at a loss, and that in the context of this takeover makes it almost impossible for Oz Post to compete with Japan Post's purely parcel-based business model...this is a simplified version of other longer discussions/reports/whatevs, and I gotta' admit that chunks of it I didn't understand business wise, but the overall result is irresistibly inevitable...it makes calls to raise the stamp price to $1 (up from 70c) a steep but defendable suggestion...however, there is also a case to be answered by Oz Post as to why they've let it get to here before calling the impending disaster as such...bottomline, Australia Post is right under the pump standing neck-deep in the mire that Andrew Robb has just dumped them in...(yay-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Show Grounds And Jazz Stuff
Fantastic to see that Work For The Dole participants have helped repair the walking trail steps what got ripped out by a 4WD last week...here t'is the exact proof of what I've just been sayin'...I fully support WFTD and it certainly helped turn my life around 6 years ago...(albeit clearly an ongoing process-Ed)...true...my only concern is that people who want to should be offered the opportunity to work full-time for a minimum wage...sod pointless courses that lead nowhere, and they're gunna' get the Dole/DSP/whatevs anyway, so apply all the cash to the worker and give them the respect and sense of achievement of employment...(and get a shreck-load of work done, eg, the Show Grounds-Ed)...right on bro...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Here's to gettin' through a post without it deleting itself, and I say 'itself' in the context that I reckon someone is interfering with the blog and/or posts...that or I've found a magic button that just dumps everything without warning...(and how would that someone have access to your blog?-Ed)...well if they, for example, had my laptop and therefore it (the laptop) thinks it's me and therefore it's open slather on the blog or any post there-in and there's nuthin' I can do about it...(but don't SAPol still have your laptop?-Ed)...yep...
Fact is, anybody half-ways proficient at hacking might possibly be capable of this 'interference', but having access to my laptop would make it eezy-breezy...or someone having had access to my laptop had diverted/transferred/downloaded/whatevs all my programs/letters/whatevs to another computer/laptop/whatevs...whatevs, twice this week I've been part-ways through a post and it's just deleted/disappeared/whatevs and I've had to start again...(aaaaargh, how frustrating-Ed)...damn straight...problem being that it could be a range of problems, including me...
And here's a question I keep getting asked, 'how can SAPol (police) seize your laptop without charging you with anything?'...simple really, they lob at your home and use their permanent, anonymous, open-ended, go anywhere, anytime, seize whatevs, do what ever they damn well feel like 'Search Warrants', as distributed by the SAPol Commissioner...(ah, so exactly like happened at your home back in May 2014?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...and apparently there was a story recently on Channel 7's Today Tonight about a couple who have been through a similar experience to myself, getting police offside for some reason and then not getting Summonsed to a hearing and then arrested and/or charged with that, etc, etc...sound familiar?...
Unfortunately my wondrous digital TV reception is reasonably crap, and the Channel 7s in particular, all 3 of them, are currently unwatchable, constantly pixellating and often just dropping right-out...(bloody hippy tv-Ed)...indeed, dropping out for 20+ second blocks...even if I'd been watching that program/report, it would have been disjointed, unintelligible nonsense...I'm still trying to get advice as to why I wasn't served re my alleged Summons re my alleged hearing earlier this month...gourd knows...but I have confirmed that the relevant legislation was changed back in November 2014...(not that there's anything dodgy about that-Ed)...indeed, but I digress...
Dole Recipient Bludgeoning: is popular again this week as the Liberals announce an exciting new plan for vilifying the many people whom are quite legitimately on Support Payments of some description...desperate politicians always like to try and drag a disaffected public onto a raft of mutual vilification, and the vulnerable and powerless are the perfect target for this sort of gutless, self-serving social thuggery...there's an ABC program on this week (Four Corners) that exposes some of the rorting of Service Provision funding that makes Welfare Recipients disenfranchised cattle, treated and traded as commodity...
I am on a/the Disability Support Pension because of the multiple and often colossal traumas I have endured, continue to endure, not least of all for being vilified as a 'Trouble-making Out-of-Towner' in this often very insular, bigotted, and deeply conservative community I've tried to call home...and it's been an absolute disaster...forget all the personal stuff around just seeing my child, my sole reason for moving to Mt Gambier in 1997/98 and the complications of trying to live your life around 'every Wednesday evening, every other weekend, and 1/2 school holidays' (the standard 4/14 Family Court Order for 'contact' with non-resident parents, where 4/14 means 4 nights in every 14, as spread out across the year)...(mention it all, but then forget it?-Ed)...fair enough...
This was my first, last, and every intermediate motivation/obligation/whatevs, to be available at these times for my contacts with my child...and in early 2000 I had worked my way into a full-time job at the Gambier Hotel and was very successfully juggling my 'contact times' and this job...when I was Illegally Dismissed from that job, these 'contact times' became a critical compromiser...(arguably, it's what got you sacked, apart from all the theft/fraud stuff you were reporting to management, because even though you were promised every second weekend off and a week for holidays, etc, you were immediately pressured to work those weekends, and duly refused-Ed)...yeah, but I still reckon it was the reporting stuff was the final kicker...
And as if getting sacked wasn't traumatic millstone enough, I was then trying to get work whilst saying to prospective employees that 1) I was in the process of suing my former employer, and 2) I couldn't work such-and-such times because of the limited opportunities I had for 'contact' with my child...(oh well, good luck with that-Ed)...not really, I very soon gave up and concentrated on volunteer work, a great deal of it for the St Martins Lutheran School...and didn't that work out a treat...my child's grade 2 teacher commits abuses against the entire class (2002), and then I get vilified and Pariahtised every day since for trying to get something done about it...and that was 13 years ago nearly, and as if it happened yesterday because it's still happening today...
The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is as current as the current Premier Jay Weatherill and the multiple roles he has played in complicitly supporting, even directing, this gross disgrace...it is neither exaggeration nor admission to state that it haunts me to the degree that getting involved in all this other bullshit is almost a cathartic distraction...apart from that, for some strange reason, frankly my darling, I do give a damn...and it's cost me dearly...
Ask yourself if you'd like to be looking at life from the perspective where you're genuinely grateful for having fallen so far but into the safety net of the Poverty Line income DSP and Public Housing...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...having said that, I've really enjoyed spending hours this week watering the oasis that is my garden, albeit trying to minimise the direct application of tap water due to it's heavy chemical content (natural Calcium Carbonate from dissolved Limestone, Chlorine, and Sodium Flourodose, which is Flouride) has proven to cause major stress to the garden...I fill my catchment bins and let sit a few days, and/or 'drift-spray' into the canopy so that water drips down, both done in an effort to allow some of the chemicals to dissipate/evaporate/whatevs...but again I digress...
And it could quite thoroughly be argued that the biggest problem I've had is trying to act respectfully and responsibly, often in a context that I'm being left to discover and define exactly what that means, a context that therefore escapes others...for example, despite how physically hard I worked as a volunteer with Lifeline and St Martins, and I've been through it in many previous posts, some people have still felt that it was/is their right nay responsibility to publicly vilify me as a 'dole-bludger', eg, as per the 'Comments' on this 'ere blog from August 2013...
I do personally feel I've been treated like one of those people who gets 'written-off' by the Welfare System as being too difficult to process, for whatevs reason, and I offer this stuff again as being my personal experience of a hugely problematic 'industry' where the Welfare Recipients are far from the main concern, clearly profits and quotas are...read my blog and look at what one person has gone through, and extreme as some of it is, there are plenty whom struggle/suffer/whatevs their own worlds of debilitating trauma/disability/whatevs...please, before you even consider engaging with this Liberal agenda of vilification of often already vulnerable people, consider my experience and cut us alleged slackers a bitta' slack, yeah? cheers...
One can only hope that the Local Government Assoc is correct in their recent declarations that Liberals and other Independents/Cross Benches in the Upper House (Legislative Council) of Sow Strayn state parliament will block the Weatherill Labor government's plans to axe Pension Subsidies to the tune of $190 per year...
Gobsmacked: to see Trade Minister Andrew Robb crowing about what fantastic work he's done signing us unto a 'Free trade Agreement' with Japan, and proffering puffedly like a truly insane peacock, offering up as proof of the wonder and glory of his works, citing as success the $6.5billion takeover of Toll Holdings by Japan Post, with the resultant likelihood that Australia Post gets it right in the package...(ouch-Ed)...indeed, in that Aust Post will struggle to compete with parcel delivery rates against such a massive company...
Aussie Post has obligations re National Letter Service delivery, an obligation that reportedly runs at a loss, and that in the context of this takeover makes it almost impossible for Oz Post to compete with Japan Post's purely parcel-based business model...this is a simplified version of other longer discussions/reports/whatevs, and I gotta' admit that chunks of it I didn't understand business wise, but the overall result is irresistibly inevitable...it makes calls to raise the stamp price to $1 (up from 70c) a steep but defendable suggestion...however, there is also a case to be answered by Oz Post as to why they've let it get to here before calling the impending disaster as such...bottomline, Australia Post is right under the pump standing neck-deep in the mire that Andrew Robb has just dumped them in...(yay-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Show Grounds And Jazz Stuff
Fantastic to see that Work For The Dole participants have helped repair the walking trail steps what got ripped out by a 4WD last week...here t'is the exact proof of what I've just been sayin'...I fully support WFTD and it certainly helped turn my life around 6 years ago...(albeit clearly an ongoing process-Ed)...true...my only concern is that people who want to should be offered the opportunity to work full-time for a minimum wage...sod pointless courses that lead nowhere, and they're gunna' get the Dole/DSP/whatevs anyway, so apply all the cash to the worker and give them the respect and sense of achievement of employment...(and get a shreck-load of work done, eg, the Show Grounds-Ed)...right on bro...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Apols, Tech problems
Apologies...last 2 posts have 'deleted' off blog whilst writing...no idea...almost like someone's on here deleting as I try to post...proper post soon...
Monday, February 23, 2015
WooHoo- No Sale To Aldi
Hello India, Indonesia, Canada, and the USofA, and welcome to the blog...and apologies for no post yesterday, too hot, too tired, no sleep...post-Chemo (10 years) ago I've struggled a bit with the heat...last coupla' days at 40C, and in my li'l house of single brick with no insulation, it's very soon as hot as inside as is out and sleepin' is fitful at best...I know many people do struggle in the heat, and it is considered a major 'Health Threat' in that the consequences (of heatwaves) can run to months re fatalities due to the stress of the heat...
And listen to me, whinging about surviving a massive 16cm x 12cm Lymphoma tumour right in the centre of my chest, and doin' that whingin' a decade on, and when I'm tired from whingin', then havin' a bed to lie in in my li'l home, albeit Housing Trust...(I believe this is where one places one's observations about just how 'good' one has it considering that one is on the Disability Support Pension, for a debilitating Mental Health issue namely Agoraphobia, and in Public albeit charming li'l Housing, in this polite White community where such luxury is considered to be right on the Poverty Line...right on it-Ed)...but back to the heat...
Even the news this evening is reporting potentially the hottest February for SA and 33 days without rain, itself an 8 year record...it is well documented that these extreme events have dire consequences both immediately and for days, weeks, even months afterwards...it is well known that people suffer critical even fatal affects, particularly the usual suspects, the elderly and/or unwell...(and you've got skin in both games-Ed)...oh ta', charming... and that there will be fatalities during the heatwave, but people will also continue to suffer and even die because of the physical toll that heat imposes...and this is a reason why it's not inappropriate to draw the direct and obvious link that Sow Straya's astronomical electricity prices are killing people already because they can't afford to have air conditioners on...
This is a simple reality for many South Australians...I don't have air-conditioning but I know people whom doth, and they don't use it unless absolutely unavoidable...bit of a First World Problem I know, 'can't afford to run my air-conditioner too much, daaarling', but if the current indicators are also precursors, then the idea of Global Warming seems a bit likely, and that makes Adelaide/SA set to be even more of a stifling oven even more often into the future...and this cost/GW/whatevs debate must include the practice of 'load-shedding' which is such a poetic way of not saying 'Rationing'...and rationing is necessary because the distribution system has not been maintained properly...(despite these constant claims that prices are due to increased infrastructure-Ed)...indeed...
But back to the positivity, and it does not escape me...(us-Ed)...that once one gets past the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption in my society and adjacent other mass corruption of public officials, etc, that it's relatively nice to be able to whinge about such relatively simple things...I am not, for example, whingin' about how the latest alleged ceasefire has instead seen dozens of civilians in my town killed by artillery shelling, or some other militaristic violence, or a Sectarian massacre or mass kidnapping...I still find all of these things bludgeoning to the point of numbness, but it steels me to continue as best with the blog...for what it's worth...
And I don't apologise for the anger driven through this post by yet more reportage of yet more farcical faux-fixing of the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that apparently defines us as a nation, in that the federal Child Abuse Royal Commission was in the news yet again today re abuses committed at a private school in the 1970s-80s, but hasn't looked at the Lutherans/St Martins...and for the third but apparently final week we have the pleasure of Paul Barry on the ABC Local Radio early show, and we all'll have Stuart Stansfield back next week...
I find it very odd that the ABC would have their 2 top dogs, Stan Thompson and Stuart Stansfield off on hols at the same time, and even Stan's replacement is away this week...(what is goin' on down there?-Ed)...no idea, but whilst we're on the subject, just a quick shout-out to the wholly corrupted, wholly woeful, duplicitous local media and the willingly complicit role they have played in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...the St Martins Cover-up couldn't happen without the complicit support of the local media...
And a quick 'feedbacking' in that context, namely, that the recent The Border Watch coverage of my alleged failure to show for Court, feedback is that that coverage is self-obviously a clumsy attempt to vilify me over virtually nothing, an attempt further exposed by the rank failure to even check my 'claim' that I wasn't even aware that the hearing was on...and there'll be more about this to come on this 'ere blog...
And just being reported now on ABC Radio, a "strong turnout" of Members has voted against selling the front corner block (Pick Ave/Jubilee Hwy) of the Show Grounds site...ALDI say they are disappointed but "respect" the decision...(perhaps if ALDI had shown the A&HS and it's Members a little more "respect" leading into that vote, things might have worked out differently for them-Ed)...perhaps, but yes, their own conduct certainly couldn't have helped their own cause...whatevs other issues were at play, people don't appreciate being treated like idiots...(no, no they don't-Ed)...
And just now (0840hrs?) a longish ABC Radio interview with MGA&HS President Peter Woodruff running through the various issues and I ain't wadin' into that swamp because I don't understand much of the conflicting info that emerged across this Show Sale Saga...suffice to say that at the meeting of Thursday 19th February 2015 there was a bunch of stuff unresolved re planning, zoning, who would end up paying for utilities, etc, and how much that might cost, etc, etc...for example, after the meeting was concluded Mr Woodruff stated that 'it (water/sewerage connections) could have cost the A&HS Society $200,000-$300k, even more, but that he didn't raise it during the meeting so as to not unduly influence the vote'...
(But surely that's exactly the sort of potential fiscal bear-trap that Society Members needed to know was lurking under the surface of this attempted purchase?-Ed)...well yes, but fortunately the issue was discussed in far less spectacular terms, and was only one of many questions that were unanswered and/or unanswerable...apols, but I missed chunks of this interview so I'll skip that until tomorrow and do a whole post re the meeting, outcomes, etc...
Also Announced: the official opening of 6 Chemo chairs at Mt Gambier Hospital, up from the original 2, and in a much better, bigger suite and this adds to the 4 chairs in Naracoorte, with specialised staff delivering Chemo for 10 years now at MG Hospital and ongoing improvements in levels of Chemo offered...some Chemo patients will still have to travel to Adelaide for some initial and/or more complicated treatments (paraphrasing Country Health's Jane Downes)...I gotta' admit that I'm at a loss to explain exactly how and/or what treatments are being offered in this revamped unit, and this interview ain't helped none, so's I can only hope that this new unit operates to it's optimum capabilities and greatly reduces the stressors of having to travel for treatment, a huge factor on top of just getting Chemo itself...
Premier Jay Weatherill Calls Royal Commission: into why a Royal Commission wasn't called last week...(what?! a whole week without calling a shreckin' Royal Commission? how about the RC Into Air?-Ed)...careful what you wish for...but he did, didn't he? the Nuclear Energy RC...(gourd, he loves a lawyer gravy-train doesn't 'e our Ray-Jay-Ed)...yep, an Adelaide lawyer lookin' after Adelaide lawyers and makin' sure they're lookin' after him...(indeed, and it gets any wavering Greenies back on side re Wind Turbines because they'll all arc-up about Nuclear-Ed)...indeed, and a convenient distraction from Labor's bastardry of scything off great chunks of the Health Service...
How fortunate am I then that I have actually met a coupla' decent lawyers over the years, otherwise I'd be drawn to conclude, purely on personal experience, that every lawyer and public servant and politician in Adelaide, make that South Australia, is a soulless bastard whom, if not themselves actually a paedophile luxuriating in a pro-paedophile State, still live their lives profitting by their collective complicit piss-weakedness in just rolling over and accepting this state as it is.
Tomorrow: Mo' Show Info Mofos
And I'd like to close with this gem from our charming Premier re his 'Health Review' and the resultant closure of Noarlunga Hospital's Emergency Service;
"You're much better off being in the back of an ambulance rather than at the wrong hospital"
...(in an ambulance presumably on a ramp at Flinders Medical Centre, with the dozen other ambulances already there ahead of you-Ed)...and where-in the wrong hospital is the one you could have got to 20 minutes earlier minimum where the ER service was operating just fine until this bastard government closed it...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
And listen to me, whinging about surviving a massive 16cm x 12cm Lymphoma tumour right in the centre of my chest, and doin' that whingin' a decade on, and when I'm tired from whingin', then havin' a bed to lie in in my li'l home, albeit Housing Trust...(I believe this is where one places one's observations about just how 'good' one has it considering that one is on the Disability Support Pension, for a debilitating Mental Health issue namely Agoraphobia, and in Public albeit charming li'l Housing, in this polite White community where such luxury is considered to be right on the Poverty Line...right on it-Ed)...but back to the heat...
Even the news this evening is reporting potentially the hottest February for SA and 33 days without rain, itself an 8 year record...it is well documented that these extreme events have dire consequences both immediately and for days, weeks, even months afterwards...it is well known that people suffer critical even fatal affects, particularly the usual suspects, the elderly and/or unwell...(and you've got skin in both games-Ed)...oh ta', charming... and that there will be fatalities during the heatwave, but people will also continue to suffer and even die because of the physical toll that heat imposes...and this is a reason why it's not inappropriate to draw the direct and obvious link that Sow Straya's astronomical electricity prices are killing people already because they can't afford to have air conditioners on...
This is a simple reality for many South Australians...I don't have air-conditioning but I know people whom doth, and they don't use it unless absolutely unavoidable...bit of a First World Problem I know, 'can't afford to run my air-conditioner too much, daaarling', but if the current indicators are also precursors, then the idea of Global Warming seems a bit likely, and that makes Adelaide/SA set to be even more of a stifling oven even more often into the future...and this cost/GW/whatevs debate must include the practice of 'load-shedding' which is such a poetic way of not saying 'Rationing'...and rationing is necessary because the distribution system has not been maintained properly...(despite these constant claims that prices are due to increased infrastructure-Ed)...indeed...
But back to the positivity, and it does not escape me...(us-Ed)...that once one gets past the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption in my society and adjacent other mass corruption of public officials, etc, that it's relatively nice to be able to whinge about such relatively simple things...I am not, for example, whingin' about how the latest alleged ceasefire has instead seen dozens of civilians in my town killed by artillery shelling, or some other militaristic violence, or a Sectarian massacre or mass kidnapping...I still find all of these things bludgeoning to the point of numbness, but it steels me to continue as best with the blog...for what it's worth...
And I don't apologise for the anger driven through this post by yet more reportage of yet more farcical faux-fixing of the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that apparently defines us as a nation, in that the federal Child Abuse Royal Commission was in the news yet again today re abuses committed at a private school in the 1970s-80s, but hasn't looked at the Lutherans/St Martins...and for the third but apparently final week we have the pleasure of Paul Barry on the ABC Local Radio early show, and we all'll have Stuart Stansfield back next week...
I find it very odd that the ABC would have their 2 top dogs, Stan Thompson and Stuart Stansfield off on hols at the same time, and even Stan's replacement is away this week...(what is goin' on down there?-Ed)...no idea, but whilst we're on the subject, just a quick shout-out to the wholly corrupted, wholly woeful, duplicitous local media and the willingly complicit role they have played in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...the St Martins Cover-up couldn't happen without the complicit support of the local media...
And a quick 'feedbacking' in that context, namely, that the recent The Border Watch coverage of my alleged failure to show for Court, feedback is that that coverage is self-obviously a clumsy attempt to vilify me over virtually nothing, an attempt further exposed by the rank failure to even check my 'claim' that I wasn't even aware that the hearing was on...and there'll be more about this to come on this 'ere blog...
And just being reported now on ABC Radio, a "strong turnout" of Members has voted against selling the front corner block (Pick Ave/Jubilee Hwy) of the Show Grounds site...ALDI say they are disappointed but "respect" the decision...(perhaps if ALDI had shown the A&HS and it's Members a little more "respect" leading into that vote, things might have worked out differently for them-Ed)...perhaps, but yes, their own conduct certainly couldn't have helped their own cause...whatevs other issues were at play, people don't appreciate being treated like idiots...(no, no they don't-Ed)...
And just now (0840hrs?) a longish ABC Radio interview with MGA&HS President Peter Woodruff running through the various issues and I ain't wadin' into that swamp because I don't understand much of the conflicting info that emerged across this Show Sale Saga...suffice to say that at the meeting of Thursday 19th February 2015 there was a bunch of stuff unresolved re planning, zoning, who would end up paying for utilities, etc, and how much that might cost, etc, etc...for example, after the meeting was concluded Mr Woodruff stated that 'it (water/sewerage connections) could have cost the A&HS Society $200,000-$300k, even more, but that he didn't raise it during the meeting so as to not unduly influence the vote'...
(But surely that's exactly the sort of potential fiscal bear-trap that Society Members needed to know was lurking under the surface of this attempted purchase?-Ed)...well yes, but fortunately the issue was discussed in far less spectacular terms, and was only one of many questions that were unanswered and/or unanswerable...apols, but I missed chunks of this interview so I'll skip that until tomorrow and do a whole post re the meeting, outcomes, etc...
Also Announced: the official opening of 6 Chemo chairs at Mt Gambier Hospital, up from the original 2, and in a much better, bigger suite and this adds to the 4 chairs in Naracoorte, with specialised staff delivering Chemo for 10 years now at MG Hospital and ongoing improvements in levels of Chemo offered...some Chemo patients will still have to travel to Adelaide for some initial and/or more complicated treatments (paraphrasing Country Health's Jane Downes)...I gotta' admit that I'm at a loss to explain exactly how and/or what treatments are being offered in this revamped unit, and this interview ain't helped none, so's I can only hope that this new unit operates to it's optimum capabilities and greatly reduces the stressors of having to travel for treatment, a huge factor on top of just getting Chemo itself...
Premier Jay Weatherill Calls Royal Commission: into why a Royal Commission wasn't called last week...(what?! a whole week without calling a shreckin' Royal Commission? how about the RC Into Air?-Ed)...careful what you wish for...but he did, didn't he? the Nuclear Energy RC...(gourd, he loves a lawyer gravy-train doesn't 'e our Ray-Jay-Ed)...yep, an Adelaide lawyer lookin' after Adelaide lawyers and makin' sure they're lookin' after him...(indeed, and it gets any wavering Greenies back on side re Wind Turbines because they'll all arc-up about Nuclear-Ed)...indeed, and a convenient distraction from Labor's bastardry of scything off great chunks of the Health Service...
How fortunate am I then that I have actually met a coupla' decent lawyers over the years, otherwise I'd be drawn to conclude, purely on personal experience, that every lawyer and public servant and politician in Adelaide, make that South Australia, is a soulless bastard whom, if not themselves actually a paedophile luxuriating in a pro-paedophile State, still live their lives profitting by their collective complicit piss-weakedness in just rolling over and accepting this state as it is.
Tomorrow: Mo' Show Info Mofos
And I'd like to close with this gem from our charming Premier re his 'Health Review' and the resultant closure of Noarlunga Hospital's Emergency Service;
"You're much better off being in the back of an ambulance rather than at the wrong hospital"
...(in an ambulance presumably on a ramp at Flinders Medical Centre, with the dozen other ambulances already there ahead of you-Ed)...and where-in the wrong hospital is the one you could have got to 20 minutes earlier minimum where the ER service was operating just fine until this bastard government closed it...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Latest on Show Grounds Sale
Evenin', mornin', celebratin', mournin', welcome one an' all to this 'ere blog and apologies for not posting yesterday but I was a bittuva' write-off after a very long week which effectively started 'bout 12 years ago...and whilst I'm about apologies, just wait 'ere please whilst I quickly dodgeth-off back to a previous post in which I referred to Mr Andrew Tye (of the Mt Gambier Agricultural & Horticultural Society and/or Management Sub-Committee re the Land Sale to ALDI, etc) and apologise there/here in that I referred to Mr Tye as 'a Woolworth's employee'...go on Ed, I can see you're dyin' to say sumthin'...
(That news is like sooo last Millenium-Ed)...thankyou, and yes that was true a long time ago, but Mr Tye hasn't been with Woolies for many years, and currently works 'with' rather than 'for' Woolworths, and with any number of other businesses...Mr Tye explained this to me himself after the ALDI Sale meeting Thursday evening (February 19th 2015), and he also openly acknowledged and is well aware of the many potentials for 'Conflict of Interest' complications...as I explained to Mr Tye, I try to be accurate but I'm not in the practice of 'investigating' people...he readily accepted my apology, which I've made in the original post and make again here, and my assurance that I would correct this thusly...
And so I've literally just now gone back and actually literally acknowledged but not removed my error as such, and have put an apology on that post as well, etc...beyond that, I, as a MGA&HS Member, have also given an undertaking to the Sub-Committee to not discuss the outcome of that meeting until they do their public announcement thingy (Monday 22nd Feb) and it's probably already in Social Media but I haven't checked...I'll just say that there are many issues to be resolved...unfortunately, to specifically discuss the meeting, outcome, subsequent discussions, etc, might compromise my undertaking, as above...but having said that...(doh, here we go, you are shreckin' unbelievable...ya' say 'not gunna' discuss it', and then straight away, you discuss it-Ed)...settle petal...
No, there'll be no 'discussing' as such, but I just wanted to say that I made a point of making my point...(pointedly no doubt-Ed)...but politely, yes, at the appropriate time toward the end of the meeting, in the question time bits, and afterwards was commended/mentioned for my "restraint"/respectfulness/whatevs...I don't particularly enjoy engaging in public debate/confrontation/whatevs, and perhaps that's why I do it reasonably well...I'm not there just to hear the sound of my own voice and am there to say some things that I genuinely feel need to be said...(well said sir-Ed)...
Others have commented, that, for example, at the Mayoral Forum in October 2014, I politely but passionately pantsed my fellow podium-jockeys, pretty much at the first question, and then proceeded to stroll calmly away...(and I reckon we're still waiting for a coupla' the stragglers...well except for the one who became Mayor-Ed)...well indeed...and again, that Forum was not (just) a demonstration of how amazingly fantastic I am, it was a scything indictment of the rest...(said he, also mentioning that at least fellow candidate Paul Jenner had a decent go at it, but he was the only one-Ed)...fair enough, fair enough...moving on...(hang on, whatta' ya' mean 'not (just) a demonstration'?-Ed)...moving on please...
Furthermore, I do not resile from any of the concerns I have mentioned previous (unless otherwise specifically identified) re the conduct of the entire Sale Process...again, unfortunately, to go into this specifically would necessitate discussing the meeting, outcome, etc...but my main concern in trying to deal with any of this has been the lack of specific information available and that any information provided often conflicts that which immediately proceeded it...and that's not even a specific allegation of 'lying' and/or 'deceit' and/or 'malfeasance', whatevs, it's a straight out stating of how I have experienced this experience...
By definition, in the absence of any genuine understanding as to the definable truth, any conflicting information renders all info at once both all true and all false...(sweet baby cheeses, my head hurts-Ed)...indeed...for example, whichever of the 4 versions of one specific issue renders the other 3 untrue, itself remains unknown until the truth itself is established, and with multiple conflicting 'truths' the truth itself is often difficult to establish...please refer to that hilariously accurate Donald Rumsfeld spiel about 'known unknowns and unknown unknowns'...(why am I not surprised that you like that, it's exactly your style, incoherent dribble that insightfully nails the situation, classic The Mount Gambier Independent-Ed)...indeed...
I'll politely flagellate the Sub-Committee with the Olive Branch of Accepting their stated position that, as a result of previous 'negotiations', there were all sorts of complications with what possibly could and/or couldn't and/or shouldn't be said and/or when and/or where and/or why...(and definitely whatevs?-Ed)...well ultimately yes, because that in itself is an issue...(sorry, you've lost me-Ed)...
Well, the October 2014 MGA&HS 'meeting that became an information session' did start it's somewhat truncated life as an official meeting about a quite sudden and relatively quite secret vote to sell of a chunka' Show Grounds to ALDI Supermarkets...sure, technically that 'vote meeting' never happened, but it was going to, and that right there is just plain wrong, so very, very wrong on so many levels...and it ain't over by a long way...(why do I believe you?-Ed)...the only thing that stopped this very, very dodgy process was the exposure of said via Social Media...it has been put to me that this 'ere blog has played a definable role in that 'exposure', but on this issue I only really picked up on others stuff...
Having said that, there were things that happened/were said on Thursday evening Feb 19th 2015 that indicated to me that certain people are reading the blog or are at least aware of it's content...(what, like when they told you-Ed)...yes, very amusing, and I think it's about 5 minutes since you last made that joke as well...I was referring to matters raised and/or statements made by others in the meat of the meeting...things what done indicate that perhaps there is a point to all this after all...
I accept that there have been many things happen re this attempted sale, many things that the Sub-Committee inherited, did not create, and I have addressed these issues with the Sub-Committee in writing...again, I'll discuss this further after the announcement on Monday 22nd Feb...
And I further note...(oh come on! I thought you weren't gunna' discuss the meeting-Ed)...further note that the WIN TV Jammed Into An Ad-break 3-Story Local News for Friday 20th Feb 2015 ran a story re this meeting and stated outright that the media were "locked-out"...I saw The Border Watch newspaper's Sandra Morello was there early as people were arriving, but not after that, and no-one I recognised from the ABC Local Radio or any other media...dunno, I'll try to find out...
I do not believe that a single Mt Gambier City Councillor attended, certainly not Mayor Andrew Lee, CEO Mark McShane, Steve Perryman, Daryl Sexton, any of the senior Council officials who would be responsible for and/or engaged in many aspects of any future/potential development, etc...(surely City Council must have been involved in this process, in fact, if I just...look...here, somewhere...ah, ummmm, wait, here 'tis, 'that the Committee will talk to Council', etc...now that's not a direct quote, but you get the idea-Ed)...sure...and Council's relatively minuscule support for the Society/Show Grounds, etc, etc, these are all issues...
And I'll just drop it in here again, because others are equally perplexed, so call it Feedback, that somehow Mayor Lee's and CEO McShane's li'l ol' speeches justifying their un-costed Ratepayer funded junket to China, as made in Council's meeting Tuesday 17th Feb 2015, those statements wound-up being 'sound-bited' on ABC Local Radio starting 0700hrs on the Thursday morning (Feb 19th)...recordings from Council's meeting that 1) Council have banned any electronic recording of, and 2) the ABC never attend...on Tues 17th Feb there was only one other person in the public gallery and one The Border Watch reporter...as put to me but certainly also my belief, this is a clear example of the rank complicity between Council and the local media to the extent that none of them can be trusted...
I'm certainly not the only person who would like to know how those 'sound-bites' were obtained, let alone were aired on the ABC Radio within 36 hours...in the absence of any other explanation, one is left with the potential reality that Council/a Councillor/whatevs has recorded that meeting and then immediately provided that to the ABC...at the very least someone recorded it and Council has banned that...I guarantee you champs, this ain't over...but I digress...
Personally, I was actually quite unwell going into that MGA&HS meeting and was really pleased to, 1) be able to still be brutally blunt whilst genuinely respectful, and 2) yet again, have people be exposed to the reality of what Nick Fletcher is and how that freakin' Large Angry Hippy rolls...he doth roll thusly...and as put to me, this burgeoning reputation as a Genuine Freak Being Genuine is one worth having...cheers...
Tomorrow: Back To Revising Some Stuff
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
PS - couldn't get into the blog earlier and had an official Bigpond window come up stating that a "modem" was already using this address and would I like to change it and my password...(someone using the laptop? again?-Ed)...dunno, but deadset, that's what I'm advised as clearly the most likely explanation...(and who has that laptop currently?-Ed)...well the last I saw of it was when it marched out the door of my home, under the arm of a SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption detective, when they seized it whilst raiding my home back in May 2014...just sayin'...
(That news is like sooo last Millenium-Ed)...thankyou, and yes that was true a long time ago, but Mr Tye hasn't been with Woolies for many years, and currently works 'with' rather than 'for' Woolworths, and with any number of other businesses...Mr Tye explained this to me himself after the ALDI Sale meeting Thursday evening (February 19th 2015), and he also openly acknowledged and is well aware of the many potentials for 'Conflict of Interest' complications...as I explained to Mr Tye, I try to be accurate but I'm not in the practice of 'investigating' people...he readily accepted my apology, which I've made in the original post and make again here, and my assurance that I would correct this thusly...
And so I've literally just now gone back and actually literally acknowledged but not removed my error as such, and have put an apology on that post as well, etc...beyond that, I, as a MGA&HS Member, have also given an undertaking to the Sub-Committee to not discuss the outcome of that meeting until they do their public announcement thingy (Monday 22nd Feb) and it's probably already in Social Media but I haven't checked...I'll just say that there are many issues to be resolved...unfortunately, to specifically discuss the meeting, outcome, subsequent discussions, etc, might compromise my undertaking, as above...but having said that...(doh, here we go, you are shreckin' unbelievable...ya' say 'not gunna' discuss it', and then straight away, you discuss it-Ed)...settle petal...
No, there'll be no 'discussing' as such, but I just wanted to say that I made a point of making my point...(pointedly no doubt-Ed)...but politely, yes, at the appropriate time toward the end of the meeting, in the question time bits, and afterwards was commended/mentioned for my "restraint"/respectfulness/whatevs...I don't particularly enjoy engaging in public debate/confrontation/whatevs, and perhaps that's why I do it reasonably well...I'm not there just to hear the sound of my own voice and am there to say some things that I genuinely feel need to be said...(well said sir-Ed)...
Others have commented, that, for example, at the Mayoral Forum in October 2014, I politely but passionately pantsed my fellow podium-jockeys, pretty much at the first question, and then proceeded to stroll calmly away...(and I reckon we're still waiting for a coupla' the stragglers...well except for the one who became Mayor-Ed)...well indeed...and again, that Forum was not (just) a demonstration of how amazingly fantastic I am, it was a scything indictment of the rest...(said he, also mentioning that at least fellow candidate Paul Jenner had a decent go at it, but he was the only one-Ed)...fair enough, fair enough...moving on...(hang on, whatta' ya' mean 'not (just) a demonstration'?-Ed)...moving on please...
Furthermore, I do not resile from any of the concerns I have mentioned previous (unless otherwise specifically identified) re the conduct of the entire Sale Process...again, unfortunately, to go into this specifically would necessitate discussing the meeting, outcome, etc...but my main concern in trying to deal with any of this has been the lack of specific information available and that any information provided often conflicts that which immediately proceeded it...and that's not even a specific allegation of 'lying' and/or 'deceit' and/or 'malfeasance', whatevs, it's a straight out stating of how I have experienced this experience...
By definition, in the absence of any genuine understanding as to the definable truth, any conflicting information renders all info at once both all true and all false...(sweet baby cheeses, my head hurts-Ed)...indeed...for example, whichever of the 4 versions of one specific issue renders the other 3 untrue, itself remains unknown until the truth itself is established, and with multiple conflicting 'truths' the truth itself is often difficult to establish...please refer to that hilariously accurate Donald Rumsfeld spiel about 'known unknowns and unknown unknowns'...(why am I not surprised that you like that, it's exactly your style, incoherent dribble that insightfully nails the situation, classic The Mount Gambier Independent-Ed)...indeed...
I'll politely flagellate the Sub-Committee with the Olive Branch of Accepting their stated position that, as a result of previous 'negotiations', there were all sorts of complications with what possibly could and/or couldn't and/or shouldn't be said and/or when and/or where and/or why...(and definitely whatevs?-Ed)...well ultimately yes, because that in itself is an issue...(sorry, you've lost me-Ed)...
Well, the October 2014 MGA&HS 'meeting that became an information session' did start it's somewhat truncated life as an official meeting about a quite sudden and relatively quite secret vote to sell of a chunka' Show Grounds to ALDI Supermarkets...sure, technically that 'vote meeting' never happened, but it was going to, and that right there is just plain wrong, so very, very wrong on so many levels...and it ain't over by a long way...(why do I believe you?-Ed)...the only thing that stopped this very, very dodgy process was the exposure of said via Social Media...it has been put to me that this 'ere blog has played a definable role in that 'exposure', but on this issue I only really picked up on others stuff...
Having said that, there were things that happened/were said on Thursday evening Feb 19th 2015 that indicated to me that certain people are reading the blog or are at least aware of it's content...(what, like when they told you-Ed)...yes, very amusing, and I think it's about 5 minutes since you last made that joke as well...I was referring to matters raised and/or statements made by others in the meat of the meeting...things what done indicate that perhaps there is a point to all this after all...
I accept that there have been many things happen re this attempted sale, many things that the Sub-Committee inherited, did not create, and I have addressed these issues with the Sub-Committee in writing...again, I'll discuss this further after the announcement on Monday 22nd Feb...
And I further note...(oh come on! I thought you weren't gunna' discuss the meeting-Ed)...further note that the WIN TV Jammed Into An Ad-break 3-Story Local News for Friday 20th Feb 2015 ran a story re this meeting and stated outright that the media were "locked-out"...I saw The Border Watch newspaper's Sandra Morello was there early as people were arriving, but not after that, and no-one I recognised from the ABC Local Radio or any other media...dunno, I'll try to find out...
I do not believe that a single Mt Gambier City Councillor attended, certainly not Mayor Andrew Lee, CEO Mark McShane, Steve Perryman, Daryl Sexton, any of the senior Council officials who would be responsible for and/or engaged in many aspects of any future/potential development, etc...(surely City Council must have been involved in this process, in fact, if I just...look...here, somewhere...ah, ummmm, wait, here 'tis, 'that the Committee will talk to Council', etc...now that's not a direct quote, but you get the idea-Ed)...sure...and Council's relatively minuscule support for the Society/Show Grounds, etc, etc, these are all issues...
And I'll just drop it in here again, because others are equally perplexed, so call it Feedback, that somehow Mayor Lee's and CEO McShane's li'l ol' speeches justifying their un-costed Ratepayer funded junket to China, as made in Council's meeting Tuesday 17th Feb 2015, those statements wound-up being 'sound-bited' on ABC Local Radio starting 0700hrs on the Thursday morning (Feb 19th)...recordings from Council's meeting that 1) Council have banned any electronic recording of, and 2) the ABC never attend...on Tues 17th Feb there was only one other person in the public gallery and one The Border Watch reporter...as put to me but certainly also my belief, this is a clear example of the rank complicity between Council and the local media to the extent that none of them can be trusted...
I'm certainly not the only person who would like to know how those 'sound-bites' were obtained, let alone were aired on the ABC Radio within 36 hours...in the absence of any other explanation, one is left with the potential reality that Council/a Councillor/whatevs has recorded that meeting and then immediately provided that to the ABC...at the very least someone recorded it and Council has banned that...I guarantee you champs, this ain't over...but I digress...
Personally, I was actually quite unwell going into that MGA&HS meeting and was really pleased to, 1) be able to still be brutally blunt whilst genuinely respectful, and 2) yet again, have people be exposed to the reality of what Nick Fletcher is and how that freakin' Large Angry Hippy rolls...he doth roll thusly...and as put to me, this burgeoning reputation as a Genuine Freak Being Genuine is one worth having...cheers...
Tomorrow: Back To Revising Some Stuff
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
PS - couldn't get into the blog earlier and had an official Bigpond window come up stating that a "modem" was already using this address and would I like to change it and my password...(someone using the laptop? again?-Ed)...dunno, but deadset, that's what I'm advised as clearly the most likely explanation...(and who has that laptop currently?-Ed)...well the last I saw of it was when it marched out the door of my home, under the arm of a SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption detective, when they seized it whilst raiding my home back in May 2014...just sayin'...
Thursday, February 19, 2015
And On It Goes, The Rorting That Is
Hello and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday***...again, in and out all day and no laptop still 'cos The Man done got it in 'is l'il grubby hands because it apparently is the evidence said Man needs to use against me to prove in Court that I've done everything possible to engage appropriately via the appropriate authorities in seeking to improve my community by addressing the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, it's elected members, and it's vast bureaucracy...
(***and apologies for not posting for 2 days...flat-out writing other documents and gourd knows how many hours on the phone, going to meet people to discuss stuff, etc, particularly re the Show Grounds sale...please excuse dodgy synchronicity as this post written across 3 days, have dumped another post after request, etc, which means that there'll be a series of posts across this weekend...cheers***)
But First: late last week (around Friday 13th Feb) a drowned wallaby or small kangaroo was fished out of the Death Pit of Stupidity aka the $650,000+ Industrial Drainage Pond on the Rail Lands...wallabies/roos are regularly seen in the centre of town and may have been drawn by the water and green grass, whatevs...I did not see this myself but trust the source of the info...as I understand it the animal 'looked drowned', meaning that it could have been in there for some days, even longer, probably on the bottom until the decomposing gases gave it buoyancy...(ick-Ed)...
I've re-attached a photo of the 6 foot deep 'pond' below because words cannot describe what an extraordinarily dangerous piece of deceitful crap this pit is, deceitful in that Council continue to lie through their teeth about it's purpose...as covered in the many Rail Lands Retail Agenda posts, this is the drainage pond for the large expansion of the Lakes/Central Plaza that Council have always had planned for the Rail Lands site...please note the small metal 'hand-rails' stuck into the left side of the 'pond' in a half-arsed attempt to mitigate the deadly drowning potential Council has created, and they're currently putting in 1 metre high chopped-up railway track as a 'fence'...
It is no exaggeration to say that everybody in Mt Gambier...(apart from Council-Ed)...well obviously apart from Council...(and the wine-Ed)...what?...(the Aquaduct, they gave us the Aquaduct-Ed)...sorry you what?...(and at least the City's safe to walk in at night, remember what it used to be like Reg-Ed)...ok, ok, that's enough Monty Python homage, can we please get back to the post?...(sure-Ed)...ta...I appreciate you're trying to combat or at least diffuse somewhat the perpetual sense of dread that I have re that shreckin' pit and the potential for people to drown in it, but it ain't working...
I cannot, people cannot, fathom, pardon the pun, how everybody else must have strictly guide-lined fencing that child-proofs any pool, spa, etc, but Council can build this Death Pit and do it right next to the playground they've also just built and do the best part of nuthin' to fence it off safely..if someone drowns in that pond it is Council's doing...may it never happen, but I am not confident...the wallaby story leaves me gripped by a chilling foreboding...
Recently a newby Councillor was stating that 1) Council had bought the land and 2) one of the conditions was that there would be no Commercial development of the site...I will contact this Councillor to show them the many Retail/Commercial plans that Council has prepared and/or participated in, the Re-zoning to Commercial, etc...(yeah, and I note that last night, at Council's February meeting, the Rail Lands were a very popular subject, but with some noticeable absences-Ed)...and speaking of absences, former Mayor now Councillor Stevo Perryman rolled in 20 minutes late and did a vague 'sorry' which Mayor Andrew Lee acknowledged, but there wasn't any Motion to accept and/or vote, whatevs...is this appropriate?...(whatevs-Ed)...
Dunno, but getting back to the Rail Lands, I note that another newby Councillor, Christian Greco has been made head of the new Railway Lands Development and Management Committee, as you suggested, the exact strategy of pushing a potential fall-guy out in front of other's malfeasance and mischief to cop the flak that's inevitably coming...and 'Stage 3' wasn't mentioned by name, nor this recently conjured 'Stage 4', not a word...and omg there's going to be lots of 'Public Consultation' about what to do with the site, etc, and the first thing they're apparently going to do is provide Council with a report re the Old Rail Station...
As part of that discussion the question was asked of Daryl Sexton, Director Operational Services, 'what condition is the Old Station in?', and his response was "I don't know, I haven't been in there for ages"...(deadset? he's DOS and he reckons he doesn't know? Council have had that site for 10 years, have recently 'burned' $4million on the site, etc, and he hasn't even been in the building and doesn't know? bollocks-Ed)...indeed, bollocks, even if it wasn't an outright lie, it's an outright admission of abject incompetence...whatta' joke...
Rank Corruption: is a phrase that Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley heard many, many times in our phone call yesterday (Tuesday 17th February 2015)...(whatcha' ring 'er for? is this about that Donations form thingy you're s'posed to 'ave lodged with Council?-Ed)...yes and no, in that yes, it was about my failure to lodge, but no, I didn't ring, Ms Mousley rang me...(rang you?-Ed)...yep, in response to my short but succinct email stating that, and I sortta' quote, "I ain't handin' squat about whom supports me over to the thuggish, bullying, rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council"...(you wrote that, and then Ms Mousley rang you? and why are we calling her 'Ms Mousley' instead of some intensely witty pseudonym?-Ed)...
First last...Ms Mousley had the decency to call me, then wore with relative good humour a good 20 minutes of me politely but emphatically explaining "the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council" and the alleged charges I'm allegedly facing for trying to get something done about it, etc...and on that point Ms Mousley stated they she/they had met with the Banana Lord, as I'm forced to call the head of the State Authority that I'm forced to refer to as Club GoGo Bananas, forced because it may be an offense for me to even identify said Authority...(ludicrous and bizarre and hilarious and terrifying and everything else-Ed)...indeed, but Ms Mousley stated that the relevant legislation was changed in November 2014 'because it was too restrictive', as explained to her/them at an 'info session' by the Banana Lord him/herself...
(So you're being charged, or at least allegedly have been, or will be, whatevs, with legislation that was changed last year because it was too restrictive?-Ed)...yep, these are the changes that were mooted by Attorney General John Rau and the Banana Lord, in the media, only 5 days after I was raided in May 2014...(do you sometimes wonder if it is 'about you'? I mean the timing of the legislation and the legislation itself and the raid and then the changes to the legislation because it's 'too restrictive' and yet you're apparently still being charged under that exact legislation and then the Court hearing you don't get told about, etc-Ed)...whatevs, ain't nuthin' but The Thang, mate, nuthin' but The Thang...
Whatevs, I defer to Ms Mousleys very sage advice/reminder that if I wind-up in Court for failing to lodge my Donations Form, I won't get to say why, it'll just be 'have you lodged?', 'no', 'you're nicked matey'...thusly I shall lodge my form stating that I have no financial supporters and received no donations...whatevs...
Apparently ADASE (Anxiety Depression Assoc South East) will fold without increased funding according to it's founder Helen Williams, whom reckons that 'I'm worth $80,000 a year' for what she's been doing...whatevs...my experience of Ms Williams was less than positive, but I can't see that the closure of yet another of the very limited services available here-abouts is in anyway a good thing...(well what are you worth then? you may only be chipping away at the edges of a wholly, institutionally, pro-paedophile corrupted 'system', but it's all consuming and has in many respects forcibly become your life, and what do you get for it? the DSP? and I say forcibly because the vast majority of this crap has been foisted on to you by the malfeasance and corruption that saturates everything in this town/state-Ed)...
Fair enough Ed, but the real point is that I am on the Disability Support Pension because of related traumas, eg, the nightmare of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up as supported by local politicians like Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, Jim Maher, Jay Weatherill, etc, etc, and I don't have to do this...I do this because I cannot not do it, and in many ways attacking these issues and doing the blog, etc, is about dealing with my personal stress at being aware of this stuff...for example...
As posted previous, Council (Tuesday night) voted to send Mayor Lee and CEO Mark McShane to China on a 9 day Ratepayer funded junket to a Chinese province where the South Australian state Labor government already have a "permanent office"...and as if on cue, the ABC Radio running snippets of CEO McShenanigans and Mayor Lee explaining to Council's meeting (Tuesday 17th Feb) why it's a good idea for Ratepayers to pay for these 2 shonks to swan off to China...(and again with McShenanigans on the ABC Radio)...
(Hang on, that's Mayor Lee speaking in the Council Chamber, that's his li'l speech from Tuesday-Ed)...yes, I just said that...(and McShenanigans as well, same meeting, Tuesday-Ed)...again, yes, I know, I was there, you don't have to tell me...I note that they're not using the bit where Cr Penny Richardson opposed, saying 'no' to the undefined nature of the approval...that is, Council has approved a 'blank cheque' for these 2 for 9 days away, airfares, etc, and Mighty Marky Mark stated that it only cost a bit more to fly to China than what it cost Ratepayers to fly him to Adelaide last week...(I know, I know, it's all absolute bollocks, but you're missing the point-Ed)...the point being?...
(Think mate, what did this new Council ban at their first meeting?-Ed)...omg, they banned recording of Council meetings so's to hide their en masse malfeasance, so how do the ABC have a recording of that meeting? and hang on, there wasn't anyone from the ABC at that meeting, there never is, it's part of the corrupted ABC's agenda of plausible denial and how they support the corruption in Mt Gambier, they just don't attend important meetings, eg, Council meetings, the Mayoral Forum in October 2014, etc...it might have been that young woman who was in the public gallery for 3/4 of the meeting and then left, but 'media' sit on the opposite side with Council staff, guests, etc...
(Exactly, so how has the ABC Mt Gambier, who weren't at that meeting, and even if they were they're not allowed to record it, how do they have recordings?-Ed)...I can only assume that Council has recorded it themselves and supplied it to the ABC as part of their dually complicit conduct in covering-up the rank corruption of public officials and/or employees in Mt Gambier...mates lookin' after mates and screw everybody else...
Tomorrow: The Completely Corrupted ALDI Bid For The Show Grounds
And just as I go to post, up comes the 'network error' window stating that another computer is on the network with the same IP address...(would that be someone on your laptop again?-Ed)..dunno, but that's what's been put to me and it's been happening regularly since my laptop was 'seized' by SAPol (police)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
(***and apologies for not posting for 2 days...flat-out writing other documents and gourd knows how many hours on the phone, going to meet people to discuss stuff, etc, particularly re the Show Grounds sale...please excuse dodgy synchronicity as this post written across 3 days, have dumped another post after request, etc, which means that there'll be a series of posts across this weekend...cheers***)
But First: late last week (around Friday 13th Feb) a drowned wallaby or small kangaroo was fished out of the Death Pit of Stupidity aka the $650,000+ Industrial Drainage Pond on the Rail Lands...wallabies/roos are regularly seen in the centre of town and may have been drawn by the water and green grass, whatevs...I did not see this myself but trust the source of the info...as I understand it the animal 'looked drowned', meaning that it could have been in there for some days, even longer, probably on the bottom until the decomposing gases gave it buoyancy...(ick-Ed)...
I've re-attached a photo of the 6 foot deep 'pond' below because words cannot describe what an extraordinarily dangerous piece of deceitful crap this pit is, deceitful in that Council continue to lie through their teeth about it's purpose...as covered in the many Rail Lands Retail Agenda posts, this is the drainage pond for the large expansion of the Lakes/Central Plaza that Council have always had planned for the Rail Lands site...please note the small metal 'hand-rails' stuck into the left side of the 'pond' in a half-arsed attempt to mitigate the deadly drowning potential Council has created, and they're currently putting in 1 metre high chopped-up railway track as a 'fence'...
It is no exaggeration to say that everybody in Mt Gambier...(apart from Council-Ed)...well obviously apart from Council...(and the wine-Ed)...what?...(the Aquaduct, they gave us the Aquaduct-Ed)...sorry you what?...(and at least the City's safe to walk in at night, remember what it used to be like Reg-Ed)...ok, ok, that's enough Monty Python homage, can we please get back to the post?...(sure-Ed)...ta...I appreciate you're trying to combat or at least diffuse somewhat the perpetual sense of dread that I have re that shreckin' pit and the potential for people to drown in it, but it ain't working...
I cannot, people cannot, fathom, pardon the pun, how everybody else must have strictly guide-lined fencing that child-proofs any pool, spa, etc, but Council can build this Death Pit and do it right next to the playground they've also just built and do the best part of nuthin' to fence it off safely..if someone drowns in that pond it is Council's doing...may it never happen, but I am not confident...the wallaby story leaves me gripped by a chilling foreboding...
Recently a newby Councillor was stating that 1) Council had bought the land and 2) one of the conditions was that there would be no Commercial development of the site...I will contact this Councillor to show them the many Retail/Commercial plans that Council has prepared and/or participated in, the Re-zoning to Commercial, etc...(yeah, and I note that last night, at Council's February meeting, the Rail Lands were a very popular subject, but with some noticeable absences-Ed)...and speaking of absences, former Mayor now Councillor Stevo Perryman rolled in 20 minutes late and did a vague 'sorry' which Mayor Andrew Lee acknowledged, but there wasn't any Motion to accept and/or vote, whatevs...is this appropriate?...(whatevs-Ed)...
Dunno, but getting back to the Rail Lands, I note that another newby Councillor, Christian Greco has been made head of the new Railway Lands Development and Management Committee, as you suggested, the exact strategy of pushing a potential fall-guy out in front of other's malfeasance and mischief to cop the flak that's inevitably coming...and 'Stage 3' wasn't mentioned by name, nor this recently conjured 'Stage 4', not a word...and omg there's going to be lots of 'Public Consultation' about what to do with the site, etc, and the first thing they're apparently going to do is provide Council with a report re the Old Rail Station...
As part of that discussion the question was asked of Daryl Sexton, Director Operational Services, 'what condition is the Old Station in?', and his response was "I don't know, I haven't been in there for ages"...(deadset? he's DOS and he reckons he doesn't know? Council have had that site for 10 years, have recently 'burned' $4million on the site, etc, and he hasn't even been in the building and doesn't know? bollocks-Ed)...indeed, bollocks, even if it wasn't an outright lie, it's an outright admission of abject incompetence...whatta' joke...
Rank Corruption: is a phrase that Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley heard many, many times in our phone call yesterday (Tuesday 17th February 2015)...(whatcha' ring 'er for? is this about that Donations form thingy you're s'posed to 'ave lodged with Council?-Ed)...yes and no, in that yes, it was about my failure to lodge, but no, I didn't ring, Ms Mousley rang me...(rang you?-Ed)...yep, in response to my short but succinct email stating that, and I sortta' quote, "I ain't handin' squat about whom supports me over to the thuggish, bullying, rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council"...(you wrote that, and then Ms Mousley rang you? and why are we calling her 'Ms Mousley' instead of some intensely witty pseudonym?-Ed)...
First last...Ms Mousley had the decency to call me, then wore with relative good humour a good 20 minutes of me politely but emphatically explaining "the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council" and the alleged charges I'm allegedly facing for trying to get something done about it, etc...and on that point Ms Mousley stated they she/they had met with the Banana Lord, as I'm forced to call the head of the State Authority that I'm forced to refer to as Club GoGo Bananas, forced because it may be an offense for me to even identify said Authority...(ludicrous and bizarre and hilarious and terrifying and everything else-Ed)...indeed, but Ms Mousley stated that the relevant legislation was changed in November 2014 'because it was too restrictive', as explained to her/them at an 'info session' by the Banana Lord him/herself...
(So you're being charged, or at least allegedly have been, or will be, whatevs, with legislation that was changed last year because it was too restrictive?-Ed)...yep, these are the changes that were mooted by Attorney General John Rau and the Banana Lord, in the media, only 5 days after I was raided in May 2014...(do you sometimes wonder if it is 'about you'? I mean the timing of the legislation and the legislation itself and the raid and then the changes to the legislation because it's 'too restrictive' and yet you're apparently still being charged under that exact legislation and then the Court hearing you don't get told about, etc-Ed)...whatevs, ain't nuthin' but The Thang, mate, nuthin' but The Thang...
Whatevs, I defer to Ms Mousleys very sage advice/reminder that if I wind-up in Court for failing to lodge my Donations Form, I won't get to say why, it'll just be 'have you lodged?', 'no', 'you're nicked matey'...thusly I shall lodge my form stating that I have no financial supporters and received no donations...whatevs...
Apparently ADASE (Anxiety Depression Assoc South East) will fold without increased funding according to it's founder Helen Williams, whom reckons that 'I'm worth $80,000 a year' for what she's been doing...whatevs...my experience of Ms Williams was less than positive, but I can't see that the closure of yet another of the very limited services available here-abouts is in anyway a good thing...(well what are you worth then? you may only be chipping away at the edges of a wholly, institutionally, pro-paedophile corrupted 'system', but it's all consuming and has in many respects forcibly become your life, and what do you get for it? the DSP? and I say forcibly because the vast majority of this crap has been foisted on to you by the malfeasance and corruption that saturates everything in this town/state-Ed)...
Fair enough Ed, but the real point is that I am on the Disability Support Pension because of related traumas, eg, the nightmare of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up as supported by local politicians like Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, Jim Maher, Jay Weatherill, etc, etc, and I don't have to do this...I do this because I cannot not do it, and in many ways attacking these issues and doing the blog, etc, is about dealing with my personal stress at being aware of this stuff...for example...
As posted previous, Council (Tuesday night) voted to send Mayor Lee and CEO Mark McShane to China on a 9 day Ratepayer funded junket to a Chinese province where the South Australian state Labor government already have a "permanent office"...and as if on cue, the ABC Radio running snippets of CEO McShenanigans and Mayor Lee explaining to Council's meeting (Tuesday 17th Feb) why it's a good idea for Ratepayers to pay for these 2 shonks to swan off to China...(and again with McShenanigans on the ABC Radio)...
(Hang on, that's Mayor Lee speaking in the Council Chamber, that's his li'l speech from Tuesday-Ed)...yes, I just said that...(and McShenanigans as well, same meeting, Tuesday-Ed)...again, yes, I know, I was there, you don't have to tell me...I note that they're not using the bit where Cr Penny Richardson opposed, saying 'no' to the undefined nature of the approval...that is, Council has approved a 'blank cheque' for these 2 for 9 days away, airfares, etc, and Mighty Marky Mark stated that it only cost a bit more to fly to China than what it cost Ratepayers to fly him to Adelaide last week...(I know, I know, it's all absolute bollocks, but you're missing the point-Ed)...the point being?...
(Think mate, what did this new Council ban at their first meeting?-Ed)...omg, they banned recording of Council meetings so's to hide their en masse malfeasance, so how do the ABC have a recording of that meeting? and hang on, there wasn't anyone from the ABC at that meeting, there never is, it's part of the corrupted ABC's agenda of plausible denial and how they support the corruption in Mt Gambier, they just don't attend important meetings, eg, Council meetings, the Mayoral Forum in October 2014, etc...it might have been that young woman who was in the public gallery for 3/4 of the meeting and then left, but 'media' sit on the opposite side with Council staff, guests, etc...
(Exactly, so how has the ABC Mt Gambier, who weren't at that meeting, and even if they were they're not allowed to record it, how do they have recordings?-Ed)...I can only assume that Council has recorded it themselves and supplied it to the ABC as part of their dually complicit conduct in covering-up the rank corruption of public officials and/or employees in Mt Gambier...mates lookin' after mates and screw everybody else...
Tomorrow: The Completely Corrupted ALDI Bid For The Show Grounds
And just as I go to post, up comes the 'network error' window stating that another computer is on the network with the same IP address...(would that be someone on your laptop again?-Ed)..dunno, but that's what's been put to me and it's been happening regularly since my laptop was 'seized' by SAPol (police)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Monday, February 16, 2015
Latest ALDI Show Grounds Grab
Hello and welcome Romania, Spain, Belgium, and Aotearoa (New Zealand)...howdy y'all to the blog and a bit of a cut-and-paste post with the letters and the associated The Border Watch article from Wednesday 11th February 2015 re the attempt to flog of a section of the Show Grounds before anyone realises what's happening...
At the meeting of October 16th 2014 no vote was conducted, but the outcome of the meeting was clearly that people were not interested in the ALDI offer, whatever that was, but instead wanted an opportunity to research the issue of selling, full stop...if that was then a 'yes, let's sell some', the discussion was then to move to which part/s of the Show Grounds were appropriate for sale...only after these things had been appropriately researched, publicised, and voted on by Members, etc, only then was there to be any consideration of any offers...
What has happened is almost the exact opposite, with no info from the Committee until the undated interim letter that raises only more questions...where this letter says "...members will be asked to vote on the proposed sale." that is in a context of 'any sale' as described above...it is a gross distortion of events/facts to then try and argue, as the Committee has, that that first letter refers to the ALDI offer...that is simply not true...that meeting October 2014 concluded with the healthy majority calling for a vote purely to decide to sell at all, to be held at a future meeting.
My notes on that first letter show that **(Andrew Tye is a senior Woolworths employee so I cannot understand how he is on that Committee, surely that's a Conflict of Interest)**...also scribbled, Peter Woodroofe's* contact numbers....credit to Mr Woodroofe* for returning my calls, it's more than I usually get, but I cannot support his position with this Committee, indeed, with any of the Members of this Committee or the original Committee that immediately proceeded it...it happened to be Mr Woodroofe* returning my call whom alerted me to the TBW article Wednesday 4th February 2015 stating that I'd apparently missed a Court hearing (previous posts)...
***Saturday 21st February...rather than 'edit-out' my errors, apologies to Mr Peter Woodruff that I have repeatedly misspelled his name as 'Woodroofe'*...I've just noticed that when I came back to now further apologise, but to **Mr Andrew Tye whom I have referred to as 'a Woolies employee'**...Mr Tye explained to me himself (after the ALDI Sale meeting) that he had worked there, but many, many years ago, and now works with Woolworths and many other local businesses...I take him at his word that he is aware of the many potential 'Conflict of Interest' issues that his employment presents...further apologies and commentary re ALDI Sale meeting in future posts***
I do believe that these 4 Committee Members have largely inherited a chronically inappropriate process, and in that context am prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt re the clearly corrupted attempt to ram through a completely inappropriate sale...I do, however, note with extreme concern some of the names associated with these 'secret negotiations'...
Regardless of whom is responsible for initiating this shambles, the current Committee has been responsible for this woefully inadequate 'info process'...I'm not the only Member who is filthy that they have been approaching the Committee for said info, but the first real detail is in TBW before any Member hears it...the second attached letter was post-dated Wednesday 11th February, the day that TBW ran this front page...it is unfortunate timing that my alleged Court no-show interrupted that phone call with Mr Woodroofe*, but ultimately it is irrelevant because the process shouldn't have got to here at all...
I'll pull stumps here because there's heaps to read below, and in the context of that October 2014 meeting, the gross inappropriateness of this process is self-evident...there are also multiple glaring contradictions in these 2 letters, eg, how can there be an offer if the land hasn't even been assessed/valued?...it is, however, all irrelevant because the commitment/agreement at that October meeting was for a vote on the idea of selling...it is completely inappropriate to railroad this toward a vote on a specific offer that isn't even identified in the letters...the whole thing is a shambolic disaster...
More on this tomorrow along with other stuffs...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
At the meeting of October 16th 2014 no vote was conducted, but the outcome of the meeting was clearly that people were not interested in the ALDI offer, whatever that was, but instead wanted an opportunity to research the issue of selling, full stop...if that was then a 'yes, let's sell some', the discussion was then to move to which part/s of the Show Grounds were appropriate for sale...only after these things had been appropriately researched, publicised, and voted on by Members, etc, only then was there to be any consideration of any offers...
What has happened is almost the exact opposite, with no info from the Committee until the undated interim letter that raises only more questions...where this letter says "...members will be asked to vote on the proposed sale." that is in a context of 'any sale' as described above...it is a gross distortion of events/facts to then try and argue, as the Committee has, that that first letter refers to the ALDI offer...that is simply not true...that meeting October 2014 concluded with the healthy majority calling for a vote purely to decide to sell at all, to be held at a future meeting.
My notes on that first letter show that **(Andrew Tye is a senior Woolworths employee so I cannot understand how he is on that Committee, surely that's a Conflict of Interest)**...also scribbled, Peter Woodroofe's* contact numbers....credit to Mr Woodroofe* for returning my calls, it's more than I usually get, but I cannot support his position with this Committee, indeed, with any of the Members of this Committee or the original Committee that immediately proceeded it...it happened to be Mr Woodroofe* returning my call whom alerted me to the TBW article Wednesday 4th February 2015 stating that I'd apparently missed a Court hearing (previous posts)...
***Saturday 21st February...rather than 'edit-out' my errors, apologies to Mr Peter Woodruff that I have repeatedly misspelled his name as 'Woodroofe'*...I've just noticed that when I came back to now further apologise, but to **Mr Andrew Tye whom I have referred to as 'a Woolies employee'**...Mr Tye explained to me himself (after the ALDI Sale meeting) that he had worked there, but many, many years ago, and now works with Woolworths and many other local businesses...I take him at his word that he is aware of the many potential 'Conflict of Interest' issues that his employment presents...further apologies and commentary re ALDI Sale meeting in future posts***
I do believe that these 4 Committee Members have largely inherited a chronically inappropriate process, and in that context am prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt re the clearly corrupted attempt to ram through a completely inappropriate sale...I do, however, note with extreme concern some of the names associated with these 'secret negotiations'...
Regardless of whom is responsible for initiating this shambles, the current Committee has been responsible for this woefully inadequate 'info process'...I'm not the only Member who is filthy that they have been approaching the Committee for said info, but the first real detail is in TBW before any Member hears it...the second attached letter was post-dated Wednesday 11th February, the day that TBW ran this front page...it is unfortunate timing that my alleged Court no-show interrupted that phone call with Mr Woodroofe*, but ultimately it is irrelevant because the process shouldn't have got to here at all...
I'll pull stumps here because there's heaps to read below, and in the context of that October 2014 meeting, the gross inappropriateness of this process is self-evident...there are also multiple glaring contradictions in these 2 letters, eg, how can there be an offer if the land hasn't even been assessed/valued?...it is, however, all irrelevant because the commitment/agreement at that October meeting was for a vote on the idea of selling...it is completely inappropriate to railroad this toward a vote on a specific offer that isn't even identified in the letters...the whole thing is a shambolic disaster...
More on this tomorrow along with other stuffs...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Are You Being Served?
(Well I'm free-Ed)...and so am I, for the moment, but plenty of people are crackin' jokes with me about bringin' me out ma' bread and water to the gaol, particularly given what happened yesterday (Friday 13th February) morning on my front doorstep...hello y'all and welcome to the blog and a quick review of just what's gone down around the man I apparently am this last 2 weeks...(man? blaggard I'd have said, what wif' you not fronting Court 'n all-Ed)...well indeed...
(And my pussy has mange-Ed)...ok, thanks, perhaps that's enough homaging dodgy British sitcoms for one day, and onto the important stuff...(you mean like you-Ed)...indeed, I don't see anyone else here...(many a true word spoken in jest-Ed)...indeed, and what with it bein' Valentines Day and all, and havin' that relentlessly shoved in my face is always a pleasant reminder to self that if I truly care about someone, the nicest thing I can do for them is not go out with them in the first place...(and that's even before ya' chuck the whole 'twice survived Cancer' stuff in there-Ed)...again, indeed...but I digress...
I'm not ignoring the rest of the world, and only today was listening to/watching the ABC/BBC/SBS regarding the total devastation in Kobane in Iraq, large areas of many Syrian towns, Donetsk in Ukraine, and multiple reports of more Sectarian violence with bombings and other attacks...in that context, I always consider in good humour the life of relative affluence and security, dare I say it, safety, that I enjoy...but I do not apologise for putting thoroughly on the public record that which drastically affects every person in this state, namely the extraordinary pseudo-Judicial, Fasco-political attack I'm under for merely talking about the corruption that defines South Australia...and so, 'Are You Being Served' regarding Friday morning and the latest SAPol visit to my home to allegedly serve me yet another Summons...I gotta' say that I'm quite confused about the whole thing, and here's why...
Firstly, the very gentle 'tap, tap, tap'...when a SAPol officer came to my home approx 2000hrs on Thursday evening February 5th 2015, it was an emphatic 'Knock! Knock! Knock!' 5-6 times then a very brief pause and 3-4 more, all up 8-10 good loud knocks I'd ha' probably heard out in the garden...yesters it was barely a tap, only 3 times...it was the reluctant knock of a kid who's kicked their ball into your yard, or a salesperson selling something they don't really want to, someone quite timid and/or not feeling confident or embarrassed to be bothering you, whatevs, y'all know what I mean...it was a very quiet knock for what turned out to be yet another SAPol officer with a Summons in his hand...
My first thought was 'this is/was a psuedo-attempt to serve me, knocking so quietly I don't hear it and don't answer, as part of trying to explain why I wasn't served at all prior to the Court hearing of Feb 3rd'...(ah, I get it, SAPol trying to retrospectively establish some argument about how many rimes they allegedly tried to serve you, but apparently you just didn't/don't answer your door-Ed)...exactly, trying to establish a justifiable defence for non-service, after the fact...
And I just happened to have in my hand because I was reading it, my copy of the original 'Complaint and Summons' + 'Apprehension Report' that I had received the day before (Thursday 12th February) after my legal advice rang SAPol to ask for it...(hang on, you had a hearing on Tuesday 3rd February and you haven't even been provided the Apprehension Report that outlines the basic aspects of the alleged charges and supposed evidence until your legal advice contacts SAPol 9 days later on the 12th?-Ed)...yep...(why wasn't it provided when the Original Summons was issued for the Feb 3rd hearing?-Ed)...well dunno, I wasn't served a Summons for that hearing...
I note that the Second Summons (SS2), as served/received the evening of February 5th, is a copy of the original 'Complaint and Summons' (5 pages, undated) with a Hearing Date listed of 3rd February 2015, at 1030hrs, stapled to a front page titled only 'Summons', which is Court stamped the 4th February...on that 'Summons', under 'Complaint/Information Details' it says "Refer attached copy..." and just under that, 'Date Complaint or Information made - 7th January 2015'...and that's it...so it looks like that Summons was first issued 7th January 2015 and in a full month SAPol couldn't find li'l ol' me what hardly leaves 'is 'ouse...(and no Apprehension Report attached?-Ed)...no, just those two...and that's the next point...
When my legal advice rang and asked for the 'AppReport', they received with it the original 'Complaint and Summons' sans the 'Summons' page...(so when you were finally served three days after the actual hearing, SAPol didn't provide the AReport, which supposedly details the details of the alleged charges-Ed)...yep...(and then send your legals the 'C&S' without the front-page 'Summons, that shows there is another Court hearing set for March 3rd-Ed)...yep...I don't care what part of this is deliberate and what part is just screaming incompetence, as far as I'm concerned SAPol deliberately didn't send my legal beagles the latest 'Summons' so that they (lawyers) wouldn't know there was an approaching hearing...
(And of course you found out about the Feb 3rd hearing via a phone call when someone said that you were in The Border Watch re missing your Court hearing-Ed)...indeed, in TBW with a big photo, being vilified and denigrated as a Court-snubbing blaggard, about a Court hearing I didn't know was on, and I find out via a casual comment in an unrelated phone call ...which hilariously segues into tomorrow's post re the Showgrounds sale...
Following the recent Liberal Party leadership shenanigans...(where Tony Abbott comprehensively beat no-one hands down by a narrow margin?-Ed)...with both hands tied behind his back even...yeah, I've heard some quite troubling confessions from the clearly despondent Liberals...(do tell, do tell-Ed)...well, Treasurer Joe Hockey has stated that people don't want to talk to him and are snubbing him in the street, "...they say to me, 'keep on going Joe''...", and Tony Pasin admitted that he deals with the pressure by going out early and thievin' stuff, "...I get out of bed each morning and I steal..."...(oo you are a naughty boy, now stop doing a dodgy attempt at humour masquerading as a demonstration of how easy it is to manipulate language, and explain yourself-Ed)...alright, alright...
Smokin' Joe was actually saying that people support his Budget Bastardry and tell him to 'keep on going with the Budget, etc', not as I've presented, 'don't talk to me Joe, keep on truckin' mate'...and Member for Barker Tony Pasin was asked something about 'what now?' or 'how do you deal with the pressure?', something, sorry I wasn't really listening, but Tony's response was 'I get up each (every?) morning and I steel myself for, etc'...I just heard that 'and I steel myself' and immediately made that terrible pun...and terrible pun that it is, it is still such a simple demonstration of the simple manipulation of language...(it's all about context I said-Ed)...indeed, manipulation that makes 'context' the 'text that cons'...(nice, where 'cons' means 'deceives', yeah?-Ed)...exactly...(nice-Ed)...
And quite predictably I'm going to plow straight off that into a comparison with the recent 'reportage' from The Border Watch re my alleged failure to show for Court, what I done cover in a recent post...carefully worded denigration and ignoring the truth by not even bothering to check...pathetically unprofessional in pursuit of a vindictive agenda...(I know you are , but what about TBW?-Ed)...taboomtish...
The Recreationing Ball:...I also note that Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee has stated in that recent article (and related post) about this suddenly announced giant red-herring called a 'Regional Recreation Centre' and Council's plan to apply for a $10million Federal grant, a 'grant' that requires a $ for $ investment from Council, meaning Council are planning (but have not admitted) to borrow yet another $10m, after borrowing and spending $6m in 2013/14...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...borrowing another $10m allegedly to build a $20m Rec Centre that will rule out Mt Gambier ever having a proper Indoor Aquatic Centre...(so Council must have $10m at hand to even be able to apply?-Ed)...which they don't, they have to borrow to apply...but then Mayor Lee says, according to TBW so gourd knows, but TBW quotes Mayor Lee,
"We are not committed to building, we can just apply for the funding."
(Well that's maybe not word perfect, but that is what he/they said when the debate turned to commitment, etc, 'if the application fails Council's not committed to a Rec Centre', so's we're just gunna' blow that borrowed $10m on something else-Ed)...well indeed, they didn't say the last bit but that's certainly where this is headed...but the fact remains that to even apply Council must have a proven access to $10m, and then he's/they're admitting that Council is not obligated to spend that on this bullshit lie Recreation Centre...
The whole Rec Centre argument is yet another attractively distractive lie from Council, conjured suddenly from desperate minds as they try to justify 1) not doing the Sound Shell or the access through to Margaret St, or renovating the Old Rail Station, all on the Rail Lands, and 2) finally ending the discussion about an Indoor Aquatic Centre, and worst of all 3) justifying borrowing another $10m...and the exact argument that Steve Perryman uses over and over, the scare tactic, is that a pool would see rates rise by $100s per citizen per year...(along with all the crap about 'must have a business plan', 'must be viable', etc, all the stuff completely ignored on the Library, The Main Corner, the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, ripping down the Old Hospital, everything done thus far on the Rail Lands, etc, etc, ad infinitum-Ed)...
Yet more lies from Mt Gambier City Council as they try to access another $10m...absolutely outrageous, whatta' disgrace...(and if it does proceed, watch them try to shove this Rec Centre bullshit onto the Rail Lands rather than the Olympic Pk sports precinct on Margaret St, and then use Ratepayers money to set down a giant concrete slab for said Rec Centre, which then winds up under the massive Retail development Council has always in all ways been pursuing on the Rail Lands, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda-Ed)...I see what you're sayin', given that moving the Rail Easement, the $700,000 Drainage Pond, the easily moved Palm trees, etc, are all simply about using Ratepayer's money to clear the footprint for the RLRA Retail building and put in stop-gap storm water management for it's huge roof area...
And Ratepayers will pay for every cent of all it, and all the interest, and it'll end up in private hands, exactly the way Council has always planned, same as The Main Corner, etc...and it segues beautifully into tomorrow's post re the Show Grounds and a clearly corrupted attempt to flog it off cheaply to ALDI supermarkets...disgracefully mishandled to the point of outright deceit...
Tomorrow: Showgrounds Showdown
Yet another farcically inappropriate series of events/deals/whatevs that reek of malfeasance and self-interest...this will be a beauty of a post, even if I say so myself...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
(And my pussy has mange-Ed)...ok, thanks, perhaps that's enough homaging dodgy British sitcoms for one day, and onto the important stuff...(you mean like you-Ed)...indeed, I don't see anyone else here...(many a true word spoken in jest-Ed)...indeed, and what with it bein' Valentines Day and all, and havin' that relentlessly shoved in my face is always a pleasant reminder to self that if I truly care about someone, the nicest thing I can do for them is not go out with them in the first place...(and that's even before ya' chuck the whole 'twice survived Cancer' stuff in there-Ed)...again, indeed...but I digress...
I'm not ignoring the rest of the world, and only today was listening to/watching the ABC/BBC/SBS regarding the total devastation in Kobane in Iraq, large areas of many Syrian towns, Donetsk in Ukraine, and multiple reports of more Sectarian violence with bombings and other attacks...in that context, I always consider in good humour the life of relative affluence and security, dare I say it, safety, that I enjoy...but I do not apologise for putting thoroughly on the public record that which drastically affects every person in this state, namely the extraordinary pseudo-Judicial, Fasco-political attack I'm under for merely talking about the corruption that defines South Australia...and so, 'Are You Being Served' regarding Friday morning and the latest SAPol visit to my home to allegedly serve me yet another Summons...I gotta' say that I'm quite confused about the whole thing, and here's why...
Firstly, the very gentle 'tap, tap, tap'...when a SAPol officer came to my home approx 2000hrs on Thursday evening February 5th 2015, it was an emphatic 'Knock! Knock! Knock!' 5-6 times then a very brief pause and 3-4 more, all up 8-10 good loud knocks I'd ha' probably heard out in the garden...yesters it was barely a tap, only 3 times...it was the reluctant knock of a kid who's kicked their ball into your yard, or a salesperson selling something they don't really want to, someone quite timid and/or not feeling confident or embarrassed to be bothering you, whatevs, y'all know what I mean...it was a very quiet knock for what turned out to be yet another SAPol officer with a Summons in his hand...
My first thought was 'this is/was a psuedo-attempt to serve me, knocking so quietly I don't hear it and don't answer, as part of trying to explain why I wasn't served at all prior to the Court hearing of Feb 3rd'...(ah, I get it, SAPol trying to retrospectively establish some argument about how many rimes they allegedly tried to serve you, but apparently you just didn't/don't answer your door-Ed)...exactly, trying to establish a justifiable defence for non-service, after the fact...
And I just happened to have in my hand because I was reading it, my copy of the original 'Complaint and Summons' + 'Apprehension Report' that I had received the day before (Thursday 12th February) after my legal advice rang SAPol to ask for it...(hang on, you had a hearing on Tuesday 3rd February and you haven't even been provided the Apprehension Report that outlines the basic aspects of the alleged charges and supposed evidence until your legal advice contacts SAPol 9 days later on the 12th?-Ed)...yep...(why wasn't it provided when the Original Summons was issued for the Feb 3rd hearing?-Ed)...well dunno, I wasn't served a Summons for that hearing...
I note that the Second Summons (SS2), as served/received the evening of February 5th, is a copy of the original 'Complaint and Summons' (5 pages, undated) with a Hearing Date listed of 3rd February 2015, at 1030hrs, stapled to a front page titled only 'Summons', which is Court stamped the 4th February...on that 'Summons', under 'Complaint/Information Details' it says "Refer attached copy..." and just under that, 'Date Complaint or Information made - 7th January 2015'...and that's it...so it looks like that Summons was first issued 7th January 2015 and in a full month SAPol couldn't find li'l ol' me what hardly leaves 'is 'ouse...(and no Apprehension Report attached?-Ed)...no, just those two...and that's the next point...
When my legal advice rang and asked for the 'AppReport', they received with it the original 'Complaint and Summons' sans the 'Summons' page...(so when you were finally served three days after the actual hearing, SAPol didn't provide the AReport, which supposedly details the details of the alleged charges-Ed)...yep...(and then send your legals the 'C&S' without the front-page 'Summons, that shows there is another Court hearing set for March 3rd-Ed)...yep...I don't care what part of this is deliberate and what part is just screaming incompetence, as far as I'm concerned SAPol deliberately didn't send my legal beagles the latest 'Summons' so that they (lawyers) wouldn't know there was an approaching hearing...
(And of course you found out about the Feb 3rd hearing via a phone call when someone said that you were in The Border Watch re missing your Court hearing-Ed)...indeed, in TBW with a big photo, being vilified and denigrated as a Court-snubbing blaggard, about a Court hearing I didn't know was on, and I find out via a casual comment in an unrelated phone call ...which hilariously segues into tomorrow's post re the Showgrounds sale...
Following the recent Liberal Party leadership shenanigans...(where Tony Abbott comprehensively beat no-one hands down by a narrow margin?-Ed)...with both hands tied behind his back even...yeah, I've heard some quite troubling confessions from the clearly despondent Liberals...(do tell, do tell-Ed)...well, Treasurer Joe Hockey has stated that people don't want to talk to him and are snubbing him in the street, "...they say to me, 'keep on going Joe''...", and Tony Pasin admitted that he deals with the pressure by going out early and thievin' stuff, "...I get out of bed each morning and I steal..."...(oo you are a naughty boy, now stop doing a dodgy attempt at humour masquerading as a demonstration of how easy it is to manipulate language, and explain yourself-Ed)...alright, alright...
Smokin' Joe was actually saying that people support his Budget Bastardry and tell him to 'keep on going with the Budget, etc', not as I've presented, 'don't talk to me Joe, keep on truckin' mate'...and Member for Barker Tony Pasin was asked something about 'what now?' or 'how do you deal with the pressure?', something, sorry I wasn't really listening, but Tony's response was 'I get up each (every?) morning and I steel myself for, etc'...I just heard that 'and I steel myself' and immediately made that terrible pun...and terrible pun that it is, it is still such a simple demonstration of the simple manipulation of language...(it's all about context I said-Ed)...indeed, manipulation that makes 'context' the 'text that cons'...(nice, where 'cons' means 'deceives', yeah?-Ed)...exactly...(nice-Ed)...
And quite predictably I'm going to plow straight off that into a comparison with the recent 'reportage' from The Border Watch re my alleged failure to show for Court, what I done cover in a recent post...carefully worded denigration and ignoring the truth by not even bothering to check...pathetically unprofessional in pursuit of a vindictive agenda...(I know you are , but what about TBW?-Ed)...taboomtish...
The Recreationing Ball:...I also note that Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee has stated in that recent article (and related post) about this suddenly announced giant red-herring called a 'Regional Recreation Centre' and Council's plan to apply for a $10million Federal grant, a 'grant' that requires a $ for $ investment from Council, meaning Council are planning (but have not admitted) to borrow yet another $10m, after borrowing and spending $6m in 2013/14...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...borrowing another $10m allegedly to build a $20m Rec Centre that will rule out Mt Gambier ever having a proper Indoor Aquatic Centre...(so Council must have $10m at hand to even be able to apply?-Ed)...which they don't, they have to borrow to apply...but then Mayor Lee says, according to TBW so gourd knows, but TBW quotes Mayor Lee,
"We are not committed to building, we can just apply for the funding."
(Well that's maybe not word perfect, but that is what he/they said when the debate turned to commitment, etc, 'if the application fails Council's not committed to a Rec Centre', so's we're just gunna' blow that borrowed $10m on something else-Ed)...well indeed, they didn't say the last bit but that's certainly where this is headed...but the fact remains that to even apply Council must have a proven access to $10m, and then he's/they're admitting that Council is not obligated to spend that on this bullshit lie Recreation Centre...
The whole Rec Centre argument is yet another attractively distractive lie from Council, conjured suddenly from desperate minds as they try to justify 1) not doing the Sound Shell or the access through to Margaret St, or renovating the Old Rail Station, all on the Rail Lands, and 2) finally ending the discussion about an Indoor Aquatic Centre, and worst of all 3) justifying borrowing another $10m...and the exact argument that Steve Perryman uses over and over, the scare tactic, is that a pool would see rates rise by $100s per citizen per year...(along with all the crap about 'must have a business plan', 'must be viable', etc, all the stuff completely ignored on the Library, The Main Corner, the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, ripping down the Old Hospital, everything done thus far on the Rail Lands, etc, etc, ad infinitum-Ed)...
Yet more lies from Mt Gambier City Council as they try to access another $10m...absolutely outrageous, whatta' disgrace...(and if it does proceed, watch them try to shove this Rec Centre bullshit onto the Rail Lands rather than the Olympic Pk sports precinct on Margaret St, and then use Ratepayers money to set down a giant concrete slab for said Rec Centre, which then winds up under the massive Retail development Council has always in all ways been pursuing on the Rail Lands, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda-Ed)...I see what you're sayin', given that moving the Rail Easement, the $700,000 Drainage Pond, the easily moved Palm trees, etc, are all simply about using Ratepayer's money to clear the footprint for the RLRA Retail building and put in stop-gap storm water management for it's huge roof area...
And Ratepayers will pay for every cent of all it, and all the interest, and it'll end up in private hands, exactly the way Council has always planned, same as The Main Corner, etc...and it segues beautifully into tomorrow's post re the Show Grounds and a clearly corrupted attempt to flog it off cheaply to ALDI supermarkets...disgracefully mishandled to the point of outright deceit...
Tomorrow: Showgrounds Showdown
Yet another farcically inappropriate series of events/deals/whatevs that reek of malfeasance and self-interest...this will be a beauty of a post, even if I say so myself...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Friday, February 13, 2015
Summons Goin' On
Hello and welcome and just for the record, approx 1 hour ago, at 0930 Friday 13th February 2015, I was reading the Summons and attached 'Apprehension Report' as received via my legal advice only yesterday, after a request to SAPol (police)...this is the first time I've even seen the 'Apprehension Report'...then there was a very gentle 'tap, tap, tap' at the front door...
I answered and it was a young blondish SAPol officer who stated that he had a Summons for me...I had the Summons + AR in my hand still, and said 'I've already been served', and he wanted to check that it was the same document...I went out on to the front step and we went through it page by page...
I can state, having seen every page of it, that the document he was holding was the 'Second Summons' (without the first Summons attached) and the 'Apprehension Report', the exact same document I had received only yesterday...I stated this to him and even came back inside to get the Summonses I was served on Thursday 5th 2014, as per previous posts...
Because it was right there in my folder I pointed out The Border Watch article and the officer said he didn't know, the same answer he gave when I repeatedly asked why I hadn't been Summonsed to the first hearing, 'don't know'...he insisted on seeing the documents in my hand, and reached to take them...I turned away saying 'hang on, don't touch that'...he had a second then third attempt at taking the documents out of my hand and I ended up almost with my back to him...
He then snapped 'you've refused to be served' and stormed off up the driveway...I called after him 'where are you going' and he responded 'I was just trying to help you', and then again 'you've refused to be served (I think, he had his back turned)...I was standing there in my front yard saying 'where are you going, what about that (Summons)?', and he just kept going, got in his 4WD 'paddy wagon' car across the road, and drove off looking at me out the window...
How bizarre...whilst it is possible that this was generated by my request yesterday for the 'Apprehension Report', after we had already established that they were identical documents, this officer, who didn't have an ID no./badge on, insisted on comparing them and had several goes at snatching my copies out of my hand, to the degree that he was only inches away, reaching around me as I turned almost completely away from him...
I don't know where this 'incident' started exactly, but it concluded with the officer having 3 good goes at grabbing my documents out of my hands, and when I blocked him/refused he stated 'you've refused to be served' and stormed off...
I complied with his requests, I went out to speak with him and go through the Summons/AR, and the only thing I refused was to allow him snatching my documents off me.
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and this is what happened on my front step this morning...
I answered and it was a young blondish SAPol officer who stated that he had a Summons for me...I had the Summons + AR in my hand still, and said 'I've already been served', and he wanted to check that it was the same document...I went out on to the front step and we went through it page by page...
I can state, having seen every page of it, that the document he was holding was the 'Second Summons' (without the first Summons attached) and the 'Apprehension Report', the exact same document I had received only yesterday...I stated this to him and even came back inside to get the Summonses I was served on Thursday 5th 2014, as per previous posts...
Because it was right there in my folder I pointed out The Border Watch article and the officer said he didn't know, the same answer he gave when I repeatedly asked why I hadn't been Summonsed to the first hearing, 'don't know'...he insisted on seeing the documents in my hand, and reached to take them...I turned away saying 'hang on, don't touch that'...he had a second then third attempt at taking the documents out of my hand and I ended up almost with my back to him...
He then snapped 'you've refused to be served' and stormed off up the driveway...I called after him 'where are you going' and he responded 'I was just trying to help you', and then again 'you've refused to be served (I think, he had his back turned)...I was standing there in my front yard saying 'where are you going, what about that (Summons)?', and he just kept going, got in his 4WD 'paddy wagon' car across the road, and drove off looking at me out the window...
How bizarre...whilst it is possible that this was generated by my request yesterday for the 'Apprehension Report', after we had already established that they were identical documents, this officer, who didn't have an ID no./badge on, insisted on comparing them and had several goes at snatching my copies out of my hand, to the degree that he was only inches away, reaching around me as I turned almost completely away from him...
I don't know where this 'incident' started exactly, but it concluded with the officer having 3 good goes at grabbing my documents out of my hands, and when I blocked him/refused he stated 'you've refused to be served' and stormed off...
I complied with his requests, I went out to speak with him and go through the Summons/AR, and the only thing I refused was to allow him snatching my documents off me.
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and this is what happened on my front step this morning...
Thursday, February 12, 2015
More Council Shenanigans in The Border Watch
Hello and welcome to the blog and yet another piece of trite nonsense from Mt Gambier City Council in The Border Watch as they yet again collude to deceive Mt Gambier Ratepayers...please find attached the wholly self-contradictory article that I just don't have the energy to carve-up...wait, yes I do...don't know why, but the blog has decided to
re-format itself, but it's suddenly in a different font me thinks...it
could be I leaned on the wrong buttons or something, dunno...apologies for no post yesterday, but I've been busy running 'round in small circles achieving very little...today's not been much better but there's a bunch of stuff goin' down, so here goes...
When I say nothing, it has been put to me that there does seem to be a degree of reactionary actioning of certain things about the town in the wake of making an appearance on this 'ere blog...thankyou, I agree that there is certainly some of that happening...the most obvious example would be the action on the Rail Lands, an issue that I have been hounding Council about from long before this 'ere blog The Mount Gambier Independent was conceived let alone realised...this truth is self-evident in the many documents going back to 2005 that I've posted numerous times...
Premier Jay Weatherill has unleashed yet another JW ÃœberPlan on a long suffering South Australia...(what? another one? wasn't there just a new plan announced last year and then another recently?-Ed)...well yes and no, yeah, there was that big bucket a' bollocks about the 'Transport Plan' that was mostly about Adelaide, and then the 'Plan' for Health Services which is also about Adelaide, but that's not so much a 'plan' as a 'Deconstruction'...(and didn't we just have a '30 Year Plan' or something?-Ed)...yeah but that was specifically about Adelaide...(so they are all plans for SA then, because Adelaide is SA as far as Adelaide's concerned-Ed)...nice...
I am fed-up to the few back teeth I have left...(Chemo-casualties?-Ed)...pretty much, yeah, lost a couple, but still chewin' steak, albeit gently...anyhoos, fed-up with the Weatherill Labor government trotting out bullshit blue-sky distractions one on top of the other as they desperately try to paper over the fiscal crevasse opening-up under Adelaide due to their corruption and mismanagement...to deliberately try and distract from the bastardry of dismantling Health Services, as per the recent announcement of the proposed closure of the Dawes Rd Repatriation Hospital and Emergency Services in 3 major suburban hospitals, etc, is just crass and insulting...(and then a Royal Commission about Nuclear Energy-Ed)...strewth...
(A question: if Wind shreckin' Turbines are so shreckin' fantastic, then why do we need 50,000 of those freakin' things, and nuclear?-Ed)...excellent point, but I think it's more about the immediate future and turning SA into a 'nulear dump', the planet's nuclear toilet...(great...so from the world's quarry to a very impressive latrine-Ed)..such poetry Ed, I weep...and just on that point, I note that the National Health and Medical Research Council is stating that there isn't evidence about Turbines and Health Issues because the testing hasn't been done, but instead of just slaggin' off those expressing concerns, the NHMRC is now calling for proper testing to be done re Noise Emissions and possible associated Health Issues...(kudos NHMRC-Ed)...
Feedback: yes I agree that SAPol (police) may have a red-hot go at trying to say that I was served a Summons re my court hearing of February 3rd 2015 by adding it to the 'Second Summons'...they didn't serve me though, as stated, the first I knew was during a phone call on Wednesday (Feb 4th) morning when I was told I was in The Border Watch re my alleged failure to appear at a Court hearing...
And yes, of course it is exactly the sort of thing I'd immediately post about, and yes, there's no way known that I just wouldn't show...it's a crock...I have no choice but to pursue this because it's such a critical point, not least of all because 1) I've lost 'one adjournment' without even having a hearing, and 2) and far more concerning, that the Summons itself states that a 'warrant for arrest' can be issued if the respondent (me) fails to show...
Tomorrow: The Show Grounds To A Halt Sale
Just the latest stuff re the proposed sale of a chunka' the Show Grounds to Aldi...(outrageous-Ed)...ain't gunna happen if I can help it...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
When I say nothing, it has been put to me that there does seem to be a degree of reactionary actioning of certain things about the town in the wake of making an appearance on this 'ere blog...thankyou, I agree that there is certainly some of that happening...the most obvious example would be the action on the Rail Lands, an issue that I have been hounding Council about from long before this 'ere blog The Mount Gambier Independent was conceived let alone realised...this truth is self-evident in the many documents going back to 2005 that I've posted numerous times...
I've apparently been gettin' slagged-off again...(no never? say it isn't so-Ed)...about the 'lies' I've apparently told about Council's agenda for the Rail Lands site, that I call the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, which involves Rezoning the site for Commercial and/or Retail...unfortunately I have misplaced the photocopy I took years ago of a page I happened across that showed a 'Rezoning Map' for the Rail Lands that described it as 'Retail' after a 'Rezoning'..I believe that this should be in the Government Gazette or some such but I can't find it...apols, but it's irrelevant, the site has been Rezoned, and I have at least 2 proofs...
Proof One is attached, being page 207 from the City of Mt Gambier Development Plan as 'Consolidated' 28th August 2014...it clearly shows the Rail Lands and businesses backing onto that from Margaret St, identified as no.7, collectively described as "Railway (Commercial) Local Heritage Policy Area"...proof Two is the word of Council's own Director Operations Daryl Sexton, whom I bailed into a metaphoric corner at the Council's 2013/14 Budget 'Consultations' held at the Library...(orr yeah, I love this story, go on-Ed)...indeed, I've covered this in posts from the time, namely CBC Part II: Send In The Clowns may 27th 2013...(hilarious-Ed)...
Not really, but still, yes a bit...I had repeatedly questioned about the Re-zoning issue without even a response, then, just before the 3rd/4th/whatevs of 5 meetings, I asked Daryl directly several times if the site had been 're-zoned to Cmmercial/Retail', he said no repeatedly, but flinched, so I asked 'has the site been re-zoned?'...Daryl broke out his bestest bunny impersonation to counter my questioning headlight, and together we waltzed toward his glorious answer...eventually..."yes" says Daryl...(ahahahaha says Ed-Ed)...indeed...'to what?' ask I...long pause, and, "City Centre"...and when asked what that means, "Retail and Commercial"...
It is also put to me that the attached The Border Watch article has materialised in response to the relentless hammering I've given this issue on this 'ere blog...I agree that it is rather suspicious that such a massive issue involving such massive expenditure would not feature as news for 2 weeks after the January 2015 meeting...this is a huge financial burden that Council has just plucked out of thin air to try and justify borrowing another $10million, to follow on from the $6m that they borrowed and spent in 2013/14...
I was going to shred this article as being yet another gross TBW misrepresentation of the actual discussion, because it's just wrong, but then it outs itself...this 'Centre' will not "deliver an indoor aquatic centre"...in the Council meeting the discussion was as described late in the article, namely, that there will be no pool, ever, because of the cost, and that contradicts the articles own opening statement...in the Council meeting the discussion was about the 'possibility of a wet area', and 'this will rule out affording an all-year Aquatic Centre, ever', as per the comments attributed to Crs Richardson and Perryman later in the article...(hilarious-Ed)...
Councillor Steve Perryman's argument that a pool will cost Ratepayers a fortune is a completely vacuous and decitful construct to justify not doing it and ignores the fact that Ratepayers will be paying to cover that $10m he/Council are angling to borrow to build this ludicrous Rec Centre...(you mean in the same way that Ratepayers pay a fortune for the Main Corner operating costs and heavily subsidise the supposed private business that exclusively operates the Commercial Kitchen and Function Centre, all of it built/paid for with Ratepayer's money?-Ed)...exactly...
This article is a farcical distortion of what happened in that meeting, yet another TBW journalistic debasco that trips itself up with the volume of deceit there-in, not least of all by spelling out that deceit in the article itself...(it's almost like Council has got to such a level of corruption and deceit that one cannot actually report what happens without lying-Ed)...indeed...
Proof One is attached, being page 207 from the City of Mt Gambier Development Plan as 'Consolidated' 28th August 2014...it clearly shows the Rail Lands and businesses backing onto that from Margaret St, identified as no.7, collectively described as "Railway (Commercial) Local Heritage Policy Area"...proof Two is the word of Council's own Director Operations Daryl Sexton, whom I bailed into a metaphoric corner at the Council's 2013/14 Budget 'Consultations' held at the Library...(orr yeah, I love this story, go on-Ed)...indeed, I've covered this in posts from the time, namely CBC Part II: Send In The Clowns may 27th 2013...(hilarious-Ed)...
Not really, but still, yes a bit...I had repeatedly questioned about the Re-zoning issue without even a response, then, just before the 3rd/4th/whatevs of 5 meetings, I asked Daryl directly several times if the site had been 're-zoned to Cmmercial/Retail', he said no repeatedly, but flinched, so I asked 'has the site been re-zoned?'...Daryl broke out his bestest bunny impersonation to counter my questioning headlight, and together we waltzed toward his glorious answer...eventually..."yes" says Daryl...(ahahahaha says Ed-Ed)...indeed...'to what?' ask I...long pause, and, "City Centre"...and when asked what that means, "Retail and Commercial"...
It is also put to me that the attached The Border Watch article has materialised in response to the relentless hammering I've given this issue on this 'ere blog...I agree that it is rather suspicious that such a massive issue involving such massive expenditure would not feature as news for 2 weeks after the January 2015 meeting...this is a huge financial burden that Council has just plucked out of thin air to try and justify borrowing another $10million, to follow on from the $6m that they borrowed and spent in 2013/14...
I was going to shred this article as being yet another gross TBW misrepresentation of the actual discussion, because it's just wrong, but then it outs itself...this 'Centre' will not "deliver an indoor aquatic centre"...in the Council meeting the discussion was as described late in the article, namely, that there will be no pool, ever, because of the cost, and that contradicts the articles own opening statement...in the Council meeting the discussion was about the 'possibility of a wet area', and 'this will rule out affording an all-year Aquatic Centre, ever', as per the comments attributed to Crs Richardson and Perryman later in the article...(hilarious-Ed)...
Councillor Steve Perryman's argument that a pool will cost Ratepayers a fortune is a completely vacuous and decitful construct to justify not doing it and ignores the fact that Ratepayers will be paying to cover that $10m he/Council are angling to borrow to build this ludicrous Rec Centre...(you mean in the same way that Ratepayers pay a fortune for the Main Corner operating costs and heavily subsidise the supposed private business that exclusively operates the Commercial Kitchen and Function Centre, all of it built/paid for with Ratepayer's money?-Ed)...exactly...
This article is a farcical distortion of what happened in that meeting, yet another TBW journalistic debasco that trips itself up with the volume of deceit there-in, not least of all by spelling out that deceit in the article itself...(it's almost like Council has got to such a level of corruption and deceit that one cannot actually report what happens without lying-Ed)...indeed...
Premier Jay Weatherill has unleashed yet another JW ÃœberPlan on a long suffering South Australia...(what? another one? wasn't there just a new plan announced last year and then another recently?-Ed)...well yes and no, yeah, there was that big bucket a' bollocks about the 'Transport Plan' that was mostly about Adelaide, and then the 'Plan' for Health Services which is also about Adelaide, but that's not so much a 'plan' as a 'Deconstruction'...(and didn't we just have a '30 Year Plan' or something?-Ed)...yeah but that was specifically about Adelaide...(so they are all plans for SA then, because Adelaide is SA as far as Adelaide's concerned-Ed)...nice...
I am fed-up to the few back teeth I have left...(Chemo-casualties?-Ed)...pretty much, yeah, lost a couple, but still chewin' steak, albeit gently...anyhoos, fed-up with the Weatherill Labor government trotting out bullshit blue-sky distractions one on top of the other as they desperately try to paper over the fiscal crevasse opening-up under Adelaide due to their corruption and mismanagement...to deliberately try and distract from the bastardry of dismantling Health Services, as per the recent announcement of the proposed closure of the Dawes Rd Repatriation Hospital and Emergency Services in 3 major suburban hospitals, etc, is just crass and insulting...(and then a Royal Commission about Nuclear Energy-Ed)...strewth...
(A question: if Wind shreckin' Turbines are so shreckin' fantastic, then why do we need 50,000 of those freakin' things, and nuclear?-Ed)...excellent point, but I think it's more about the immediate future and turning SA into a 'nulear dump', the planet's nuclear toilet...(great...so from the world's quarry to a very impressive latrine-Ed)..such poetry Ed, I weep...and just on that point, I note that the National Health and Medical Research Council is stating that there isn't evidence about Turbines and Health Issues because the testing hasn't been done, but instead of just slaggin' off those expressing concerns, the NHMRC is now calling for proper testing to be done re Noise Emissions and possible associated Health Issues...(kudos NHMRC-Ed)...
Feedback: yes I agree that SAPol (police) may have a red-hot go at trying to say that I was served a Summons re my court hearing of February 3rd 2015 by adding it to the 'Second Summons'...they didn't serve me though, as stated, the first I knew was during a phone call on Wednesday (Feb 4th) morning when I was told I was in The Border Watch re my alleged failure to appear at a Court hearing...
And yes, of course it is exactly the sort of thing I'd immediately post about, and yes, there's no way known that I just wouldn't show...it's a crock...I have no choice but to pursue this because it's such a critical point, not least of all because 1) I've lost 'one adjournment' without even having a hearing, and 2) and far more concerning, that the Summons itself states that a 'warrant for arrest' can be issued if the respondent (me) fails to show...
Tomorrow: The Show Grounds To A Halt Sale
Just the latest stuff re the proposed sale of a chunka' the Show Grounds to Aldi...(outrageous-Ed)...ain't gunna happen if I can help it...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Just Pushin' Stuff Uphill
Hello and welcome to the blog and more gettin' caught up with stuff, but it's all so grim that I'm not sure I want to play today...(ah yes, the malaise of concerned knowledge...my ol' Ma used to have a great remedy for that-Ed)...yeah? still got it?...(better, I memorised it-Ed)...oh great...(yeah, it's just take a cup of water, a teaspoon of cement, woof it all down, and harden the f*** up-Ed)...and how is your Ma?...(she sends her love-Ed)...charming woman...
Feedback: Yes, it is possible that the cops were laying in wait for me to go past the other day, and then pull me over, etc, and yes, it could even have been so'd they could turn around laters and say 'hey, we treat Nick Fletcher just super, check out when we pulled him over, polite as, we was', etc, etc, but as the person there at the time, and despite all the other shizzle goin' down around me, particularly re SAPol (police), it still just seemed to be what it was, a routine traffic stop of a roughish lookin' dude in a crappy car, who then turned out to be registered, licensed, etc, and so that's all cool and everyone was polite and off we all went...
I was joking and in turn it was joked right back at me re the bizarre Court hearing I wasn't told about (apparently on February 3rd 2015) re the bizarre non-charges I haven't even been interviewed about yet, etc, etc, it was joked/suggested that I should just rock-up everyday to the Courthouse in me' lucky suit, li'l ol' briefcase in hand, and be there politely waiting at the door when they open, 'hello, am I in a hearing today? no? ok, see you tomorrow then'...(ahahahaha, classic-Ed)...but now I have the Summons and it clearly states March 3rd 2015...(but that's what it said in The Border Watch article of February 4th 2015, 'Fletcher is compelled to return on March 3rd 2015', so that can't be right-Ed)...my turn, ahahahahaha, classic...
Just gobsmacked to see reportage that the massive WorkCover liability has come down a fraction because 'long-term claimees (so that's amputees, etc) have been drawing less on the fund since new legislation stopped them claiming' (paraphrase but damn close)...(so, sorry? the injured workers have had their compensation entitlements cut by a corrupt Labor government, as Labor tries to stem WorkCover losses, losses largely accrued due to the monies rorted by the bureacracy involved, and that was reported as a good thing?-Ed)...yep, that's the tone...not 'what bastardry from a supposedly Socialist Labor Party, attacking injured workers in this way', no, it was reported as a positive because the debt is marginally down...(disgraceful-Ed)...
Rail Lands: it appears that work has all but stopped on the ludicrous platform extension, the gap cut in it to let the water out, all the ramps and stairs and associated balustrading. etc, it all seems to be just sitting there for weeks now, probably going back just before Christmas...(well the contractor is still contracting, they're over at the Old Town Hall ripping out all the renovations from only a few years ago, so as to shove the Jazz Academy thingy in there-Ed)...indeed, and that's all public monies too...and James Morrison himself has said that 'when the Academy succeeds the way we foresee, this 'ere building ain't gunna' be big enough and we'll have to move' (paraphrase)...
(But then why move in there in the first place? why not go to the TAFE/Uni SA site on Wireless Rd where they've got all the buildings and empty space they could ever use? isn't Uni SA doing a massive expansion out there right now?-Ed)...I know, I know...and along with that yet another wall of dodgy secret Mt Gambier City Council deals and public monies thrown at it, etc, etc, with what The Border Watch has described as a "private business"...I'll say it again, the moment that you remove the name James Morrison from this equation, it is all exactly as I describe it, a litany of dodgy secret deals done with public properties and public monies, and with Mt Gambier City Council at it's centre...(well how could that possibly go wrong?-Ed)...
And people want to know exactly when this 'Academy' was decided and, amongst other things, whether that impacted on Council's mad rush decision to rip down the Old Hospital whilst 1) it was still riddled with Asbestos caulking in the rear window frames, 2) there was a Court case underway as the former owner sued the receivers re the value of the property, and 3) there was another critical legal issue at play at that time that I probably cannot talk about because that would possibly be talking about it...(dude, so bizarre-Ed)...indeed...
But even as we speak a large tractor/loader, a bobcat loading the bucket on that, and three trucks and a handful of workers are back in that South East corner of the Rail Lands (below, June/July 2014), ripping up the soil again and looks like they're getting ready to pave it...(is this the same bit where they dug it up because of the flooding, and 'discovered' that Council had removed the stormwater drains from that bit whilst rooting about needlessly with the Rail Lands, and then placed large plastic 'drainage pipes' there and carefully filled it back in?-Ed)...yep...(and then Former Mayor Steve Perryman tried to blame those buildings and/or businesses in the January 2015 Council meeting?-Ed)...that's them...
I am also now under the gun from Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley re the November 2014 Local Government/Mayoral Election...apparently I'm in trouble or soon to be, judging by the very officious and threatening letter I've just received for not handing over my 'Donations Declaration' to Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane...(what?! hand over info about whom supports you to this vindictively retributional, gutless, bullying, corrupt Council as headed by Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans? not on your life-Ed)...I know, an entirely corrupted system where the crooks run the election and then demand that you reveal your sources...(good luck with that, to her I mean-Ed).
Indeed, I look forward to discussing many issues with Ms Mousley re the massively corrupted Electoral System she resides over, and the rank corruption in Local and State Government, and how it's not my "allegations" or my "complaints" or anything other than the realities as I have experienced them as a candidate in 2 elections, a 'hard-as' if unwilling political operative and part-time observer of the human condition...(I get the sense she may already be regretting whippin' the lid of this particular can of worms-Ed)...and I will work diligently to realise that regret for her...(I believe you will-Ed).
(You now, it must be rather disconcerting for some of these people that they keep on tryin' to open a can of Whoop-arse on you, and the damn cans are always full of worms-Ed)...beautifully said Ed, beautifully said...
I am all for the accurate disclosure of all Council/political related donations/gifts/whatevs because then it would reveal perhaps instances where say for random hypothetical example a former local Council CEO was say directly involved in handing multiple lucrative Council contracts to the contractor whom, just for argument's sake, had built that CEO's holiday home for what could be politely described as 'mates rates'...(wow, that's a very specific 'random hypothetical...in fact, it's almost like you're referring to an actual incident of gross corruption involving a former CEO, a clearly favoured contractor, a 'cheap' holiday house, and lucrative Council contracts awarded to unsaid contractor by unsaid CEO as reward for the holiday house-Ed)...can't get anything past you can I?...
Listening to Liberal Finance Minister Matthias 'Always Blue' Cormann bangin' on the other day about how he supports Tony Abbott in the approaching (now passed) Leadership spill, and how 'The Mad Monk is the only one to lead us', and 'he led us to glorious victory in 2013', etc, etc, but then he stated that Labor were an incompetent rabble going into the 2013 Election and 'we're fixing the debt and deficit blah, blah, it is not a tumour, blah, blah', etc, etc...it occurred to me that Tones was only leader over Malcolm Turnbull by one vote at their Liberal leadership contest back in 2012 (2011? sorry)...'AB' completely undermined his previous justifications that Tones is The One, The Only One by carefully pointing out that whoevs was Liberal leader in 2013 would have won anyway...(ahahaha-Ed)...
Yesters on ABC Local Radio, Grant District Council Mayor Richard 'Mumbles' Sage "they...them...they"d his way through an interview re Fracking (Coal/Shale Seam Gas extraction) and the declaration by 5 areas within the GD Council that they are 'Fracking Free'...(hang on, he said "3 areas", not '5'-Ed)..indeed he did...Richard clearly demonstrated his/Council's taciturn support for Fracking by referring to those involved with organising this 'FF Declaration' as "them" and "they" and playing down the number of areas involved and stating that Council/he must remain neutral, blah, blah, blah...very carefully letting all involved back in Adelaide know that he's right on board with Fracking, and those whom oppose are "them" and "they"...
(Well I'm sorry, but I just don't trust a word the man says after he stood up at that Wind Turbine Interim Development Plan Amendment meeting at Casadio Pk in late 2011, and belicosely opposed the DPA and banged on about how his Council now had no powers re approvals, Turbine placement, etc, etc, and then within weeks the official GD Council submission stated 'we support the DPA'-Ed)...well indeed, it's hard to trust someone whom has proven themselves capable of lying to ya' face in a public meeting...
Sue Charlton is now the 'patron' of the Stand Like Stone Foundation and my li'l legal bestie Bill DeGaris is the new Chair...(Billyyyyy Billy Bill...heard anything more from good ol' Billy since those ludicrous attempts to threaten you for 'defamation' for telling the truth about the corruption and betrayals he perpetrated against his own client, you, when supposedly representing you and others against the Lutherans and/or St Martins School and teacher Glyn Dorling?-Ed)...orr yeah, he's gunna sue me isn't he?...whatta' joke from whatta' crook...and now he's the Chair of Stand Like Stone, whom themselves are hence stained corrupt by mere association with this professional shyster.
I direct availees to Billy's 'complaint' to Google/Blogspot about my original posts from March 26th 2013 re his corrupt behaviours, eg, the clearly corrupted SERDE building sale process, and Billy's hilarious opening line, 'orr yeah, sure that deal looks shonky, but hey fella, it's fine, just fine'...(he never said that?-Ed)...true, what he actually wrote was;
"The process involved in the sale of the building, whilst unusual, was not corrupt, and
not a favour for a mate. No betrayal in respect to St Martins occurred, and no
malfeasance occurred in respect of the purchase of the SERDE building."
(OMG, he did say that, that's exactly what he's sayin'...'yeah sure the sale looks dodgy, but it's fine, just fine'...ludicrous-Ed).
Perhaps Billy would care to come onto this blog and explain 1) how exactly, and 2) why exactly that sale was "unusual"...reckon it's time to go to the Real Estate Council or whatevs and see what they think of "unusual"...(hilarious-Ed)...and as for the St Martins stuff...well Billy, the stench of the reality of what you've done will never, ever leave you...ever............
Tomorrow: More Recreationing Ball Stuff
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and as you know it's always SUNO, Strike Up Not Out...cheers and laters...
Feedback: Yes, it is possible that the cops were laying in wait for me to go past the other day, and then pull me over, etc, and yes, it could even have been so'd they could turn around laters and say 'hey, we treat Nick Fletcher just super, check out when we pulled him over, polite as, we was', etc, etc, but as the person there at the time, and despite all the other shizzle goin' down around me, particularly re SAPol (police), it still just seemed to be what it was, a routine traffic stop of a roughish lookin' dude in a crappy car, who then turned out to be registered, licensed, etc, and so that's all cool and everyone was polite and off we all went...
I was joking and in turn it was joked right back at me re the bizarre Court hearing I wasn't told about (apparently on February 3rd 2015) re the bizarre non-charges I haven't even been interviewed about yet, etc, etc, it was joked/suggested that I should just rock-up everyday to the Courthouse in me' lucky suit, li'l ol' briefcase in hand, and be there politely waiting at the door when they open, 'hello, am I in a hearing today? no? ok, see you tomorrow then'...(ahahahaha, classic-Ed)...but now I have the Summons and it clearly states March 3rd 2015...(but that's what it said in The Border Watch article of February 4th 2015, 'Fletcher is compelled to return on March 3rd 2015', so that can't be right-Ed)...my turn, ahahahahaha, classic...
Just gobsmacked to see reportage that the massive WorkCover liability has come down a fraction because 'long-term claimees (so that's amputees, etc) have been drawing less on the fund since new legislation stopped them claiming' (paraphrase but damn close)...(so, sorry? the injured workers have had their compensation entitlements cut by a corrupt Labor government, as Labor tries to stem WorkCover losses, losses largely accrued due to the monies rorted by the bureacracy involved, and that was reported as a good thing?-Ed)...yep, that's the tone...not 'what bastardry from a supposedly Socialist Labor Party, attacking injured workers in this way', no, it was reported as a positive because the debt is marginally down...(disgraceful-Ed)...
Rail Lands: it appears that work has all but stopped on the ludicrous platform extension, the gap cut in it to let the water out, all the ramps and stairs and associated balustrading. etc, it all seems to be just sitting there for weeks now, probably going back just before Christmas...(well the contractor is still contracting, they're over at the Old Town Hall ripping out all the renovations from only a few years ago, so as to shove the Jazz Academy thingy in there-Ed)...indeed, and that's all public monies too...and James Morrison himself has said that 'when the Academy succeeds the way we foresee, this 'ere building ain't gunna' be big enough and we'll have to move' (paraphrase)...
(But then why move in there in the first place? why not go to the TAFE/Uni SA site on Wireless Rd where they've got all the buildings and empty space they could ever use? isn't Uni SA doing a massive expansion out there right now?-Ed)...I know, I know...and along with that yet another wall of dodgy secret Mt Gambier City Council deals and public monies thrown at it, etc, etc, with what The Border Watch has described as a "private business"...I'll say it again, the moment that you remove the name James Morrison from this equation, it is all exactly as I describe it, a litany of dodgy secret deals done with public properties and public monies, and with Mt Gambier City Council at it's centre...(well how could that possibly go wrong?-Ed)...
And people want to know exactly when this 'Academy' was decided and, amongst other things, whether that impacted on Council's mad rush decision to rip down the Old Hospital whilst 1) it was still riddled with Asbestos caulking in the rear window frames, 2) there was a Court case underway as the former owner sued the receivers re the value of the property, and 3) there was another critical legal issue at play at that time that I probably cannot talk about because that would possibly be talking about it...(dude, so bizarre-Ed)...indeed...
But even as we speak a large tractor/loader, a bobcat loading the bucket on that, and three trucks and a handful of workers are back in that South East corner of the Rail Lands (below, June/July 2014), ripping up the soil again and looks like they're getting ready to pave it...(is this the same bit where they dug it up because of the flooding, and 'discovered' that Council had removed the stormwater drains from that bit whilst rooting about needlessly with the Rail Lands, and then placed large plastic 'drainage pipes' there and carefully filled it back in?-Ed)...yep...(and then Former Mayor Steve Perryman tried to blame those buildings and/or businesses in the January 2015 Council meeting?-Ed)...that's them...
I am also now under the gun from Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley re the November 2014 Local Government/Mayoral Election...apparently I'm in trouble or soon to be, judging by the very officious and threatening letter I've just received for not handing over my 'Donations Declaration' to Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane...(what?! hand over info about whom supports you to this vindictively retributional, gutless, bullying, corrupt Council as headed by Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans? not on your life-Ed)...I know, an entirely corrupted system where the crooks run the election and then demand that you reveal your sources...(good luck with that, to her I mean-Ed).
Indeed, I look forward to discussing many issues with Ms Mousley re the massively corrupted Electoral System she resides over, and the rank corruption in Local and State Government, and how it's not my "allegations" or my "complaints" or anything other than the realities as I have experienced them as a candidate in 2 elections, a 'hard-as' if unwilling political operative and part-time observer of the human condition...(I get the sense she may already be regretting whippin' the lid of this particular can of worms-Ed)...and I will work diligently to realise that regret for her...(I believe you will-Ed).
(You now, it must be rather disconcerting for some of these people that they keep on tryin' to open a can of Whoop-arse on you, and the damn cans are always full of worms-Ed)...beautifully said Ed, beautifully said...
I am all for the accurate disclosure of all Council/political related donations/gifts/whatevs because then it would reveal perhaps instances where say for random hypothetical example a former local Council CEO was say directly involved in handing multiple lucrative Council contracts to the contractor whom, just for argument's sake, had built that CEO's holiday home for what could be politely described as 'mates rates'...(wow, that's a very specific 'random hypothetical...in fact, it's almost like you're referring to an actual incident of gross corruption involving a former CEO, a clearly favoured contractor, a 'cheap' holiday house, and lucrative Council contracts awarded to unsaid contractor by unsaid CEO as reward for the holiday house-Ed)...can't get anything past you can I?...
Listening to Liberal Finance Minister Matthias 'Always Blue' Cormann bangin' on the other day about how he supports Tony Abbott in the approaching (now passed) Leadership spill, and how 'The Mad Monk is the only one to lead us', and 'he led us to glorious victory in 2013', etc, etc, but then he stated that Labor were an incompetent rabble going into the 2013 Election and 'we're fixing the debt and deficit blah, blah, it is not a tumour, blah, blah', etc, etc...it occurred to me that Tones was only leader over Malcolm Turnbull by one vote at their Liberal leadership contest back in 2012 (2011? sorry)...'AB' completely undermined his previous justifications that Tones is The One, The Only One by carefully pointing out that whoevs was Liberal leader in 2013 would have won anyway...(ahahaha-Ed)...
Yesters on ABC Local Radio, Grant District Council Mayor Richard 'Mumbles' Sage "they...them...they"d his way through an interview re Fracking (Coal/Shale Seam Gas extraction) and the declaration by 5 areas within the GD Council that they are 'Fracking Free'...(hang on, he said "3 areas", not '5'-Ed)..indeed he did...Richard clearly demonstrated his/Council's taciturn support for Fracking by referring to those involved with organising this 'FF Declaration' as "them" and "they" and playing down the number of areas involved and stating that Council/he must remain neutral, blah, blah, blah...very carefully letting all involved back in Adelaide know that he's right on board with Fracking, and those whom oppose are "them" and "they"...
(Well I'm sorry, but I just don't trust a word the man says after he stood up at that Wind Turbine Interim Development Plan Amendment meeting at Casadio Pk in late 2011, and belicosely opposed the DPA and banged on about how his Council now had no powers re approvals, Turbine placement, etc, etc, and then within weeks the official GD Council submission stated 'we support the DPA'-Ed)...well indeed, it's hard to trust someone whom has proven themselves capable of lying to ya' face in a public meeting...
Sue Charlton is now the 'patron' of the Stand Like Stone Foundation and my li'l legal bestie Bill DeGaris is the new Chair...(Billyyyyy Billy Bill...heard anything more from good ol' Billy since those ludicrous attempts to threaten you for 'defamation' for telling the truth about the corruption and betrayals he perpetrated against his own client, you, when supposedly representing you and others against the Lutherans and/or St Martins School and teacher Glyn Dorling?-Ed)...orr yeah, he's gunna sue me isn't he?...whatta' joke from whatta' crook...and now he's the Chair of Stand Like Stone, whom themselves are hence stained corrupt by mere association with this professional shyster.
I direct availees to Billy's 'complaint' to Google/Blogspot about my original posts from March 26th 2013 re his corrupt behaviours, eg, the clearly corrupted SERDE building sale process, and Billy's hilarious opening line, 'orr yeah, sure that deal looks shonky, but hey fella, it's fine, just fine'...(he never said that?-Ed)...true, what he actually wrote was;
"The process involved in the sale of the building, whilst unusual, was not corrupt, and
not a favour for a mate. No betrayal in respect to St Martins occurred, and no
malfeasance occurred in respect of the purchase of the SERDE building."
(OMG, he did say that, that's exactly what he's sayin'...'yeah sure the sale looks dodgy, but it's fine, just fine'...ludicrous-Ed).
Perhaps Billy would care to come onto this blog and explain 1) how exactly, and 2) why exactly that sale was "unusual"...reckon it's time to go to the Real Estate Council or whatevs and see what they think of "unusual"...(hilarious-Ed)...and as for the St Martins stuff...well Billy, the stench of the reality of what you've done will never, ever leave you...ever............
Tomorrow: More Recreationing Ball Stuff
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and as you know it's always SUNO, Strike Up Not Out...cheers and laters...
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