Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Whom Do You Housing Trust?

Hello and welcome to the blog, and sorry again for yesterday's truncated effort but twice my Internet just cut out taking large chunks of unsaved text...(it's meant to auto-save frequently-Ed)...yes, but it wasn't...anyway, moving on...

For What It's Worth: I apologise to local Member Don Pegler for not holding to account Liberal Vicki Chapman for her simply offensive remark re Mr Pegler's loss of a child in a car accident...I barely know Mr Pegler and am deeply disappointed with him across a range of issues, but to lose a child in any circumstance is a traumatic experience I hope to never experience...may I pass before my child because that's just the way it should be...

I apologise because I bit-typed this into the blog whilst the interview was on that day, but edited it out due to other content and forgot to get back to it...point being, I heard the comment, the tone in which it was said, and indeed the response from Stuart Stansfield that the comment was "a bit glib"...I would call it a callous comment heavily stained with Ms Chapman's personal opinion of Don Pegler, which is her prerogative but in no way an excuse.

From Viv Maher's letter (The Border Watch Friday 21st February 2014) that which is apparently a direct quote from the ABC interview (Friday 14th Feb 2014?) with Vicki Chapman re changes to P-plate conditions for inexperienced drivers...
      "...yeah, look, I raised it with Don and he sort of just said I had a family member lost in road...
       I mean frankly who hasn't."

I fully concur with former Labor candidate (2010) Viv Maher that the comment is offensive...because this is such a serious issue and such an inexcusable thing to say I choose to address the rest of the Viv Maher letter tomorrow, along with several others...I will get there...

I was also completely unimpressed by the comments from Liberal leader and would-be Premier Steven Marshall as made in an ABC Local Radio interview on Thursday 20th February...(you mean when he said that he didn't know about 'Drains' in the South East, and, in response to a question from a caller, that he wasn't aware of the grossly un-democratic Wind Turbine legislation as introduced by former Premier Mike Rann in October 2011-Ed)...yes, that...particularly his excuse re the Turbine legislation that he 'wasn't there' at that time.

(But wasn't he elected in March 2010, 18 months before that Turbine Interim Development Assessment Plan was dropped on Regional communities?-Ed)...well, is very poor form to come to the South East and claim to know nothing about Drains...(used to 'remove' surface water from swampy areas to make that land available for agriculture, with some devastating environmental effects-Ed)...quite...or about the Turbines, given the massive investment and infrastructure already in the state and the massive future projects allegedly due to be built, eg, Woakwine, CERES on Yorke Peninsula, etc.

(I note that you say 'claim to know nothing' which infers a degree of disbelief-Ed)...well let me clear that up for you...I absolutely do not believe that he didn't know, I believe that he didn't want to have those discussions...I wouldn't claim to know specifically why, and could almost believe the 'don't know about the Drains' stuff, but to not know about Wind Turbines?...sorry, but I do not believe that...but I digress... 

Yesterday (Tuesday 25th February 2014) I received the attached letter and double sided pamphlet from the Housing Trust Tenants Association in an envelope with my actual name and address hand-written and post-marked 23FEB14 (Sunday 23rd February 2014)...the parallel letter from Don Pegler is also attached again and also covered in a previous post...that envelope was sent to The Occupier but had my exact appears that both letters were sent directly to Housing Trust Tenants.

In my limited travels, I have not met anyone who is not a Trust tenant who has received that letter from Don Pegler, nor the letter from the HTTA...they appear to have been sent re a list of HT this legal? is my want, I immediately rang the HTTA...(I bet you did-Ed)...and initially there was a recorded message about how the number was temporarily unavailable due to a health issue (paraphrase), so I started to leave a message when a man answered.

We discussed the letter, to which he pleaded ignorance, and as such I believe him, and he stated that the author of the letter, HTTA Assistant Secretary Julie Macdonald, had left the state (to Victoria?) for an unknown reason...the man openly criticised both major Parties re their attitudes toward social issues and we agreed that we were both grubby 'Socialists'...(bloody hippies-Ed)...beyond that, he could add nothing about the letter and pamphlet.  

I note that the Labor Party proper has not identified this 'Housing Armageddon' issue directly...given my personal experience and rank cynicism, I believe that this is a 'guerilla campaign' being run by Labor via various agents on their behalf...I am deeply disappointed that Don Pegler is involved in this and he should be held to account for the distress this is causing in the community.

I have contacted Liberal candidate Troy Bell, again, and again I'm not the only one, and again he has absolutely refuted these claims...I'll finish here because of the multiple letters attached...

Tomorrow: Some Gnarly Shredding Sans Ice

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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