Tuesday, February 4, 2014

TFTIM: Former Liberal Leader Rob Kerin

Hello and welcome to the blog...maaaate...Robbo...Kero, mate...cobber, strewth, and fair dinkum...Rob Kerin, what a bloke...what a joke...(can't believe it's taken you this long to get 'round to booting him for his complicit irrelevance as Liberal leader-Ed)...nah I forgot, but here's to making up for lost time.

PATS On The Head: to go with the scattering of coin for us wee plebs...and more of local member Don Pegler in today's The Border Watch 04/02/2014 claiming credit for the sudden Labor funding increase which didn't exist last week, not until after the Liberals announced their increase to the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme...(don't get me started-Ed)...ok, ok, we'll do some more tomorrow...oops, and there's Don again on the ABC Radio (1615hrs) taking credit, praising up Labor's PATS funding "commitment", and bagging the Liberal's "promise"...

But First: some feedback stuff...and no, I don't know who Mrs Daw (Penola Fracking) is having official  'relationships' with that she feels the drilling already underway at Penola will somehow miraculously be halted...my mention of Liberal MLC David Ridgeway was a general reference to the Liberals who I assume would have to be the only group capable of stopping the Fracking...and he of course was on the ABC Local Radio last week carefully avoiding the reality of the Liberals support for Fracking.

I then expanded that in the context that I and another father spent an hour with Davo, mate, Ridgey-Didge and the then Liberal candidate Peter Gandolfi in February (late January?) 2006 carefully explaining the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the role that Gando's electoral opponent, alleged Independent Rory McEwen, was playing in that Cover-up...(fantastic, what did they do?-Ed)...nothing, absolutely nothing...the March 2006 election came and went and not one word.

This is an example of the sort of 'yeah we'll help you' lies that I have personally experienced from the Liberal party and that I very genuinely fear is what's happening with Mrs Daw...I'd hope to be very wrong, but don't believe I am...which segues perfectly...unfortunately...into the conduct of then Liberal leader Rob Kerin whom I met in his office at Parliament House in February 2005...whilst 2 other fathers were meeting with Child Abuse/State Care Commissioner Ted Mullighan...(whom you'd met several weeks earlier-Ed)...indeed.

The One And Only Time: I ever met Robbity-Bobbity it was the usual appropriate disbelief and exasperated frowns and grimaces, the furrowed brow, the righteous indignation and 'oo yes we'll look at this', etc, etc...all the usual noises and animated affectations and then nought...(I'm sure they did look at it, for approximately........that long and promptly went 'bugger that, we've got too many skeletons in the closet so we're not touching that'-Ed)...skeletons in the Cabinet more like...(indeed..although, being in Opposition, they were technically a Shadow Cabinet-Ed)...super...

I distinctly remember driving back from Adelaide that afternoon, and we fathers were quite convinced that at last we'd cracked it after 2 1/2 years of being thoroughly screwed over by the Labor Party, SAPol, the Lutherans, etc, and particularly the Teachers Registration Board...we naively thought that having put our case before the Liberal leader and the Commissioner that surely now something must happen...(wow, that is naive-Ed).

Unfortunately I have temporarily misplaced the relevant paperwork...(no, it's in that pile over there...or that one there...hang on, it could be under here...is it in the kitchen?...ummm, get back to you-Ed)...but the only thing I am aware of Rob Kerin actually doing was attempting to ask one question of Premier Mike Rann in December 2005, and a brief article about Labor failing parents from ??? (sorry).

(What do you mean 'attempted to ask a question'?-Ed)...well apparently, as soon as Robbie, mate, started the question, Mike Rann just got up and walked out, leaving another Labor member to respond with 'don't know, we'll get back to ya'...and the question was never raised again and certainly never answered.

Personally, I don't consider one piss weak attempt to ask one piss weak question as being a genuine effort to resolve anything...(I reckon it looks like a set-up for the Plausible Denial stuff, eg, 'hey, it's not my fault it never got resolved, I asked a question'-Ed)...indeed...and the fact that the Liberal Party used none of the swathe of documents that we provided them, not one, and never raised St Martins anywhere near the March 2006 election, clearly show they had no intention of addressing/pursuing the St Martins Issue.

Having sold-out so effectively to the pro-paedophile agenda being peddled by the Labor Party, particularly with the St Martins stuff, all that remained was for The Robster, maaate, to be duly awarded...and along comes Labor with the ribbon and a giant cardboard cheque and made Rob Kerin the first head of Regional Development Australia (South Australia)...(are you suggesting that Robbo, mate, gained the RDA position as a result of and reward for being complicit in the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...well again, I wouldn't have put it quite so politely, but yes.

I'm sure there are other things that Bobby has been complicit in concealing and/or denying, other mutually beneficial issues pursued, other mutually detrimental matters ignored, etc, but I'm absolutely convinced that St Martins is one of those issues, if not a critical one, if not the most critical one...by definition, one hopes that it is the worst thing that Rob Kerin/the Liberals have conspired with Labor to Cover-up...(you don't believe that either though do you?-Ed)...nope...

And you can call it horse-trading, you can call it politics, you can call it life, you can call it whatever you damn well like, I'm just calling it...just so we all understand where we stand, are aware of where we are, just so we know if still go with the flow, just so we're all on the same page...(well right now we are...you're typing it, you're reading it, and this bit's about me...we're all on the same page-Ed). 

And it's a win/win as far as Labor's concerned because they've 1) bought off a potential critic, and 2) then used Kero, mate, used his supposed, alleged credibility to cross promote the RDA as a robust and responsible organisation not requiring any 'Accountability Legislation'...(surely that's not the case-Ed)...unfortunately it is...the then Premier, Mike Rann, in direct response to questioning about the absolute autonomy and abject lack of independent external oversight of RDA, stated specifically that oversight was unnecessary because it was staffed by people of very high calibre, such as Rob Kerin.

That is slight paraphrasing, but that was the question as put, and Rann's response was 'Robbo's a top bloke so there's no need for any scrutiny...It's all going to be fine...we're golden cobber'...Premier Rann specifically cited the strength of character and credibility and trustworthiness, blah, blah, blah, of my main man Kero as being the reason that the RDA could do whatever it liked with $100millions of funding with  zero accountability...it's a license for corruption, an open invitation to rort, defraud, and divert public monies.

Now Robbo is head of the critical Primary Producers SA organisation which means that effectively the Labor government agenda is being promoted at the head of yet another supposedly independent organisation, and the many producers involved are vulnerable and at risk...I don't care who Mr Kerin thinks he is, Liberal, whatevs, or how he is publicly presented, at the most fundamental level he is Labor's man as much as any other, and in South Australia their all as bad as one another.

Yes, I am carrying a lot of residual resentment toward Rob Kerin and yes I have been mocking his 'honest Aussie bloke Robbo cobber' persona bullshit, he's as bent as every other clown I've had the distinct displeasure of meeting re St Martins...and if you can be bent on an issue like St Martins, then I'd suggest you're capable of being bent on pretty much anything, capable of every betrayal, of every collusion, of every corruption.

Maybe I'm completely wrong about Robbo, but I'd be getting in the ears of my mates at Primary Producers and saying 'there's this clown Nick Fletcher who reckons Robbo's a bit of a rat, so watch your back'...

Tomorrow:The State Election and Stuff

$3,000...$bloody 3bloody thousand...bloody...$3,000 and 20 Nominators to run for the Lower House...(where the hell are you going to get $3,000...or 20 nominators for that matter-Ed)...well I could always rob a very busy bank and get the signatures while I'm there...(hilarious-Ed)...not really...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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